5 research outputs found

    The Role of Paguyuban in Rural Development

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    Balikpapan merupakan daerah dengan masyarakat yang multietnik. Konsekuensi dari masyarakat beragam tersebut tentunya berdampak pada cukup banyak muculnya paguyuban etnis. Masingmasing paguyuban etnis ini memiliki norma dan nilai yang mempengaruhi individu dalam berprilaku dan mengambil keputusan. Oleh sebab itu penting untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh paguyuban etnis dalam mendorong terbentuknya pilarisasi masyarakat dan dampaknya pada pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan demikian penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dekriptif dan eksplorasi. Kehadiran paguyuban pada dasarnya memperkuat identitas etnik dan mendorong terjadinya pilarisasi masyarakat. Selain itu paguyuban etnis juga mendorong pembangunan kawasan desa melalui elit-elit yang tergabung di paguyuban tersebut untuk kepentingan etnisnya dan menjadi sarana pengaman bagi masyarakat miskin yang tidak bisa menerima manfaat langsung dari pembangunan kawasan tersebut. Keywords: Ethnic Community, Pillarization Society, Rural Developmen

    Partisipasi Pemuda Dalam Membangun Data Desa Presisi di Kelurahan Situ Gede, Kota Bogor

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    Until now, the polemic experienced in the process of village development is the development of accurate data-based. The three important elements needed to produce village data sources that describe the actual condition of villages in Indonesia are efficient, effective, and precise. The presence of Precision Village Data is a community service effort, so that the villagers can build, verify, and have accurate data on the actual condition of the village as the foundation of village development. In its implementation, Data Desa Presisi in Situ Gede Village involved a total of 35 representatives of 10 RW who existed as a team of enumerators with the help of 1 lecturer serving, 2 alumni serving, and 8 IGTF students to work with the community to build Precision Village Data. Based on the implementation of The Precision Village Data of Situ Gede Village, the community of Situ Gede Village has the potential to be the target of a service program in the form of science and technology transfer. Through the presentation of Data Desa Presisi Situ Gede Village, it can be described that not only human resources, the potential of SDA owned Situ Gede Village is interesting to be studied, especially in the field of family-based yard land utilization. IPB campus as a state university whose existence is surrounded by villages / villages, it is necessary to identify the forms of development programs and appropriate community service with data-based Precision Village. Innovations produced by academics are not only to be created and disseminated, but must be able to provide tangible benefits to society. Keywords: development, youth, precisio

    Community Resilience of Mining Area and Food Vulnerability in South Kalimantan

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    Coal mining policies and activities in addition to having a positive impact on state income, job creation and business, also have a negative impact on ecosystems and communities in the mining area. The study was conducted in two mining communities in South Kalimantan using an emic and etic approach to explore community resilience and food insecurity due to ecological changes and the impact of mining policies and activities. Coal mining policies and activities in South Kalimantan causes catastrophic floods, land damage, and crop failure on lowland rice fields that have an impact on potential food insecurity at the household and community level. The pattern of community resilience in the two communities is in the form of social movements as a form of social adaptation, and agricultural land recovery and changing agricultural commodities as a form of ecological adaptation. The process of community resilience in the two communities is at the level of recovery towards a stable community condition, not yet at the transformation stage. Community capability is the most influential factor on the degree of community resilience so that the handling of food insecurity based on community resilience needs to be done by developing strategies to increase community capability.&nbsp

    Measuring Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Area: A Case Study of Sukamantri Village in Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia

