822 research outputs found

    La presenza dei cristiani in Sicilia in et\ue0 islamica: considerazioni preliminari relative a Palermo e ad Agrigento

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    La presenza delle comunit\ue0 cristiane nella Sicilia islamica, nota dalla fonti scritte, \ue8 stata da sempre sottovalutata dalla ricerca archeologica. In questo articolo si \ue8 cercato di mettere in evidenza le labili tracce di queste comunit\ue0 in due grandi citt\ue0 della Sicilia islamica: Palermo ed Agrigento

    Dati sulla circolazione della ceramica e sulle rotte del medioevo occidentale attraverso i contesti tardoantichi e medievali di Marettimo

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    In this paper will be described the ceramic found in the site Contrada Case Romane in the island of Marettimo. On this site a monastic community was founded in the end of the 5th century. This settlement was destroyed in the 8th century and a new one founded in the same location under Norman rule (end of 11th century). The items discovered prove that between the 5th and the 7th century the island was part of a Mediterranean route linking Africa with Rome and the main locations of the western Mediterranean sea. The findings of amphorae produced in the central-southern Tyrrhenian sea between the end of the 7th century and the beginning of the 8th century reveal the close relationship of this monastic settlement with the great ecclesiastic praesidia of the Campi Flegrei. Ceramic belonging to the Norman period and to the 13th century does not differ from the one found in other Sicilian sites; this fact confirms the dependency from mainland of the tiny community living in the island

    Exploiting Visual Saliency Algorithms for Object-Based Attention: A New Color and Scale-Based Approach

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    Visual Saliency aims to detect the most important regions of an image from a perceptual point of view. More in detail, the goal of Visual Saliency is to build a Saliency Map revealing the salient subset of a given image by analyzing bottom-up and top-down factors of Visual Attention. In this paper we proposed a new method for Saliency detection based on colour and scale analysis, extending our previous work based on SIFT spatial density inspection. We conducted several experiments to study the relationships between saliency methods and the object attention processes and we collected experimental data by tracking the eye movements of thirty viewers in the first three seconds of observation of several images. More precisely, we used a dataset that consists of images with an object in the foreground on an homogeneous background. We are interested in studying the performance of our saliency method with respect to the real fixation maps collected during the experiments. We compared the performances of our method with several state of the art methods with very encouraging resul

    Exploring the effects of seismicity on landslides and catchment sediment yield: An Italian case study

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    Recent studies showed that contemporary average catchment sediment yields (SY, [t km− 2 y− 1]) at regional and continental scales are often strongly correlated to spatial patterns of seismic activity. Nonetheless, we currently have little insights into the mechanisms that explain these correlations. We investigated how spatial patterns of SY in Italy are linked to patterns of seismic activity. For a dataset of 103 Italian catchments with average SY measured over a period of years to decades, we extracted tectonic and none-tectonic variables that potentially explain observed differences in SY. These include proxies for vertical uplift rates and cumulative seismic moments (CSM) associated with historic earthquakes of different ranges of magnitude. Results showed that also across Italy, SY is significantly correlated to seismicity. However, SY showed much stronger correlations with proxies of seismicity relating to small but frequent earthquakes (2 ≤ Mw < 4) than with proxies relating to tectonic uplift or large, potentially landslide-triggering earthquakes (Mw ≥ 4). Analyses of a dataset of about 500,000 landslides across Italy showed very comparable trends: spatial patterns of landslides within similar lithological units generally show a significant positive correlation with CSM of weak but frequent seismicity and generally not with CSM of large earthquakes. These results suggest that, on a decadal time scale and at a regional/continental spatial scale, frequent but relatively weak seismicity may exert a more important geomorphic impact than large earthquake events or tectonic uplift. © 2016 Elsevier B.V

    Mean shift clustering for personal photo album organization

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    In this paper we propose a probabilistic approach for the automatic organization of pictures in personal photo album. Images are analyzed in term of faces and low-level visual features of the background. The description of the background is based on RGB color histogram and on Gabor filter energy accounting for texture information. The face descriptor is obtained by projection of detected and rectified faces on a common low dimensional eigenspace. Vectors representing faces and background are clustered in an unsupervised fashion exploiting a mean shift clustering technique. We observed that, given the peculiarity of the domain of personal photo libraries where most of the pictures contain faces of a relatively small number of different individuals, clusters tend to be not only visually but also semantically significant. Experimental results are reported

    Long-term changes in the structure of a polychaete community on artificial habitats

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    A mediterranean polychaete community was studied for 10 years since the first settlement to examine community dynamics and to compare it with the model proposed by Hughes (1984) for benthic invertebrates. Cluster analysis (Q-mode) pointed out the presence of four main periods during the colonization process in agreement with edaphic changes produced by the colonization and disappearance of mussels. During this time the pattern of species abundance changed from a log series distribution (with few dominant species) towards a truncated log normal distribution (with many rare species) characteristic of a more complex community structure

    Impact of mapping errors on the reliability of landslide hazard maps

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    International audienceIdentification and mapping of landslide deposits are an intrinsically difficult and subjective operation that requires a great effort to minimise the inherent uncertainty. For the Staffora Basin, which extends for almost 300 km2 in the northern Apennines, three landslide inventory maps were independently produced by three groups of geomorphologists. In comparing each map with the others, large positional discrepancies arise (in the range of 55?65%). When all three maps are overlain, the locational mismatch of landslide deposit polygons increases to over 80%. To assess the impact of these errors on predictive models of landslide hazard, for the study area discriminant models were built up from the same set of geological-geomorphological factors as predictors, and the occurrence of landslide deposits within each terrain-unit, derived from each inventory map, as dependent variable. The comparison of these models demonstrates that statistical modelling greatly minimises the impact of input data errors which remain, however, a major limitation on the reliability of landslide hazard maps

    Identification and mapping of recent rainfall-induced landslides using elevation data collected by airborne Lidar

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    International audienceA high resolution Digital Elevation Model with a ground resolution of 2 m×2 m (DEM2) was obtained for the Collazzone area, central Umbria, through weighted linear interpolation of elevation points acquired by Airborne Lidar Swath Mapping. Acquisition of the elevation data was performed on 3 May 2004, following a rainfall period that resulted in numerous landslides. A reconnaissance field survey conducted immediately after the rainfall period allowed mapping 70 landslides in the study area, for a total landslide area of 2.7×105 m2. Topographic derivative maps obtained from the DEM2 were used to update the reconnaissance landslide inventory map in 22 selected sub-areas. The revised inventory map shows 27% more landslides and 39% less total landslide area, corresponding to a smaller average landslide size. Discrepancies between the reconnaissance and the revised inventory maps were attributed to mapping errors and imprecision chiefly in the reconnaissance field inventory. Landslides identified exploiting the Lidar elevation data matched the local topography more accurately than the same landslides mapped using the existing topographic maps. Reasons for the difference include an incomplete or inaccurate view of the landslides in the field, an unfaithful representation of topography in the based maps, and the limited time available to map the landslides in the field. The high resolution DEM2 was compared to a coarser resolution (10 m×10 m) DEM10 to establish how well the two DEMs captured the topographic signature of landslides. Results indicate that the improved topographic information provided by DEM2 was significant in identifying recent rainfall-induced landslides, and was less significant in improving the representation of stable slopes
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