3,525 research outputs found

    Assessing the Extent of Domestic Violence against Indian Women after the Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act of India, 2005

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    This paper aims to dissect and analyze the trends of domestic violence against women in India. It will explore the factors contributing to the risk and prevalence of violence against women following the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act of India in 2005. This study also assesses the magnitude of violence that makes women vulnerable. In addressing the above-mentioned objective, this study has used data from the National Family and Health Survey collected in 2005-06 and 2015-16. In the first stage of analysis, the magnitude of violence was estimated using socio-economic and demographic measures. In the second stage, the risk of violence on women was assessed by using the logistic regression model. The study reveals that physical violence has declined, but sexual and emotional violence has been on the rise since the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act of India in 2005. It has been observed that though the Indian patriarchal structure gives scope and room for domestic violence, it has moved from physical to sexual or verbal abuse and emotional trauma. Further, the key contributions of this study are to underpin the shifting of violence (physical to sexual) in India and to understand the dynamics of violence under the umbrella of the Domestic Violence Act of India, 2005 framework


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    The fiber rich diets have a positive effect on health as their ingestion has been related to decreased prevalence of several diseases. It is speculatedthat Indian diets have the potential to reduce the prevalence of a variety of risk diseases; however there are limited studies available on the dietaryfiber (DF) composition of foods available in India. High-fiber foods have a far lower energy density as compared with high-fat foods. Thus, high-fiberfoods can displace energy (calories). The satiation and fullness of stomach are predominantly influenced by the bulking and viscosity properties of DF.Persons who consume generous amounts of DF, compared to those who have minimal fiber intake, are at lower risk for developing coronary arterydiseases, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Increasing the intake of high fiber foods or fiber supplementsimproves serum lipoprotein values, lowers blood pressure, improves blood glucose control for diabetic individuals, and aids weight loss. Emergingresearch indicates that intake of soluble fibers enhances immune function in humans.Keywords: Dietary fiber, Glycemic index, Nutrient composition, Recommended allowance

    Cobalt Single Atom Heterogeneous Catalyst: Method of Preparation, Characterization, Catalysis, and Mechanism

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    Transition metal nanoparticles and metal oxide have been used extensively for a wide range of applications in electrochemical reactions (HER, ORR, OER) and energy storage (supercapacitors batteries). To make less expensive, the use of transition metal at minimum metal contents without compromising the catalytic activity could be one way. Most of the catalytic process takes place on the surface and reaction dynamic can be manipulated by changing the particle size and shape. For a long time, single metal atom organometallic compounds have been used as a catalyst at the industrial level. However, problems with the homogeneous catalyst to recover back at the end of the process lead to development of heterogeneous single-atom catalysts with equal activity like a homogeneous catalyst. Cobalt single atom has received a tremendous interest of the scientific community due to its excellent catalytic activity and recyclability. Cobalt single-atom catalyst has shown better performance compared with sub-nanometer nanoparticles catalyst for ORR, OER, and HER. This chapter is conferring method of preparation of carbon-based single Co atoms heterogeneous catalyst, their application for ORR, OER, HER reactions, and mechanistic investigations through DFT calculations. The role of single Co metal atoms and anchoring using N or heteroatoms is discussed and compared

