24 research outputs found

    Quaternions in collective dynamics

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    We introduce a model of multi-agent dynamics for self-organised motion; individuals travel at a constant speed while trying to adopt the averaged body attitude of their neighbours. The body attitudes are represented through unitary quaternions. We prove the correspondance with the model presented in Ref. [16] where the body attitudes are represented by rotation matrices. Differently from this previous work, the individual based model (IBM) introduced here is based on nematic (rather than polar) alignment. From the IBM, the kinetic and macroscopic equations are derived. The benefit of this approach, in contrast to Ref. [16], is twofold: firstly, it allows for a better understanding of the macroscopic equations obtained and, secondly, these equations are prone to numerical studies, which is key for applications

    Cell-to-cell heterogeneity in Sox2 and Bra expression guides progenitor motility and destiny.

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    Although cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene and protein expression within cell populations has been widely documented, we know little about its biological functions. By studying progenitors of the posterior region of bird embryos, we found that expression levels of transcription factors Sox2 and Bra, respectively involved in neural tube (NT) and mesoderm specification, display a high degree of cell-to-cell heterogeneity. By combining forced expression and downregulation approaches with time-lapse imaging, we demonstrate that Sox2-to-Bra ratio guides progenitor's motility and their ability to stay in or exit the progenitor zone to integrate neural or mesodermal tissues. Indeed, high Bra levels confer high motility that pushes cells to join the paraxial mesoderm, while high levels of Sox2 tend to inhibit cell movement forcing cells to integrate the NT. Mathematical modeling captures the importance of cell motility regulation in this process and further suggests that randomness in Sox2/Bra cell-to-cell distribution favors cell rearrangements and tissue shape conservation

    Modélisation et Analyse Mathématique d'Equations aux Dérivées Partielles Issues de la Physique et de la Biologie

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    This manuscript presents results of mathematical analysis concerning two singular problems of partial differential equations coming from the modeling. I. Cross-diffusion in Population dynamics. In Population dynamics, reaction-cross diffusion systems model the evolution of the populations of competing species with a repulsive effect between individuals. For these strongly coupled, often non linear systems, a question as basic as the existence of solutions appears to be extremely complex. In this manuscript, we introduce an approach based on the most recent extensions of duality lemmas and on entropy methods. We prove the existence of weak solutions in a general setting of reaction-cross diffusion systems, as well as some qualitative properties of the solutions. II. Boltzmann equation in bounded domains The Boltzmann equation, introduced in 1872, model the evolution of a rarefied gas out of equilibrium. Despite the numerous results concerning the existence of strong solutions close to equilibrium, very few concern the case of bounded domain, though this situation is very useful in applications. A crucial reason of the difficulty of this problem is the formation of a singularity on the trajectories grazing the boundary. In this manuscript, we present a theory of the regularity of the Boltzmann equation in bounded domains. Thanks to the introduction of a kinetic distance which balances the singularity, we obtain results of propagation of Sobolev norms and C^1 propagation in convex domains. In non convex domains, we obtain the propagation of BV regularity.Ce manuscrit présente des résultats d’analyse mathématique autour de deux exemples de problèmes singuliers d’équations aux dérivées partielles issus de la modélisation. I. Diffusion croisée en dynamique des populations. En dynamique des populations, les systèmes de réaction –diffusion croisée modélisent l’évolution de populations d’espèces en compétition avec un effet répulsif entre les individus. Pour ces systèmes fortement couplés, souvent non linéaires, une question aussi fondamentale que l’existence de solutions se révèle extrêmement complexe. Dans ce manuscrit, on introduit une approche basée sur des extensions récentes de lemmes de dualité et sur des méthodes d’entropie. On démontre l’existence de solutions faibles dans un cadre général de systèmes de réaction-diffusion croisée, ainsi que certaines propriétés qualitatives des solutions. II. Équation de Boltzmann en domaine borné. L’équation de Boltzmann, introduite en 1872, modélise la dynamique des gaz raréfiés hors équilibre. Malgré les nombreux résultats autour de la question de l’existence de solutions fortes proches de l’équilibre, très peu concernent le cas d’un domaine borné, situation pourtant fréquente dans les applications. Une raison de la difficulté du problème est l’irruption des singularités le long des trajectoires rasant le bord du domaine. Dans ce manuscrit, on présente une théorie de la régulation de l’équation de Boltzmann en domaine borné. Grâce à l’introduction d’une distance cinétique qui compense les singularités au bord, on montre des résultats de propagation de normes de Sobolev et de propagation C^1 en domaine convexe. En domaine non convexe, on montre un résultat de propagation de régularité BV

