102 research outputs found

    How to Protect Future Generations' Rights in European Governance

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    Given that future generations are right-bearing citizens of tomorrow, legislative systems should secure these rights through appropriate institutions. In the case of the European Union, reference to intergenerational justice can be found in various fundamental legal texts, but, paradoxically, no institutions exist to defend it. The structural short-termism inscribed into representative democracies means that present interests easily trump future concerns. We argue that the best way to overcome this problem is a system of temporal checks and balances. By comparing a selection of existing instruments with regards to their impact on the legislative process, we propose the creation of a European Guardian for Future Generations as the most effective measure to protect the rights of future generations and provide an overview of recent developments in this direction

    How to Protect Future Generations' Rights in European Governance

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    Given that future generations are right-bearing citizens of tomorrow, legislative systems should secure these rights through appropriate institutions. In the case of the European Union, reference to intergenerational justice can be found in various fundamental legal texts, but, paradoxically, no institutions exist to defend it. The structural short-termism inscribed into representative democracies means that present interests easily trump future concerns. We argue that the best way to overcome this problem is a system of temporal checks and balances. By comparing a selection of existing instruments with regards to their impact on the legislative process, we propose the creation of a European Guardian for Future Generations as the most effective measure to protect the rights of future generations and provide an overview of recent developments in this direction

    Wie die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen auf europäischer Ebene geschützt werden können

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    "Zukünftige Generationen sind zukünftige Bürger mit Rechten. Deshalb sollten Rechtssysteme diese durch geeignete Institutionen schützen. Im Fall der EU findet sich in grundlegenden Gesetzestexten ein expliziter Bezug auf intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit, aber paradoxerweise existiert keine Institution, um diese abzusichern. Dies ist insofern problematisch, als dass repräsentative Demokratien auf kurzfristige Erfolge und Interessen von heutigen Wählerinnen ausgerichtet sind. Leicht werden Zukunftsbelange als politisch unbequem aufgeschoben. Wir argumentieren deshalb dafür, dass verantwortliche Politik diesem strukturellen Problem aktiv begegnen sollte und schlagen ein zeitliches Checks-and-Balances-System vor. Anhand eines Vergleichs vorhandener politischer Instrumente und der Analyse ihres effektiven Einflusses auf den Gesetzgebungsprozess schlagen wir die Schaffung eines europäischen Bürgervertreters vor, der sich explizit und aktiv für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen einsetzt. Im Ausblick schließen wir einen Überblick über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in dieser Richtung an." (Autorenreferat

    Shwartzman reaction after human renal homotransplantation.

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    In three human recipients, five renal homografts were destroyed within a few minutes to hours after their revascularization in the new host. The kidneys, removed one to 54 days later, had cortical necrosis. The major vessels were patent, but the arterioles and glomeruli were the site of fibrin deposition. There was little or no fixation of host immunoglobulins in the homografts. The findings were characteristic of a generalized Shwartzman reaction. Although the cause (or causes) of the Shwartzman reaction in our patients is not known, they may have been conditioned by the bacterial contamination and hemolysis that often attend hemodialysis, by immunosuppression and by the transplantation itself. Some of the patients have preformed lymphocytotoxic antibodies. Thus, certain patients may be predisposed. High-risk patients should be recognized and treated prophylactically with anticoagulants

    Diagnostic limitations of lung fiber counts in asbestos-related diseases

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    # Background Lung dust fibre analyses have been used by some pathologists to estimate past asbestos exposure in the workplace and its related health risks. Asbestos, however, especially the predominately applied chrysotile asbestos type, undergoes translocation, clearance and degradation in the lungs. # Objectives We quantified the asbestos fibre and ferruginous (asbestos) body (FB) content in human tissue with respect to the German asbestos ban in 1993 and the interim period of more than 20 years in order to evaluate the diagnostic evidence of these analyses for asbestos-related diseases (ARD). # Methods Lung dust analyses have been used in empirical assessments of ARD since 1982. Tissue samples of about 2 cm^3^ were used and processed in standardized manner. FB was analysed by light microscopy and asbestos fibres by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). # Results Chrysotile and amphibole fibre concentrations in the lung tissue depend roughly on the cumulative asbestos exposure levels in the workplace. However, the concentration of lung asbestos fibre and FB depends on the year of examination and especially on the interim period. As the interim period increases, the asbestos fibre burden decreases. There is no relationship between FB and chrysotile asbestos fibre concentrations and only a weak correlation between FB and crocidolite fibre concentrations. There was no significant difference in chrysotile and amphibole fibre concentrations as well as in FB counts between the different ARD. # Conclusions Due to the length of interim periods, a past exposure to chrysotile or amphibole asbestos can no longer be detected with FB or asbestos fibre measurement in lung tissue. This means that negative results of such measurements cannot disprove a qualified occupational case history of asbestos exposures and the related health risks due to the fibrogenic and carcinogenic potential of asbestos

    Success factors in e-commerce

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    The following thesis paper deals with the effect the presentation of scarcity has on success in an e-commerce environment. It does so by displaying the information of how many articles are left in stock within an online-shop and measured the difference in success-related KPI’s such as conversion rate, total sale numbers and time past from visiting the website to checkout. The study failed to produce any significant results

