7 research outputs found


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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti punca yang mempengaruhi pencapaian kursus matematik dan statistik di kalangan pelajar Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Seramai 2605 orang pelajar telah terlibat dalam kajian ini dan pemilihan responden adalah dilakukan secara rawak berstrata berdasarkan jumlah populasi pelajar di setiap fakulti. Kajian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif analisis seperti min, sisihan piawai, kekerapan dan peratus untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam kursus matematik dan statistik. Seterusnya, kajian ini juga mengenalpasti kaedah dan teknik pembelajaran yang lebih diminati pelajar dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis Pareto. Hasil kajian mendapati faktor latar belakang diri, faktor tenaga pengajar, dan faktor kondisi tempat pengajian mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam kursus matematik dan statistik manakala kaedah pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar adalah lebih diminati oleh pelajar berbanding pembelajaran berpusatkan guru

    Kualiti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Guru Matematik

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    This survey research is designed to identify the quality of teaching and learning of mathematics teachers at secondary schools in Kangar, Perlis. Specifically, this study focuses on students’ level of perception towards teaching and learning quality of the mathematics teachers at school, its relationship with mathematics achievement and the difference in perception between students of different genders. The sample of the study involved 120 form four students. The instrument used is a set of questionaires comprising 21 items of question covering the quality of teaching and learning of the teachers. The data are analysed by using the statistical descriptive and inferential such a the mean, standard deviation, t-test and Pearson correlation. Students’ perceptions on the quality of teachers’ teaching and learning are based on the level of perceptions of 5 point Likert scale. In general, the result showed that the students’ level of perceptions on the quality of teachers’ teaching and learning is in a good category. However, there was no significant relationship between male and female perceptions toward the quality of teachers’ teaching and learning and their achievements. Beside that, the result also showed that there was no difference of perception on the quality of teachers’ teaching and learning between them. The findings of this research could be used as a guideline for teachers in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning

    On linear and oblong leaves shape model

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    The aim of this paper is to develop and represent the overall linear and oblong leaves shape model for a given botanical textual description. For this purpose, the B-spline generative shape method (GSM) was used where the tip, side and the base of the linear and oblong leaves were assembled. Using the GSM and the leaf shape synthesis system, the tip and the base will be automatically generated preserving 2C continuity to ensure a reasonable shape in proportion. Expert botanists were referred to assess the drawing results. The findings show that the use of GSM produced good result except for some cases where the drawing produced minor visual error. As a conclusion, the GSM is a very practical way to model the linear and the oblong leaf shape. As the implication, both the GSM and the system allow the botanists to readily see a picture which might have been hard to visualize before

    Kualiti Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Guru Matematik Sekolah Menengah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P & P) guru matematik sekolah menengah di kawasan Kangar, Perlis. Secara spesifiknya, kajian ini berfokuskan kepada tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P & P) guru matematik sekolah menengah, hubungannya dengan pencapaian matematik dan perbezaan persepsi antara pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Kajian ini merupakan kajian tinjauan melalui soal selidik yang melibatkan 120 orang pelajar tingkatan empat sebagai sampel kajian. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi 21 item soal selidik yang merangkumi kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru. Data yang dipungut melalui soal selidik di analisis menggunakan perisisan komputer, Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Persepsi pelajar terhadap kualiti P & P guru adalah berdasarkan kepada tahap persetujuan yang diukur menggunakan skala Likert lima poin. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru matematik secara keseluruhannya adalah dalam kategori baik. Namun tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi pelajar terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dengan pencapaian matematik mereka sama ada pelajar lelaki atau pelajar perempuan. Selain itu, hasil dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan persepsi terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran antara pelajar lelaki dengan pelajar perempuan. Oleh itu, dapatan kajian ini juga boleh dijadikan panduan kepada guru-guru bagi meningkatkan kualiti P & P mereka. Katakunci kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran gur

    Integer linear programming on preference maximized of workforce scheduling

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    This study investigated the application of integer linear programming with the purpose of solving workforce scheduling problems in real life and satisfying the constraints at the same time, which includes the staff preferences towards shift and company policies. Integer linear programming is a well-known mathematical approach which is able to obtain the optimal solution faster than manually schedule construction in a less-complex way. In this study, a weekly schedule which involved thirteen staff is obtained successfully by using integer linear programming approach through the help of LP Solve IDE software. The result showed that the total staffing cost was successfully minimized due to reduced number of full shift assigned to staff. In addition, the staff satisfaction is maximized by satisfying all their preferences

    Malaysian menu planning model using Self-Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (SHGA)

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    The aim of this research is to propose a self-adaptive hybrid genetic algorithm (SHGA) approach to solve Malaysian menu planning problem for adolescents aged 13 to 18 years old. We developed Malaysian menu planning model with the objectives to optimize the budget allocation for each student, maximize the variety of daily meals, maximize the caterer’s ability, accomplish meals course structures and fulfill the standard recommended nutrient intake (RNI). Two new novel local searches are introduced in this study that combined the insertion search (IS) and insertion search with deleteand-create (ISDC) methods. Application of IS itself could not guarantee the production of feasible solutions as it only searches in a small neighborhood area. Thus, ISDC is proposed to enhance the search towards a large neighborhood area and the results indicated that the proposed algorithm is able to produce 100% feasible solutions with the best fitness value. Besides that, the application of self-adaptive probability for mutation is significantly minimizing computational time taken to generate the good solutions in just few minutes. Hybridization technique of two local search methods and self-adaptive strategy has successfully improved the performance of traditional genetic algorithm through balanced exploitation and exploration schem

    Descriptive statistics with Box-Jenkins and marketing research for jewellery company in Malaysia

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    We develop and demonstrate a methodology for Chinese Jewellery companies for raising their sales and promoting the quality of their products and services. A questionnaire form is used for company’s sale report, and also to identify the customer satisfaction towards the shop. The data that we got from questionnaire form was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The forecast value for daily market price of gold deviates from the actual value due to unpredictable factors such as politic and economy issues, the 916 gold has higher sales at the peak season like festival during which there is some weakness in their products and services