36 research outputs found


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    Pasca bubarnya Uni Soviet di kancah perpolitikan internasional, Amerika Serikat menyandang predikat sebagai negara Super Power di dunia. Tidak ada pesaing dan tidak ada penganggu menjadikan Amerika Serikat semakin berani dan percaya diri menyatakan sebagai negara Adidaya dan Adikuasa. Perang dingin melahirkan Republik Federasi Rusia sebagai penantang dan rival abadi Amerika Serikat. Perkembangan yang sangat cepat dan maju yang dialami oleh Republik Federasi Rusia di bawah kepemimpinan Vladimir Putin mampu mensejajarkan diri dan menjadi pesaing utama Amerika Serikat di segala bidang. Untuk menghambat supremasi Republik Federasi Rusia secara global segala cara dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat dan Sekutunya, termasuk dengan cara menggunakan bekas negara bagian Uni Soviet yaitu Republik Ukraina sebagai yang dikorbankan. Tawaran Amerika Serikat kepada Republik Ukraina untuk menjadi anggota Uni Eropa dan NATO merupakan sebuah ancaman yang nyata bagi stabilitas politik dan ekonomi Republik Federasi Rusia. Republik Ukraina pada masa Uni Soviet merupakan bekas negara satelit yang di mana memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan Uni Soviet di masa lalu. Bagi Republik Federasi Rusia, Republik Ukraina ialah negara yang sangat strategis dan adanya keinginan dari Vladimir Putin sebagai Pemimpin Republik Federasi Rusia menjadikan wilayah Republik Ukraina menjadi bagian dari wilayah Republik Federasi Rusia. Kata Kunci : Amerika Serikat, NATO, Ukraina dan Republik Federasi Rusia &nbsp

    Penerapan Metode Saving Matrix Dan Algoritma Nearest Neighbor Dalam Menentukan Rute Distribusi Untuk Meminimalkan Biaya Transportasi Pada PT. XYZ

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    PT. XYZ is a manufacturing industry company engaged in drinking water, this company still has problems in its distribution, the existence of undirected shipping or waste of transportation distribution costs for shipping in several regions because shipping in the area uses only one vehicle at each destination resulting in delivery distance getting longer. Therefore, this research was conducted to improve distribution costs using the saving matrix method and the nearest neighbor algorithm. The results of the company's distribution costs are Rp. 18,940,924 / month after using this method the distribution cost becomes Rp. 16,302,392 / month and with the saving matrix method and the nearest neighbor algorithm, it saves 16% of the cost proposed by the company.PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan industri manufaktur yang bergerak dibidang air minum, perusahaan ini masih terdapat permasalahan dalam distribusinya, adanya pengiriman yang tidak terarah atau pemborosan biaya distribusi transportasi untuk pengiriman beberapa daerah dikarnakan pengiriman di daerah tersebut hanya menggunakan satu kendaraan pada masing masing tujuan yang mengakibatkan jarak pengiriman semakin panjang. Sebab itu penelitian ini  dilakukan guna memperbaiki biaya distribusinya menggunakan metode saving matrix dan algoritma nearest neighbor. Hasil biaya distribusi perusahaan yaitu Rp. 18.940.924 / bulan setelah menggunakan metode tersebut biaya distribusinya menjadi Rp. 16.302.392 / bulan serta dengan metode saving matrix dan algoritma nearest neighbor jadi lebih menghemat 16% dari biaya yang diusulkan dari perusahaan

    A Novel Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatographic Method for Separation of Metal-DDTC Complexes

