312 research outputs found

    The Right to Education for European Union Migrants - A Study of the Right to Education in the Host State for Children Who Exercise Their Freedom of Movement for a Maximum of Three Months

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    The right to primary education has been subject to regulation in both international human rights law and EU law. However, the right to education in the host state for EU migrants who lawfully exercise their freedom of movement, for a maximum of three months, is unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate whether such a right exists in this particular circumstance. EU legislation explicitly provides a right to education for children of workers but for other categories, such as self-employed people, job seekers or persons who do not fit into any of these categories, there does not exist any explicit right to education. The study investigates two openings that EU law provides to enjoy a right to education; through the parent’s status as a worker or through the equal treatment provision. If it is not possible for a person to fulfil the criteria for being a worker the possibility of finding a right to education enshrined in the equal treatment provision in the EU Citizenship Directive has to be investigated. This study concludes that education is not part of social assistance, which is the only possibility to derogate from equal treatment during the first three months of residence in the host state. The equal treatment could therefore possibly include a right to education regardless of length of stay in the host state. Due to the uncertainty of an explicit right to education in EU law for all persons regardless of economic status, international human rights law is examined in order to see how it regulates the right. International human rights law do provide for the right to education and even though international treaties are signed by states and only in some case by the EU, EU legislation should be interpreted in the light of EU’s Charter on Fundamental Rights (CFR) which in its turn should be interpreted in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The European Court of Human Rights, along with other international bodies, has established that the right to education is of such fundamental character that derogations are almost impossible. In light of the outlined the right to education is contextualised for a particular group of Roma EU-migrants who are coming to Sweden and are begging, collecting cans or selling street papers in order to survive and to be able to send money to their families. The question of whether this particular group can be considered workers is investigated. It turns out that it is problematic to consider begging fulfilling the requirements for work settled in EU law. Hence, children to parents in this group of persons, along with all other EU-migrant children who do not have working parents, are left without any explicit right to education in EU-law. This study concludes, after an overall assessment of the relevant frameworks that coexist, that a right to education for children who exercise their freedom of movement for a maximum of three months does exist in the host state. This is due to the reference in the CFR to the ECHR taken together with the strong position the right to education has been given in international human rights law and EU’s reliance upon international frameworks.RĂ€tten till grundskola har blivit föremĂ„l för reglering i internationella instrument rörande mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheter sĂ„vĂ€l som i EU-lagstiftning. För de EU-migranter som lagligt utnyttjar sin rĂ€tt till fri rörlighet i maximalt tre mĂ„nader Ă€r existensen av rĂ€tten till utbildning i den mottagande medlemsstaten dock oklart och syftet med den hĂ€r studien Ă€r att undersöka huruvida en sĂ„dan rĂ€tt finns i den hĂ€r specifika situationen. EU-rĂ€tten medger uttryckligen en rĂ€tt till utbildning till barn vars förĂ€ldrar Ă€r arbetare, men för andra kategorier sĂ„som egenföretagare, jobbsökande eller personer som inte passar in i nĂ„gon av de nĂ€mnda kategorierna, sĂ„ finns det ingen uttrycklig rĂ€tt till utbildning. Studien undersöker de tvĂ„ möjligheter som ges inom EU-lagstiftningen för en rĂ€tt till utbildning; genom förĂ€lderns status som arbetare eller genom principen om likabehandling. Om det inte Ă€r möjligt för en person att uppfylla kriterierna för att anses vara en arbetare sĂ„ fĂ„r rĂ€tten till utbildning sökas genom ett studera principen om likabehandling i rörlighetsdirektivet. Den hĂ€r studien drar slutsatsen att utbildning inte Ă€r en del av socialt bistĂ„nd, vilket Ă€r den enda möjligheten att inskrĂ€nka principen om likabehandling under de tre första mĂ„naderna i den mottagande medlemsstaten. Principen om likabehandling kan dĂ€rför möjligen inkludera en rĂ€tt till utbildning oavsett lĂ€ngden pĂ„ vistelsen i den mottagande staten. PĂ„ grund av osĂ€kerheten huruvida en uttrycklig rĂ€tt till utbildning finns, oavsett ekonomisk status, i EU-rĂ€tten sĂ„ undersöks internationella instrument rörande mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheter i syfte att se hur rĂ€tten till utbildning Ă€r reglerad dĂ€r. De internationella instrumenten rörande mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheter ger uttryck för en rĂ€tt till utbildning och Ă€ven om internationella instrument Ă€r ratificerade av stater och inte av EU, sĂ„ ska EU-rĂ€tten tolkas i ljuset av EUs stadga om de grundlĂ€ggande rĂ€ttigheterna som i sin tur ska tolkas i ljuset av Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheterna (EKMR). Europadomstolen har, liksom flera kommentarer till de internationella instrumenten, klargjort att rĂ€tten till utbildning Ă€r av en sĂ„dan fundamental karaktĂ€r att den i princip Ă€r omöjlig att inskrĂ€nka. I ljuset av det som framförts sĂ„ kontextualiseras rĂ€tten till utbildning genom att se pĂ„ ett konkret exempel av en sĂ€rskild grupp EU-migranter av romskt ursprung som kommer till Sverige och tvingas tigga för att överleva och skicka pengar till sina familjer. FrĂ„gan huruvida den hĂ€r sĂ€rskilda gruppen kan anses vara arbetare undersöks. Det visar sig problematiskt att anse att tiggeri uppfyller kraven för arbete enligt EU-rĂ€tten. DĂ€rför Ă€r barn till förĂ€ldrar i den hĂ€r sĂ€rskilda gruppen, tillsammans med alla andra EU-migrerande barn som inte har arbetande förĂ€ldrar, lĂ€mnade utan nĂ„gon uttrycklig rĂ€tt till utbildning enligt EU-rĂ€tten. Den hĂ€r studien drar slutsatsen, efter en helhetsbedömning av de relevanta ramverk som samexisterar, att en rĂ€tt till utbildning för barn som utnyttjar sin rĂ€tt till fri rörlighet i maximalt tre mĂ„nader existerar i den mottagande medlemsstaten. Detta pĂ„ grund av referensen i EUs stadga om de grundlĂ€ggande friheterna till EKMR, sammantaget med den starka position som rĂ€tten till utbildning har getts i internationella instrument rörande mĂ€nskliga rĂ€ttigheter och EUs tillit till dessa