    Czytając T.S. Eliota: ekokrytyczna analiza z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    T.S. Eliot’s writings have always been an essential point of discussion among critics and scholars due to its di-verse range of themes and his focus on the major concerns of the modern period. Eliot was a keen observer of the great transformations which the environment has endured. The present paper is an attempt towards an ecocritical reading of Eliot’s poems. His works depict the major environmental challenges such as pollution, population, water scarcity, deforestation, and therefore could be interpreted as his step towards sustainable development. Though the concept of sustainable development has evolved recently, the need to create awareness towards the environment was felt at the time when Eliot’s writings were in progress. Hence, an eco-critical reading of Eliot’s works helps in understanding his consciousness towards the degradation of the environment and his move towards creating awareness among others.Świat przeszedł wielkie przemiany w ciągu ostatnich kilku dekad. Pomimo wynalezienia wspaniałych technologii, które ułatwiają ludzkie życie, dzisiejszy świat zmaga się z poważnymi problemami środowiskowymi, takimi jak zanieczyszczenie, przeludnienie, niedobór wody, zagrożenia dla zdrowia, wylesianie, ubóstwo i zanik bioróżnorodności. Rosnący zakres tych problemów był przyczyną sformułowania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ma on na celu pozostawienie zasobów naturalnych dla przyszłych pokoleń bez uszczerbku dla obecnych potrzeb. Chociaż idea ta została opracowana niedawno, potrzeba kreowania świadomości ekologicznej pojawiła się już w czasie rewolucji przemysłowej i dwóch wojen światowych. Jako pisarz okresu powojennego prace T.S. Eliota ukazują główne wyzwania środowiskowe i mogą być również interpretowane jako krok w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju. W tym świetle niniejszy artykuł jest próbą ekokrytycznej lektury wierszy tego autora

    A study for the Assessment of Nutritional Deficiency Status of the School Going Girls

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    Nutrient deficiencies are prevalent worldwide. Nutritional status refers to a person's overall health, which is impacted by nutrient intake and use in the body. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 are commonly regarded to be of school age, and this might be a second chance to make up on growth. Children's nutritional condition reflects not only the family's financial position and community's social well-being but also the health-care system's productivity and the effect on the surroundings. The present study reveals that the school going girls are suffering from different nutritional deficiencies like- anaemia, underweight, overweight, obesity, stunting, iodine deficiency etc. These deficiencies are emerging health problems and become the major epidemic cause of serious health problems in India. Children's diets in India, like those in many other wealthy nations, are often imbalanced, with an overabundance of calories and protein and insufficient amounts of numerous minerals and vitamins

    Facile Synthesis of Manganese Oxyhydroxide (MnOOH) Nanowires for the Capacitors Application

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    A facile method has been introduced to synthesis manganese oxyhydroxide (MnOOH) nanowires synthesized using hydrothermal reaction. The synthesized nanowires have been characterized using different techniques like X-ray diffractogram, infra-red spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and electrochemical methods. FESEM results show that the obtained nanowires have very uniform morphology. The electrochemical test shows to have capacitance of 130 F/gm

    Body mass index and gestational weight gain in pregnant women with gestational diabetes and its relation with adverse maternal and fetal outcome

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    Background: Raised body mass index (BMI) and excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) are important determinants in development of gestational diabetes.Methods: A prospective, observational study carried out on antenatal women since their first trimester. These women were screened for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) by diabetes in pregnancy study group of India (DIPSI) criteria. All participants were followed up by measuring their BMI, weight gain, blood sugars in every trimester. Also, data was collected regarding any adverse outcomes.Results: Among all participants, 16.8% were diagnosed as GDM. 44% women of study group had weight gain beyond Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations. Higher risk of GDM was observed in women with raised BMI and excessive GWG. Also, odds of preeclampsia, preterm deliveries, caesarean section, macrosomia, intrauterine fetal death, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions were higher in women with GDM.Conclusions: Compliance of recommended weight gain during pregnancy have a strong impact on the fetal outcome. Amount and timing of weight gain plays a crucial role in GDM

    Probiotics as nutrient supplement in artificial feed of gold fish (Carassius auratus)

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    Ornamental fish culture is an important component of aquaculture industry and is one of the most economic and profitable areas of fish farming activities. The last four decades has witnessed considerable growth and diversification in the international trade in ornamental fishes. Gold fish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758), a member of the cyprinidae family is one of the most popular aquarium fish and are extremely valuable commercially. Goldfish are not having only attractive colour but also are hardy and easy to culture, so they make excellent aquarium species as well . as laboratory species. Moreover, their hardiness and ready availability give them scientific value for genetic and physiological research also