17 research outputs found

    La infrahumanización de grupos estigmatizados: el caso del síndrome de down.

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    The term stigma stems from marks on the slaves who showed infamy, disgrace and moral turpitude of the wearer. Subsequently, from a psychosocial perspective, stigma has been identified as a mark, signal or sign, overt or not, that includes their members in a social category and generates a negative response to them (Marichal & Quiles, 2000). According with the visibility of stigma, people with Trisomy 21 have a higher risk of being socially rejected because they have physical signals that reflect their psychological stigma. Goffman (1963) said that stigma explains the inferiority and the danger of its wearer. The author also claimed that by definition people believe that the person with stigma is not quite human. This thesis is based on infrahumanisation theory, and analyses the degree of humanity attributed to people with Down syndrome. Infrahumanisation theory postulates that people attribute human characteristics (secondary emotions) to their own group and restrict this possibility to the outgroups, attributing emotions that humans and animals share (Leyens et al., 2000, 2001). Infrahumanisation focuses on secondary emotions and states that the attribution of fewer secondary emotions to the outgroup (compared to the ingroup) is a subtle way to deny their full humanity (Leyens Rodriguez-Perez, Rodriguez-Torres, Paladino & Vaes, 2001). This perspective has been the basis of different empirical studies that are part of this work. The chapters included in this thesis focus on knowing how is the social perception of people with Down syndrome, as well as the differential factors of prejudice towards them. Through various investigations, it is shown the perception of society towards this group stigmatized and places the focus of attention on stereotypes associated with their condition, the attitudinal response, and emotional reactions that the members of the category of syndrome generate. Furthermore, we analyze the attribution of human traits to people with Down syndrome, and the different metaphors (child or animal) that are associated with this social group

    Confianza y ansiedad intergrupal: los dos lados del estigma hacia las personas con síndrome de Down

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    People with Down syndrome experience a type of ambivalent stigmatisation, which combines stereotypes, emotional reactions, and both positive and negative attitudes. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between ambivalent attitudes towards people with Down syndrome, and the levels of intergroup trust and anxiety felt towards them. A total of 144 university students completed a questionnaire on their social perception of people with Down syndrome, indicating the extent to which they anticipate an interaction with this group based on trust or anxiety. The results show that responses to people with Down syndrome are ambivalent. Moreover, while intergroup trust is preceded by high levels of admiration and competence, intergroup anxiety is associated with high levels of aversion, compassion and low admiration. We discuss the implications of these results, taking into account how to enhance the social perception of people with Down syndrome, as well as the complex role of compassion in the assessment of stigmatised groups.Las personas con síndrome de Down sufren un tipo de estigmatización ambivalente, que combina estereotipos, reacciones emocionales y actitudes positivas y negativas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación que existe entre las actitudes ambivalentes hacia las personas con síndrome de Down, y los niveles de confianza y ansiedad intergrupal que se mantienen hacia ellas. Un total de 144 estudiantes universitarios respondieron a un cuestionario sobre la percepción social que mantienen hacia este colectivo, e indicaron en qué medida anticipan una interacción con personas con síndrome de Down basada en la confianza o en ansiedad intergrupal. Los resultados indican que se producen respuestas ambivalentes hacia las personas con síndrome de Down. Además, mientras que la confianza intergrupal está relacionada con altos niveles de admiración y competencia, la ansiedad intergrupal está relacionada con niveles altos de aversión, compasión y baja admiración. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados alcanzados de cara a mejorar la percepción social de las personas con síndrome de Down, así como el complejo papel que juega la compasión en la valoración de grupos estigmatizados

    Numero de años con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y su asociación con la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores chilenas: Un estudio transversal

