239 research outputs found

    Correlated response in litter size components in rabbits selected for litter size variability

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    [EN] A divergent selection experiment for the environmental variability of litter size (Ve) over seven generations was carried out in rabbits at the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche. The Ve was estimated as the phenotypic variance within the female, after correcting for year-season and parity-lactation status. The aim of this study was to analyse the correlated responses to selection in litter size components. The ovulation rate (OR) and number of implanted embryos (IE) in females were measured by laparoscopy at 12 day of the second gestation. At the end of the second gestation, the total number of kits born was measured (TB). Embryonic (ES), foetal (FS) and prenatal (PS) survival were computed as IE/OR, TB/IE and TB/OR, respectively. A total of 405 laparoscopies were performed. Data were analysed using Bayesian methodology. The correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in terms of the litter size components was estimated as either genetic trends, estimated by computing the average estimated breeding values for each generation and each line, or the phenotypic differences between lines. The OR was similar in both lines. However, after seven generations of selection, the homogenous line showed more IE (1.09 embryos for genetic means and 1.23 embryos for phenotypic means) and higher ES than the heterogeneous one (0.07 for genetic means and 0.08 for phenotypic means). The probability of the phenotypic differences between lines being higher than zero (p) was 1.00 and .99, respectively. A higher uterine overcrowding of embryos in the homogeneous line did not penalize FS; as a result, this line continued to show a greater TB (1.01 kits for genetic means and 1.30 kits for phenotypic means, p=.99, in the seventh generation). In conclusion, a decrease in litter size variability showed a favourable effect on ES and led to a higher litter size at birth.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: AGL2011-29831-C03-02, AGL2014-55921-C2-2-P; Babel project from the Erasmus Mundus programmeArgente, MJ.; Calle, EW.; Garcia, ML.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2017). Correlated response in litter size components in rabbits selected for litter size variability. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 134(6):505-511. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12283S505511134

    Implementing MAS agreement processes based on consensus networks

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    [EN] Consensus is a negotiation process where agents need to agree upon certain quantities of interest. The theoretical framework for solving consensus problems in dynamic networks of agents was formally introduced by Olfati-Saber and Murray, and is based on algebraic graph theory, matrix theory and control theory. Consensus problems are usually simulated using mathematical frameworks. However, implementation using multi-agent system platforms is a very difficult task due to problems such as synchronization, distributed finalization, and monitorization among others. The aim of this paper is to propose a protocol for the consensus agreement process in MAS in order to check the correctness of the algorithm and validate the protocol. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013.This work is supported by ww and PROMETEO/2008/051 projects of the Spanish government, CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 under grant CSD2007-00022, TIN2012-36586-C03-01 and PAID-06-11-2084.Palomares Chust, A.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Gómez, Y. (2013). Implementing MAS agreement processes based on consensus networks. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. 217:553-560. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_66S553560217Argente, E.: et al: An Abstract Architecture for Virtual Organizations: The THOMAS approach. Knowledge and Information Systems 29(2), 379–403 (2011)Búrdalo, L.: et al: TRAMMAS: A tracing model for multiagent systems. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel. 24(7), 1110–1119 (2011)Fogués, R.L., et al.: Towards Dynamic Agent Interaction Support in Open Multiagent Systems. In: Proc. of the 13th CCIA, vol. 220, pp. 89–98. IOS Press (2010)Luck, M., et al.: Agent technology: Computing as interaction (a roadmap for agent based computing). Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel. (2005)Mailler, R., Lesser, V.: Solving distributed constraint optimization problems using cooperative mediation. In: AAMAS 2004, pp. 438–445 (2004)Olfati-Saber, R., Fax, J.A., Murray, R.M.: Consensus and cooperation in networked multi-agent systems. Proceedings of the IEEE 95(1), 215–233 (2007)Pujol-Gonzalez, M.: Multi-agent coordination: Dcops and beyond. In: Proc. of IJCAI, pp. 2838–2839 (2011)Such, J.: et al: Magentix2: A privacy-enhancing agent platform. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intel. 26(1), 96–109 (2013)Vinyals, M., et al.: Constructing a unifying theory of dynamic programming dcop algorithms via the generalized distributive law. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 22, 439–464 (2011

    Integración didáctica de "apps” relacionadas con la producción animal en la docencia universitaria del Grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y Agroambiental

