34 research outputs found

    Modeling the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) to study of its relationship with variations in the thermal field and with the indices of land use in the metropolitan area of Granada (Spain)

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    Understanding just how the increase in the Earth’s Surface Temperature (LST) is related to alterations of the urban climate —Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) or Urban Hotspots (UHS)— and with the deterioration of cities´environmental quality has become a great challenge. Societies worldwide seek actions that might break these trends and improve the quality of life of local inhabitants. In this research, with the help of Landsat 5, 7 and 8 satellite images, the evolution of land use/cover (LULC), LST and SUHI were studied over a long period, from 1985 to 2020, in the metropolitan area of the city of Granada (Spain). The aim was to evaluate how these variables, together with the Urban Index (UI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Proportion of Vegetation (PV), have influenced the variability of the UHS and the level of thermal comfort according to the Urban Thermal Field Variance Index (UTFVI). Reported as results, corroborated by statistical analysis, are mean increases in LST (2.2◦C), SUHI (0.6◦C), UHS (20.4%), and class 6 of the UTFV (26.2%). NDBI and UI are associated with high variations in LULCs. These have suffered increases in built-up and bare soil coverage, and decreases in water bodies, vegetation and farmland coverage

    Spatiotemporal analysis of the surface urban heat island (SUHI), air pollution and disease pattern: an applied study on the city of Granada (Spain)

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    Abstract There is worldwide concern about how climate change —which involves rising temperatures— may increase the risk of contracting and developing diseases, reducing the quality of life. This study provides new research that takes into account parameters such as land surface temperature (LST), surface urban heat island (SUHI), urban hotspot (UHS), air pollution ( SO2, NO2, CO, O3 and aerosols), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the normalized difference building index (NDBI) and the proportion of vegetation (PV) that allows evaluating environmental quality and establishes mitigation measures in future urban developments that could improve the quality of life of a given population. With the help of Sentinel 3 and 5P satellite images, we studied these variables in the context of Granada (Spain) during the year 2021 to assess how they may affect the risk of developing diseases (stomach, colorectal, lung, prostate and bladder cancer, dementia, cerebrovascular disease, liver disease and suicide). The results, corroborated by the statistical analysis using the Data Panel technique, indicate that the variables LST, SUHI and daytime UHS, NO2, SO2 and NDBI have important positive correlations above 99% (p value: 0.000) with an excess risk of developing these diseases. Hence, the importance of this study for the formulation of healthy policies in cities and future research that minimizes the excess risk of diseasesUniversidad de Granada/ CBU

    Spatial and Multi-Temporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature through Landsat 8 Images: Comparison of Algorithms in a Highly Polluted City (Granada)

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    Over the past decade, satellite imaging has become a habitual way to determine the land surface temperature (LST). One means entails the use of Landsat 8 images, for which mono window (MW), single channel (SC) and split window (SW) algorithms are needed. Knowing the precision and seasonal variability of the LST can improve urban climate alteration studies, which ultimately help make sustainable decisions in terms of the greater resilience of cities. In this study we determine the LST of a mid-sized city, Granada (Spain), applying six Landsat 8 algorithms that are validated using ambient temperatures. In addition to having a unique geographical location, this city has high pollution and high daily temperature variations, so that it is a very appropriate site for study. Altogether, 11 images with very low cloudiness were taken into account, distributed between November 2019 and October 2020. After data validation by means of R2 statistical analysis, the root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE) and standard deviation (SD) were determined to obtain the coefficients of correlation. Panel data analysis is presented as a novel element with respect to the methods usually used. Results reveal that the SC algorithms prove more effective and reliable in determining the LST of the city studied here.ERDF (European Rural Development Fund)Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Research Agency) EQC2018-004702-

    Impacts of the COVID-19 confinement on air quality, the Land Surface Temperature and the urban heat island in eight cities of Andalusia (Spain)

