7 research outputs found

    Performance of Grain Cleaner APB-M1 in Cleaning of Maize Grain

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    The research to evaluate perfornlance of grain cleaner APB-MI was conducted in the Research Institute for Maize and Other Cereals tit the beginning of 1998. Five engine circles were tested: 1200, 1350, 1500, I650 and 1800 rpm with three replications. Bisma variety was used us maize grrrin with 13% moisture content (wet basis) and for each replication the amount was 25 kg. The results showed that power transmission efficiency was at the average of 95.0% on the strainer and 94.2% on the blower. Fuel conszrtnptionwas at the rate of 0,81 //hour with average cleaning capacity of 598 kg/hour

    Effect Of Priming On Seed Vigor Of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

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    Priming is a process that controls the process of hydration of seeds for the ongoing metabolic processes before germination. Research on priming was conducted at ICERI seed laboratory from May to September 2009 to evaluate the effect of different priming methods on wheat seed vigor. Physical properties and chemical composition of seed were evaluated before seeds were treated. The priming treatment were conducted by soaking 250 g of seed in 500 mL of solution for hydropriming and halopriming. Two seed lots of Nias and Dewata variety were subjected to heated and unheated distilled water for 12hours and subjected to KCl and CaCl2 at 10, 20, and 30 ppm and unprimed seed. The experiment were arranged in completely randomized design, replicated thrice. Vigor evaluation by observed seed germination, simultaneity growth, germination rate, seedling dry weight, electric conductivity of seed leakage and length of primary root. The results showed that highest germination, simultaneity growth, seedling dry weight, and length of primary root, were priming treatment with KCl 30 ppm and CaCl2 20 and 30 ppm. Priming with distilled water for 12 hours gave higher germination percentage and simultaneity growth


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    Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta) is one kind of endemic flora of Celebes that its natural spread area side on Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP). The aim of this research was pointed to investigate the physiccally charracteristic of Leda habitat. The usage of this research is hoped to enrich scientific information in order to improve understanding about charracteristic of Leda habitat. This research was conducted in highing track of Nokilalaki Mount – LLNP territory, Nokilalaki District – Sigi Regency, as long as two months (October up to December 2013) used survay methode and laboratory analysis, by the placement of 7 (seven) sampling plots used purposive sampling methode at the location where be found habitat of Leda based on the high from sea level. Getting of soil samples used soil sample rings,than be analyzed on soil textures, permeabilities, bulk densities, and soil porousities.This research results shown that the charracteristic of Leda habitat in highing track of  Nokilalaki Mount be located on (1110-1206) meters from sea level high, with land slope (8-15)% (enough obliquity), the temperature on morning time (19-20)°C and afternoon time (19-23)°C, the air moisture on morning time (81-90)% and afternoon time (76-91)%, intensity of sun shine (80-400) lux. Physiccally charracteristic of soil texture are clay-clayey-sandy, clay-sandy, clayey-sandy, and clayey. Soil permeabilities (15.05-47.61) cm/hour (Fast andVery Fast catagories). Bulk density (0.91-1.27) g/cm3 (Fair and High catagories) and porousity (51.92-65.61)%. Kata Kunci : habitat, Leda, Lore-Lindu, Nokilalaki, physiccally-charracters


