216 research outputs found

    Bioethics in biomedicine in the context of a global higher education area

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    The University is tasked with drawing together, transmitting and maintaining knowledge, while creating an area where the ethical "sense" required for working in the field of Biology and Biomedicine can be provided. Although scientific knowledge is present on an overwhelming scale in nature and, therefore, its discovery is unceasing, this does not mean that, as a human being, the researcher has no limitations. It is Bioethics that sets this limit. The successful spreading of knowledge, therefore, which is proclaimed with the creation of a Global Higher Education Area, should also pursue the establishment of the bioethical principles necessary for the credibility of science and its progress so that the society that it promotes and sustains becomes a reality

    Spanish validation of the Shorter Version of the Workplace Incivility Scale: An employment status invariant measure

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    Workplace Incivility (WI) occurs worldwide and has negative consequences on individuals and organizations. Valid and comprehensive instruments have been used, specifically in English speaking countries, to measure sucadverse process at work, but it is not available a validated instrument for research carried out in Spanish speaking countries. In this study we aim to test the psychometric properties of the Matthews and Ritter’s four-item Workplace Incivility Scale (2016) with Spanish workers (N = 407) from different sectors. Participants’ mean age was 38.73 (SD = 10.45) years old and the percentage of female employees was 59.2%. Confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 19.0 was carried out, presenting a good fit. The internal consistency, convergent and concurrent validity of the scale were examined. Results show good scale reliability and expected high correlations with social undermining. Moreover, the scale related to propensity to leave a job, job satisfaction, and psychological well-being in the expected way. After configural invariance across groups was established, testing for metric invariance and scalar invariance was performed. Considering Δχ2 and ΔCFI tests for two nested models, the 4-item scale was invariant when the employment status is considered (permanent vs. temporal, full-time vs. part-time, and supervisor vs. non-supervisors). Overall, our findings showed good psychometric properties of the shorter version of the WIS in Spain. Theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2015-64894-PFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Portugal SFRH/BPD/121748/201

    Satisfacción Laboral de los Profesores de Secundaria: Efecto de Factores Demográficos y Psicosociales

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    Abstract: Based on Social Cognitive Theory, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of several demographic and psycho-social factors involved in teachers? job satisfaction. The sample consisted of 68 secondary school teachers in cultural diversity settings. Their average age was 43.56 years old (SD =10.93); 60.3% were women and 38.2% were men. Path analyses showed that the teachers? job satisfaction was significantly and positively related to personal achievement and perceived support from colleagues, and significantly and negatively related to emotional exhaustion. The teachers? self-efficacy was an indirect predictor of job satisfaction, and a direct predictor of personal achievement and perceived support from colleagues.Resume: El objetivo de este estudio, formulado desde la Teoría Social Cognitiva, fue examinar el efecto de algunas variables demográficas y psicosociales implicadas en la satisfacción laboral de los profesores. La muestra consistió en 68 profesores de secundaria en contextos caracterizados por su diversidad cultural. La media de edad fue de 43.56 años (DT = 10.93); el 60.3% eran mujeres y el 38.2% hombres. Un path análisis demostró que la satisfacción laboral estaba positivamente relacionada con el logro personal y el apoyo percibido de los compañeros, y negativamente relacionada con el agotamiento emocional. La autoeficacia de los profesores fue un predictor indirecto de la satisfacción laboral y un predictor directo del logro personal y la percepción del apoyo recibido de los compañeros.The research reported in this article was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under Grant SEJ 2006-07741

    Error orientation in a decision-making simulation program: differences between promotion vs. prevention focus

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    Changing situations develop work environments where workers must generate strategies to learn and persist from continuous errors and setbacks. Previous research has shown that errors enhance motivation, break the routine, lead to creative solutions, and reduce frustration; however, this positive aspect seems to have a stronger presence if personal factors and contextual background support such a focus. The main aim of this paper was to analyse, with an experimental design, how different frames about errors and negative feedback (error promotion versus error prevention) affected performance and decision-making processes in a complex simulation task, taking into account individual attitude towards errors. The sample included 40 employees of a Spanish transportation company (37.5% were women and 62.5% were men). Firstly, participants answered a questionnaire about their individual Error Orientation. Then, they were randomly assigned to an experimental condition to carry out a complex decision-making task through a multimedia simulator, which aimed to expose the participant to factors that influence the dynamics of innovation and change, elements that are present in all modern organizations. None of the participants had previous experience in the task. Performance was measured through different aspects: (1) final performance values: adopters, points, time to make decisions and time after receiving negative feedback; (2) the decision-making process. Results showed that error orientation is related to final performance, especially error risk taking and error communication. The effect of the experimental condition was higher for the time to make decisions after receiving negative feedback and for the time to complete the simulation program. Those who worked under the error prevention condition took significantly longer to perform the task. Although our results show non-consistent effects, which frame than the other (promotion versus prevention) is better to make decisions is discussed. A promotion frame prioritizes flexibility, openness, and rapid progress, but does so by sacrificing certainty, and careful analysis. The most crucial factor may be which one best fits the demands of the task at hand

    Búsqueda de nuevos factores pronósticos y de terapias combinadas en el tratamiento de neoplasias mieloproliferativas

