11 research outputs found


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    Hajj and umrah is a visit to Mecca to implement the 5th pillar of Islam  which  is required for Muslims in carrying out it, especially for those who are able to carry it out. With the technology that has been developed at this time the Hajj and Umrah package ordering information system is urgently needed in an effort to improve services to people who will perform Hajj or Umrah, by allowing each pilgrim to use the system that has been provided for ordering Hajj and Umrah packages. Multilevel feedback queue is an algorithm based on a queuing system which can provide recommendations based on the priority of prospective pilgrims who have registered by making several criteria as a support in determining the highest priority to the lowest, this algorithm is very possible to move queues in accordance with specified priorities by pilgrims and umrah.Keywords: Hajj and Umrah, Queue Information System and Multilevel Feedbac


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    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI TANAMAN KELAPA SAWIT RAKYAT DI KECAMATAN KANDIS KABUPATEN SIAK Arif Maulana Suhada (11382102570) Di bawah bimbingan Penti Suryani dan Irwan Taslapratama INTISARI Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang mempunyai peran penting bagi subsektor perkebunan .Dalam budidaya kelapa sawit faktor produksi merupakan penentu pencapaian produksi. Proses produksi baru bisa berjalan bila persyaratan yang dibutuhkan dapat dipenuhi, persyaratan ini lebih dikenal dengan faktor produksi. Secara umum faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi produktivitas kelapa sawit yaitu luas lahan, bibit berkualitas, pupuk, herbisida dan tenaga kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dari produksi kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai dengan April 2019 di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 68 responden dengan menggunakan tehnik slovin. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor independen; luas lahan, herbisida, pupuk , hari orang kerja (HOK), terhadap faktor dependen; hasil produksi kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas lahan, hari orang kerja (HOK) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak, sedangkan herbisida dan pupuk tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Kandis Kabupaten Siak. Nilai R2 sebesar 0.796 yang berarti besarnya pengaruh dan sumbangan variable bebas luas lahan, herbisida, pupuk, hari orang kerja (HOK) adalah sebesar 79.6% dan sisanya sebesar 20.4% dipengaruhi faktor lain. Kata kunci : Produksi, kelapa sawit, kandis, Sia


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    MUHAMMAD SYARIF MUSTAPA. Android-Based Barbershop Service Order App.The principal supervisor is Sitti Suhada,S.Kom., MT, and the co-supervisor is Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku, S.Kom., M.Kom.Nowadays, the barbershop business has grown rapidly and ts widely established in Gorontalo City. The increasing number of barbershop today has highly required the availability of information about barbershop service. The available information needed is the service provided in the barbershop, the pricelist of service, and the profile of the barbershop. The information facilitates the customer to obtain information regarding the barbershop that is suitable for the customer's desires. The research aims to create a barbershop service order app to facilitate the customer in gaming information about the desired barbershop. The method used in this research is the Prototype method. This research produces an android-based information system that can facilitate the barbershop customer in selecting the barbershop as customer desire and still meet the customers’ appearance requirements. Keywords: Barbershop, Prototype, Android

    Analisis Kejenuhan Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Informatika di SMK Negeri 1 Gorontalo

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    Proses pembelajaran adalah aktivitas penting dalam penyampaian materi pelajaran dari guru ke siswa. Namun, sering terjadi kendala yang menyebabkan proses pembelajaran kurang efektif, salah satunya adalah kejenuhan belajar. Kejenuhan belajar pada siswa bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, seperti kondisi siswa, lingkungan kelas, cara penyampaian materi oleh guru, dan faktor eksternal di luar sekolah. Hal ini menyebabkan proses pembelajaran menjadi tidak efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor penyebab kejenuhan belajar serta mengetahui tingkat kejenuhan pada siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran dengan model terpadu bersama-sama (Concurrent Embedded Strategy), meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyampaian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Data tingkat kejenuhan siswa yang diperoleh melalui angket yang menunjukkan 9 siswa (14%) dalam kategori rendah, 43 siswa (68%) dalam kategori sedang, dan 11 siswa (18%) dalam kategori tinggi dari total 63 siswa. Sementara itu analisis kualitatif menunjukkan beberapa faktor penyebab kejenuhan belajar antara lain materi pembelajaran yang kurang diminati, strategi mengajar guru, jam pelajaran yang kurang efektif, dan kurangnya sarana prasarana.  Kesimpulan penelitian diketahui rata-rata siswa mengalami kejenuhan belajar dalam kategori sedang (68%). Serta empat faktor utama penyebab kejenuhan: materi pelajaran, jam pelajaran, strategi mengajar guru, dan kurangnya sarana prasarana