    Applying Lean Analytics to Performance Metrics in M&A Earnouts

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    Ever since the dawn of internet, a new wave of fast-growing software companies has emerged. The M&A scholars have struggled to find appropriate valuation mechanisms for unprofitable companies with ultra-high revenue growth. To overcome the uncertain future, a contractual provision called earnout is often used. An earnout is a contractual provision in a M&A-deal that states the seller of the business is to obtain additional compensation in the future if the business achieves certain metrics. The purpose of this study is to contribute to practice and nascent literature by exploring and evaluating metrics for SaaS-companies that can be used in earnouts. The study applies Lean Anaslytics to suggest a framework for choosing what metrics to use, and discusses how to avoid sub-optimisation and metric manipulation. In order to answer the research questions, a qualitative, exploratory and abductive methodology was used. The study combines a literature and thought leader review and interviews to explore certain areas, with a case study that applies the findings. The study suggests that the process for determining metrics should start with the buyer’s acquisitions strategy. For acquisitions where the objective is to access talent, technology or accelerate product road-map, the study has shown that earnouts in most cases not be used at all. If the acquisition is made based on financial objectives, Lean Analytics can be used to determine what stage the seller’s company is in. Understanding what stage the company is in is crucial as the type of metrics that matter differ depending on stage. The study suggests that the most suitable earnout metric for M&A based on financial objectives is monthly recurring revenue (MRR). The metric must be clearly defined so it cannot be manipulated. The reason why many other metrics from Lean Analytics cannot be used is that they are vulnerable to manipulation and can restrict the operating freedom for the entrepreneur