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    La mielofibrosis (MF) es una neoplasia mieloproliferativa crónica (NMPc) caracterizadapor una proliferación clonal de la célula madre mieloide patológica y por diferentesgrados de fibrosis de la médula ósea. La mutación más frecuente en MF es JAK2V617Fque se encuentra en aproximadamente el 50-60% de los pacientes con MF. Lasmutaciones de CALR se encuentran en un 35-50% de los pacientes. La diversidad clínicay de respuesta al tratamiento de estos pacientes no puede ser explicada con lasmutaciones en JAK2, CALR y MPL. Por lo que resulta necesario el estudio de nuevasmutaciones.Hasta la fecha, el único tratamiento específico aprobado para el tratamiento de la MFes el ruxolitinib, un inhibidor específico de JAK1/2. Ha demostrado ser un tratamientoeficaz, pero la búsqueda de tratamientos combinados con ruxolitinib responde a lanecesidad de conseguir un aumento de la eficacia del tratamiento y disminución de sutoxicidad..

    Chaïm Perelman

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    Se muestra el intento de realización de la razón practica tanto en el campo de la filosofía, como en de las ciencias sociales en general; tomando como paradigma, el razonamiento judicial, y desde la sistemática aristotélica, defiende la necesidad de aplicar las técnicas de la nueva retórica a la especulación jurídica y filosófica de este modo pretende abrir una nueva vía entre el dualismo que presenta la pareja racionalidad/arbitrariedad mediante un concepto intermedio denominado "razonable"; para ello abandona toda idea de verdad, rechaza todo absolutismo, postulando un marco filosófico dominado por la característica de la constante revisabilidad de los presupuestos filosóficos, políticos, morales, tecla teoría de la argumentación se impone a la teoría de la demostración en todos los campos que regulan o se refieren a la conducta humana y están por tanto integrados en el universo de lo no necesario. Los nuevos avances en el campo del lenguaje, el estudio de las metáforas en la argumentación, los tipos de argumentos mas frecuentes en el campo jurídico, constituyen todos, elementos que, junto con el estudio de técnicas eminentemente propias de la actividad judicial el armazón de la nueva retórica

    Differential impact of stay-at-home orders on mental health in adults who are homeschooling or “childless at home” in time of COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the confinement of most populations worldwide, through stay-at-home orders. Children have continued their education process at home, supervised by parents, who, in most cases, have adopted the role of prime drivers of their learning processes. In this study, the psychological impact of confinement was explored, as well as the relationship of the forced homeschooling situation with psychological well-being. During their confinement, 400 individuals residing in Spain—165 without children at home (Group 1), 104 parents who dedicated little time to homeschooling (Group 2), and 131 who dedicated more time to homeschooling (Group 3)—responded to an online questionnaire. The results show that confinement threatened the mental health of all the participants but especially Group 3 individuals, who had the highest loneliness, anxiety, and stress levels. Moreover, loneliness, perception of discomfort due to homeschooling, and anxiety exacerbated the stress experienced during confinement. Discomfort due to the homeschooling situation was especially relevant in explaining anxiety and stress for Group 3 individuals. These results suggest that forced homeschooling could be associated with the negative consequences that confinement has on individuals’ mental health. Moreover, the results suggest that parents who dedicate more time to homeschooling feel more unprotected and more stressed due to the homeschooling in comparison to Group 2 individuals. Health professionals must pay special attention to parents who dedicate more time to homeschooling, and governments and schools must emphasize social support provision to families during homeschooling situations

    Uncertainty and orientation towards errors in times of crisis: The importance of building confidence, encouraging collective efficacy

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    The current economic crisis is triggering a new scenario of uncertainty, which is affecting the organizational behavior of individuals and working teams. In contexts of uncertainty, organizational performance suffers a significant decline—workers are faced with the perceived threat of job loss, individuals distrust their organization and perceive that they must compete with their peers. This paper analyzes the effect of uncertainty on both performance and the affective states of workers, as well as the cognitive, affective and personality strategies (goals and error orientation) to cope with uncertainty as either learning opportunities or as situations to be avoided. Moreover, this paper explores gender differences in both coping styles in situations of uncertainty and the results of a training program based on error affect inoculation in which positive emotional responses were emphasized. Finally, we discuss the relevance of generating practices and experiences of team cooperation that build trust and promote collective efficacy in work teams.La crisis económica desencadena un nuevo escenario de incertidumbre que incide sobre el comportamiento organizacional de individuos y equipos de trabajo. El rendimiento organizacional se deteriora en contextos de incertidumbre—ante la amenaza percibida de mantener el trabajo, los individuos muestran desconfianza con la organización y competitividad con sus iguales. El presente artículo analiza el efecto de la incertidumbre sobre el rendimiento y los estados afectivos de los trabajadores, así como las estrategias cognitivas, afectivas y de personalidad (orientación hacia los errores) para afrontar contextos de incertidumbre, bien como oportunidades para aprender o como situaciones a evitar. Igualmente se analizan las diferencias de género en los estilos de afrontamiento y los resultados de un programa de inoculación de afecto hacia los errores en el que se enfatizan las reacciones afectivas positivas. Por último, se discute la importancia de crear experiencias de cooperación en los equipos de trabajo que generen confianza y eficacia colectiva

    Birrepresentations in a locally nilpotent variety

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