188 research outputs found

    Evaluation of physicochemical and glycaemic properties of commercial plant-based milk substitutes

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    The market for plant-based dairy-type products is growing as consumers replace bovine milk in their diet, for medical reasons or as a lifestyle choice. A screening of 17 different commercial plant-based milk substitutes based on different cereals, nuts and legumes was performed, including the evaluation of physicochemical and glycaemic properties. Half of the analysed samples had low or no protein contents (<0.5 %). Only samples based on soya showed considerable high protein contents, matching the value of cow’s milk (3.7 %). An in-vitro method was used to predict the glycaemic index. In general, the glycaemic index values ranged from 47 for bovine milk to 64 (almond-based) and up to 100 for rice-based samples. Most of the plant-based milk substitutes were highly unstable with separation rates up to 54.39 %/h. This study demonstrated that nutritional and physicochemical properties of plant-based milk substitutes are strongly dependent on the plant source, processing and fortification. Most products showed low nutritional qualities. Therefore, consumer awareness is important when plant-based milk substitutes are used as an alternative to cow’s milk in the diet

    Medical nutrition therapy: use of sourdough lactic acid bacteria as a cell factory for delivering functional biomolecules and food ingredients in gluten free bread

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disease, triggered in genetically susceptible individuals by ingesting gluten from wheat, rye, barley, and other closely related cereal grains. Currently, the estimated prevalence of CD is around 1 % of the population in the western world and medical nutritional therapy (MNT) is the only accepted treatment for celiac disease. To date, the replacement of gluten in bread presents a significant technological challenge for the cereal scientist due to the low baking performance of gluten free products (GF). The increasing demand by the consumer for high quality gluten-free (GF) bread, clean labels and natural products is rising. Sourdough has been used since ancient times for the production of rye and wheat bread, its universal usage can be attributed to the improved quality, nutritional properties and shelf life of sourdough based breads. Consequently, the exploitation of sourdough for the production of GF breads appears tempting. This review will highlight how sourdough LAB can be an efficient cell factory for delivering functional biomolecules and food ingredients to enhance the quality of gluten free bread

    Antifungal activity of synthetic cowpea defensin Cp-thionin II and its application in dough

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    Plant defensins are small, cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides of the immune system found in several organs during plant development. A synthetic peptide, KT43C, a linear analogue of the native Cp-thionin II found in cowpea seeds, was evaluated for its antifungal potential. It was found that KT43C displayed antifungal activity against Fusarium culmorum, Penicillium expansum and Aspergillus niger. Like native plant defensins, KT43C showed thermostability up to 100 °C and cation sensitivity. The synthetic peptide decreased the fungal growth without inducing morphogenic changes in the fungal hyphae. Non-inhibitory concentrations of the peptide induced permeabilization of the fungal membrane. In addition, high concentrations of KT43C induced the production of reactive oxygen species in the granulated cytoplasm. To investigate potential applications, the peptide was used as an additive in the preparation of dough which did not contain yeast. This peptide delayed the development of fungal growth in the dough by 2 days. Furthermore, KT43C did not induce red blood cell lysis up to a concentration of 200 μg.ml−1. These results highlight the potential for the use of synthetic antimicrobial defensins for shelf-life extension of food products

    Antifungal activity of Lactobacillus against Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum and Epidermophyton floccosum

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    A total of 220 lactic acid bacteria isolates were screened for antifungal activity using Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger as the target strains. Four Lactobacillus strains exhibited strong inhibitory activity on agar surfaces. All four were also identified as having strong inhibitory activity against the human pathogenic fungi Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum and Epidermophyton floccosum. One of the four lactobacilli, namely Lb. reuteri ee1p exhibited the most inhibition against dermatophytes. Cell-free culture supernatants of Lb. reuteri ee1p and of the non-antifungal Lb. reuteri M13 were freeze-dried and used to access and compare antifungal activity in agar plate assays and microtiter plate assays. Addition of the Lb. reuteri ee1p freeze-dried cell-free supernatant powder into the agar medium at concentrations greater than 2% inhibited all fungal colony growth. Addition of the powder at 5% to liquid cultures caused complete inhibition of fungal growth on the basis of turbidity. Freeze-dried supernatant of the non-antifungal Lb. reuteri M13 at the same concentrations had a much lesser effect. As Lb. reuteri M13 is very similar to the antifungal strain ee1p in terms of growth rate and final pH in liquid culture, and as it has little antifungal activity, it is clear that other antifungal compounds must be specifically produced (or produced at higher levels) by the anti-dermatophyte strain Lb. reuteri ee1p. Reuterin was undetectable in all four antifungal strains. The cell free supernatant of Lb. reuteri ee1p was analyzed by LC-FTMS using an Accela LC coupled to an LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer. The high mass accuracy spectrum produced by compounds in the Lb. reuteri ee1p strain was compared with both a multianalyte chromatogram and individual spectra of standard anti-fungal compounds, which are known to be produced by lactic acid bacteria. Ten antifungal metabolites were detected