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    Indonesia is a country that rich of natural resources which one of them is fauna. The variety of fauna is one of the certain natural wealth of Indonesia. Yet human characterisic to destroy forest has inflicted a loss. Therefore the fauna in its real habitat needs more attention so  it may become a media in conserving the fauna and the habitat in order to save it for the future generation. Means and infrastructure that can help to preserve the existing fauna are either conservation area, fauna rehabilitation or fauna park. The research was conducted in wildlife reserve of Tanjung Santigi in Santigi Village Ongka Malino Subdistrict Parigi Moutong District. The research was done for 3 month from August untill Oktober 2015, with observation period began at 06.00 up to 09.00 in the morning and obserbvation began at 16.00 – 18.00  in the afternoon. The technique of data gathering was done by using transect path and interviewing people around Wildlife Reserve of Tanjung Santigi, the observation on the location was done by following direction and  position of transect diameter slowly and at the same time making note of any reptile species found. The observation way was 3000 meter lenght with 50 meter lenght of left and right side. The data analysis consisted of species composition, evenness index and variety index. The result of the research that was done in wildlife resrve of  Tanjung Santigishowed that there were 5 reptile species found with the number of individual 48 that consisted of lizard (Cryptoblepharus novaeguinaeae), monitor lizard  (Varanus indicus), black snake (Ramphotyphlopsbraminus), small lizard (Hemidactylus frenatu), and house lizard (Gecko-gecko). The number of the reptiles found was affected by some factors, they were  effort  that was done in finding reptile. The effort counting was based on the time needed in searching in the location and the width of surveied area. Based on te result, it was found that on observation track that the variety index in the Wildlife Reserve area of Tanjung Santigi was low enough with H'=1,036.Keywords: Exploration of Reptile Species, Variety, Evenness, Wildlife Reserve of Tanjung Santigi

    Performance of Grain Cleaner APB-M1 in Cleaning of Maize Grain

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    The research to evaluate perfornlance of grain cleaner APB-MI was conducted in the Research Institute for Maize and Other Cereals tit the beginning of 1998. Five engine circles were tested: 1200, 1350, 1500, I650 and 1800 rpm with three replications. Bisma variety was used us maize grrrin with 13% moisture content (wet basis) and for each replication the amount was 25 kg. The results showed that power transmission efficiency was at the average of 95.0% on the strainer and 94.2% on the blower. Fuel conszrtnptionwas at the rate of 0,81 //hour with average cleaning capacity of 598 kg/hour

    Fresh Chili Agribusiness: Opportunities and Problems in Indonesia

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    The National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) conducted in Indonesia in September 2021 found that the average consumption of red chili per month was 0.15 kilograms (kg) per capita per month. The average consumption of fresh chili per month is 40.90 thousand tons, and the cumulative total reached 490.83 thousand tons in 2021. Uneven chili production across time and region makes prices fluctuate, which affects inflation by 0.01–0.07%. Another problem is the imbalance of supply and demand between time and region, which impacts farmers’ welfare. Setting planting time and location and improving distribution can solve these problems. The application of technology that can extend the life of fresh chilies for one month is a solution for chili distribution from farmers to areas with high demand. One-wave roasting and drying technology can extend chilies’ freshness for six months. By producing chilies that have a shelf life of more than three months, it is possible to store them in warehouses using the warehouse receipt system. The application of the warehouse receipt system to chili commodities is also an alternative to solving postharvest problems. The distribution and application of technology that can extend the life of chili can increase its economic value and make chili not a commodity that contributes to Indonesian inflation


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang hubungan antara viabilitas dan vigor awal sorgum Sorghum bicolor L. Moench dengan tingkat kebocoran membran sel yang dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jagung dan Serealia lain, Kabupaten Maros Sulawesi Selatan pada bulan Juni hingga Juli 2011. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan antara viabilitas dan vigor awal sorgum dengan tingkat kebocoran membran sel. Peneltian dilaksanakan berdasarkan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri atas dua perlakuan yaitu benih kualitas baik dan benih kualitas jelek. Variabel yang diamati yaitu daya berkecambah, kecepatan perkecambahan, daya hantar listrik, dan bocoran kalium, dimana setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang masing-masing sebanyak tiga kali. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis ANNOVA, menggunakan software SAS, dengan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, viabilitas dan vigor awal sorgum pada lot benih kualitas baik, lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan lot benih kualitas jelek, sedangkan kebocoran membran pada lot benih kualitas baik lebih rendah dibandingkan lot benih kualitas jelek. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah viabilitas dan vigor awal sorgum memiliki korelasi negatif dengan kebocoran membran sel, semakin tinggi tingkat kebocoran membran maka semakin rendah viabilitas dan vigor benih