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    Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was examined for the separation and determination of Mo(VI), Cr(VI), Ni(II), Pd(II), and Co(III) as diethyl dithiocarbamate (DDTC) chelates. The separation was achieved from fused silica capillary (52 cm × 75 μm id) with effective length 40 cm, background electrolyte (BGE) borate buffer pH 9.1 (25 mM), CTAB 30% (100 mM), and 1% butanol in methanol (70 : 30 : 5 v/v/v) with applied voltage of −10 kV using reverse polarity. The photodiode array detection was achieved at 225 nm. The linear calibration for each of the element was obtained within 0.16–10 μg/mL with a limit of detection (LOD) 0.005–0.0167 μg/mL. The separation and determination was repeatable with relative standard deviation (RSD) within 2.4–3.3% (n = 4) in terms of migration time and peak height/peak area. The method was applied for the determination of Mo(VI) from potatoes and almond, Ni(II) from hydrogenated vegetable oil, and Co(III) from pharmaceutical preparations with RSD within 3.9%. The results obtained were checked by standard addition and rechecked by atomic absorption spectrometry

    Cathodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Cefadroxil in Pharmaceutical Preparations and in Blood Serum

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    Abstract An analytical method has been developed using hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) for the quantitative determination of antibacterial drug cefadroxil (CFL) from pharmaceutical preparations and blood serum. Cathodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry was carried out in hydrochloric acid (0.1M): methanol (80: 20 v/v) and potassium chloride (0.1M) as supporting electrolyte. The reduction wave was obtained within -700 to -800 mV. Linear calibration curve was within 1-50µg/mL with detection limit of 0.1µg/mL of cefadroxil. Relative standard deviation for inter and intra day analysis of CFL was within 1-2%. The number of additives present in pharmaceutical preparations did not interfere the determination of cefadroxil. The analysis of pharmaceutical preparations and blood serum after chemotherapy with cefadroxil indicated relative standard deviation (RSD) within 0.8-1.2% and 2.6-3.8% respectively. The satisfactory results were obtained for quality control of cefadroxil in pharmaceutical preparations and in blood serum

