28 research outputs found

    Resilient Behaviors in Music Students: Relationship with Perfectionism and Self-Efficacy

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    Self-efficacy and perfectionism play an important role in high-performance activities. This cross-sectional study analyzes the relationship between these constructs and resilience in a sample of 145 music students (57.9% female) with a mean age of 27.77 years. Perfectionism was assessed using the Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport; resilience, using the Resilience Scale; and self-efficacy, using the General Self-Efficacy Scale. Females, compared to males, are more perfectionist, both on the adaptive (Cohen’s d = 0.41) and maladaptive scales (Cohen’s d = 0.70). However, no gender differences were found in self-efficacy or resilience scores. Music students categorized as highly resilient obtained significantly higher self-efficacy scores (Cohen’s d = 1.30). However, no differences were found between high- and low-resilience students in perfectionism scores, the total scale scores, or its adaptive or functional factor (striving for perfection). Differences were found for the maladaptive factor, negative reactions to imperfection, where low-resilience students scored higher on negative reactions to imperfection (Cohen’s d = 0.49). Self-efficacy shows significant predictive power for resilience (β = 0.525, p < 0.001). Although functional perfectionism did not significantly predict resilience, a marginal negative relationship was found between dysfunctional perfectionism and resilience (β = −0.156, p = 0.063). The results are discussed concerning their implications for music pedagogy and teacher intervention.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBU

    Association of a Mediterranean Diet and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption with Subjective Well-Being among Adults with Overweight and Obesity

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    Recent evidence suggests that among behavioral-lifestyle factors, adherence to a healthy dietary pattern such as the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is linked not only to better psychological health and mental positive status but also to increased subjective well-being (SWB). Nevertheless, this association has been unexplored among individuals with excessive weight. This study explored whether adherence to the MedDiet and the intake of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables (FV) are associated with increased happiness and life satisfaction among Spanish adults with overweight or obesity when weight, body image, and body satisfaction are also considered. A convenience sample of adult individuals with excessive weight completed self-reports on the study variables, and weight and BMI were measured by bioimpedance. No evidence of a relationship with SWB indicators was obtained for MedDiet global indicators, probably due to the low adherence to a healthy diet by these individuals. In contrast, FV intake, as a powerful indicator of healthy eating, was associated with life satisfaction when BMI and body image dimensions were considered, among which body satisfaction had a key role. Moreover, life satisfaction fully mediated the relationship between FV consumption and happiness. Our findings are expected to make a relevant contribution to knowledge on the positive correlates or protective factors for overall well-being in obesity, including dietary habits and body appreciation. Our results may inform obesity management actions focused on inclusive, positive aesthetic models and promoting a healthy lifestyle for happiness in obesity.“Psicología de la Salud/Medicina Conductual” Research Group (CTS-267) and “Psicología del Ejercicio, el Deporte y la Salud” Research Group (CTS-980) by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain)Research Project “Quality of Life and Body Image in Adults with Obesity” (PIVA Projects, Ref. ICB2) by the Universidad Autónoma Ciudad Juárez (Mexico

    Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Mental Health in Nurses from Huelva: A Cross-Cutting Study during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    : Currently, healthcare professionals are particularly vulnerable to the impact of the SARSCoV-2pandemic since they directly deal with patients suffering from this disease and are in the first line of fire, which increases their risk of contagion. This research examines the prevalence of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and possible non-psychotic psychiatric disorders in 48 male and 270 female nursing professionals of Huelva during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we analyzed the relationship between these dependent variables and considered various sociodemographic variables. The nursing staff of public hospitals in Huelva who have had contact with cases of SARS-CoV-2 in their work environment showed a poorer state of mental health than that of others of this same professional category who have not had contact with this type of situatio

    Influence of Sleeping Patterns in Health and Academic Performance among University Students

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    Sleep problems in university students are important and have implications for health, quality of life, and academic performance. Using an ex post facto design, a total sample of 855 students (55.7% women) participated in the study. Sleep assessment was conducted using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Nightmare Frequency Scale, the Nightmare Proneness Scale, and the Composite Morningness Scale. Women show a higher risk [OR = 2.61] of presenting poor sleep quality (> 5 points on the PSQI) compared with men (p < 0.001). Similarly, women reported a greater frequency of nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.60), greater propensity for nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.70) and a higher score on Item-5h of the PSQI regarding nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.59). Women, compared with men, show higher risk [OR = 2.84] for a sleep disorder related to nightmares (p = 0.012). Women need more time to reach a state of alertness after getting up (p = .022), and there was an interaction between sex and the alertness factor when evaluating the subjective quality of sleep (p = 0.030). Women show worse sleep quality and a higher frequency and propensity for suffering nightmares. When considering the relationship between sleep quality and academic performance, it is observed that students with poor sleep quality obtain lower academic scores (M = 7.21, SD = 0.805) than those with good sleep quality (M = 7.32, SD = 0.685), an effect that reaches significance (t = 2.116, p = 0.035). Regarding the relationship between the categorized chronotype and academic performance, students with a morning chronotype achieve better academic results (M = 7.41, SD = 0.89) than their evening counterparts (M = 7.15, SD = 0.76), although these differences have a small effect size (d = 0.31)

    Anti-fat bias in secondary school teachers: Are physical education teachers more biased than mathematics teachers?

