19 research outputs found


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    The development of technology has not only changed the way people communicate, but also their trading methods. Where many e-commerce sites have begun to appear which are useful for becoming a place for buying and selling goods online that can be used by entrepreneurs. This opportunity was not missed by the SMEs, where this marketplace can be utilized by the creative industries. The reason is that the obstacle always faced is marketing. Now with e-commerce like a fresh breeze for them because by using the marketplace their market will likely be wider and promotions are much cheaper . E-commerce or marketplace for SMEs is actually the same as a mall or shopping place which distinguishes it online. Like a shopping center, selling on e-commerce services also requires promotion in cyberspace. Seeing how much activity is spent using the marketplace as meeting daily needs, this is what makes this marketplace hunted. Not only by users but also entrepreneurs . Enthusiastic community increased because it was supported by adequate infrastructure and easy access. The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) revealed the value of investment in the digital market sector in 2017 reached USD 5 billion. This makes the marketplace the most sought after economic sector (Outletz.ID, 2018)


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    Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) is a means of developing students' interests and talents in the school's internal environment. The existence of the student council can be beneficial for schools and the community. OSIS is also a major component of the pioneering schoolfor developments in the school. The problem is that many student councils do not show their existence as a driving force in the development of schools and students. The student council vacuum is more due to the low understanding of management and leadership concepts, so that potential members cannot be managed properly. This community service activity is carried out by providing training and program assistance for 1 month. As a result of this activity is the increasing existence of OSIS in schools and is beneficial for students and the community as a forum for discussion in terms of increasing the existence of OSIS and contributing to human development


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    This research is to analize the entrepreneur group esspecially small medium enterprise in seeking funding from many people (crowdfunding) in way to find capital goods which purchased from abroad then to be sold to the domestic market. Analyzing how they search for goods of capital through e-commerce and through visits to exhibitions abroad, especially to China. This phenomenon born along with the emergence of start up that created a media that connecting the customer and manufacturing companies. This business models should meet in order to support sustainable innovations. Study case of this research is one of the community importers. This study uses a qualitative approach with literature review method. As a result, this research is expected to motivate entrepreneurial interest and the ability to create businesses that ultimately have an impact on the economic and social fields


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    This study aims to analyze the application of sustainable finance principle in the palm oil industry financing that stipulated by the Financial Services Authority as banking regulator. Sharia Bank X is a member of the First Mover Bank set by the Regulator on the Sustainable Finance project. The identification of the problem in this research is the environmental issues caused by the utilization of oil palm land that does not pay attention to the environmental good governance, so the Regulator involves banks in making policy on sustainable financing of palm oil industry. Design in this research is qualitative approach, with purposive sampling method. Data analysis was conducted by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from internal and external Sharia Bank X. The result of research showed that in applying the principle of sustainable finance, Sharia Bank X has set acceptance criteria which contains the aspects of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in the fund distribution to companies engaged in the field of palm oil


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    According to data from the Ministry of Manpower (Menaker) in 201 8 the number of entrepreneurs who grew in Indonesia rose 3.4% from the previous year of 3.1%. This growth exceeds International Standards of 2%. This growth rate is still very small for other ASEAN neighboring countries such as Malaysia which has grown 5%, Thailand has grown 4% and Singapore has grown to 7%. Chinese entrepreneurship growth has reached 10% and Japan has reached 11%. By looking at the comparison of the growth achievements of other countries , Indonesia is expected to become more competitive. To be able to achieve an increase in entrepreneurial growth, the government must work together with major companies to provide education and training entrepreneurship. Community empowerment by conducting entrepreneurship training and development aimed at Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Youth Youth Organization . In addition, there is also a need for training on how to get access to funding in creating a new company. As is known, one of the obstacles in creating new entrepreneurs is funding. . Entrepreneurs are considered to have a special role in innovation and bringing social change, traditionally from a macroeconomic perspective (Bosma et al, 2012)


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    Families who live in rural areas prioritize the fulfillment of economic needs rather than patterns of care for their children. Parenting is an effort made by parents in preparing children to have the competencies needed to be ready to live in the community. So that parents have an important role in the lives of children. Brooks identified four parental roles specifically in influencing a child's development, namely providing a protective environment,providing experiences that lead to the development of maximum potential, being an advisor in a larger community, becoming an irreplaceable force in a child's lif