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    [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es la integración didáctica de apps que se utilizan en la gestión de explotaciones ganaderas en el Grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y Agroambiental. Los resultados académicos indicaron que las calificaciones mejoraron en 1.67 puntos cuando las apps fueron incluidas en la docencia. Además se realizó un cuestionario al estudiantado resultando que más del 66% respondió “Totalmente de acuerdo” a la sentencia “La tarea propuesta me ha facilitado el aprendizaje del tema”. Ésta fue también la respuesta para el 33% del estudiantado a las sentencias “La utilización de las apps me ha ayudado a comprender el tema” y “Recomendaría el uso de apps en otros temas de la asignatura”. “Ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo”, fue la respuesta seleccionada por el 66% del estudiantado para la sentencia “La utilización de las apps me ha acercado a la realidad del sector ganadero”. Las conclusiones de este trabajo son que la incorporación de apps en la docencia mejora el rendimiento académico del estudiantado pues facilitan el aprendizaje. Sería aconsejable la utilización de esta metodología en otros temas de la asignatura.[EN] The objective of this work is the didactic integration of apps that are used in the management of livestock farms in the Degree in Agro-Food and Agro-Environmental Engineering. The academic results indicated that the scores improved by 1.67 points when the apps were included in the teaching. In addition, a questionnaire was carried out for the student, resulting that more than 66% of the students answered "Totally agree" to the sentence "The proposed task has made it easier for me to learn the subject". This was also the response for 33% of the students to the sentences "The use of apps has helped me understand the subject" and "I would recommend the use of apps in other subjects of the subject". The answer "Neither agree nor disagree" was the answer selected by 66% of the students for the sentence "The use of apps has brought me closer to that of the livestock sector". The conclusions of this work are that the introduction of apps in teaching improves the academic performance of the student as they facilitate learning. It would be advisable to apply this methodology to other subjects.García, ML.; Agea, I.; Argente, MJ. (2020). Integración didáctica de "apps” relacionadas con la producción animal en la docencia universitaria del Grado de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y Agroambiental. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 110-115. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11997OCS11011

    Challenges and improvement needs in the care of patients with central diabetes insipidus

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    Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is a rare condition, with significant impact on patient health and well-being. It is a chronic condition which usually requires meticulous long-term care. It can affect both children and adults. There is limited literature considering the needs and challenges inherent in providing high quality care to patients with CDI, across the care pathway. This paper seeks to address this gap by providing a unique and well-rounded understanding of clinical and healthcare systems-related challenges. It draws on insights from the literature, from direct clinical experience contributed by five clinicians as co-authors (providing insights from France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom), and from patient perspectives provided through interviews with patient representatives from three patient organisations. We identify clinical challenges related to the diagnosis of CDI, including differentiating between other similar conditions and determining the underlying aetiology. Treatment is challenging, given the need to tailor medication to each patient’s needs and ongoing management is required to ensure that patients continue to respond adequately to treatment. Ongoing support is required when patients switch between formulations. We also identify healthcare systems challenges related to limited awareness of CDI amongst primary care physicians and general paediatricians, and the need for highly skilled specialist care and appropriate workforce capacity. There is also a significant need for raising awareness and for the education of both healthcare professionals and patients about different aspects of CDI, with the aim of supporting improved care and effective patient engagement with healthcare professionals. We reflect on this information and highlight improvement opportunities. These relate to developing guidance to support patients, carers, primary care physicians and general paediatricians to identify clinical features earlier, and to consider CDI as a possible diagnosis when a patient presents with suggestive symptom

    Identification of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Progesterone Receptor Gene and Its Association With Reproductive Traits in Rabbits

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    [EN] A total of 598 F-2 does from a cross between the high and low lines selected divergently for uterine capacity during 10 generations were used in a candidate gene analysis. The presence of major genes affecting the number of implanted embryos and uterine capacity has been suggested in lines divergently selected for Uterine capacity. Uterine capacity is it main component of litter size. The progesterone receptor gene was tested as a candidate gene to determine whether polymorphisms explain differences in litter size and its components. Fragments of the promoter region and exons 1-8 were amplified and sequenced. One SNP was found in the promoter region, 2464G > A, three SNPs in the 5'-UTR exon 1, and a silence SNP in exon 7. The first four SNPs were segregated in two haplotypes. The allele G found in the promoter region was found in 75% of the high-line parental animals and in 29% of the low-line parental animals. The GG genotype had 0.5 kits and 0.5 implanted embryos more than the AA genotype. At 48 hr of gestation, the difference in early embryo survival and embryonic stage of development. was small. However, at 72 hr of gestation, the GG genotype had 0.36 embryos more than the AA genotype and also had a more advanced embryonic stage of development, showing a lower percentage of compacted morulae and a higher percentage of blastocysts. The difference in litter size between the GG and CA genotypes was similar to the difference found between homozygote genotypes; however, differences in implanted embryos, early embryo survival, and embryo development were not detected between the GG and GA genotypes.The authors are grateful for the excellent assistance provided by R. Muelas and to W. Mekkawi for his software. This study was funded by projects by the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia AGL2001-3068 and AGL2005-07624. M. Merchan acknowledges a Formacion de Personal Investigador (FPI) grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia (MCYT) and R. Peiro an FPI grant from Oficinade Ciencia y Tecnologia de la Generalitat Valenciana (OCYT).Peiró Barber, RM.; Merchán, M.; Santacreu, M.; Argente, MJ.; García, ML.; Folch, JM.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2008). Identification of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Progesterone Receptor Gene and Its Association With Reproductive Traits in Rabbits. Genetics. 180(3):1699-1705. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.108.09077916991705180