    Physiology of acetic acid bacteria and their role in vinegar and fermented beverages

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    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) have, for centuries, been important microorganisms in the production of fermented foods and beverages such as vinegar, kombucha, (water) kefir, and lambic beer. Their unique form of metabolism, known as â oxidativeâ fermentation, mediates the transformation of a variety of substrates into products, which are of importance in the food and beverage industry and beyond; the most well-known of which is the oxidation of ethanol into acetic acid. Here, a comprehensive review of the physiology of AAB is presented, with particular emphasis on their importance in the production of vinegar and fermented beverages. In addition, particular reference is addressed toward Gluconobacter oxydans due to its biotechnological applications, such as its role in vitamin C production. The production of vinegar and fermented beverages in which AAB play an important role is discussed, followed by an examination of the literature relating to the health benefits associated with consumption of these products. AAB hold great promise for future exploitation, both due to increased consumer demand for traditional fermented beverages such as kombucha, and for the development of new types of products. Further studies on the health benefits related to the consumption of these fermented products and guidelines on assessing the safety of AAB for use as microbial food cultures (starter cultures) are, however, necessary in order to take full advantage of this important group of microorganisms

    From waste to taste. Application of fermented spent rootlet ingredients in a bread system

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    The process of upcycling and incorporating food by-products into food systems as functional ingredients has become a central focus of research. Barley rootlets (BR) are a by-product of the malting and brewing industries that can be valorised using lactic acid bacteria fermentation. This research investigates the effects of the inclusion of unfermented (BR-UnF), heat-sterilised (BR-Ster), and five fermented BR ingredients (using Weissella cibaria MG1 (BR-MG1), Leuconostoc citreum TR116 (BR-TR116), Lactiplantibacillus plantarum FST1.7 (BR-FST1.7), Lactobacillus amylovorus FST2.11 (BR-FST2.11), and Limosilactobacillus reuteri R29 (BR-R29) in bread. The antifungal compounds in BR ingredients and the impact of BR on dough rheology, gluten development, and dough mixing properties were analysed. Additionally, their effects on the techno-functional characteristics, in vitro starch digestibility, and sensory quality of bread were determined. BR-UnF showed dough viscoelastic properties and bread quality comparable to the baker's flour (BF). BR-MG1 inclusion ameliorated bread specific volume and reduced crumb hardness. Breads containing BR-TR116 had comparable bread quality to BF, while the inclusion of BR-R29 substantially slowed microbial spoilage. Formulations containing BR-FST2.11 and BR-FST1.7 significantly reduced the amounts of sugar released from breads during a simulated digestion and resulted in a sourdough-like flavour profile. This study highlights how BR fermentation can be tailored to achieve desired bread characteristics

    Functional properties of brewer’s spent grain protein isolate. The missing piece in the plant protein portfolio

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    Plant protein sources, as a part of developing sustainable food systems, are currently of interest globally. Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is the most plentiful by-product of the brewing industry, representing ~85% of the total side streams produced. Although nutritionally dense, there are very few methods of upcycling these materials. High in protein, BSG can serve as an ideal raw material for protein isolate production. This study details the nutritional and functional characteristics of BSG protein isolate, EverPro, and compares these with the technological performance of the current gold standard plant protein isolates, pea and soy. The compositional characteristics are determined, including amino acid analysis, protein solubility, and protein profile among others. Related physical properties are determined, including foaming characteristics, emulsifying properties, zeta potential, surface hydrophobicity, and rheological properties. Regarding nutrition, EverPro meets or exceeds the requirement of each essential amino acid per g protein, with the exception of lysine, while pea and soy are deficient in methionine and cysteine. EverPro has a similar protein content to the pea and soy isolates, but far exceeds them in terms of protein solubility, with a protein solubility of ~100% compared to 22% and 52% for pea and soy isolates, respectively. This increased solubility, in turn, affects other functional properties; EverPro displays the highest foaming capacity and exhibits low sedimentation activity, while also possessing minimal gelation properties and low emulsion stabilising activity when compared to pea and soy isolates. This study outlines the functional and nutritional properties of EverPro, a brewer’s spent grain protein, in comparison to commercial plant protein isolates, indicating the potential for the inclusion of new, sustainable plant-based protein sources in human nutrition, in particular dairy alternative applications

    Dairy Ingredients for the Baking Industry.

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    End of Project ReportShortenings (baking fats), microencapsulated using dairy ingredients and milk protein hydrolysates, were produced for testing in a variety of baked products. The powders were evaluated for their functionality as powdered baking fats, as potential replacers of synthetic emulsifiers, as ingredients capable of improving baking performance or as potential health-enhancing ingredients. These studies provide the technology for the dairy industry to enter the specialised food ingredients sector with a siftable, non-greasy, free-flowing powdered fat for the baking industry.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin