7 research outputs found

    Insights into Early Stage of Antibiotic Development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Survey of Targets, Costs, and Durations

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    Antibiotic innovation has dwindled to dangerously low levels in the past 30 years. Since resistance continues to evolve, this innovation deficit can have perilous consequences on patients. A number of new incentives have been suggested to stimulate greater antibacterial drug innovation. To design effective solutions, a greater understanding is needed of actual antibiotic discovery and development costs and timelines. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) undertake most discovery and early phase development for antibiotics and other drugs. This paper attempts to gather a better understanding of SMEs’ targets, costs, and durations related to discovery and early phase development of antibacterial therapies

    Patient access in fourteen high-income countries to new antibacterials approved by the FDA, EMA, PMDA, or Health Canada, 2010-2020

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    In 2010, the Infectious Diseases Society of America called for 10 new antibiotics by 2020 [1]. This goal was achieved in terms of the number of drug approvals, but actual patient access requires commercial launches in many countries, which itself requires sustainable commercial markets. Prior work has described limited access to new antibacterials in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), in part due to the inability of many to afford these drugs [2]. This study examines patient access for new antibacterials in the G7 and 7 other high-income countries in Europe, to better understand other barriers to patient access to effective antibacterial therapy

    Patient access in fourteen high-income countries to new antibacterials approved by the FDA, EMA, PMDA, or Health Canada, 2010-2020

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    In 2010, the Infectious Diseases Society of America called for 10 new antibiotics by 2020 [1]. This goal was achieved in terms of the number of drug approvals, but actual patient access requires commercial launches in many countries, which itself requires sustainable commercial markets. Prior work has described limited access to new antibacterials in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), in part due to the inability of many to afford these drugs [2]. This study examines patient access for new antibacterials in the G7 and 7 other high-income countries in Europe, to better understand other barriers to patient access to effective antibacterial therapy

    Mapping of available health research and development data: what's there, what's missing, and what role is there for a global observatory?

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    The need to align investments in health research and development (R&D) with public health demands is one of the most pressing global public health challenges. We aim to provide a comprehensive description of available data sources, propose a set of indicators for monitoring the global landscape of health R&D, and present a sample of country indicators on research inputs (investments), processes (clinical trials), and outputs (publications), based on data from international databases. Total global investments in health R&D (both public and private sector) in 2009 reached US240billion.OftheUS240 billion. Of the US214 billion invested in high-income countries, 60% of health R&D investments came from the business sector, 30% from the public sector, and about 10% from other sources (including private non-profit organisations). Only about 1% of all health R&D investments were allocated to neglected diseases in 2010. Diseases of relevance to high-income countries were investigated in clinical trials seven-to-eight-times more often than were diseases whose burden lies mainly in low-income and middle-income countries. This report confirms that substantial gaps in the global landscape of health R&D remain, especially for and in low-income and middle-income countries. Too few investments are targeted towards the health needs of these countries. Better data are needed to improve priority setting and coordination for health R&D, ultimately to ensure that resources are allocated to diseases and regions where they are needed the most. The establishment of a global observatory on health R&D, which is being discussed at WHO, could address the absence of a comprehensive and sustainable mechanism for regular global monitoring of health R&D