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    The COVID-19 outbreak and ensuing global lockdown situation have generated a very negative impact on the world economy, but they have also lent us a unique opportunity to research and better grasp the impacts of human activity on environmental pollution and urban climates. Such studies will be of vital importance for decision-making on measures needed to mitigate the effects of climate change in urban areas, in order to turn them into resilient environments. This study looks at eight cities in the region of Andalusia (southern Spain) to comprehensively assess their environmental quality with parameters (Pm-10, So(2), No-2, Co and O-3) obtained from meteorological stations. The aim was to determine how these parameters affect the Land Surface Temperature (LST) and the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI), on the basis of Sentinel 3 satellite thermal images. Knowing to what extent improved air quality can reduce the LST and SUHI of cities will be essential in the context of future environmental studies on which to base sustainable decisions. The geographic situation of cities in the Mediterranean Sea basin, highly vulnerable to climate change, and the high pollution rates and high daily temperature variations of these urban areas make them particularly attractive for analyses of this sort. During the confinement period, average reductions of some environmental pollutants were achieved: So(2) (-33.5%), Pm-10 (-38.3%), No-2 (-44.0%) and Co (-26.5%). However, the environmental variable O-3 underwent an average growth of 5.9%. The LST showed an average reduction of -4.6 degrees C (-19.3%), while the SUHI decreased by 1.02 degrees C (-59.8%). These values exhibit high spatio-temporal variations be-tween day and night, and between inland and coastal cities

    Spatial-Temporal Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Using Satellite Images: Capitals of Andalusia

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    La búsqueda de nuevas técnicas que permitan determinar de forma económica y precisa el fenómeno de alteración de clima urbano denominado Isla de Calor Urbana (ICU) se ha convertido en uno de los grandes retos de la sociedad. Su conocimiento sobre las urbes permitiría la implantación de medidas de mitigación y resiliencia que tiendan a minimizar sus efectos y el coste económico que conlleva. En esta investigación, se ha determinado la Temperatura de la Superficie Terrestre (TST) y la ICU mediante imágenes satelitales Séntinel 3 de las ocho capitales de Andalucía (España) durante el año 2020. Estas se ubican en una zona calificada como de alta vulnerabilidad a los efectos del cambio climático lo que unido al empleo de zonas climáticas locales (ZCL) permite que los resultados puedan ser extrapolados a otras ciudades con iguales tipologías de zonas climáticas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que durante la mañana se produce en las ciudades estudiadas una isla de enfriamiento urbano de temperatura media -0,76 ºC y durante la noche una ICU de temperatura media 1,29 ºC. Ambas presentan mayores intensidades en las ZCL compactas de media y baja densidad en contraposición con las ZCL abiertas e industriales. La variabilidad estacional de la ICU diurna se intensifica durante el verano y el invierno y la nocturna durante el invierno y el otoño. Se comprueba la existencia de relaciones diurnas negativas significativas al 99% (p<0,01) entre la ICU y la contaminación ambiental y de relaciones nocturnas, en iguales condiciones, entre la ICU y la TST, fracción vegetal (Pv) y la contaminación.The search for new techniques that make it possible to determine economically and precisely the phenomenon of urban climate alteration called Urban Heat Island (ICU) has become one of the great challenges of society. Their knowledge of cities would allow the implementation of mitigation and resilience measures that tend to minimize their effects and the economic cost that they entail. In this research, the Terrestrial Surface Temperature (TST) and the ICU have been determined through Sentinel 3 satellite images of the eight capitals of Andalusia (Spain) during the year 2020. These are located in an area classified as highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which, together with the use of local climate zones (ZCL), allows the results to be extrapolated to other cities with the same types of climate zones. The results obtained indicate that during the morning there is an urban cooling island with an average temperature of -0.76 ºC and during the night an ICU with an average temperature of 1.29 ºC. Both present higher intensities in compact ZCL of medium and low density in contrast to open and industrial ZCL. The seasonal variability of the diurnal ICU is intensified during the summer and winter and the nocturnal one during the winter and autumn. The existence of negative diurnal relationships significant at 99% (p <0.01) between the ICU and environmental contamination and of nocturnal relationships in the same conditions between the ICU and the TST, plant fraction (Pv) and contamination are verified

    Analysis of synergies between Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves using Sentinel-3 images over the city of Granada