    Effects of high-dose caffeine on the cerebrum of the immature ovine brain

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    Preterm birth is a worldwide clinical problem and despite advances in obstetric care, infants born preterm have higher rates of morbidity including cerebral palsy and neurodisability. Infants born very preterm (<34 weeks) are at an increased risk of developing apnea of prematurity (AOP) a condition of irregular/intermittent breathing which can contribute to unfavourable neurodevelopmental outcomes. Caffeine administration is one of the few treatments available for these infants, with proven efficacy. The current treatment involves a loading dose of 20mg/kg caffeine (citrate) followed by a daily maintenance dose of 5-10mg/kg and this dose of caffeine is associated with improved neurodevelopmental oucomes. Infants that do not respond to the current clinical dosing of caffeine may require higher doses. However, the effects of higher doses of caffeine on the developing brain have not been subject to rigorous neuropathological evaluation in a suitable animal model. Thus there is an urgent need to evaluate the safety of a high-dose caffeine treatment on the development of the immature brain. The global aim of this thesis has therefore been to investigate the effects of high-dose caffeine administration on the development of the immature brain. To do this, I have used an ovine model, where caffeine was administered to fetal sheep at a stage of brain development similar to that of a very preterm infant. In Chapter 3, the fetal physiological response to high-dose caffeine was assessed to determine if caffeine has a direct effect on the brain or an indirect effect through alterations in fetal physiology. As caffeine was administered in utero, assessment of maternal physiological response was necessary in order to determine if any changes in fetal physiology was a result of altered maternal status. The data presented in Chapter 3 demonstrated that the dosing regimen of caffeine base used (25 mg/kg loading; 20 mg/kg maintenance) produced high fetal plasma caffeine levels, which were comparable to plasma caffeine concentrations measured in preterm infants administered higher than standard doses of caffeine. Exposure to high-dose caffeine did not adversely affect fetal blood chemistry over the 15-day administration period, nor did it affect fetal growth. High-dose caffeine did lead to transient alterations in fetal cardiovascular physiology in the first 3 days of caffeine exposure. As we did not measure cardiovascular variables after this period it is unknown whether these transient alterations continued. We conclude that any observed neuropathological effects of caffeine are likely to be a direct, rather than an indirect action on the brain. Chapter 4 assessed the impact of high-dose caffeine on the developing white matter, a region of high vulnerability in the preterm infant. The results from this chapter suggested that daily administration of high-dose caffeine did not cause any structural alterations to the developing white matter, or alterations to associated glial cells, in the very immature ovine brain. We conclude that high-dose caffeine does not overtly injure the developing ovine white matter. The potential effect of caffeine on the grey matter was assessed in Chapter 5. Here high-dose caffeine was associated with increased Ctip2-positive subcerebral projection neurons, GFAP-positive astrocytes and Olig2-positive oligodendrocytes in the cortical grey matter; there was no effect on somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneurons. It is possible that high-dose caffeine may increase proliferation of these cells, however this requires further investigation. The findings from this chapter suggest that high-dose caffeine may have adverse consequences for the ovine cortical grey matter. Since subcerebral projection neurons are excitatory glutamatergic neurons in the cortex, an increase in this cell type with no alterations in inhibitory GABAergic neurons may lead to cerebral dysconnectivity and thus cognitive and/or motor deficits. Thus further investigation is required to determine if these changes persist in the long-term. In Chapter 6, the long-term effects of high-dose caffeine were investigated. The data from this chapter showed that although caffeine exposure did not compromise growth trajectory at 2 months after birth, it did decrease kidney weight by 14%. As nephrogenesis coincided with the period of caffeine administered, we conclude that early caffeine exposure may alter long-term kidney growth by increasing the functional demands of the kidney and subsequently disrupting developing nephrons. Thus the long-term renal effects of high-dose caffeine need to be assessed further. Prenatal high-dose caffeine exposure did not adversely affect white matter structure, detected using diffusion MRI at 2 months of postnatal age. Grey matter structure was not assessed in the present study, however, given the increase in neuronal and glial cell density described in Chapter 5, this region requires further investigation. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis increase our understanding of the effects of high-dose caffeine on neurodevelopment and provide substantial evidence that high-dose caffeine can affect fetal development. This thesis also provides a model that may help us better understand the effects of high-dose caffeine on the developing brain. As caffeine has been, and will remain, the treatment of choice for AOP, and infants who do not response to standard caffeine doses will continue to receive higher doses, we need to further investigate the neuropathological outcomes associated with caffeine use. The results from this thesis add to our understanding of the safety of high-dose caffeine. Studies must now focus on determining the maximal dose of caffeine that is not only effective for AOP, but also safe for developing and highly vulnerable preterm infants


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    ABSTRACK Nur-arfana Arong. Student Registered Number. 12203173195. 2021. Practices on Developing Speaking skill of Thai Students at IAIN Tulungagung. Sarjana Thesis. English Education Department. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung. Advisor: Nany Soengkono Madayani, S.S., M.Pd. Keywords: Practices on develops Speaking skill of Thai students at IAIN Tulungagung. Speaking skill is the ability to speak confidently and fluently is something that students will develop during their time at school or in public and will help them throughout their lives. Speaking skills refer to skills that enable students to communicate effectively. Students will be able to learn English speaking skills as well as other public speaking skills around them. Learning how to improve English speaking skills is important for Thai students, it is one of the most important parts of language learning as speaking is the way we tend to communicate in our daily life and speaking is an interactive process in which information is shared and, if necessary, the audience takes action. Therefore, developing both speaking and listening skills is essential in order to communicate effectively. The formulations of the research problems are: 1) What kind of practices to develop to speaking skill are implemented by Thai students? 2) What are the advantages of the English practices in speaking skill implement by Thai students? 3) What are the challenges of Thai students in developing speaking Skill? The purposes of this research were: To know the Kinds of Practices to Develop the Speaking Skill of Thai Students. The second was known the Advantages of English Practices Speaking Skills of Thai Students and the last to describe the Challenges of Thai Students in Developing Speaking Skill. The research methods in this study were descriptive designs using the qualitative methods. To design this research, the researcher collected data by interviewing Thai students from the Department of English for 7 semesters at IAIN Tulungagung to obtain information from interviews and observations. From the researcher has organized various operational activities it has the advantages of practicing English speaking skills and a challenge for Thai students in speaking by the researcher using questionnaires to receive information on improving speaking skills ofThai students and interviewing Thai students. The researcher used the answers of Thai students to learn the speaking skills practice. Of them and recorded by taking pictures during the interview for evidence research place. The results of the research revealed that the researcher had performed activities to practices on Develop speaking skills of Thai students at IAIN Tulungagung. They are divided into four activities. Weekly activities include (a) Discussion, (b) Conversation practice, (c) Speech practice, (d) Storytelling. The researcher has organized these activities to give Thai students more confidence in developing their speaking skills and able to express themselves to better communicate with those around them

