97 research outputs found

    Limb reconstruction system as a primary and definitive mode of fixation in open fractures of long bones

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    Background: Management of open fractures of long bones by the traditional systems is very complex. Limb reconstruction system (LRS) was considered as very effective, and offers rigid stabilization of fracture fragments and with an easy access to soft tissue care. The aim of the study was to determine the efficacy of LRS for treatment of open fractures of long bones.Methods: This prospective study included 30 cases of both the sexes aged between 11-60 years. Patients with closed fractures of long bones and fractures treated conservatively were excluded from the study. Their clinical and radiological evaluation will be done at presentation and certain specific intervals and evaluated for signs of bone union and associated complications.Results: The mean age of the patients participated in the study was 35.6 years with male predominance (93.3%). All patients (100%) were injured by road traffic accidents. 50% of the cases were of Grade 2 type of fractures. The most common complication encountered was pin tract infections seen in 8 cases. We had good results in 24 patients, moderate in 5 and poor in 1 patient using modified Anderson and Hutchinson’s criteria. Conclusions: LRS is an alternative to the traditional system of fixation in the primary management of open fractures of long bones. It is less cumbersome to the patient and more patient friendly in terms of reducing financial burden also. It is a definitive single stage procedure.

    Impact of COVID-19 related delays on outcome of intertrochanteric neck femur fractures

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    Background: We are aware of no other study that has examined how the epidemic has affected an emergency service. Hence, the present study aims to determine the functional outcomes of delayed fixation to understand the impact of COVID-19 related hindrance to emergency service. Methods: During the 1st wave of COVID-19, prevailing staff shortages and need for COVID tests resulted in minimum delay of 10 days between admission and surgeries as compared to the recommended urgent fixation standard. Harris Hip Score was calculated at 1 year follow up for these patients. Results: The results showed that the mean age of the patients was 68.65±8.03 years. Out of all the patients, 50.9% were males and 49.1% were females. The mean Harris Hip score at 1 year follow-up was 78.76±11.65. Out of all, 3.63% were lost to follow up, and 20% were expired. Conclusions: Early surgery seems to improve survival and decline in pressure sores. Conservative management should be well planned and used on patients who actually have a good risk to benefit ratio to it as the patients can develop increased risk of pulmonary, skin, and urinary infections. Efforts should be made to operate patients on within one to two days. Despite the fact that the overall number of trauma cases declined in this unprecedented COVID-19 scenario

    Stabilnost amlodipin besilata i atenolola u jednoslojnim i dvoslojnim tabletama

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    Multi-drug tablets of amlodipine besylate and atenolol were prepared as either mono-layer (mixed matrix) or bi-layer tablets containing each drug in a separate layer by using similar excipients and processing. Each tablet batch was packed in strip and blister packs and kept under accelerated temperature and humidity conditions. The stability of two tablet and packaging types was compared by HPLC analysis after 0, 1, 3 and 4.5 months and expressed as the content of intact amlodipine and atenolol. The content of atenolol did not decline regardless of tablet and packaging type. Amlodipine content in bi-layer tablets decreased to about 95 and 88% when packed in strips and blisters, respectively. When prepared as mono-layer tablets, the content decreased to 72 and 32%, respectively. The study revealed that the bi-layer tablet formulation was more stable than the mono-layer type. Further, the stability was increased when the tablets were packed in aluminium strips as compared to PVC blisters.Tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom pripremljene su ili u obliku jednoslojne tablete (miješani matriks) ili kao dvoslojne tablete (lijekovi u zasebnim slojevima) koristeći slične pomoćne tvari i uvjete tabletiranja. Tablete su pakirane u dvije vrste pakiranja, aluminijske folije (strip) ili PVC (blister) i čuvane u uvjetima ubrzanog starenja. Stabilnost je određivana pomoću HPLC metode nakon 0, 1, 2, 3 i 4,5 mjeseci i izražena kao sadržaj intaktnog lijeka. Sadržaj atenolola nije se značajno promijenio bez obzira na tip tablete ili pakiranje. Sadržaj amlodipina u dvoslojnim tabletama smanjio se na 95 % (tablete u strip pakiranju) i 88 % (tablete u blister pakiranju). Istodobno, u jednoslojnom tipu kombiniranih tableta sadržaj se smanjio na 72 % (strip pakiranje) i 32 % (blister pakiranje). Rezultati pokazuju da su dvoslojne tablete s amlodipinom i atenololom stabilnije od jednoslojnih. Štoviše, pakiranje tableta u aluminijsku foliju u obliku strip pakiranja povećava njihovu stabilnost u usporedbi s PVC pakirnim materijalom (blister)

    Kinetics study of hydrochlorothiazide lactose liquid state interaction using conventional isothermal arrhenius method under basic and neutral conditions

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    ABSTRACT The Maillard reaction of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and lactose has been previously demonstrated in pharmaceutical formulations. In this study, the activation energy of - hydrohlorothiazide and lactose interaction in the liquid state was ascertained under basic and neutral conditions. Conventional isothermal High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique was employed to ascertain the kinetic parameters using Arrhenius method. Results: The activation energy obtained was 82.43 and 100.28 kJ/mol under basic and neutral conditions, respectively. Consequently, it can be inferred that Maillard reaction is significantly affected by pH, which can be used as a control factor whenever the reaction potentially occurs

    Solvent extraction separation of tin(H) with Cyanex 302

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    815-817A solvent extraction separation method for determination of tin (II) has been described. Tin (II) is extracted from an aqueous solution of pH 2.15-2.60 with a solution of Cyanex 302 in toluene. It is stripped from toluene into 0.75-1.50 mol dm-3 perchloric acid and estimated spectrophotometrically with pyrocatechol violet The mo lar absorptivity of the tin(II)- Cyanex 302 complex ill toluene is 6.5x104 at 555 nm. The method has been applied for the determination of tin(II) in alloys and canned food stuffs

    Extraction and spectrophotometric determination of iron(III) with Cyanex 301

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    806-808A rapid and selective extractive spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron(lll) has been developed using Cyanex 301. The molar absorptivity of the Fe(III)-Cyanex 301 complex in toluene is 5.048 x 103 1 mol-1 cm-1 at 613 nm. The method has been applied for the determination of iron(lll) in pharmaceutical formulations, foodstuffs and biological samples

    Re: Percutaneous plating of distal tibial fractures (2004) 28(3):159

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