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    Comprender las sinergias existentes entre el fenómeno de Isla de Calor Urbano (ICU) y uno de los eventos climáticos extremos como son las olas de calor se ha convertido en uno de los grandes retos de la sociedad que persigue la mejora de la calidad de vida. En esta investigación, se ha determinado la Temperatura de la Superficie Terrestre (TST) y la Isla de Calor Urbana de Superficie (ICUS) mediante imágenes Sentinel-3 de la ciudad de Granada (España) durante los meses de julio y agosto de los años 2019 y 2020. El objetivo es el de determinar las posibles sinergias entre ambos fenómenos en una zona calificada como de alta vulnerabilidad a los efectos del cambio climático. Mediante el método de análisis estadístico Datos de Panel se han obtenido las relaciones multivariantes durante los periodos de ola de calor. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación y en línea con estudios anteriores, indican que los valores medios de TST y de ICUS se intensifican bajo condiciones de ola de calor en comparación con los periodos sin ola de calor (Diurnas: ΔTST=2,2 °C y ΔICUS=0,2 °C; Nocturnas: ΔTST=4,4 °C y ΔICUS= 0,3 °C). Se reportan relaciones entre la ICUS y la radiación solar y la dirección del viento que se intensifican en periodos de ola de calor.Understanding the synergies between the Urban Heat Island (ICU) phenomenon and one of the extreme climatic events such as heat waves has become one of the great challenges of society that seeks to improve the quality of life. In this research, the Terrestrial Surface Temperature (TST) and the Urban Surface Heat Island (ICUS) have been determined using Sentinel-3 images of the city of Granada (Spain) during the months of July and August of the years 2019 and 2020. The purpose is to determine the possible synergies between both phenomena in an area classified as highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Using the Data Panel statistical analysis method, multivariate relationships were obtained during the heat wave periods. The results obtained, in line with previous research, indicate that TST and ICUS are intensified under heat wave conditions (Daytime: TST=2.2 °C and ICUS=0.2 °C; Nighttime: TST=4.4 °C and ICUS= 0.3 °C) and there are relationships between ICUS and wind direction and solar radiation that intensify in periods of heat wave

    Analysis of synergies between Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves using Sentinel-3 images over the city of Granada

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    [EN] Understanding the synergies between the Urban Heat Island (ICU) phenomenon and one of the extreme climatic events such as heat waves has become one of the great challenges of society that seeks to improve the quality of life. In this research, the Terrestrial Surface Temperature (TST) and the Urban Surface Heat Island (ICUS) have been determined using Sentinel-3 images of the city of Granada (Spain) during the months of July and August of the years 2019 and 2020. The purpose is to determine the possible synergies between both phenomena in an area classified as highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Using the Data Panel statistical analysis method, multivariate relationships were obtained during the heat wave periods. The results obtained, in line with previous research, indicate that TST and ICUS are intensified under heat wave conditions (Daytime: TST=2.2 °C and ICUS=0.2 °C; Nighttime: TST=4.4 °C and ICUS= 0.3 °C) and there are relationships between ICUS and wind direction and solar radiation that intensify in periods of heat wave.[ES] Comprender las sinergias existentes entre el fenómeno de Isla de Calor Urbano (ICU) y uno de los eventos climáticos extremos como son las olas de calor se ha convertido en uno de los grandes retos de la sociedad que persigue la mejora de la calidad de vida. En esta investigación, se ha determinado la Temperatura de la Superficie Terrestre (TST) y la Isla de Calor Urbana de Superficie (ICUS) mediante imágenes Sentinel-3 de la ciudad de Granada (España) durante los meses de julio y agosto de los años 2019 y 2020. El objetivo es el de determinar las posibles sinergias entre ambos fenómenos en una zona calificada como de alta vulnerabilidad a los efectos del cambio climático. Mediante el método de análisis estadístico Datos de Panel se han obtenido las relaciones multivariantes durante los periodos de ola de calor. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación y en línea con estudios anteriores, indican que los valores medios de TST y de ICUS se intensifican bajo condiciones de ola de calor en comparación con los periodos sin ola de calor (Diurnas:ΔTST=2,2 °C y ΔICUS=0,2 °C; Nocturnas: ΔTST=4,4 °C y ΔICUS= 0,3 °C). Se reportan relaciones entre la ICUS y la radiación solar y la dirección del viento que se intensifican en periodos de ola de calor.Hidalgo-García, D.; Arco-Díaz, J. (2022). Análisis de sinergias entre Isla de Calor Urbana y Olas de Calor mediante imágenes Sentinel 3 sobre la ciudad de Granada. Revista de Teledetección. (60):1-15. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2022.17128OJS1156

    Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Thermal Effects Caused by HeatWaves through Remote Sensing

