179 research outputs found

    Is there a J-Curve at the Industry Level?

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    There exits two groups of studies that have investigated the short-run and the long-run effects of currency depreciation on the trade balance. The first group has employed trade data at the aggregate level between one country and the rest of the world. The second group has used trade data at the bilateral level between one country and her major trading partners. Both groups have provided mixed conclusions. In this paper we employ import and export data at industry level. Sixty six industries in the U.S. (SITC Commodity Groupings) have been identified for which monthly data over the January 1991-August 2002 period are used in investigating the short-run and the long-run effects of real depreciation of the dollar. The results reveal evidence of the J-Curve effect only in six industries. However, the long-run favorable effect of real depreciation is supported in 22 industries

    Interactive Art Readings Focusing on Gilles Deleuze’s Thoughts

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    Gilles Deleuze is a post-structuralist philosopher whose viewpoints have a postmodern and post-structuralist atmosphere that transform any solid and stable structure into dynamism, oppression and fluidity. In the twentieth century, several developments occurred in the arts and technology. This brought about the emergence of new art forms, including interactive art. In this research, we deal with interactive art from the viewpoint of Deleuze based on the interpretation of two examples of works of an interactive artist, i.e., Maurice Benayoun. We looked specifically at the role of the audience in this art form. The research methodology used was descriptive-analytical and the method of information analysis was qualitative. The results of this study show that in interactive art, in as in Deleuze’s view, stagnation and one-dimensionality do not make sense. The audience finds himself/herself in between the work and the personal. However, the meaning of the artwork and its transmission among the creator, the work, and the audience is always in progress, a fluid flow happening in the middle of the potential and actual task

    Estudar o papel da imaginação e seus princípios de avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

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    Jacques Lacan, the well-known French psychoanalyst, believes that human psyche is formed according to triple pattern which there is a possibility of understanding unconscious as well as actions and reactions of human-being through analysis. Lacan considers that human mind consists of three imaginary, symbolic and real orders that act both simultaneously and connectedly. The research methodology is analytical – descriptive method. In this paper using Lacanian psychoanalysis and imaginary order, we would study the role of imagination and its evaluation in cinema from the perspective of Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, el conocido psicoanalista francés, cree que la psique humana se forma de acuerdo con el triple patrón que existe la posibilidad de comprender el inconsciente, así como las acciones y reacciones del ser humano a través del análisis. Lacan considera que la mente humana consiste en tres órdenes imaginarios, simbólicos y reales que actúan simultáneamente y en conexión. La metodología de investigación es analítica-descriptiva. En este artículo, utilizando el psicoanálisis lacaniano y el orden imaginario, estudiaríamos el papel de la imaginación y su evaluación en el cine desde la perspectiva de Jacques Lacan.Jacques Lacan, o conhecido psicanalista francês, acredita que a psique humana é formada de acordo com o padrão triplo, que existe a possibilidade de se compreender o inconsciente, bem como as ações e reações do ser humano por meio da análise. Lacan considera que a mente humana consiste em três ordens imaginárias, simbólicas e reais que agem simultaneamente e de forma conectada. A metodologia de pesquisa é analítica - método descritivo. Neste artigo, utilizando a psicanálise lacaniana e a ordem imaginária, estudaríamos o papel da imaginação e sua avaliação no cinema a partir da perspectiva de Jacques Lacan

    Study relationship between multiple sclerosis and migraine

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    Background: Each person experiences headaches in his/her life. Some studies have shown a significant relationship between Migraine and MS. In these patients there can be a variety of clinical symptoms such as muscle weakness, sensory loss, ataxia, optic neuritis. Optic neuritis in MS is a relatively common symptom that can cause blurred vision, headaches (especially frontal ones) and painful eye movements. Headache is a clinical symptom that makes people visit neurologists. There are several diagnoses for headaches including migraine. In this study, we evaluated the possibility of a significant relationship between migraine and MS.Methods: In this case-control study, 134 MS patients and 134 sex and age matched controls were selected randomly from all patients referred to hospital. Their information about MS and migraine was collected and analyzed by SPSS v.21.Results: The Mean age of cases in this study was 41.5±9.4 years. The gender of 73.13% of patients was female. In MS patients with chronic headaches, 36 people (42.9%) and in Controls 22 people (38.6%) had migraine. In this study it was found that people with MS, experience more migraine attacks compared to the controls (OR=3 and P=0.05). Further investigation showed that, unlike aura type, migraine without aura had a significant relation with the MS (OR=1.94 and P=0.04). Also, it seems that the number of migraine attacks in patients with MS is significantly more than the controls.Conclusions: Finally it seems that there is a positive association between MS and migraine. The relationship between migraine without aura and MS is obvious, but the relation between aura type and MS is not clear, yet

