31 research outputs found

    Applying default probabilities in an exponential barrier structural model

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    This paper shows that the use of a time-dependant barrier in a structural model improve its flexibility because it allows to incorporate, as input, the probability of default. The main result achieved is the assessment that the default barrier is, indeed,characterized by a non flat structure. JEL Classification: G13, G33default structural models, barrier options with exponential boundaries, implied default probability

    Monitoring Covid-19 contagion growth in Europe. CEPS Working Document No 2020/03, March 2020

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    We present an econometric model which can be employed to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 contagion curve. The model is a Poisson autoregression of the daily new observed cases, and can dynamically show the evolution of contagion in different time periods and locations, allowing for the comparative evaluation of policy approaches. We present timely results for nine European countries currently hit by the virus. From the findings, we draw four main conclusions. First, countries experiencing an explosive process (currently France, Italy and Spain), combined with high persistence of contagion shocks (observed in most countries under investigation), require swift policy measures such as quarantine, diffuse testing and even complete lockdown. Second, in countries with high persistence but lower contagion growth (currently Germany) careful monitoring should be coupled with at least “mild” restrictions such as physical distancing or isolation of specific areas. Third, in some countries, such as Norway and Denmark, where trends seem to be relatively under control and depend on daily contingencies, with low persistence, the approach to restrictive measures should be more cautious since there is a risk that social costs outweigh the benefits. Fourth, countries with a limited set of preventive actions in place (such as the Netherlands, Switzerl

    Properties of the reconciled distributions for Gaussian and count forecasts

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    Reconciliation enforces coherence between hierarchical forecasts, in order to satisfy a set of linear constraints. However, most works focus on the reconciliation of the point forecasts. We instead focus on probabilistic reconciliation and we analyze the properties of the reconciled distributions by considering reconciliation via conditioning. We provide a formal analysis of the variance of the reconciled distribution, treating separately the case of Gaussian forecasts and count forecasts. We also study the behavior of the reconciled upper mean in the case of 1-level hierarchies; also in this case we analyze separately the case of Gaussian forecasts and count forecasts. We then show experiments on the reconciliation of intermittent time series related to the count of extreme market events. The experiments confirm our theoretical results about the mean and variance of the reconciled distribution and show that reconciliation yields a major gain in forecasting accuracy compared to the base forecasts.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    spatial regression models to improve p2p credit risk management

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    Calabrese et al. (2017) have shown how binary spatial regression models can be exploited to measure contagion effects in credit risk arising from bank failures. To illustrate their methodology, the authors have employed the Bank for International Settlements' data on flows between country banking systems. Here we apply a binary spatial regression model to measure contagion effects arising from corporate failures. To derive interconnectedness measures, we use the World Input-Output Trade (WIOT) statistics between economic sectors. Our application is based on a sample of 1185 Italian companies. We provide evidence of high levels of contagion risk, which increases the individual credit risk of each company

    Tree Networks to assess Financial Contagion

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    We propose a two-layered tree network model that decomposes financial contagion into a global component, composed of inter-country contagion effects, and a local component, made up of inter-institutional contagion channels. The model is effectively applied to a database containing time series of daily CDS spreads of major European financial institutions (banks and insurance companies), and reveals the importance of monitoring both channels to assess financial contagion. Our empirical application reveals evidence of a high inter-country and inter-institutional vulnerability at the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008 and during the sovereign crisis in 2011. The results identify France as central to the inter-country contagion in the Euro area during the financial crisis, while Italy dominates during the sovereign crisis. The application of the model to detect contagion between sectors of the European economy reveals similar findings, and identifies the manufacturing sector as the most central, while, at the company level, financial institutions dominate during the 2008 crisis

    Econometrics of default risk

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    This thesis is the result of a project aimed at the study of a crucial topic in finance: default risk, whose measurement and modelling have achieved increasing relevance in recent years. We investigate the main issues related to the default phenomenon, under both a methodological and empirical perspective. The topics of default predictability and correlation are treated with a constant attention to the modelling solutions and reviewing critically the literature. From the methodological point of view, our analysis results in the proposal of a new class of models, called Poisson Autoregression with Exogenous Covariates (PARX). The PARX models, including both autoregressive end exogenous components, are able to capture the dynamics of default count time series, characterized by persistence of shocks and slowly decaying autocorrelation. Application of different PARX models to the monthly default counts of US industrial firms in the period 1982-2011 allows an empirical insight of the defaults dynamics and supports the identification of the main default predictors at an aggregate level

    COVID-19 contagion and digital finance

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