282 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Graph Sampling: A Visualization Perspective

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    Graph sampling is frequently used to address scalability issues when analyzing large graphs. Many algorithms have beenproposed to sample graphs, and the performance of these algorithms has been quantified through metrics based on graph structuralproperties preserved by the sampling: degree distribution, clustering coefficient, and others. However, a perspective that is missing isthe impact of these sampling strategies on the resultant visualizations. In this paper, we present the results of three user studies thatinvestigate how sampling strategies influence node-link visualizations of graphs. In particular, five sampling strategies widely used inthe graph mining literature are tested to determine how well they preserve visual features in node-link diagrams. Our results showthat depending on the sampling strategy used different visual features are preserved. These results provide a complimentary view tometric evaluations conducted in the graph mining literature and provide an impetus to conduct future visualization studie

    Communities Found by Users -- not Algorithms: Comparing Human and Algorithmically Generated Communities

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    Proximity, Communities, and Attributes in Social Network Visualisation

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    The identification of groups in social networks drawn as graphs is an important task for social scientists whowish to know how a population divides with respect to relationships or attributes. Community detection algorithms identify communities (groups) in social networks by finding clusters in the graph: that is, sets of people (nodes) where the relationships (edges) between them are more numerous than their relationships with other nodes. This approach to determining communities is naturally based on the underlying structure of the network, rather than on attributes associated with nodes. In this paper, we report on an experiment that (a) compares the effectiveness of several force-directed graph layout algorithms for visually identifying communities, and (b) investigates their usefulness when group membership is based not on structure, but on attributes associated with the people in the network. We find algorithms that clearly separate communities with large distances to be most effective, while using colour to represent community membership is more successful than reliance on structural layout

    A Multilevel Approach for Event-Based Dynamic Graph Drawing

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    Edge-Path Bundling: A Less Ambiguous Edge Bundling Approach

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    Edge bundling techniques cluster edges with similar attributes (i.e. similarity in direction and proximity) together to reduce the visual clutter. All edge bundling techniques to date implicitly or explicitly cluster groups of individual edges, or parts of them, together based on these attributes. These clusters can result in ambiguous connections that do not exist in the data. Confluent drawings of networks do not have these ambiguities, but require the layout to be computed as part of the bundling process. We devise a new bundling method, Edge-Path bundling, to simplify edge clutter while greatly reducing ambiguities compared to previous bundling techniques. Edge-Path bundling takes a layout as input and clusters each edge along a weighted, shortest path to limit its deviation from a straight line. Edge-Path bundling does not incur independent edge ambiguities typically seen in all edge bundling methods, and the level of bundling can be tuned through shortest path distances, Euclidean distances, and combinations of the two. Also, directed edge bundling naturally emerges from the model. Through metric evaluations, we demonstrate the advantages of Edge-Path bundling over other techniques

    The Effectiveness of Interactive Visualization Techniques for Time Navigation of Dynamic Graphs on Large Displays

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    Dynamic networks can be challenging to analyze visually, especially if they span a large time range during which new nodes and edges can appear and disappear. Although it is straightforward to provide interfaces for visualization that represent multiple states of the network (i.e., multiple timeslices) either simultaneously (e.g., through small multiples) or interactively (e.g., through interactive animation), these interfaces might not support tasks in which disjoint timeslices need to be compared. Since these tasks are key for understanding the dynamic aspects of the network, understanding which interactive visualizations best support these tasks is important. We present the results of a series of laboratory experiments comparing two traditional approaches (small multiples and interactive animation), with a more recent approach based on interactive timeslicing. The tasks were performed on a large display through a touch interface. Participants completed 24 trials of three tasks with all techniques. The results show that interactive timeslicing brings benefit when comparing distant points in time, but less benefits when analyzing contiguous intervals of time

    Discriminative neural network for hero selection in professional Heroes of the Storm and DOTA 2

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    Multiplayer online battle arena games (MOBAs) are one of the most popular types of online games. Annual tournaments draw large online viewership and reward the winning teams with large monetary prizes. Character selection prior to the start of the game (draft) plays a major role in the way the game is played and can give a large advantage to either team. Hence, professional teams try to maximize their winning chances by selecting the optimal team composition to counter their opponents. However, drafting is a complex process that requires deep game knowledge and preparation, which makes it stressful and error-prone. In this paper, we present an automatic drafter system based on the suggestions of a discriminative neural network and evaluate how it performs on the MOBAs Heroes of the Storm and DOTA 2. We propose a method to appropriately exploit very heterogeneous datasets that aggregates data from various versions of the games. Drafter testing on professional games shows that the actual selected hero was present in the top 3 determined by our drafting tool 30.4% of the time for HotS and 17.6% for DOTA 2. The performance obtained by this method exceed all previously reported results
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