    Qualitative analysis of some singular partial differential equations arising in Physics and in Biology

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    Ce manuscrit présente des résultats d’analyse mathématique autour de deux exemples de problèmes singuliers d’équations aux dérivées partielles issus de la modélisation. I. Diffusion croisée en dynamique des populations. En dynamique des populations, les systèmes de réaction –diffusion croisée modélisent l’évolution de populations d’espèces en compétition avec un effet répulsif entre les individus. Pour ces systèmes fortement couplés, souvent non linéaires, une question aussi fondamentale que l’existence de solutions se révèle extrêmement complexe. Dans ce manuscrit, on introduit une approche basée sur des extensions récentes de lemmes de dualité et sur des méthodes d’entropie. On démontre l’existence de solutions faibles dans un cadre général de systèmes de réaction-diffusion croisée, ainsi que certaines propriétés qualitatives des solutions. II. Équation de Boltzmann en domaine borné. L’équation de Boltzmann, introduite en 1872, modélise la dynamique des gaz raréfiés hors équilibre. Malgré les nombreux résultats autour de la question de l’existence de solutions fortes proches de l’équilibre, très peu concernent le cas d’un domaine borné, situation pourtant fréquente dans les applications. Une raison de la difficulté du problème est l’irruption des singularités le long des trajectoires rasant le bord du domaine. Dans ce manuscrit, on présente une théorie de la régulation de l’équation de Boltzmann en domaine borné. Grâce à l’introduction d’une distance cinétique qui compense les singularités au bord, on montre des résultats de propagation de normes de Sobolev et de propagation C^1 en domaine convexe. En domaine non convexe, on montre un résultat de propagation de régularité BV.This manuscript presents results of mathematical analysis concerning two singular problems of partial differential equations coming from the modeling. I. Cross-diffusion in Population dynamics. In Population dynamics, reaction-cross diffusion systems model the evolution of the populations of competing species with a repulsive effect between individuals. For these strongly coupled, often non linear systems, a question as basic as the existence of solutions appears to be extremely complex. In this manuscript, we introduce an approach based on the most recent extensions of duality lemmas and on entropy methods. We prove the existence of weak solutions in a general setting of reaction-cross diffusion systems, as well as some qualitative properties of the solutions. II. Boltzmann equation in bounded domains The Boltzmann equation, introduced in 1872, model the evolution of a rarefied gas out of equilibrium. Despite the numerous results concerning the existence of strong solutions close to equilibrium, very few concern the case of bounded domain, though this situation is very useful in applications. A crucial reason of the difficulty of this problem is the formation of a singularity on the trajectories grazing the boundary. In this manuscript, we present a theory of the regularity of the Boltzmann equation in bounded domains. Thanks to the introduction of a kinetic distance which balances the singularity, we obtain results of propagation of Sobolev norms and C^1 propagation in convex domains. In non convex domains, we obtain the propagation of BV regularity


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    Convergence to spatially homogeneous steady states is shown for a chemotaxis model with local sensing and possibly nonlinear diffusion when the intrinsic diffusion rate ϕ\phi dominates the inverse of the chemotactic motility function γ\gamma, in the sense that (ϕγ)′≥0(\phi\gamma)'\ge 0. This result encompasses and complies with the analysis and numerical simulations performed in Choi & Kim (2023). The proof involves two steps: first, a Liapunov functional is constructed when ϕγ\phi\gamma is non-decreasing. The convergence proof relies on a detailed study of the dissipation of the Liapunov functional and requires additional technical assumptions on ϕ\phi and γ\gamma


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    Convergence to spatially homogeneous steady states is shown for a chemotaxis model with local sensing and possibly nonlinear diffusion when the intrinsic diffusion rate ϕ\phi dominates the inverse of the chemotactic motility function γ\gamma, in the sense that (ϕγ)′≥0(\phi\gamma)'\ge 0. This result encompasses and complies with the analysis and numerical simulations performed in Choi & Kim (2023). The proof involves two steps: first, a Liapunov functional is constructed when ϕγ\phi\gamma is non-decreasing. The convergence proof relies on a detailed study of the dissipation of the Liapunov functional and requires additional technical assumptions on ϕ\phi and γ\gamma