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    Desa adalah arena pembangunan berkelanjutan dimana terjadinya interaksi ekonomi, sosial, budaya, lingkungan, dan politik. Desa memiliki arti strategis untuk keberhasilan pencapaian 17 indikator Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tetapi desa memiliki keterbatasan dalam menyediakan data dan indikator untuk mengukur pencapaian SDGs berbasis Rukun Warga (RW). Penelitian ini bertujuan menyediakan Data Desa Presisi (DDP) dan memanfaatkannya untuk mengukur serta menganalisis indikator pencapaian 16 dari 17 SDGs desa. Satu SDGs ke-14, yaitu ekosistem laut tidak diukur, karena lokasi penelitian merupakan desa teresterial dengan ketinggian 423-902 m dpl. Penggunaan DDP di lokasi penelitian dengan metode normalisasi dan agregasi berdasarkan rata-rata aritmetika, menjadikan penelitian ini berhasil menghitung skor masing-masing SDGs desa. Kemudian hasil analisis DDP dan SDGs desa dikombinasikan dengan pemetaan spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan SDGs Desa Sukamantri secara kumulatif mencapai hasil cukup baik. Sebanyak 3 SDGs tergolong sangat baik, 4 SDGs tergolong baik, 3 SDGs tergolong cukup baik, 5 SDGs yang kurang, dan 2 SDGs sangat kurang.  Mengacu perhitungan indeks SDGs Desa Sukamantri, pilar lingkungan memiliki skor yang paling tinggi dan secara rata-rata terkategori sangat baik. Tetapi pilar sosial dan ekonomi termasuk kategori kurang, pilar hukum dan tatakelola tergolong kategori sangat kurang. Artinya pembangunan berkelanjutan di Desa Sukamantri belum tercapai. Kekayaan alam yang ada di Desa Sukamantri belum terkelola untuk mencapai pemenuhan hak dasar manusia yang berkualitas secara adil dan setara, bagi kesejahteran warga desa dan terwujudnya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkualitas.A village is an arena for sustainable development where economic, social, cultural, environmental and political interactions occur. It has a strategic meaning for the successful achievement of the 17 indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, villages have limitations in providing data and indicators to measure the achievement of SDGs based on RW. The aims of this study are to provide Precision Village Data (DDP) and use it to measure and analyze the achievement indicators of 16 out of 17 village SDGs. One of SDGs 14, namely the marine ecosystem is not measured because the research location is a terrestrial village with an altitude of 423-902 m ASL. The use of DDP in the research location with normalization and aggregation methods based on arithmetic averages made this study successful in calculating the scores of each village SDGs. Then the results of the analysis of the village DDP and SDGs were combined with spatial mapping. The results showed that the SDGs in Sukamantri Village cumulatively achieved quite good results. A total of 3 SDGs was classified as very good, 4 SDGs were classified as good, 3 SDGs were classified as good enough, 5 SDGs were lacking, and 2 SDGs were poorest. Referring to the SDGs index calculation for Sukamantri Village, the environmental pillar has the highest score and is on average very good. However, the social and economic pillars are in the poor category, the law and governance pillars are in the poorest category. This means that sustainable development in Sukamantri Village has not been achieved. The natural wealth in Sukamantri Village has not been managed to achieve the fulfillment of basic human rights that are of a just and equal quality, for the well-being of the villagers and the realization of inclusive and quality economic growth


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    Pandemi Covid-19 tentunya membawa dampak perubahan sosial yang signifikan terhadap ketahanan keluarga. Beberapa diantaranya adalah semakin menurunnya akses terhadap pendapatan, terbatasnya akses anak terhadap pendidikan karena adanya ketimpangan dalam akses teknologi, dan terbatasnya akses pada ruang ruang komunitas dalam menunjang kesehatan dan kebutuhan keluarga. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, maka perlu adanya upaya pengembangan kapasitas perempuan dan pemuda/i terutama pada hal kemampuan menganalisis ruang hidup, literasi digital, akses pada literasi digital, pengelolaan ekonomi dan kesehatan keluarga. Rangkaian peningkatan kapasitas yang dibutuhkan oleh perempuan dan anak dan pemuda/i ini  disebut dengan Semangat ARUNIKA (Analisis ruang hidup, literasi digital, pengelolaan ekonomi dan lingkungan, serta kesehatan keluarga). Kegiatan implementasi semangat ARUNIKA merupakan kegiatan riset aksi yang bertujuan untuk peningkatan upaya resiliensi keluarga. Kegiatan riset aksi ini menggunakan teknik observasi dari etnografi komunikasi, Focus Group Discussion, dan wawancara mendalam secara kualitatif. Unit analisis dari penilitian ini adalah invidu dengan sasaran penelitian adalah perempuan dan generasi muda Desa Ciapus, Kecamatan Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil dari kegiatan riset aksi ini adalah setelah implementasi semangat Arunika perempuan dan pemuda telah mengalami peningkatan upaya resiliensi keluarga dengan terbukanya akses pada peningkatan sumberdaya ekonomi, modal sosial, informasi dan komunikasi serta kemampuan komunitas.The Covid-19 pandemic significantly changes social life, particularly family resilience. For instance, many families suffered from lower incomes, and inequality in education due to the digital divide. Furthermore, children have limited access to public space in order to attain health facilities as well as family needs. According to this situation, it is necessary to enhance the capacity of women and youth such as: the ability to analyze living space, digital literacy skill, financial management, and family health. This program namely “ARUNIKA” aims to increase family resilience in Ciapus Village, Ciomas Sub district, Bogor District. This action research used communication etnographic, Focus Group Discussion, and in-depth interviews as technicall tools of data collecting in order to provide data related to family resillience analysis. The unit of analysis of this research is the individual with the research target are women and youth who live in Ciapus Village. The result of this action research showed that after the implementation of the Arunika spirit, family resilience has been increased by opening up access to increased economic resources, social capital, information, and communication as well as community capabilities