1,768 research outputs found

    Solid motor diagnostic instrumentation

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    A review of typical surveillance and monitoring practices followed during the flight phases of representative solid-propellant upper stages and apogee motors was conducted to evaluate the need for improved flight diagnostic instrumentation on future spacecraft. The capabilities of the flight instrumentation package were limited to the detection of whether or not the solid motor was the cause of failure and to the identification of probable primary failure modes. Conceptual designs of self-contained flight instrumentation packages capable of meeting these reqirements were generated and their performance, typical cost, and unit characteristics determined. Comparisons of a continuous real time and a thresholded hybrid design were made on the basis of performance, mass, power, cost, and expected life. The results of this analysis substantiated the feasibility of a self-contained independent flight instrumentation module as well as the existence of performance margins by which to exploit growth option applications

    Linear LL-positive sets and their polar subspaces

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    In this paper, we define a Banach SNL space to be a Banach space with a certain kind of linear map from it into its dual, and we develop the theory of linear LL-positive subsets of Banach SNL spaces with Banach SNL dual spaces. We use this theory to give simplified proofs of some recent results of Bauschke, Borwein, Wang and Yao, and also of the classical Brezis-Browder theorem.Comment: 11 pages. Notational changes since version

    Relations between classroom disciplinary problems and student motivation : Achievement as a potential mediator?

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    This study examined the relation between classroom disciplinary problems in language classes, student achievement, and three facets of student motivation: competence self-perceptions, test anxiety, and engagement. The analyses were conducted with the German sample from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2006 (N = 7899). The results demonstrated that discipline problems are directly and negatively related to achievement and to all motivation constructs considered. In most cases, the relation between classroom disciplinary problems and motivation constructs was mediated by verbal achievement. Boys were found to report more frequent discipline problems in classrooms than girls. This study contributes to research by assessing the impact of classroom disciplinary problems using doubly latent multilevel structural equation models in order to properly disaggregate effects occurring at the student, versus classroom level

    Large Extra Dimension Effects on the Spin Configuration of the Top Quark Pair at e^+ e^- Colliders

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    Large extra dimension effects on the spin configuration of the top quark pair at the e+ettˉe^+ e^-\to t\bar{t} process are studied. It is shown that the TeV scale quantum gravity effects cause significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions for the spin configuration in the off-diagonal basis: they lead to substantial cross sections of the like-spin states of the top quark pair, which vanish in the SM; they weaken the pure dominance of the processes, the Up-Down (Down-Up) spin states for the left-handed (right-handed) beam. In addition it is shown that the angular cut 0.5<cosθ<0-0.5<\cos\theta<0 is very effective to determine the sign of the quantum gravity corrections.Comment: A discussion on the angular distribution is added with a tabl

    Characterization of type-III secreted bacterial virulence factors that interfere with Rho-GTPase signalling

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    Bakterien, wie Salmonella enterica, Shigella flexneri oder pathogenen Escherichia coli verursachen Infektionskrankheiten. Um eine bakterielle Infektion zu etablieren, manipulieren Bakterien mit Hilfe von eingeschleusten Virulenzfaktoren die Signalwege der Wirtszelle. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit habe ich mich mit den Virulenzfaktoren der WxxxE Familie befasst, die als bakterielle GEFs wirken. Mit Hilfe eines Y2H screenings wurde nach weiteren Interaktionspartnern auf Seiten des Wirtes gesucht. So konnten unter anderem deutliche Hinweise auf eine Interaktion zwischen dem humanen, Protein Rhophilin1 (RHPN1) und dem Virulenzfaktor Map aus EPEC gefunden werden. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass der Virulenzfaktor IpgB2 (S. flexneri) mit dem Bardet-Biedl Syndrom Protein 4 (BBS4) und das bakterielle Protein SifA (S. enterica) mit der kleinen GTPase Rab9 interagieren kann. Zusammengefasst zeigt diese Arbeit, dass das Funktionsspektrum der Virulenzfaktoren weit über die einfache GEF Aktivität hinausgeht.<br/