7 research outputs found

    Change and Psychotherapy: The Child’s Perspective

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    La investigación a partir de la perspectiva del paciente ha brindado información importante acerca de cómo la terapia es percibida, ayudando a los terapeutas a entender algunas reacciones desde los pacientes. Debido a las pocas investigaciones de este tipo en la población infantil, la terapia con niños no ha sido beneficiada por este movimiento. El presente trabajo es de carácter empírico con un enfoque de análisis cualitativo. En este estudio se exploraron las percepciones de los niños sobre distintos elementos del proceso psicoterapéutico. Para esto, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 10 niños entre 6 y 12 años que se encontraban realizando tratamiento psicoterapéutico, o lo habían realizado en el último año. Durante las entrevistas se indagó sobre la “relación terapéutica”, las “intervenciones del terapeuta”, la “valoración de la terapia”, las “nociones sobre la terapia”, las “características de la terapia” y el “cambio percibido”. Se analizaron las entrevistas bajo una metodología cualitativa consensual (CQR). Los resultados indican que los niños percibieron cambios vinculados a su propia conducta, emociones y relaciones interpersonales y pudieron relacionarlos con sus terapeutas y la alianza establecida con ellos.Research from the patients’ perspective has provided valuable information about how the psychotherapy process is perceived, helping therapists to understand some of the patient’s reactions. Due to the limited research of this type in the children population, therapy with children has not benefited from this movement. The present study is an empirical work framed in a qualitative analysis approach, in which we inquired about children’s perceptions about different elements related to the psychotherapeutic process. For this purpose, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 children between 6 and 12 years old, who were undergoing a psychotherapeutic treatment or had done it in the last year. During the interviews, we inquired about elements such as “therapeutic relationship,” “therapist interventions,” “therapy assessments,” “notions about therapy,” “therapy characteristics,” and “perceived change.” The interviews were analyzed using a consensual qualitative methodology (CQR). The results indicate that children were able to perceive changes concerning their behavior, emotions, and interpersonal relationships and could link these changes with their therapists and the therapeutic alliance established with them.Fil: Areas, Malenka Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones. Instituto de Psicología Clinica; ArgentinaFil: Olivera Ryberg, Julieta María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones. Instituto de Psicología Clinica; ArgentinaFil: Roussos, Andres Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Evaluation of a practice-oriented research device for the development of a feedback system in psychotherapy

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer y evaluar las experiencias involucradas en el desarrollode un dispositivo de Investigación Orientada por la práctica, con el fin de crear un recurso que sirvatanto para la clínica como para la investigación. Un equipo interdisciplinario conformado por directivosde una clínica, terapeutas e investigadores diseñó en conjunto un dispositivo de monitoreo de resul-tados y feedback para terapeutas, que permite recabar datos periódicos del estado de los pacientesy brindar información a los terapeutas sobre su evolución. El Sistema de Evaluación de Tratamientos(SET) está conformado por cinco preguntas orientadas a evaluar procesos de evolución general delpaciente. El SET cuenta con sistemas de alertas que adviertan al terapeuta, mediante un proced-imiento sencillo, respecto de situaciones que podrían ser importantes para repensar el tratamientode los pacientes. Este sistema de alarmas incluye: Alertas para supervisar, alerta para implementarmaniobras de cierre y alerta para dar el alta a los pacientes. En este artículo se evalúa el proceso detrabajo interactivo entre clínicos e investigadores y su resultado, en términos de las fortalezas y de-bilidades del dispositivo clínico desarrollado, tanto para captación de datos, con fines clínicos y deinvestigación, así como también en aspectos relacionados con la sustentabilidad en el tiempo dedicho dispositivo. Finalmente, se discute el valor de un trabajo integral entre estos actores y seplantean obstáculos observados a lo largo del proceso y soluciones tentativas para los mismos.The aim of the current study is to expose and evaluate the experiences involved in the development of a Practice Oriented Research device in order to create a resource helpful for both: clinicians and researchers. An interdisciplinary team of managers of a clinic, therapists and researchers designed together a device for monitoring results and feedback for therapists which allows collecting periodic data of the patient's status and providing information about their evolution. The Treatment Evaluation System (SET) consists of five questions aimed at evaluating the general evolution of the patient. The SET has an alert system which warns the therapist, through a simple procedure, regarding situations that could be important to reconsider about the treatment of each patient. This alarm system includes: Alerts to monitor, alert for implementing closing interventions and alert to discharge patients. This article evaluates the interactive work process between clinicians and researchers and its results, in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the clinical device developed for data collection, for clinical and research purposes, as well as aspects related to the sustainability over time of said device. Finally, we discussed the important of an integral work between these actors and obstacles observed throughout the process and tentative solutions for them are raised.Fil: Areas, Malenka Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Belgrano. Departamento de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Roussos, Andres Jorge. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hirsch, Hugo. Clínica Privada de Psicoterapia; ArgentinaFil: Hirschegger, Pablo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Becerra, Paolo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentin

    Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Expectations: Predicting Outcomes in Exposure Treatments for Specific Phobia

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    Background Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the treatment of specific phobias (SP). There are different ways of delivering exposure such as Augmented Reality Exposure which has become an interesting alternative to In Vivo Exposure for treating SP. The present study aimed to investigate the therapeutic alliance and treatment expectations as possible predictors of treatment outcomes in these two exposure treatment conditions. Methods Participants were 63 adults who met diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of a SP of cockroaches or spiders (animal subtype). Patients were randomized to receive a one-session treatment of either In Vivo Exposure (N = 31) or Augmented Reality Exposure (N = 32). The assessment protocol included diagnostic, as well as primary-, and secondary outcome measures. Materials included the Behavioral Avoidance Test for measuring symptoms and outcomes, the Expectations and Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Working Alliance Inventory. We ran multilevel analyses for the study of predictors controlling for the treatment effect conditions. Results Results showed a significant effect of expectations on treatment outcomes (specifically avoidance and beliefs scores). The therapeutic alliance did not have a significant effect on treatment outcome. Patients reduced their symptoms of phobia. Conclusion These results empirically support treatment expectations as a relevant predictor of change in exposure treatments for SP

    Propiedades psicométricas del Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-11) en Argentina: Un instrumento para monitoreo y feedback en psicoterapia

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    We failed to find brief instruments validated in Argentina to explore and monitor psychological symptoms from psychotherapy patients. This paper presents the Argentinian adaptation of the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL-11) and analyzes its psychometric properties. A sample of 356 participants completed the HSCL-11 adaptation, along with other measures of depression, anxiety, and well-being. We analyzed Cronbach’s alpha and item-total correlations adjusted. We ran confirmatory factor analysis, correlations among the measures, and  examined differences in HSCL-11 between subjects who were psychotherapy patients and those who were not. We found evidence of adequate internal consistency and item homogeneity, as well as construct validity, concurrent validity, and criterion validity. Results showed evidence of reliability and validity for the HSCL-11 Argentinian adaptation, suggesting that it might represent a meaningful resource for the evaluation and treatment of mental disorders in Argentina.No se han encontrado instrumentos breves válidos en Argentina para monitorear sintomatología psicológica en psicoterapia. Este trabajo presenta la adaptación argentina del Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL-11) y estudia sus propiedades psicométricas. Una muestra de 356 participantes completó la adaptación del HSCL-11 junto con medidas de depresión, ansiedad y bienestar. Se computaron el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach y correlaciones ítem-total corregidas. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio, se estudiaron sus correlaciones con las otras medidas y se analizaron las diferencias en HSCL-11 entre pacientes y no pacientes de terapia. Se observaron evidencias de adecuada consistencia interna y homogeneidad de ítems, así como también de validez de constructo, validez concurrente y validez de criterio. Los resultados mostraron evidencias deconfiabilidad y validez de la versión argentina del HSCL-11, sugiriendo que podría representar un instrumento valioso para la evaluación y el tratamiento de patologías mentales en el país