    Entwicklung der bronchopulmonalen Zirkulation bei der intralobären Lungensequestration - Vergleichende angiographische und strömungsmechanische Untermauerung von Stocker´s Entstehungsmodell

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Morphologie und Dynamik der systemisch-arteriellen Architektur einschließlich ihrer Verbindungen zu den Pulmonalarterien in intralobären Sequestern analysiert und mit Befunden von anderen chronisch-entzündlichen Erkrankungen verglichen. Die Angiographien von 15 Patienten mit einer intralobären Sequestration wurden hinsichtlich der Morphologie der Sequesterarterien, Bronchialarterien und SPAS ausgewertet. Es ergeben sich folgende Ergebnisse: Die vaskulären Veränderungen bei einer intralobären Sequestration sind qualitativ gleich denen anderer chronisch-entzündlicher Lungenerkrankungen: Hypertrophie von Bronchialarterien, Hypertrophie von anderen sytemischen thorakalen und teilweise extrathorakalen Arterien, Bildung von systemisch-pulmonalen arteriellen Shunts (SPAS). Bei Sequesterpatienten mit SPAS zeigten sich quantitativ stärker ausgeprägte Arterienveränderungen als bei Patienten ohne systemisch-pulmonale arterielle Shunts. Im Vergleich der Lungensequester mit den sogenannten „Übergangsformen“ wird Stocker´s pathogenetisches Modell untermauert, das die intralobäre Sequestration als einen erworbenen chronisch-entzündlichen Prozess erklärt. Darüber hinaus wird dargelegt, dass die ILS ein pathomorphologischer Endpunkt verschiedener Entitäten eines weit gefächerten Spektrums von chronisch-entzündlichen Lungenerkrankungen ist. Die systemisch-pulmonalen arteriellen Shunts (SPAS) sind zusätzlich zu Stocker´s Aussagen über die Entstehung des Sequesters ein Indiz für die erworbene Entstehung eines aberrierenden Gefäßes und stellen den Kernpunkt dieser Arbeit dar. Ein SPAS induziert über den Druckabfall systemisch zu pulmonal eine Steigerung des Volumenstroms und damit die Kaliberzunahme der speisenden systemischen Arterie. Ihre Kaliber können einen ausreichenden Volumenstrom aufbauen, um eine Stase und Thrombose der Pumonalarterie zu bewirken. Damit ist die Lücke in Stocker´s Entwicklungsmodell, die Obliteration der P.A., pathogenetisch erklärt. Das Ausmaß der SPAS korreliert in gewissem Maß mit der allgemeinen Ausprägung entzündungsbedingter Gefäßveränderung- sowohl bei der ILS als auch bei anderen chronisch entzündlichen Lungenerkrankungen. Sie sind ein Abbild der fortan bestehenden Entwicklung und Vergrößerung einer ILS. In letzter Konsequenz kann die gesamte Sequesterarterie als ein großer SPAS-Komplex angesehen werden. Ein intralobärer Sequester stellt die höchste Stufe einer erworbenen funktionellen Trennung eines Lungenareals dar, indem die Transportwege Blut (Pulmonalarterien) und Luft (Bronchien) verschlossen sind.The focus of this thesis is to analyze and discribe the morphology and dynamics of systemic-arterial systems of intralobar sequestrations (ILS) including the systemic pulmonal arterial shunts (SPAS). The results are compared with analog aspects of other chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases. The angiographies of 15 patients with intralobar sequestration were analysed according to the morphology of the sequestrational artery, the bronchial-artery alterations and the SPAS. Results of the dissertation: The vascular variations in ILS comply in quality with the ones seen in other chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases: There are hypertrophy of the bronchial artery, hypertrophy of other systemic arteries supplying the involved lung structure and formation of SPAS. Concerning the quantity of the vascular alterations the arteries of ILS-patients are more severe in ILS with presentable SPAS than in ILS-patients without presentable SPAS. A second group of patients have so called intermediate lung sequestrations which are compared with the classical full-type ILS. This comparison aims to show up and circumstantiate the pathogenetic theory of Stocker which states of the ILS being an aquired disease evoked through chronic-inflammatory processes. The SPAS are the key to understand Stocker´s theory and therefore are the central issue of this thesis explaining the development of aberrant systemic arteries. With means of the SPAS a decrease of pressure between the systemic and pulmonal artery an increase of blood-flow is evoked. This subsequentially leads to a calibre-augmentation of the supplying artery. According to the increased calibre of this artery the volume flow rate can rise to an extent great enough to cause a stasis and consecutively a thrombosis of the pulmonary artery. This mechanism is the key to understand the obliteration of the pulmonary artery mentioned in Stocker´s pathogenetic model. The degree of SPAS in an ILS and in other chronic lung diseases correlates with the general inflammatory tissue alterations to a certain extent. The SPAS can be recognized as an image of the continuously existent development and increase of the ILS. In last consequence the entire sequestrational artery can be recognized as a great complex of SPAS. The ILS represents the highest level of aquired functional detachment (sequestration) of pulmonary tissue by means of occluding blood vessels and bronchi

    The distribution of copper, manganese, zinc, and iron in antarctic waters and the relation of the concentrations of these metals to biological primary productivity

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