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    Indonesia Program, increase awareness, willingness, and ability to live healthy lives for everyone to improve their health status as high as possible. The healthy Indonesia program with a family approach is an effort to respond to these health development challenges. The results of the Healthy Indonesia Family Approach Program will be one of the references in planning the management of health centers. This study was to observe the implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Program with the Family Approach and the performance of TAKASIMURAH at The Health Center of Labuhan Badas District. The method used is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques as interviews, observation, and study of documents. The results show, the Healthy Indonesia Program activities with the Family Approach optimally implemented, and the performance of TAKASIMURAH was able to increase program achievements according to 12 indicators set. The results of this study are expecting to be a reference by other health centers in improving services using the same innovation.Pembangunan kesehatan merupakan salah satu agenda dari program Nawa Cita yaitu meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia Indonesia melalui Program Indonesia Sehat dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang untuk meningkatan derajat kesehatan yang setinggi-tingginya. Program Indonesia sehat dengan pendekatan keluarga merupakan upaya untuk menjawab tantangan pembangunan kesehatan tersebut. hasil dari pendataan Program Indonesia Sehat Pendekatan Keluarga akan menjadi salah satu acuan dalam merencanakan manajemen puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga dan implementasi TAKASIMURAH di UPT Puskesmas Kecamatan Labuhan Badas. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga sudah cukup optimal dilaksanakan dan implementasi TAKASIMURAH mampu meningkatkan capaian program sesuai 12 indikator yang ditetapkan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi acuan oleh puskesmas lain dalam meningkatkan pelayanan menggunakan inovasi yang sama Kata kunci : Pendekatan Keluarga, Program Indonesia Sehat, Teleheal

    Scheduling for a container supply chain to minimize costs using the meta-innovation approach

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    In this study, a problem of scheduling shipping lines for a container supply chain is addressed in order to minimize the costs of charging ships and the cost of maintaining the inventory of empty containers in the port by considering the time window of the port and the amount of fuel. This is a hard-NP problem and cannot be solved on a large scale with precise methods in a logical time. Therefore, to solve and optimize the model, a meta-innovative algorithm, genetic algorithm, has been use

    Implementation of Augmented Reality as an Information Media for the Collection of the Popa-Eyato Museum

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    Museums are facilities that display historical objects and provide information to the public and visitors. However, the presentation of information in the museum to the visitors is far from proper due to the lack of details. The guides provided in the museum are not quite engaging. More than that, the information provided is only in the form of a sheet of paper stuck in the collection. This present study aims to develop information media using augmented reality technology. The method used in this research was the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which had six stages, viz. concept, design, material collecting, manufacture, testing, and distribution. This research develops an application that works as a medium of information related to museum collections using augmented reality, which is more interactive and visitors can use to obtain information from the collection. In addition, this application can visualize 3D and in real-time ethnographic objects in the museum

    Implementation of Deep Learning for Handwriting Imagery of Sundanese Script Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm (CNN)

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    Aksara Sunda becomes one of the cultures of sundanese land that needs to be preserved. Currently, not all people know Aksara Sunda because of the shift in cultural values and there is a presumption that Aksara Sunda is difficult to learn because it has a unique and complicated shape. The use of deep learning has been widely used, especially in the field of computer vision to classify images, one of the commonly used algorithms is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The application of The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm on sundanese handwriting imagery can make it easier for people to learn Sundanese script, this study aims to find out how accurate the neural network convolutional algorithm is in classifying Aksara Sunda imagery. Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires to respondents. System testing using accuracy tests, testing on CNN models using data testing get 97.5% accuracy and model testing using applications get 98% accuracy. So based on the results of the trial, the implementation of deep learning methods using neural network convolution algorithms was able to classify the handwriting image of Aksara Sunda well