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    In recent years there has been an increase in the number of extreme weather events that lead to higher mortality, such as heat waves. This study carries out a new investigation that integrates the environmental quality parameters-the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) and the Terrestrial Surface Temperature (LST)-during these periods of high temperatures and compares them with normal periods. The study of the relationship between these variables will allow improving the quality of life through new mitigation measures that will minimize the effects of climate change in urban areas. This study analyzes eight cities in the south of Spain (Andalusia) to assess environmental quality through gases SO2, NO2, CO, O-3 and aerosols, obtained through Sentinel-5P satellite images, and the LST and SUHI obtained through Sentinel-3 images. Next, the results of periods of heat waves are compared with periods of normal environmental conditions during the summers of the years 2020 and 2021. The objective is to determine the possible impact of heat waves on environmental quality, as well as on the LST and SUHI of the investigated cities, which are located in an area identified as highly vulnerable to the effects of global warming. During the period of the heat wave and compared to the periods without a heat wave, a variety of environmental pollutants was found: SO2 (+165%), NO2 (+24%), CO (+8%), O-3 (-4%) and aerosols (+193%). Both the LST and the SUHI suffered an average increase of 2.8 K. The results of this document can help to establish pollutant reduction mechanisms in periods prior to heat waves. This could minimize major effects on the population and provide sustainable development

    Análisis de tres metodologías en la enseñanza del urbanismo

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    En los últimos años se han producido múltiples avances en relación a la implantación de nuevas metodologías docentes dedicada a la impartición de asignaturas en el campo de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Estas metodologías se encuentran avaladas por especialistas del ámbito de la pedagogía y la psicología, y su número de adeptos aumenta de forma considerable con el paso del tiempo. No obstante, dentro de estos campos es difícil encontrar estudios que consideren en profundidad la opinión de los agentes que intervienen en dichas metodologías, es decir: alumnado y profesorado. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la opinión de estos agentes en la asignatura Proyecto de Desarrollo Urbano, impartida en la E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Edificación de la Universidad de Granada, tras la utilización de las tres metodologías más usadas en la docencia universitaria, y posteriormente, relacionar dichos datos con la mejora de sus competencias a través de los resultados obtenidos en su evaluación.Teaching methodologies of the subjects of architecture and urbanism have evolved in the late years along with the advances endorsed by specialists in pedagogy and psychology. The number of their followers is increasing. However, it is difficult to find, within these fields, studies that deepen taking into account the opinion of the agents that means the main role in these methodologies, i.e.: students and lecturers. The objective of this article is to know the opinion about the subject of Urban Development Project, lectured in the H.T.S. of Building Engineering of the University of Granada, using the three most important methodologies of university teaching: masterly lesson, flipped classroom and project-based learning. Later it should be related these data with the improvement of their competences through the results obtained through its evaluation

    Parallel urban developments: Leonardo Da Vinci - Étienne Cabet

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    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) encarna el ideal humanista del saber universal y es considerado como uno de los artistas y genios del Renacimiento. Es más conocido como pintor aunque realizó excelentes aportaciones a la arquitectura, a la morfología urbana y a la restauración. Su estudio de mayor importancia, en el campo de los estudios urbanos, es Cittá idéale donde expone la organización de una nueva ciudad que rompe con los sistemas urbanos tradicionales; esta obra presenta grandes similitudes con la ciudad utópica de Icara, descrita por Étienne Cabet (1788-1856) en su novela Voyage en Icarie publicada en París en 1840. Muestra las similitudes entre ambas propuestas publicadas en distintos ámbitos geográficos, con una diferencia de 355 años y cuyo único nexo es la ciudad de París.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) personifies the ideal humanist of the universal knowledge. He is also considered to be as one of the Renaissance geniuses and artists. His most known dimension is that of a painter, although to a lesser extent he contributed excellently to the fields of architecture, urban morphology and rehabilitation. His greatest study within the urban studies is his cittá idéale where he exposes his idea of a new city breaking with the traditional urban models. This one presents similarities with that of the utopic city of Icaria, described by the writer Étienne Cabet (1788-1856), in his novel titled Voyage en Icarie and published in Paris in1840. The current article describes the actual resemblances between both proposals, published in different worlds with a difference of 355 years and with only a connection which is the city of Pari