    Choosing a port as a distribution centre for steel - A case study of CMP, Chinese steel producers and the Baltic Sea Region

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    Supporting students in higher education in transforming their thesis into a scientific article

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    Detta verk Àr licensierat under en Creative Commons ErkÀnnande-IckeKommersiell 4.0 Internationell-licens.According to our experience from education in health and welfare, there are increased expectations in academia for students to publish their work as scientific international articles. Reasons and motivation for transforming the thesis to a scientific article vary; however, it is essential to understand that the work includes substantial revision to meet the requirements of a scientific article. We have long experience of teaching in higher education and have supported students from various educational programs in health and welfare to publish their theses as articles in scientific journals. This demands time, engagement and competence from both supervisors and students, demands that to our knowledge rarely are acknowledged in higher education organisations. A coherent guide on how to support students aiming for publication would have been helpful, and this article is anchored in our experiences and reflections on this matter. This article highlights eight preparatory reflective questions and presents a guide for supervisors in supporting actions for the transformation of a thesis to an article.publishedVersio

    Exploring the role of sexual attitude reassessment and restructuring (SAR) in current sexology education: for whom, how and why?

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.As concerns about sexual and reproductive health and rights become integrated into public health policies, the demand for higher education in sexology rises. There is a need therefore to evaluate established pedagogical methods to ensure that they are relevant, efficient and lead to valuable competencies. This study explored the current evidence and pedagogical relevance for Sexual Attitude Reassessment and restructuring (SAR) as part of professional higher education in sexology. A systematic review was conducted with eleven included publications. Data were synthesised across studies and presented narratively. The publications were generally old and derive from a small pool of researchers geographically centred to the USA. Several studies were based on small numbers of participants, display a great variety in types of participants, use different evaluation instruments (mostly unvalidated), and a variety of methods to measure the results of SAR. Furthermore, long-term follow-up has been rare. Extensive, highquality, and up-to-date research for SAR as an effective pedagogical method for use in sexology higher education for professionals today is lacking. Digital solutions focusing on broadening students sexological self-awareness appear more feasible than SAR, and suitable pedagogical and digital solutions need to be developed and evaluated to ensure high-quality teaching of sexology in higher education.publishedVersio

    Magnesium och mittlaktationsförlamningar hos mjölkkor

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    Kor som blir liggande och förlamade mitt i laktationen förekommer hos svenska mjölkproducenter. Magnesium Ă€r viktigt för en god muskelfunktion och det Ă€r kĂ€nt att kalium pĂ„verkar magnesiumabsorptionen negativt. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det kan finnas en koppling mellan mittlaktationsförlamningar och magnesium. Grovfodret hos svenska mjölkproducenter innehĂ„ller mĂ„ttliga till höga halter av kalium och lĂ„ga halter av natrium vilket kan minska absorptionen av magnesium i vĂ„mmen. Förekomsten av mitt-laktationsförlamningar analyserades utifrĂ„n djursjukdata pĂ„ veterinĂ€rbehandlingar frĂ„n VĂ€xa Sverige med hjĂ€lp av Microsoft Excel. Av korna som var anslutna till kokontrollen mellan Ă„ren 2015–2019 behandlades 0,2% av korna för förlamning och kramper och 67% av korna var i laktation tre eller mer. Antalet kor behandlade för förlamning och kramper var fler mellan mars och augusti Ă€n september och februari. Slutsatsen Ă€r att det Ă€r av god idĂ© att se över foderstaten sĂ„ att Ă„tminstone rekommenderat minimumintag av magnesium Ă€r uppfyllt.At the Swedish dairy farms there are cows that are laying in paretic in the middle of the lactation. Magnesium is essential for proper muscle function, and it is well known that potassium decreases rummen magnesium absorption. The purpose of this study is to examine if there is any connection between middle lactation paresis and magnesium. In Swedish forage for dairy cows generally has a moderate to high concentration of potassium and a low concentration of sodium which can decrease the absorption of magnesium from the rumen. To analyze the incidence of middle lactation disease data of dairy cows from veterinary treatments from VĂ€xa Sverige was processed in Microsoft Excel. The result showed that 0.2% of the dairy cows in the Swedish dairy assosiation were treated for paresis and tetany between 2015-2019 and 67% of the cows were in lactation three or higher. The number of cows treated for paresis and tetany was higher between March and August than between September and February. The conclusion of this study is that it is a good idea to have diet that at least meets the minimum requirement of magnesium