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    Introduction: The average life expectancy, as well as the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes (T2D), is increasing worldwide. Population-based studies have demonstrated that the duration of T2D has been associated with cognitive impairment. However, despite the high prevalence of T2D and cognitive impairment in Chile, the association between years with T2D and suspicion of cognitive impairment has not yet been investigated. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between duration of T2D and suspicion of cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults. Material and Methods: 1,040 older adults aged ≥60 years from the Chilean National Health Survey (2009–2010) were included. Suspicion of cognitive impairment was assessed by the abbreviated Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The number of years with T2D was self-reported and categorised into four groups.  Poisson Regression analysis was used to assess the association between altered MMSE and the number of years with DM2, adjusted by potential confounders including socio-demographic, lifestyle, adiposity and health-related factors. Results: When the analyses were adjusted for socio-demographic factors, people who had T2D for 15 to 24 and ≥25 years had 2.2-times (95% CI: 1.07; 3.33) and 5.8-times (95% CI: 3.81; 11.0) higher relative risk (RR) of cognitive impairment, compared to those without T2D. When the analyses were additionally adjusted for lifestyle and health-related covariates, the RR for cognitive impairment was 1.76-times (95% CI: 1.02; 2.50) and 4.54-times (95% CI: 2.70; 6.38) higher for those who had T2D for 14-24 years and ≥25 years, respectively. Conclusions: Number of years with T2D was associated with suspicion of cognitive impairment. A longer duration of T2D was associated with a higher likelihood of cognitive impairment in the Chilean older population, independently of confounder factors included in the study.Introduction: La esperanza de vida está aumentando en todo el mundo, así como la diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Estudios poblacionales han demostrado que la duración de la DM2 se ha asociado con el deterioro cognitivo. Sin embargo, a pesar de la alta prevalencia de DM2 y deterioro cognitivo en Chile, aún no se ha investigado la asociación entre años con DM2 y la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar la asociación entre la duración de la diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2) y la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores chilenas. Métodos: Participaron 1.040 personas ≥60 años de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud de Chile (2009-2010). El deterioro cognitivo se evaluó mediante el Mini Examen del Estado Mental abreviado (MMSE). El número de años con DM2 fue categorizado en cuatro grupos. Para valorar la asociación entre MMSE alterado y el número de años con DM2, se utilizó una regresión de  Poisson, ajustados a posibles factores de confusión sociodemograficos, de estilos de vida, adiposidad y salud. Resultados: Cuando se ajustaron los análisis por factores sociodemográficos, las personas con 15 a 24 y ≥25 años con DM2 presentaron 2,2 veces (IC 95%: 1,07; 3,33) y 5,8 veces (IC 95%: 3,81; 11,0) riesgo relativo (RR) de deterioro cognitivo, en comparación con aquellas sin DM2. Luego de ajustar adicionalmente los análisis para las covariables relacionadas con el estilo de vida y la salud, el RR para deterioro cognitivo fue 1,76 veces (IC 95%: 1,02; 2,50) y 4,54 veces (IC 95%: 2,70; 6,38) más alto para aquellas personas con 14-24 y ≥25 años de DM2. Conclusiones: Se asoció el número de años con DM2 con la sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. Una mayor duración de la DM2 se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de deterioro cognitivo en la población mayor chilena


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    Resumen tomado de la publicación¿Sienten como nosotros? La infrahumanización de las personas con síndrome de Down. Antecedentes: las investigaciones sobre infrahumanización muestran que hay una fuerte inclinación a privar a los exogrupos de la capacidad de experimentar emociones secundarias, en comparación con los endogrupos. Sin embargo, desconocemos si esta tendencia se aplica a grupos sociales hacia los que se mantienen actitudes ambivalentes, como las personas con síndrome de Down. Método: en el primer estudio se pidió a los participantes que atribuyeran emociones primarias y secundarias a los miembros del endogrupo (estudiantes) y del exogrupo (personas con síndrome de Down). El segundo estudio exploró el efecto que tenían los rasgos físicos de síndrome de Down en la asociación diferencial de emociones. Se empleó una tarea de decisión léxica precedida por fotografías de tres tipos de rostros (adultos con síndrome de Down, adultos con caras ambiguas y adultos sin síndrome de Down). Resultados: se produjo una mayor atribución de emociones secundarias a los miembros del endogrupo que del exogrupo. Los participantes asociaron con mayor rapidez emociones secundarias a caras de adultos sin síndrome de Down y a caras ambiguas, en comparación con las caras de personas con síndrome de Down. Conclusiones: estos resultados confirman la existencia del sesgo de infrahumanización y el papel de la visibilidad del estigma.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    The level of conscientiousness trait and technostress: a moderated mediation model

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    Abstract As organizations increasingly rely on technology for the management, planning, and execution of activities and tasks. The consequence of technology use is technostress, which can ultimately affect workers’ mental and physical health. This study aimed to explore the factors influencing technostress in relation to conscientiousness and the mediating effects of organizational dehumanization based on hierarchical levels within the organization. The sample consisted of 190 adults, with the majority being teachers (57.4%). A moderated mediation analysis was employed using the PROCESS software. This study reveals that organizational dehumanization is a mechanism through which conscientiousness can foster technostress, mainly when the hierarchy level is situated at lower levels. Organizations should develop an approach to addressing technostress based on the hierarchical roles and competencies assumed by workers to promote healthier work environments and decrease the stress caused by technology

    Restorative methods as a strategy for the prevention of violence and bullying in primary and secondary schools in Mexico: An exploratory study