    Resource Management Optimally in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks for Fifth-Generation by using Game-Theoretic

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    In this paper, several number of users were optimized in resource allocation management by applying the game theory User-sub-channel-Soap Matching Algorithm (USMA) in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for fifth-generation wireless networks. multiple access users can be increased up to 63 users in NOMA. This method reduces interference between users, which include costs, and resource to access for other users

    Interactive Art Readings Focusing on Gilles Deleuze’s Thoughts

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    Gilles Deleuze is a post-structuralist philosopher whose viewpoints have a postmodern and post-structuralist atmosphere that transform any solid and stable structure into dynamism, oppression and fluidity. In the twentieth century, several developments occurred in the arts and technology. This brought about the emergence of new art forms, including interactive art. In this research, we deal with interactive art from the viewpoint of Deleuze based on the interpretation of two examples of works of an interactive artist, i.e., Maurice Benayoun. We looked specifically at the role of the audience in this art form. The research methodology used was descriptive-analytical and the method of information analysis was qualitative. The results of this study show that in interactive art, in as in Deleuze’s view, stagnation and one-dimensionality do not make sense. The audience finds himself/herself in between the work and the personal. However, the meaning of the artwork and its transmission among the creator, the work, and the audience is always in progress, a fluid flow happening in the middle of the potential and actual task

    Anatomical Structure of Caudal Venae Cavae and its Anastomosis with Hepatic Veins in the Buffalo (Buballus Bubalis)

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    The liver is the largest gland in the digestive system. Most parts of the liver are placing in the right region of the abdominal cavity and fixed by special ligaments, arteries and veins. The blood of the digestive system is drained into the liver by the portal vein. In this survey, the relationship between portal vein with hepatic veins, types of hepatic veins, manner of drainage of hepatic veins and also manner of drainage of the portal vein into caudal vena cava are studied. Thirty healthy livers of buffalo are selected from Urmia industrial slaughterhouse and biometrical studies performed on them. Also, the latex injection is used for observation of anastomosis of different veins in the liver. Results of liver biometry are followed: Average of weight of liver = 4380±1173/30gr, average of length of liver = 467.5±47/00972mm, average of wide of liver = 270.8±38/90934 mm270.8±38/90934 mm, average length of gallbladder = 109.66±13/7673mm, average of wide of gallbladder = 70.4±17/7426mm, average of caudal vena cava canal = 151.06±28.6854, Average of diameter of portal vein = 30.93±4.4430 and average of caliber of portal vein in entrance to liver = 39.26±6.2098. The liver veins were short veins, which are occupied parenchyma of the liver. These veins are received more branch of small veins. All of these veins were draining into abdominolateral wall of inter hepatic part of the portal vein. Results of this research are showed which inter hepatic veins have a different diameter. Rang of this diameter was from 0.5 to 3 mm or more. Interhepatic veins were classified according to the size of their calibre into three groups, large intrahepatic veins (they were generally more 3mm in diameter), intermediate interhepatic veins (they were 1to 3 mm in diameter) and small interhepatic veins (they were less 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter). Results of this study are showed which the average number of large foramen were 3.8, the average number of medium foramen was 8.3, and an average number of small foramen was 36.56. The studies on derivatives of portal vein on the buffalo liver have appeared which portal veins are dividing three principals trunks (left, middle and right). Left principle trunk is dividing into three branches (proximal, middle and distal). The outlet of all three types of hepatic veins had a valvular fold in entrance into caudal vena cava, which is named operculum the direction of this valve was toward the heart. Also, these research results have appeared which liver of buffalo is weightier and bigger than cattle
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