    A genomewide association study in divergently selected lines in rabbits reveals novel genomic regions associated with litter size traits

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    [EN] Uterine capacity (UC), defined as the total number of kits from unilaterally ovariectomized does at birth, has a high genetic correlation with litter size. The aim of our research was to identify genomic regions associated with litter size traits through a genome-wide association study using rabbits from a divergent selection experiment for UC. A high-density SNP array (200K) was used to genotype 181 does from a control population, high and low UC lines. Traits included total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), number born dead, ovulation rate (OR), implanted embryos (IE), and embryo, foetal and prenatal survivals at second parity. We implemented the Bayes B method and the associations were tested by Bayes factors and the percentage of genomic variance (GV) explained by windows. Different genomic regions associated with TNB, NBA, IE, and OR were found. These regions explained 7.36%, 1.27%, 15.87%, and 3.95% of GV, respectively. Two consecutive windows on chromosome 17 were associated with TNB, NBA, and IE. This genomic region accounted for 6.32% of GV of TNB. In this region, we found the BMP4, PTDGR, PTGER2, STYX and CDKN3 candidate genes which presented functional annotations linked to some reproductive processes. Our findings suggest that a genomic region on chromosome 17 has an important effect on litter size traits. However, further analyses are needed to validate this region in other maternal rabbit lines.The work was funded by project AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P from the National Programme for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research Project I+D. B. Samuel Sosa-Madrid was supported by a grant from the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Panama (SENACYT) for a master's degree (the first stage of this study): BECA-2199-40-2012. Also, he was supported by an FPI grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (the second stage of this study): BES-2015-074194.Sosa-Madrid, BS.; Santacreu Jerez, MA.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Fontanesi, L.; Pena, R.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N. (2020). A genomewide association study in divergently selected lines in rabbits reveals novel genomic regions associated with litter size traits. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 137(2):123-138. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12451S1231381372Aken, B. L., Ayling, S., Barrell, D., Clarke, L., Curwen, V., Fairley, S., … Searle, S. M. J. (2016). The Ensembl gene annotation system. Database, 2016, baw093. doi:10.1093/database/baw093Al-Samerria, S., Al-Ali, I., McFarlane, J. R., & Almahbobi, G. (2015). The impact of passive immunisation against BMPRIB and BMP4 on follicle development and ovulation in mice. REPRODUCTION, 149(5), 403-411. doi:10.1530/rep-14-0451Argente, M. J., Merchán, M., Peiró, R., García, M. L., Santacreu, M. A., Folch, J. M., & Blasco, A. (2010). Candidate gene analysis for reproductive traits in two lines of rabbits divergently selected for uterine capacity1. Journal of Animal Science, 88(3), 828-836. doi:10.2527/jas.2009-2324Argente, M. J., Santacreu, M. A., Climent, A., Bolet, G., & Blasco, A. (1997). Divergent selection for uterine capacity in rabbits. Journal of Animal Science, 75(9), 2350. doi:10.2527/1997.7592350xAshburner, M., Ball, C. A., Blake, J. A., Botstein, D., Butler, H., Cherry, J. M., … Sherlock, G. (2000). Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology. Nature Genetics, 25(1), 25-29. doi:10.1038/75556Ballester, M., Castelló, A., Peiró, R., Argente, M. J., Santacreu, M. A., & Folch, J. M. (2012). Identification of differentially expressed genes in the oviduct of two rabbit lines divergently selected for uterine capacity using suppression subtractive hybridization. Animal Genetics, 44(3), 296-304. doi:10.1111/age.12005Bergfelder-Drüing, S., Grosse-Brinkhaus, C., Lind, B., Erbe, M., Schellander, K., Simianer, H., & Tholen, E. (2015). A Genome-Wide Association Study in Large White and Landrace Pig Populations for Number Piglets Born Alive. PLOS ONE, 10(3), e0117468. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117468Blasco, A., Argente, M. J., Haley, C. S., & Santacreu, M. A. (1994). Relationships between components of litter size in unilaterally ovariectomized and intact rabbit does. Journal of Animal Science, 72(12), 3066-3072. doi:10.2527/1994.72123066xBlasco, A., Ortega, J. A., Climent, A., & Santacreu, M. A. (2005). Divergent selection for uterine capacity in rabbits. I. Genetic parameters and response to selection1. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2297-2302. doi:10.2527/2005.83102297xBlasco, A., & Pena, R. N. (2018). Current Status of Genomic Maps: Genomic Selection/GBV in Livestock. Animal Biotechnology 2, 61-80. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92348-2_4Browning, B. 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Responses in uterine capacity and its components estimated with a cryopreserved control population1. Journal of Animal Science, 83(10), 2308-2312. doi:10.2527/2005.83102308xOnteru, S. K., Fan, B., Du, Z.-Q., Garrick, D. J., Stalder, K. J., & Rothschild, M. F. (2011). A whole-genome association study for pig reproductive traits. Animal Genetics, 43(1), 18-26. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02213.xOnteru, S. K., Gorbach, D. M., Young, J. M., Garrick, D. J., Dekkers, J. C. M., & Rothschild, M. F. (2013). Whole Genome Association Studies of Residual Feed Intake and Related Traits in the Pig. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e61756. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061756Peiró, R., Merchán, M., Santacreu, M. A., Argente, M. J., García, M. L., Folch, J. M., & Blasco, A. (2008). Identification of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Progesterone Receptor Gene and Its Association With Reproductive Traits in Rabbits. Genetics, 180(3), 1699-1705. doi:10.1534/genetics.108.090779Piles, M., García, M. 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    Designing normative open virtual enterprises