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    This is a community service related to the development of economic society through socialization on dinar and dirham as sustainable money. Money in sharia is precious metals such as gold and silver, or commodities such as wheat, barley, dates, and salt, which are the consumed commodities daily as food and have a shelf life. The failure of the current economic and monetary system is caused by the use of fiat money as a medium of exchange that deviates from the gold standard. Ironically, many ordinary people do not understand the real concept of money. In returning the standard of exchange, it is necessary to learn deeply about this subject. For this reason, there is a need for socialization to the wider community to open the way for the return of the dinar and dirham as a true medium of exchange. The results of the activity are expected to increase good understanding of the concept of money and the public can learn to do transaction using dinar and dirham in the future. &nbsp


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    Often the word innovation is associated with the word invention. According to Drucker (1985), Innovation is a special tool in exploiting changes in various businesses and services. He added, this innovation can be presented as a discipline that can be learned and practiced. In other words, innovation is also said to be "an idea, practice, or object that is considered new by other individuals or adoption units" (Daugherty et al., 2011; Grawe, 2009; Rogers, 1995). Meanwhile, Tidd, Bessant, Pavitt, and Wiley (1998) define innovation as the process of turning opportunities into fresh ideas and being widely used in practice. Global Entrepreneurion Monitor (GEM), reports that entrepreneurship is now the main stage in the arena of public policy in most countries. As social, environmental and economic challenges face humanity, many people believe that business has an important role to play in transforming society in the future . Entrepreneurs are considered to have a special role in innovation and bringing social change, traditionally from a macroeconomic perspective (Bosma et al, 2012). The field of innovation is very broad. The ability to develop new ideas and innovations has become a priority for many organizations. Intense global competition and technological developments have made innovation a reality a source of competitive advantage. The ability of an entrepreneur to put forward the idea of a higher value can be a source of competitive advantage. Entrepreneur that can create competitive advantage are able to increase their activities with the experience gained, by the knowledge gained, over time, it may be a source of distinctive competence in the market

    Pengaruh ROA, DER, dan Tobin’s Q-ratio Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Industri Pertambangan Migas di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Terdapat fenomena menarik ditengah menurunnya harga minyak dan turunnya ekspor ternyata justru saham-saham emiten sektor migas mengalami penguatan terbesar di pasar saham Bursa Efek Indonesia. Berdasarkan fenomena yang dijabarkan diatas perlu adanya suatu analisa keuangan dengan bantuan alat ukur agar adanya suatu indikator agar Investor tidak mengalami kerugian Investasi. Pada dasarnya terdapat sejumlah alat ukur yang dapat digunakan oleh analis dan investor untuk menilai kesehatan perusahaan, seperti analisis rasio, analisis struktur modal, penilaian modal kerja, analisis potensi kebangkrutan Altman, Tobin’s Q-ratio. Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berpengaruh pada tingginya harga saham perusahaan tersebut dipasar. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor mendasar yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan variabel Tobin’s Q-ratio untuk pergerakan harga saham sektor pertambangan sub Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama 2014-2018. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan di dapat variabel ROA dan DER secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham. Varibel Tobin’s Q-ratio berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham. Kemudian di dapat Rasio ROA, DER dan Tobins q’ratio   secara simultan semua variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap harga saham

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Harga Saham dengan Metode Diskriminan Springate pada Industri Migas di Pasar Saham Indonesia

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perubahan harga saham selalu menjadi perhatian utama bagi setiap investor bila dibandingkan dengan pembayaran dividen oleh emiten, karena tingkat pengembalian yang berasal dari pergerakan pasar modal dapat memberikan hasil yang sangat tinggi, dan dapat berlangsung kapan saja (menit dan jam) atau pada hari hari kedepannya.. Meski secara signifikan juga memungkinkan investor bisa menderita kerugian (capital loss) ketika melakukan transaksi di pasar modal.Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berimplikasi pada harga saham perusahaan yang juga akan tinggi di pasar saham. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa factor fundamental yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan model Diskriminan Springate terhadap pergerakan harga saham sector pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data perusahaan sector pertambangan Sub sector Minyak dan Gasdi BEI selama tahun 2013-2017.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan di dapat hanya 2 variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham yaitu Variabel Rasio Laba ditahan terhadap Total Asset.dan variabel Rasio Sales terhadap Total Asset dan secara simultan semua variabel tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saha