    Effects of high-dose caffeine on the cerebrum of the immature ovine brain

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    Preterm birth is a worldwide clinical problem and despite advances in obstetric care, infants born preterm have higher rates of morbidity including cerebral palsy and neurodisability. Infants born very preterm (<34 weeks) are at an increased risk of developing apnea of prematurity (AOP) a condition of irregular/intermittent breathing which can contribute to unfavourable neurodevelopmental outcomes. Caffeine administration is one of the few treatments available for these infants, with proven efficacy. The current treatment involves a loading dose of 20mg/kg caffeine (citrate) followed by a daily maintenance dose of 5-10mg/kg and this dose of caffeine is associated with improved neurodevelopmental oucomes. Infants that do not respond to the current clinical dosing of caffeine may require higher doses. However, the effects of higher doses of caffeine on the developing brain have not been subject to rigorous neuropathological evaluation in a suitable animal model. Thus there is an urgent need to evaluate the safety of a high-dose caffeine treatment on the development of the immature brain. The global aim of this thesis has therefore been to investigate the effects of high-dose caffeine administration on the development of the immature brain. To do this, I have used an ovine model, where caffeine was administered to fetal sheep at a stage of brain development similar to that of a very preterm infant. In Chapter 3, the fetal physiological response to high-dose caffeine was assessed to determine if caffeine has a direct effect on the brain or an indirect effect through alterations in fetal physiology. As caffeine was administered in utero, assessment of maternal physiological response was necessary in order to determine if any changes in fetal physiology was a result of altered maternal status. The data presented in Chapter 3 demonstrated that the dosing regimen of caffeine base used (25 mg/kg loading; 20 mg/kg maintenance) produced high fetal plasma caffeine levels, which were comparable to plasma caffeine concentrations measured in preterm infants administered higher than standard doses of caffeine. Exposure to high-dose caffeine did not adversely affect fetal blood chemistry over the 15-day administration period, nor did it affect fetal growth. High-dose caffeine did lead to transient alterations in fetal cardiovascular physiology in the first 3 days of caffeine exposure. As we did not measure cardiovascular variables after this period it is unknown whether these transient alterations continued. We conclude that any observed neuropathological effects of caffeine are likely to be a direct, rather than an indirect action on the brain. Chapter 4 assessed the impact of high-dose caffeine on the developing white matter, a region of high vulnerability in the preterm infant. The results from this chapter suggested that daily administration of high-dose caffeine did not cause any structural alterations to the developing white matter, or alterations to associated glial cells, in the very immature ovine brain. We conclude that high-dose caffeine does not overtly injure the developing ovine white matter. The potential effect of caffeine on the grey matter was assessed in Chapter 5. Here high-dose caffeine was associated with increased Ctip2-positive subcerebral projection neurons, GFAP-positive astrocytes and Olig2-positive oligodendrocytes in the cortical grey matter; there was no effect on somatostatin-positive GABAergic interneurons. It is possible that high-dose caffeine may increase proliferation of these cells, however this requires further investigation. The findings from this chapter suggest that high-dose caffeine may have adverse consequences for the ovine cortical grey matter. Since subcerebral projection neurons are excitatory glutamatergic neurons in the cortex, an increase in this cell type with no alterations in inhibitory GABAergic neurons may lead to cerebral dysconnectivity and thus cognitive and/or motor deficits. Thus further investigation is required to determine if these changes persist in the long-term. In Chapter 6, the long-term effects of high-dose caffeine were investigated. The data from this chapter showed that although caffeine exposure did not compromise growth trajectory at 2 months after birth, it did decrease kidney weight by 14%. As nephrogenesis coincided with the period of caffeine administered, we conclude that early caffeine exposure may alter long-term kidney growth by increasing the functional demands of the kidney and subsequently disrupting developing nephrons. Thus the long-term renal effects of high-dose caffeine need to be assessed further. Prenatal high-dose caffeine exposure did not adversely affect white matter structure, detected using diffusion MRI at 2 months of postnatal age. Grey matter structure was not assessed in the present study, however, given the increase in neuronal and glial cell density described in Chapter 5, this region requires further investigation. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis increase our understanding of the effects of high-dose caffeine on neurodevelopment and provide substantial evidence that high-dose caffeine can affect fetal development. This thesis also provides a model that may help us better understand the effects of high-dose caffeine on the developing brain. As caffeine has been, and will remain, the treatment of choice for AOP, and infants who do not response to standard caffeine doses will continue to receive higher doses, we need to further investigate the neuropathological outcomes associated with caffeine use. The results from this thesis add to our understanding of the safety of high-dose caffeine. Studies must now focus on determining the maximal dose of caffeine that is not only effective for AOP, but also safe for developing and highly vulnerable preterm infants

    Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatographic Separation and Determination of Ni(II), Cu(II), Pd(II), and Ag(I) Using 2-Pyrrolecarboxaldehyde-4-phenylsemicarbazone as a Complexing Reagent

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    This paper reports the utilization of 2-pyrrolecarboxaldehyde-4-phenylsemicarbazone (PPS) as a complexing reagent for the simultaneous determination and separation of Ni(II), Cu(II), Pd(II), and Ag(I) by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detector. A good separation was achieved using Microsorb C18 column (150 × 4.6 mm i.d.) with a mobile phase consisted of methanol : acetonitrile : water : sodium acetate (1 mM) (68 : 6.5 : 25 : 0.5 v/v/v/v) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The detection was performed at 280 nm. The linear calibration range was 2–10 μg/mL for all metal ions. The detection limits (S/N = 3) were 80 pg/mL for Ni(II), 0.8 ng/mL for Cu(II), 0.16 ng/mL for Pd(II), and 0.8 ng/mL for Ag(I). The applicability and the accuracy of the developed method were estimated by the analysis of Ni(II) in hydrogenated oil (ghee) samples and Pd(II) in palladium charcoal

    Oxytocin is lower in African American men with diabetes and associates with psycho-social and metabolic health factors.

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    ObjectiveRecently, it has been suggested that oxytocin (OT) has a role in metabolism and neuropsychiatry health and disease, and therefore, it may represent a potential therapeutic target. The current study aimed to investigate relationships between OT and glycemic status along with psycho-social and behavioral factors.Design and methodsA total of 92 obese or overweight, African American, male subjects were enrolled in the study. Biometric and biochemical data were collected including oral glucose tolerance testing and urinary OT (measured by ELISA). Subjects also completed questionnaires on social and lifestyle factors.ResultsOT levels were found to be significantly lower in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) compared to normal glucose tolerance (pConclusionsIn this unique population, OT was found lower in subjects with diabetes but higher with better renal function, cigarette smoking and use of psychiatric medications. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and examine the potential therapeutic role of OT