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    School coexistence processes are mediated by conflict situations that are often not adequately, immediately and comprehensively resolved by schools, giving rise to violence. School violence has become a matter of global priority not only at the school or family level, but also socially due to its magnitude and scope. In the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), reported in 2018 that 23% of students in Mexico had suffered bullying at least once a month, these data are worrying as they reveal high rate of violence. Considering the increase of violence in Mexican educational institutions, we wonder if students' awareness in the use of communication to resolve disagreements would be achieved after participating in a conflict prevention project applying restorative practices.The objective of this study was to test whether students acquired greater emotional self-regulation, self-determination, and peaceful strategies to resolve conflicts after participating in a project centred on the restorative paradigm.A total of 336 students from an elementary school and a high school located in Mexico participated in this study. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to the students by a restorative justice specialist in the middle of the school year. Statistical analyses were performed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences V. 25. The results obtained showed that, after the implementation of this program for five months, students in both schools showed greater emotional self-regulation and self-determination. In conclusion, providing students with restorative strategies to resolve disputes favoured the use of peaceful conflict resolution strategies


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónLos estudios sobre infrahumanización verifican que las personas atribuyen más sentimientos al endogrupo que al exogrupo. Sin embargo, aún sabemos poco sobre el efecto de distintos contextos intergrupales en este sesgo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comprobar la naturaleza cambiante de la infrahumanización del exogrupo marroquíes inmediatamente después de los atentados del 11-M y siete años más tarde. Para ello, se analizaron las variaciones en la atribución de cualidades esenciales humanas, los sentimientos, a los marroquíes tras activar dos escenarios opuestos: culpables del acto terrorista del 11-M o víctimas del mismo atentado. Los resultados muestran que el grado de infrahumanización de los marroquíes en el contexto de perpetradores no varía significativamente respecto al grupo control. En cambio, no se produce infrahumanización cuando se les asocia a un contexto de víctimas aunque solo inmediatamente después del atentado, ya que siete años después este efecto desaparece.AsturiasColegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Calle Ildefonso Sánchez del Río, 4-1 B; 33001 Oviedo; Tel. +34985285778; Fax +34985281374;Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s. n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126;ES

    Normative data for 148 Spanish emotional words in terms of attributions of humanity

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    Las investigaciones sobre la infrahumanización del exogrupo se apoyan en la distinción sutil y no deliberada que existe entre los sentimientos, una emoción exclusivamente humana, y las emociones, que son compartidas por animales y humanos. De acuerdo con esos estudios, las personas atribuyen más sentimientos al endogrupo que al exogrupo al que niegan o restringen la capacidad para experimentarlos. Este estudio presenta los datos normativos relativos a 148 términos afectivos en siete dimensiones relacionadas con las evaluaciones de humanidad. El Análisis de Componentes Principales calculado sobre las respuestas dio lugar a dos factores. El primero agrupó las dimensiones que diferencian los términos afectivos en función de las demandas cognitivas requeridas (cognición, naturaleza moral y duración), mientras que el segundo las diferenció en función de su perfil expresivo (visibilidad, edad a la que se adquiere, universalidad y foco causal). Estas dimensiones se analizaron en relación a la valencia, la familiaridad y la humanidad explicita.Research on outgroup infrahumanization is based on the subtle and not deliberate distinction of secondary emotions, an exclusively human emotion, and primary emotions, which are shared by animals and human beings. According to prior studies, people attribute more secondary emotions to the ingroup than to the outgroup which they deny or restrict the ability to experience them. This study presents normative measures for 148 emotional words viewed by Spanish people in seven dimensions related to humanity assessments. Two factors were revealed by the principal components analysis (PCA). The first component was loaded on dimensions that differentiate the emotions depending on the cognitive demands (cognition, moral quality and duration) whereas the second one was loaded on their expressive profile (visibility, age at which they are acquired, universality and causal locus). These dimensions were analyzed in relation to desirability, familiarity and explicit humanity

    Authentic Leadership and Its Relationship With Job Satisfaction: The Mediator Role of Organizational Dehumanization

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    The objective of this research was to examine the mediating role that organizational dehumanization plays between authentic leadership and job satisfaction. The study was carried out with a sample of 422 participants, 50.7% were men and 49.3% women, with an average age of 38.96 years. The workers belong to different public and private organizations in Chile, and they responded to instruments of sociodemographic characterization, employment history and the scales of organizational dehumanization, authentic leadership, and job satisfaction. Data analysis included descriptive, correlational, and mediation analyses. The results allow us to maintain the hypothesis that organizational dehumanization plays a mediator role in the relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction. Implications of these findings are discussed