    Desarrollo de una red de investigación orientada por la práctica en España

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    The purpose of practice research networks is to foster clinically relevant research and scientifically informed clinical practice. This article describes the development of a collaborative network between clinicians and researchers in Spain and Argentina. This network is made up of psychologists specialized in clinical psychology, intern resident psychologists who are members of the Spanish Society of Clinical Psychology and researchers working at different universities. The main aim of the network is to foster the development of practice research programmes in a collaborative manner. We present its first project that analyses the sociodemographic data, professional characteristics, personal style of therapists and their attitudes towards research of 409 Spanish clinical psychologists. This approach meant understanding clinicians’ interests, and the beginning of a collaborative interaction to create useful resources for clinical practice based on applied research.Las Redes de Investigación Orientadas por la Práctica surgen como un esfuerzo por propiciar tanto una investigación clínicamente relevante como una práctica clínica informada científicamente. El presente artículo describe el desarrollo de una red de colaboración entre clínicos e investigadores de España y Argentina. Dicha red está conformada por psicólogos especialistas en psicología clínica y psicólogos internos residentes pertenecientes a la Sociedad Española de Psicología Clínica e investigadores adscritos a distintas universidades. El objetivo consiste en promover el desarrollo de programas de investigación orientados por la práctica de manera colaborativa. Se presenta el primer proyecto en el que se evaluaron las características sociodemográficas, profesionales, el estilo personal del terapeuta y las actitudes hacia la investigación de 409 psicólogos clínicos españoles. Este acercamiento supuso conocer los intereses de los clínicos y el inicio de una interacción colaborativa para crear recursos útiles para la práctica clínica a partir de la investigación aplicada.Fil: Areas, Malenka Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Molinari, Guadalupe. Universidad Internacional de Valencia; España. Instituto de Salud Carlos III; EspañaFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Álvarez, Javier. Universitat Jaume I; España. Fundación Aiglé; ArgentinaFil: Prado Abril, Javier. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet; Españ

    Negative Mood Regulation as a Mechanism of Change in Cognitive Therapy for Depression

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    The present study investigates the effects of negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) on symptom severity of depression in 2 cognitive therapies for depression. The sample included the first 146 consecutively recruited patients from a randomized controlled trial. Patients received 22 sessions of either cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure-based cognitive therapy. They completed the Beck Depression Inventory and Negative Mood Regulation Scale at baseline and treatment termination, as well as after Sessions 7 and 14. Multilevel modeling was applied. We found a significant betweenpatient effect of NMRE on symptom severity of depression, when NMRE within-patient effects were set to random. There was no significant interactive effect of the between-patient NMRE with type of treatment. However, a significant moderation effect of the within-patient NMRE effect by treatment condition on depression severity was detected, with patients receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy benefiting more from improvements in NMRE. Together, these results empirically support NMRE as a relevant mechanism of change in cognitive therapy for depression.Fil: Areas, Malenka Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Alalú, Nicolás. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Babl, Anna Margarete. University of Bern; SuizaFil: Roussos, Andres Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Holtforth, Martin. University of Bern; Suiz

    Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Expectations: Predicting Outcomes in Exposure Treatments for Specific Phobia

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    Background: Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the treatment of specific phobias (SP). There are different ways of delivering exposure such as Augmented Reality Exposure which has become an interesting alternative to In Vivo Exposure for treating SP. The present study aimed to investigate the therapeutic alliance and treatment expectations as possible predictors of treatment outcomes in these two exposure treatment conditions. Methods: Participants were 63 adults who met diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of a SP of cockroaches or spiders (animal subtype). Patients were randomized to receive a one-session treatment of either In Vivo Exposure (N = 31) or Augmented Reality Exposure (N = 32). The assessment protocol included diagnostic, as well as primary-, and secondary outcome measures. Materials included the Behavioral Avoidance Test for measuring symptoms and outcomes, the Expectations and Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Working Alliance Inventory. We ran multilevel analyses for the study of predictors controlling for the treatment effect conditions. Results: Results showed a significant effect of expectations on treatment outcomes (specifically avoidance and beliefs scores). The therapeutic alliance did not have a significant effect on treatment outcome. Patients reduced their symptoms of phobia. Conclusion: These results empirically support treatment expectations as a relevant predictor of change in exposure treatments for SP.Fil: Areas, Malenka Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Babl, Anna Margarete. University of Bern; SuizaFil: Fernández Álvarez, Javier. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: Roussos, Andrés. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Botella, Cristina. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: García-palacios, Azucena. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: Baños, Rosa. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Quero, Soledad. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: Breton, Juana María. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: Gómez Penedo, Juan Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin