727 research outputs found

    Les portes al riu

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    El projecte parteix d'un encàrrec per part de l'Ajuntament de Sallent de Llobregat, la millora de les lleres del riu al seu pas pel nucli urbà. Posterior a una anàlisi urbanístic de la zona determinem que el millor àmbit a on actuar és la Plaça 19 d'Abril i el seu entorn, ja que és un gran espai de relació riu-poble urbanitzat però que presenta grans dèficits a causa de l'ús que se li dóna, un aparcament informal. Aquest punt, a més, suposa una interrupció dels traçats de gran recorregut que creuen el municipi. El projecte, "Les portes al riu", mitjançant estratègies de deconstrucció i canvi d'us retornarà aquest espai al poble com una zona de rebuda al riu i el punt de connexió amb el parc fluvial. El projecte es divideix en tres actuacions, l'aparcament, la baixada al fluvial i el parc esportiu urbà. Actualment aquesta àmplia zona s'utilitza com a aparcament informal, envaint tot l'espai, la primera actuació serà posar ordre a aquest aparcament per tal d'alliberar altres zones de la plaça. Amb aquesta actuació també es crearan zones d'estada que valorin els elements patrimonials existents a l'àmbit. La segona actuació és la millora de la baixada al parc fluvial, l'àmbit natural més gran del municipi. Es fa una neteja i arranjament de la zona mantenint el caràcter rural del camí. L'última actuació a realitzar és un Parc esportiu urbà. A la zona superior de la plaça se situen 2 mòduls de patinatge amb un ús molt intensiu de patinadors. Un cop aquesta part de la plaça s'ha alliberat de vehicles es planteja construir un parc esportiu urbà, millorant les condicions dels patinadors alhora que la qualitat de la plaça. S'allibera l'espai per poder dur a terme activitats de poble sense que aquestes no entrin en conflicte amb els skaters

    Cross-Scale Interactions Between Atmospheric and Hydrologic Processes in a Topographically Complex, Snow-Dominated Watershed as Revealed Through an Integrated Hydrologic Model

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    In much of the world, water for agricultural, domestic, and hydroelectric power generation uses are derived from snow-dominated mountain basins. In these regions, water management requires accurate and timely knowledge of runoff generation by snowmelt. This information is used to plan reservoir releases for downstream users and is generated by models of biophysical processes associated with varying degrees of fidelity to physical processes and/or spatial heterogeneities. The large variability in the characteristic spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric forcings, land-surface water and energy balance, and groundwater flow contribute to significant uncertainties in resolved hydrologic states and fluxes. Underlying sources of uncertainty in these models include difficulties in parameterizing nonlinear or unresolved processes, associated uncertainties in meteorological forcing data and parameters, as well as the large variability in characteristic spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric forcing, surface energy balance, and subsurface hydrological processes. These sources of uncertainty can introduce systematic biases when performing integrated atmospheric and hydrologic modeling. Reconciling these discrepancies while maintaining computational tractability remains a fundamental challenge in hydrologic modeling. This work investigates and quantifies the impacts of discrepancies in scales between distributed meteorological forcing data and modeled land surface and subsurface water flow at hillslope scales. In particular, we are interested in assessing hydrologic state variables and fluxes such as snow water equivalent, discharge, and soil water storage. Also, this work includes the evaluation of the outputs of integrated hydrologic models against observations for a particular set of environmental forcing data (i.e., spatially distributed, semi-distributed, and uniform). We also include an investigation of how the external forcings impact the estimation of snow prognostic and diagnostic variables, primarily snow water equivalent, by performing a global sensitivity analysis. Results of this work suggest that topography (e.g., slope, aspect and valley bottoms) is the primary physiographic variable that describes variations spatial patterns of snow water equivalent and soil water storage when hillslope-scale models are driven by atmospheric forcing characterized by a range of spatial resolutions. At the same time, simulations performed with spatially distributed and semi-distributed meteorological forcings revealed interesting interrelationships between different forcing variables during the snowmelt process. Of particular significance were relationships found between longwave radiation and other atmospheric forcings. Our global sensitivity analyses work allowed us to quantify the strength of first and second order interactions between forcing variables and the snowmelt process. This work has important implications for the use of atmospheric data and integrated hydrologic models in remote and ungauged areas and provides key insights regarding which forcing variables, if measured more precisely, may afford the most significant improvements in snowmelt predictions. In particular, this work has potential ramifications for the selection of forcing datasets for integrated hydrologic modeling experiment as well as for the design and development of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) in complex and snow-dominated landscapes

    An Empirical Study of Real-World SPARQL Queries

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    Understanding how users tailor their SPARQL queries is crucial when designing query evaluation engines or fine-tuning RDF stores with performance in mind. In this paper we analyze 3 million real-world SPARQL queries extracted from logs of the DBPedia and SWDF public endpoints. We aim at finding which are the most used language elements both from syntactical and structural perspectives, paying special attention to triple patterns and joins, since they are indeed some of the most expensive SPARQL operations at evaluation phase. We have determined that most of the queries are simple and include few triple patterns and joins, being Subject-Subject, Subject-Object and Object-Object the most common join types. The graph patterns are usually star-shaped and despite triple pattern chains exist, they are generally short.Comment: 1st International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2011) in the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2011), Hyderabad, India, March 28th, 201

    The growth threshold conjecture: a theoretical framework for understanding T-cell tolerance

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    Adaptive immune responses depend on the capacity of T cells to target specific antigens. As similar antigens can be expressed by pathogens and host cells, the question naturally arises of how can T cells discriminate friends from foes. In this work, we suggest that T cells tolerate cells whose proliferation rates remain below a permitted threshold. Our proposal relies on well-established facts about T-cell dynamics during acute infections: T-cell populations are elastic (they expand and contract) and they display inertia (contraction is delayed relative to antigen removal). By modelling inertia and elasticity, we show that tolerance to slow-growing populations can emerge as a population-scale feature of T cells. This result suggests a theoretical framework to understand immune tolerance that goes beyond the self versus non-self dichotomy.M.A.H. has been partially supported by MINECO grant no. MTM2014-53156. The rest of the authors have not received any particular financial support for this work

    Hydrography and dynamics of Port Foster, Deception Island, Antarctica

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    The circulation and water masses of Port Foster, Deception Island, were studied using conductivity-temperature-depth stations inside and outside the semi-enclosed bay and an array of bottom temperature sensors moored around the perimeter of the bay over two weeks in the summer of 2012. Inside Port Foster, the water column is divided into two layers separated by a temperature-forced, seasonal pycnocline at ~40–60 m. The circulation of the upper layer is in an anticlockwise direction, with mean geostrophic currents of ~0.04–0.10 ms^(-1). The lower layer, from ~60 m to the seabed, shows coastal-trapped waves travelling in a clockwise direction, possibly triggered by local wind gusts. Local sea ice melt in areas surrounding the underwater hot springs of Pendulum Cove appears as a fresh, warm anomaly down to 30 m

    Spectroscopy and near-infrared to visible upconversion of er3+ ions in aluminosilicate glasses manufactured with controlled optical transmission

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    In this work we report on the spectroscopic properties and the near-infrared to visible upconversion of Er3+ ions in aluminosilicate glasses manufactured by directionally solidification with the laser floating zone technique. Glasses were manufactured in a controlled oxidizing atmosphere to provide them with high optical transmission in the visible spectral range. Absorption and emission spectra, and lifetimes were assessed in both the visible and the near infrared spectral range. Green upconversion emissions of the2H11/2¿4I15/2 and4S3/2¿4I15/2 transitions at 525 nm and 550 nm attributed to a two-photon process were observed under excitation at 800 nm. Mechanisms responsible for the upconversion luminescence were discussed in terms of excited state absorption and energy transfer upconversion processes. Excitation spectra of the upconverted emission suggest that energy transfer upconversion processes are responsible for the green upconversion luminescence

    Four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations: Application to 6He+64Zn at 13.6 MeV

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    The recently developed four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC) method, making use of the binning procedure [1], is applied to the reaction 6He+64Zn at 13.6 MeV (around the Coulomb barrier). Excellent agreement with available elastic data [2] is found.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica FIS 2008-04189, FPA 2006- 13807-C02-01U.S. Department of Energy DE-AC52-07NA27344U.K. STFC EP/D00362

    Search for E(5) symmetry in nuclei: The Ru isotopes

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    We carry out an interacting boson model study of the Ru isotopes using a U(5)-SO(6) transitional Hamiltonian with fixed parameters, where the variation is due only to the change in boson number N. Transitional behavior in 104Ru is compared with recent predictions of an E(5) critical symmetry, including a modified version with an alternative b dependence for the T(E2) operator.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tegnología PB98- 111
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