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    t has been suggested that physical education (PE) teachers hold strong anti-fat attitudes and thatthese can have an impact on the health of their students. In this study, we compare the attitudesand stereotypes towards obesity of PE teachers with those of their colleagues who teachmathematics. In addition, we evaluated the association between the teachers’ anti-fat biases andthe level of physical activity (PA) of their students. The sample consisted of 81 PE teachers and 75mathematics teachers. The adolescent sample consisted of 1792 secondary school students. Theassessment of attitudes and stereotypes was conducted with the Implicit Association Test and theAnti-Fat Attitudes questionnaire. The PA level of the adolescents was determined by a self-administered instrument. PE and mathematics teachers showed similar biases, except for theautomatic obesity–laziness association, which was stronger for PE teachers than for mathematicsteachers. These distinctive implicit stereotypes of PE teachers were also significant predictors ofthe lack of PA in adolescents. We recommend the use of interventions aimed at reducing non-traditional forms of prejudice in teachers

    Considering BMI, Body Image and Desired Weight Change for Suitable Obesity Management Options

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    With prevalence of obesity increasing worldwide, understanding body image in individuals with excessiveweight is important, as unawareness of weight excess can prevent weight loss attempts. We explored the associationsamong measured and self-reported body mass index (BMI), body image and body satisfaction among Spanish females andmales with overweight or obesity, with a special focus in discriminating individuals who are and are not satisfied with theirbody and wish or not to change their appearance. Just unifying all individuals with excessive weight may lead to uncoveror deny different realities and to develop unfitted clinical management options. Updatingfindings for the Spanishpopulation, we found that most participants correctly estimated their weight, but 3 in 10 underestimated it. Similarly,their body images corresponded to adults with overweight or obesity who desired to be thinner, but in average theyreported a perceived body just slightly overweight and a moderate satisfaction with their body. Complementing theexisting evidence, BMI and sex-gender interacted for influencing body weight estimation and desired weight change. Inaddition, three different subgroups were found for desired change of weight and size, depending on their BMI and bodysatisfaction. Discovering and considering different subjective realities and corporeal experiences among individuals withweight excess will help professionals to develop appropriate therapeutic interventions. Thus, the personal experiences thatindividuals have with obesity, instead of obesity itself, should be considered for disentangling management effort

    Predictor model for running motivations : analysis of Spanish vs. Mexican route runners

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    En la práctica de ejercicio físico, estudiar las motivaciones implicadas en que un sujeto desarrolle tal actividad, se ha convertido en uno de los temas fundamentales de la psicología del deporte y el ejercicio. Se pretendía conocer qué relaciones predictivas presentaban el compromiso a correr, la ansiedad competitiva y la percepción de éxito en las carreras en ruta sobre los motivos para realizarlas. Participaron 1795 corredores de fondo en ruta (1105 españoles, 690 mexicanos). De ellos, el 85.65% fueron hombres con una edad de M=38.98 (DT=10.45), y el 14.35% mujeres, con una edad M=37.88 (DT=9.80). La recogida de datos se llevó a cabo mediante las adaptaciones al castellano de las Motivations of Marathoners Scales-34 (MOMS-34), la Commitment to Running Scale-11 (CR-11), el Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2R) y el Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ). Se ha obtenido que los mexicanos, frente al grupo de españoles, alcanzaron mayores puntuaciones en todas las subescalas de las MOMS-34, en la CR-11, en el POSQ y en las subescalas Autoconfianza del CSAI-2R, pero menor puntuación en Ansiedad somática, no habiendo diferencias significativas en Ansiedad cognitiva. Por último, los siete modelos predictivos basados en los análisis de regresión fueron muy similares cuando se compararon las dos nacionalidades agrupadas por el sexo del participante, obteniéndose unas varianzas explicativas muy altas. Pero se mostraron como modelos predictivos diferenciales cuando se compararon los hombres vs. las mujeres.In physical exercise, studying the incentives involved when a subject is developing within their activity has become one of the key concerns of sport and exercise psychology. The aim was to establish the predictive effects of commitment to running, competitive anxiety and perception of success in route races upon the reasons for participating in them. 1.795 long-distance runners took part (1.105 Spanish, 690 Mexicans). Of these, 85.65% were men with an average age of M=38.98 (DT=10.45), and 14.35% were women with an average age of M=37.88 (DT=9.80). Data were collected via Spanish language adaptations of Motivations of Marathoners Scales-34 (MOMS-34), the Commitment to Running Scale-11 (CR-11) the Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2R) and the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ). The results showed that compared to the Spanish group, the Mexicans scored higher in all sub-scales of the MOMS-34, the CR-11, the POSQ and in the Self-confidence sub-scales of the CSAI-2R, but lower in Physical anxiety. There were no significant differences in terms of Cognitive anxiety. Finally, the seven predictive models based on regression analyses were very similar when the two nationalities were compared in groups according to the participants’ sex, producing some very high explanatory variance. But the predictive models were shown to be differential when men were compared with women