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Enterprise Information Systems on 23/03/2016, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/17517575.2015.1036927.[EN] There is an increasing interest on developing virtual enterprises in order to deal with the globalisation of the economy, the rapid growth of information technologies and the increase of competitiveness. In this paper we deal with the development of normative open virtual enterprises (NOVEs). They are systems with a global objective that are composed of a set of heterogeneous entities and enterprises that exchange services following a specific normative context. In order to analyse and design systems of this kind the multi-agent paradigm seems suitable because it offers a specific solution for supporting the social and contractual relationships between enterprises and for formalising their business processes. This paper presents how the Regulated Open Multiagent systems (ROMAS) methodology, an agent-oriented software methodology, can be used to analyse and design NOVEs. ROMAS offers a complete development process that allows identifying and formalising of the structure of NOVEs, their normative context and the interactions among their members. The use of ROMAS is exemplified by means of a case study that represents an automotive supply chain.This work was partially supported by the projects [PROMETEOII/2013/019], [TIN2012-36586-C03-01], [FP7-29493], [TIN2011-27652-C03-00] and [CSD2007-00022], and the CASES project within the 7th European Community Framework Programme [grant agreement number 294931].Garcia Marques, ME.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Botti Navarro, VJ. (2016). Designing normative open virtual enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems. 10(3):303-324. https://doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2015.1036927S303324103Cardoso, H. L., Urbano, J., Brandão, P., Rocha, A. P., & Oliveira, E. (2012). 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    From Physical to Virtual: Widening the Perspective on Multi-Agent Environments

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_9Since more than a decade, the environment is seen as a key element when analyzing, developing or deploying Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) applications. Especially, for the development of multi-agent platforms it has become a key concept, similarly to many application in the area of location-based, distributed systems. An emerging, prominent application area for MAS is related to Virtual Environments. The underlying technology has evolved in a way, that these applications have grown out of science fiction novels till research papers and even real applications. Even more, current technologies enable MAS to be key components of such virtual environments. In this paper, we widen the concept of the environment of a MAS to encompass new and mixed physical, virtual, simulated, etc. forms of environments. We analyze currently most interesting application domains based on three dimensions: the way different "realities" are mixed via the environment, the underlying natures of agents, the possible forms and sophistication of interactions. In addition to this characterization, we discuss how this widened concept of possible environments influences the support it can give for developing applications in the respective domains.Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Klugl, F.; Ricci, A.; Boissier, O. (2015). From Physical to Virtual: Widening the Perspective on Multi-Agent Environments. En Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems IV. 4th International Workshop, E4MAS 2014 - 10 Years Later, Paris, France, May 6, 2014. 133-146. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_9S133146Aggarwal, J.K., Ryoo, M.S.: Human activity analysis: a review. ACM Comput. 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