    Vulnerability analysis in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) — Indications of intersecting vulnerable positions in a nnational survey among young people in Sweden

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    Introduction: Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policies use gender as the foremost social determinant to explain vulnerability in relation to SRHR among young people. Therefore, our aim was to explore intersecting vulnerable positions within the three SRHR-related outcome areas: unsafe sex, sex against one’s will, and transactional sex, among young people aged 16–29. Methods: The data set is from a randomised, cross-sectional, and population-based SRHR survey conducted in Sweden in 2015, and the 7755 respondents imply a response rate (26%) in line with the power estimations. How gender intersects with fve other social positions, i.e. social determinants (sexual identity, transgender experience, perceived economy, being foreign-born, and social welfare recipiency), was explored through a stepwise descriptive intersecting vulnerability analysis exemplifed through three outcome variables: unsafe sex, sex against one’s will, and transactional sex. Results: Gender intersects with other social determinants and creates vulnerable positions in SRHR-related outcomes. The most vulnerable positions within each of the three outcome variables were the following: (1) for unsafe sex: being a man and homosexual; (2) for sex against one’s will: being a woman and bisexual; and (3) for transactional sex: being a man and having transgender experience. Conclusions: Despite limitations, the descriptive intersecting vulnerability analysis indicates how gender intersects with other social determinants and generates multiple vulnerable positions in relation to SRHR. Policy Implications: The results can be of interest in future studies on vulnerability and inform policies that intend to fulfl the intention of leaving no one behind, as stated in the Agenda 2030.publishedVersio

    Perspektiver pÄ Ä gÄ fra praktisk arbeid i klinikken til forsker, og pÄ Ä forske der en arbeider i praksis : Perspektiver pÄ mÞte mellom forskning og praktisk arbeid

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    Research in practice is influenced by the knowledge and understanding that researchers and those who work in clinical practice have about each other's point of view. Through common understanding, sharing of experiences and co-production, research projects can lead to sustainable improvement, but instead it is common that there is insufficient knowledge of each other's roles and context. For example, how will the intended research design affect practice and how can the implementation of the research in practice be affected by the project? What has the highest priority - the research project or the practical work? In the same way that we discuss treatments and results with patients and techniques in the clinic, research activities in the clinic should be discussed.PraksisnĂŠr forskning pĂ„virkes av den kunnskap og forstĂ„else som forskere og den som arbeider i klinisk praksis har om hverandres stĂ„sted.  Gjennom felles forstĂ„else, deling av erfaringer og samskapning kan forskningsprosjekter lede til holdbar forbedring, men det er vanlig at det i stedet er utilstrekkelig kunnskap om hverandres roller og kontekst. For eksempel, hvordan kommer den tenkte forskningsdesignen til Ă„ pĂ„virke praksis og hvordan kan gjennomfĂžringen av forskningen i praksis pĂ„virke resultatene av prosjektet? Hva har hĂžyest prioritet – forskningsprosjektet eller det praktiske arbeidet? PĂ„ samme mĂ„te som vi diskuterer behandlinger og resultater med pasienter og kolleger i klinikken, burde forskningsaktiviteter i klinikken diskuteres