    Body Satisfaction, Weight Stigma, Positivity, and Happiness among Spanish Adults with Overweight and Obesity

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    Although previous evidence suggests that happiness is lower among individuals with obesity, research on the correlates of subjective well-being (SWB) is warranted to increase our knowledge. We aim to explore excess weight (i.e., measured and self-reported body mass index (BMI)), body image and satisfaction, self-stigma, positivity, and happiness among Spanish adults with overweight or obesity. We further aim to investigate the predictors of SWB in this sample. A convenience sample of 100 individuals with excess weight completed self-reports on the study variables and were weighed and their height measured. On average, the participants reported body perceptions revealing minor excessive weight, moderate body satisfaction, low-to-moderate weight-related stigma, and elevated positivity and happiness. BMI and gender/sex independently affected these variables, but there were no significant interaction effects. Furthermore, individuals with overweight or obesity with higher body satisfaction and elevated positivity were more likely to report being happy, independent of their age, gender/sex, weight, and weight-related stigma. Mediation effects were found for body satisfaction and positivity in the relationship between weight and happiness. Moreover, positive orientation suppressed the pervasive influence of stigma on SWB. Our findings confirm the key role of body image dimensions and weight-related stigma for happiness and add support to the relevance of positivity for overall well-being of individuals with excess weight. These results may inform obesity management actions focused on inclusive aesthetic models, combating social stigmatization and enhancing positivity for a flourishing and fulfilling life.Junta de Andalucia CTS-267 CTS-980Universidad Autonoma Ciudad Juarez (Mexico) ICB

    Aspectos diferenciales en la imagen corporal y la autodescripción de la forma física en mujeres sedentarias vs. mujeres activas deportivamente

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    Se analizan las relaciones entre imagen corporal y autodescripción física en mujeres que practican danza aeróbica de forma amateur frente a un grupo de mujeres sedentarias. La muestra se compuso de 112 mujeres activas deportivamente y 51 mujeres sedentarias. Los resultados al “Body Shape Questionnaire” (B.S.Q) indican que no se presentan diferencias significativas entre las mujeres sedentarias y las mujeres activas. Del conjunto de la muestra, el 18,4% de las mujeres presentaría problemas con la imagen corporal; siendo en las sedentarias el 19,6% y en las activas el 17,9%. Al valorar los resultados en el “Physical Self-Description Questionnaire” (P.S.D.Q), las mujeres sedentarias puntúan por debajo de las activas en todos los factores salvo en el de fuerza

    Bodybuilders Who Consume Anabolic Steroids and its Relationship with Their Physical Self Description and Rheir Physical Social Anxiety

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    Se determinan las características sobre ansiedad física social y la autodescripción física en 55 varones físicoculturistas usuarios de esteroides anabolizantes y 95 no usuarios, valorado el consumo a través del Índice de Masa Corporal Libre de Grasa. En la escala SPAS los consumidores dan unos valores superiores a los no consumidores en la puntuación total y en la Expectativa ante la Evaluación Negativa, y muy ajustadas las diferencias en el Confort con la Presencia Física. En Autodescripción, valorada mediante el Cuestionario de Autodescripción Física (PSDQ), se muestra que los no usuarios puntúan por encima. Sin embargo, no se dan diferencias en las puntuaciones globales en Autodescripción de la Forma Física. Se observan las correlaciones inversas y significativas entre las dos escalas; con la dimensión Autodescripción Física y con Autodescripción de la Forma Física.The characteristics of physical and social anxiety and the physical self description in 55 male bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids and 95 non users are determined, the consumption is being valued through the Fat Free Body Mass. On the SPAS scale the consumers give higher values to the non consumers in the total score, and in the Expectation towards a Negative Assessment, and very slight differences in the Comfort with their Physical Presence. In self description, valued through the PSDQ, it is shown that non users get a higher score in self description. Nevertheless, there are no differences given in the global scores in self description of the physical form. Inverse and significant correlations are observed between the two scales; with the dimension Physical Self Description, and with Self Description of the Physical Form