484 research outputs found

    Retos legales para las bibliotecas digitales en línea

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    Tradicionalment, las biblioteques han tingut un paper central a l’hora de col·leccionar i organitzar material, i d’oferir un accés ampli a la cultura i el coneixement. ¿El marc actual de drets d’autor ofereix espai suficient perquè les biblioteques digitals puguin reclamar un paper equivalent en l’espai en línia? Aquest article explora els reptes legals a què s’enfronten les biblioteques digitals a l’hora de crear col·leccions. Pel que fa als drets d’autor, els materials d’una biblioteca es classifiquen, en sentit ampli, en tres categories: obres protegides per drets d’autor, obres amb un estatus ambivalent (com ara obres òrfenes o exhaurides) i obres de domini públic. Aquest article intenta respondre a un seguit de qüestions jurídiques relacionades amb aquestes tres categories (com ara, entre altres, la concessió de llicències, el préstec electrònic i l’exhauriment d’obres digitals); a més, vol defensar la importància d’establir i mantenir biblioteques digitals en línia. El document acaba explicant de quina manera la teoria dels béns comuns pot millorar el marc legal existent i enfortir la posició de les biblioteques a fi de mantenir el valuós patrimoni de coneixements comuns que alimenta l’ecosistema creixent de la xarxa. En conseqüència, es posa en relleu la importància de mantenir un domini públic cada cop més ampli que es pugui organitzar i al qual es pugui accedir digitalment en línia.Libraries have traditionally played a central role in collecting and organizing material and giving wide access to culture and knowledge. Does the existing copyright framework provide enough space for online digital libraries to claim an equivalent central role in the online space? This article explores the legal challenges for online digital libraries’ collection building. The materials that comprise the content of a library fall broadly under three categories with respect to their copyright status: copyrighted works, works with ambivalent copyright status (such as orphan and out-of-print works) and public domain works. In the paper, I try to answer a number of legal questions related to these three categories of works, inter alia licensing and e-lending as well as digital exhaustion, and also defend the value of creating and sustaining robust digital libraries online. The paper will conclude on how the theory of the commons can improve the existing legal framework and strengthen the libraries’ position in order to sustain valuable knowledge commons supporting the ever-growing network ecosystem. Thus, I emphasize the value of maintaining a growing public domain that can be organized and digitally accessible online.Tradicionalmente, las bibliotecas han tenido un papel central a la hora de coleccionar y organizar material, y de ofrecer un acceso amplio a la cultura y el conocimiento. ¿Ofrece el marco actual de derechos de autor espacio suficiente para que las bibliotecas digitales puedan reclamar un papel equivalente en el espacio en línea? Este artículo explora los retos legales a los que se enfrentan las bibliotecas digitales a la hora de crear colecciones. En cuanto a los derechos de autor, los materiales de una biblioteca se clasifican, en sentido amplio, en tres categorías: obras protegidas por derechos de autor, obras con un estatus ambivalente (como por ejemplo obras huérfanas o agotadas) y obras de dominio público. Este artículo intenta responder a una serie de cuestiones jurídicas relacionadas con estas tres categorías (como por ejemplo, entre otras, la concesión de licencias, el préstamo electrónico y el agotamiento de obras digitales); además, quiere defender la importancia de establecer y mantener bibliotecas digitales en línea. El documento concluye explicando de qué modo la teoría de los bienes comunes puede mejorar el marco legal existente y fortalecer la posición de las bibliotecas a fin de mantener el valioso patrimonio de conocimientos comunes que alimenta el ecosistema creciente de la red. En consecuencia, se pone de relieve la importancia de mantener un dominio público cada vez más amplio que se pueda organizar y al que se pueda acceder digitalmente en línea

    Shrines in a Fluid Space: The Shaping of New Holy Sites in the Ionian Islands, the Peloponnese and Crete under Venetian Rule (14th-16th Centuries)

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    In Shrines in a Fluid Space, Argyri Dermitzaki offers a study of the cultic phenomena and sites visited by late medieval pilgrims in the Ionian Sea, the Peloponnese and Crete.; Readership: All interested in the cultic phenomena in Corfu, Strophades, the Peloponnese and Crete, in cultural exchanges in the Mediterranean and in late medieval Holy Land pilgrimage

    Very small embryonic-like (VSEL) stem cells: recent knowledge

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    Very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) are a unique and rare stem cell population, which have the same structural, genetic, biochemical, and functional characteristics as embryonic stem cells and they are able to differentiate to all three germ layers. In several emergency situations related to organ damage, VSELs can be activated and mobilized into peripheral blood, and in appropriate animal models they contribute to tissue organ/regeneration. Optimized methods for isolation and expansion of VSELs have aroused the scientific community's interest in use of this kind of cells for regenerative purposes. The properties of such pluripotent cells make them a potential candidate in regenerative medicine

    Crosslinguistic influence in English-Greek bilingual acquisition*

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    This study tests the proposal that structures which involve the syntax-pragmatics interface and instantiate a surface overlap between the two languages are vulnerable to crosslinguistic influence in bilingual acquisition (e.g. Müller & Hulk 2001). We investigate whether crosslinguistic influence occurs only in one direction – from English to Greek, in this case – in older bilingual children. The study considers experimental data from 32 English-Greek bilingual children, 16 Greek-dominant living in Greece and 16 English-dominant living in the UK and monolingual control groups regarding particular syntax-pragmatics interface and narrow syntax structures. Results reveal that certain structures are selectively vulnerable to crosslinguistic influence but only in the English-dominant bilinguals’ grammar, which offers only partial support to the hypothesis

    Προστασία οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος με πρόσθετα

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία Υλικών

    The development of gender assignment and agreement in English-Greek and German-Greek bilingual children

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    The aim of this experimental study is to examine the development of Greek gender in bilingual English-Greek and German-Greek children. Four gender production tasks were designed, two targeting gender assignment eliciting determiners and two targeting gender agreement eliciting predicate adjectives for real and novel nouns. Participant performance was assessed in relation to whether the ‘other’ language was a gender language or not (English vs. German) along with the role of the bilinguals’ Greek vocabulary knowledge and language input. The results are argued to contribute significantly to disentangling the role of crosslinguistic influence in gender assignment and agreement by bringing together a variety of input measures such as early and current amount of exposure to Greek, the role of area of residence (i.e. whether Greek is the minority or the majority language), the effect of maternal education and the amount of exposure to Greek in a school setting