6 research outputs found

    Climate Change Adaptation and Integrated Waste Management in the time of Pandemic in Ondokuz Mayıs University

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    In this study, consumption data for 2020 were obtained from the Administration Activity Reports published annually by Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU). Waste data were also taken for the 2020 period as the amounts recorded within the scope of the Zero Waste Project carried out by the university. With the collected data, in the second part, the changes in waste types and amounts will be mentioned in addition to the approximate carbon footprint calculation with the effect of the pandemic process experienced with the year 2020, within the scope and limits determined by the university. The amount of waste per person as students and faculty members of the wastes originating from the units of the university was also calculated. By using the amounts of glass, paper, metal and plastic waste types collected separately by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the amount of gains to be obtained against parameters such as energy, raw material use and emission reduction was calculated with the help of zero waste counter. In order to evaluate the zero waste studies carried out by the University. Within the scope of Zero Waste studies of Ondokuz Mayıs University, the types and amounts of waste coming from the units during the 2020 pandemic period were evaluated. Considering the data obtained from the different units of the university, a decrease was observed in the amount of waste, as in the consumption data. In addition to the harmonization of integrated waste management and transfer mechanisms in our university, carbon capture gardens have been designed to be implemented in our university.Keyword: integrated waste management, carbon release, carbon footprint, carbon capture garde

    Co-pyrolysis of polyethylene and sawmills powder: Influence of polyethylene on pyrolysis product value

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı biyokütlenin kopiroliz sırasında plastikler üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Kereste tozlarının (SP), polietilenin (PE) ve bunların karışımlarının pirolizi, 550 °C ve 600 °C değişen sıcaklıklarda yarı-kesikli bir reaktörde gerçekleştirildi. Bu çalışma, endüstriyel kullanım için alternatif bir sıvı yakıt üretmek amacıyla, biyolojik kütle ile plastik atıkların kopiroliz işlemini geliştirilmesi için bir ön çalışmadır. Bileşenlerin kopirolizi sırasında bir plastik ile bir biyokütle arasında meydana gelen etkileşimleri vurgulamak için, plastikler ve biyokütle ile deneyler gerçekleştirildi. Her bir bileşenin ana parçalanma olayı, bileşenlerin beraber olduğunda, yalnız olmalarına göre daha yüksek sıcaklıklarda gerçekleştiği görüldü ve bunun nedeninin iki bileşen kopiroliz sırasında birbirlerini dengelediği düşünüldü. Bu etkileşimlerin plastiklere ve biyokütleye bağlı olduğu çıkarımı yapıldı. Ayrıca, biyokütle ve plastik atıkların karışımı kullanılarak laboratuvar ölçekli bir reaktörde piroliz deneyleri yapıldı. Bazı önemli işletme parametrelerinin sürecin sonucu üzerindeki etkisi de analiz edildi. Bu nedenle, bu kopiroliz işleminin, bir endüstriyel reaktör tasarlanırken ısı kayıplarına dikkat edilmesi koşuluyla ekonomik açıdan uygulanabilir olduğu görüldü. Elde edilen SP ve PE'nin pirolizi için maksimum sıvı ürün verimi sırasıyla % 35,17 ve % 61,00 iken, SP ve PE ortak pirolizi için maksimum sıvı ürün verimi 1:1 karışım oranında ve 550 °C'de % 46,05 sonucuna ulaşıldı.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect on plastics during co-pyrolysis with biomass. Pyrolysis of sawmills powders (SP), polyethylene (PE) and their mixtures was carried out in a semi-batch reactor with varying temperatures at 550 °C and 600 °C. This work is a preliminary study for the development of a co-pyrolysis process of plastic wastes with biomass with the aim to produce an alternative liquid fuel for industrial use. Experiments were carried out with plastics and biomass to highlight the interactions occurring between a plastic and a biomass during their co-pyrolysis. It appears that the main decomposition event of each component takes place at higher temperatures when the components are mixed than when they are alone, possibly because the two components stabilize each other during their co-pyrolysis. These interactions depend on the nature of the plastics and the biomass. In addition, co-pyrolysis experiments were led in a lab-scale reactor using a mixture of plastic wastes and biomass. The influence of some key operating parameters on the outcome of the process was analysed. Hence, this co-pyrolysis process could be economically viable, provided heat losses are addressed carefully when designing an industrial reactor. The maximum liquid product yields for the pyrolysis of SP and PE obtained were 35,17% and 61,00%, respectively, whereas the maximum liquid product yield for SP/PE copyrolysis was 46,05% at 550 °C with 1:1 blend ratio

    Application of horizontal subsurface flow constructed Wetland systems for domestic wastewater treatment: A case study, Kızılcaören

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    Yapay sulak alanlar (YSA) evsel, endüstriyel, tarımsal nitelikli atıksular ve deponi sızıntı suları gibi çok çeşitli atıksuları arıtmak için kullanılan yeşil bir teknolojidir. YSA, geleneksel sistemler ile karşılaştırıldığında düşük enerji, kolay işletim ve bakım, düşük yatırım/işletim maliyeti, arazi estetiği, suların yeniden kullanımı ve doğal yaşam alanı olması gibi pek çok avantaja sahiptir. YSA, özellikle merkezi arıtma tesislerinden uzak olan kırsal yerleşimler, endüstriler ve oteller için bu avantajları nedeniyle alternatif bir teknolojidir. YSA'da fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik arıtım mekanizmaları birlikte gerçekleşir. Çalışmada, Samsun iline bağlı Kızılcaören köyünün evsel atıksuyunu arıtmak için gerçek ölçekli iki paralel yatay yüzeyaltı akışlı yapay sulak alan (YYAAYSA) tasarlanmış ve inşa edilmiştir. Bu çalışma için Juncus acutus ve Cortaderia selloana bitkileri seçilmiş ve iki bitki türünün giderim performansı değerlendirilmiştir. Juncus acutus ve Cortaderia selloana bitkilerinin ortalama giderim verimleri sırasıyla Mg2 için %33 ve %32; Fe2 için %62 ve %55; Fe3 için %64% ve %56; Cl2 için %46 ve %37; toplam Cl2 için %48% ve %; Ca2 için %26 ve %37; yüzey aktif madde için %28 ve %23 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar iki yönlü (faktörlü) varyans analizi uygulanarak değerlendirilmiştir.Constructed wetlands (CWs) are a green technology that have been used to treat several types of wastewater such as domestic, industrial, agricultural wastewaters and landfill leachate. CWs have several advantages included land intensive, low energy, easy operation and maintenance, low investment/operational costs, landscape esthetics, reuse of waters, and increased wildlife habitat compared to conventional systems. CWs are alternative treatment technologies due to these properties especially for rural settlements, industries, and hotels that are remote locations from central treatment plants. Physical, chemical, and biological treatment mechanisms can employ together in CWs. In the present study, two parallel full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands were designed to treat domestic wastewater of Kızılcaören village in Samsun, Turkey. Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana were selected and the removal performance of each species were evaluated. During 7 months operation, the mean removal efficiencies of Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana were found as 33% and 32% for Mg2; 62% and 55% for Fe2; 64% and 56% for Fe3; 46% and 37% for Cl2; 48% and 39% for total Cl2; 26% and 37% for Ca2; 28% and 23% for SAA, respectively. Also, the Two-way ANOVA between groups was applied to determine any difference for the removal of al

    Full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands to treat domestic wastewater by Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana

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    Ardali, Yuksel/0000-0003-1648-951XWOS: 000426922700008PubMed: 29053385In the present study, a full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland was designed, constructed and operated to treat domestic wastewater of Kzlcaoren village in Samsun city of Turkey. The total surface area of HSFCW was divided into equal parts. The effects of Juncus acutus L. and Cortaderia selloana (Schult.Schult.f.)Asch.&Graebn. on pollutants removal in HSFCWs were evaluated with the meteorological factors. The average removal efficiencies of J. acutus and C. selloana were determined as 60.3-57.7% for BOD; 24.2-38.9% for TN; 31.4-49.8% for OM; 35.4-43.3% for TP; 18.9-27.1% for orthophosphate; 24.4-28.7% for NH4-N; 29.5-37.2% for TSS; and 35.3-44.3% for TSM. Two-way ANOVA was applied to determine any difference for the removal of all parameters between the plant types and months on the mean values of contaminant removal. A correlation matrix of all parameters was determined. Subsurface flow constructed wetland was found quite efficient for the treatment of domestic wastewater in rural settlements. HSFCW is also more economical to install and maintain than a conventional wastewater treatment system while enhancing ecosystem services.Ondokuz May University [PYO.1904.11.017]This work was financed by a scholarship from the Ondokuz May University for support of Scientific/Technological Research (PYO.1904.11.017). Authors thank the Ondokuz May University for providing the opportunity to research

    Management model of lakes as a tool for planning the remediation of Suat Uğurlu lake

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    Ecological processes that occur in a lake depend on the physico-chemical (abiotic) and biotic factors of the system and the interrelations between them. It can be concluded that the current nutrient loadings from both point and non-point sources are cause to increase eutrophic case over the years. This study indicate that the sustainable utilization of reservoir in combination with proper wastewater treatment plant and controlled use of pesticides has a potential to reduce the current nutrient loadings into Suat Uğurlu Lake. The estimated nutrient reductions that could be achieved from the management scenario would be enough to revert the lake from mesotrophic situation to trophic state. The reduction of nutrient loadings into Suat Uğurlu Lake could be achieved through the practice of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), through good management. However, as long as pertinent issues of urban poverty, watershed management and public awareness and involvement in water related issues are not addressed, trophic in Suat Uğurlu Lake will remain a problem