1,867 research outputs found

    Stabilisation of BGK modes by relativistic effects

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    Context. We examine plasma thermalisation processes in the foreshock region of astrophysical shocks within a fully kinetic and self-consistent treatment. We concentrate on proton beam driven electrostatic processes, which are thought to play a key role in the beam relaxation and the particle acceleration. Our results have implications for the eïŹ€ectiveness of electron surfing acceleration and the creation of the required energetic seed population for first order Fermi acceleration at the shock front. Aims. We investigate the acceleration of electrons via their interaction with electrostatic waves, driven by the relativistic Buneman instability, in a system dominated by counter-propagating proton beams. Methods. We adopt a kinetic Vlasov-Poisson description of the plasma on a fixed Eulerian grid and observe the growth and saturation of electrostatic waves for a range of proton beam velocities, from 0.15c to 0.9c. Results. We can report a reduced stability of the electrostatic wave (ESW) with increasing non-relativistic beam velocities and an improved wave stability for increasing relativistic beam velocities, both in accordance with previous findings. At the highest beam speeds, we find the system to be stable again for a period of ≈160 plasma periods. Furthermore, the high phase space resolution of the Eulerian Vlasov approach reveals processes that could not be seen previously with PIC simulations. We observe a, to our knowledge, previously unreported secondary electron acceleration mechanism at low beam speeds. We believe that it is the result of parametric couplings to produce high phase velocity ESW’s which then trap electrons, accelerating them to higher energies. This allows electrons in our simulation study to achieve the injection energy required for Fermi acceleration, for beam speeds as low as 0.15c in unmagnetised plasma

    Swiss adolescents' and adults' perceptions of cannabis use: a qualitative study

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    Few studies have attempted to investigate the nature of adolescents' and adults' conceptions and perceptions of cannabis use. Our objectives were to explore adolescent and adult perception of use and misuse of cannabis, and their opinions and beliefs about the current legal context and preventive strategies. We used focus group discussions with four categories of stakeholders: younger (12-15 year old) adolescents, older (16-19 year old) adolescents, parents of teenagers and professionals working with young people. In some areas (legal framework, role of the media, importance of early preventive interventions), we found consensual attitudes and beliefs across the four groups of participants. In all four groups, participants did not have any consensual vision of the risks of cannabis use or the definition of misuse. In the area of the prevention of cannabis use/misuse, while parents focused on the potential role of professionals and the media, thus minimizing their own educational and preventive role, professionals stressed the importance of parental control and education. Within the Swiss context, we conclude there exists an urgent need for information and clarification of the issues linked with cannabis use and misuse directed at parents and professional

    Premier bilan du projet de renforcement du dispositif addictologique de l’Ouest vaudois : Ă©valuation de la pĂ©riode 2015-2016

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    Objectifs et mĂ©thode : A la demande du Service de la santĂ© publique (SSP), un premier Ă©tat des lieux du projet a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© en juin 2016, soit dix-huit mois aprĂšs son dĂ©marrage, afin d’explorer les activitĂ©s mises en oeuvre, les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es et les lacunes constatĂ©es lors la mise en place de la collaboration et afin de proposer quelques pistes d’ajustement du dispositif. Une Ă©tude de cas descriptive a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e au moyen d’entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s avec le responsable du PĂŽle addictologique et le directeur d’EdS et d’une analyse de documents relatifs au projet. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a portĂ© d’une part sur l’implantation du projet en termes d’adhĂ©sion au protocole initial, d’exposition et de qualitĂ© et d’autre part sur les dimensions normative (vision globale du projet), fonctionnelle (outils et procĂ©dures rĂ©gissant les rĂŽles et les responsabilitĂ©s) et clinique (outils et procĂ©dures dĂ©finissant la prise en charge et l’accompagnement des patients) de la collaboration entre EdS et le PĂŽle addictologique

    Managing sleep and wakefulness in a 24 hour world

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    This article contributes to literature on the sociology of sleep by exploring the sleeping practices and subjective sleep experiences of two social groups: shift workers and students. It draws on data, collected in the UK from 25 semi-structured interviews, to discuss the complex ways in which working patterns and social activities impact upon experiences and expectations of sleep in our wired awake world. The data show that, typically, sleep is valued and considered to be important for health, general wellbeing, appearance and physical and cognitive functioning. However, sleep time is often cut back on in favour of work demands and social activities. While shift workers described their efforts to fit in an adequate amount of sleep per 24-hour period, for students, the adoption of a flexible sleep routine was thought to be favourable for maintaining a work–social life balance. Collectively, respondents reported using a wide range of strategies, techniques, technologies and practices to encourage, overcome or delay sleep(iness) and boost, promote or enhance wakefulness/alertness at socially desirable times. The analysis demonstrates how social context impacts not only on how we come to think about sleep and understand it, but also how we manage or self-regulate our sleeping patterns

    Les comportements face au VIH/sida parmi les migrants originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne en Suisse : EnquĂȘte ANSWER 2013-2014

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    L'enquĂȘte Internet ANSWER (African Net Survey WE Respond!) auprĂšs des migrants provenant d'Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e entre septembre 2013 et fĂ©vrier 2014, sur mandat de l'OFSP et avec la collaboration de l'ASS. Cette enquĂȘte s'inscrit dans le cadre du mandat de surveillance Ă©pidĂ©miologique de deuxiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration du VIH et des autres IST auquel l'IUMSP participe activement. Le but de cette enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©crire dans cette population les connaissances, attitudes et comportements (en particulier, les comportements sexuels, l'usage de prĂ©servatifs et la rĂ©alisation de tests de dĂ©pistage du VIH) en lien avec la prĂ©vention du VIH et des autres infections sexuellement transmissibles. Une analyse exploratoire de facteurs associĂ©s Ă  certains comportements (partenaires multiples, utilisation de prĂ©servatifs, rĂ©alisation de tests) a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e. Il s'agissait d'une enquĂȘte par Internet auto-administrĂ©e disponible en 7 langues, Ă  laquelle les personnes originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne Ă©taient invitĂ©es Ă  participer. Un groupe d'accompagnement composĂ© de professionnels de la prĂ©vention du VIH et de mĂ©diateurs culturels de diffĂ©rents pays africains a participĂ© activement Ă  toutes les Ă©tapes du projet (conception du questionnaire, traductions, cognitive testing, promotion de l'enquĂȘte, mobilisation communautaire)

    Analyse der Hepatitis-C-Situation bei den drogenkonsumierenden Personen in der Schweiz

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    Die Analyse der Hepatitis-C-Situation bei den drogenkonsumierenden Personen in der Schweiz beruht auf verschiedenen Methoden: Analyse der publizierten und grauen Literatur zu diesem Thema, SekundĂ€ranalyse verfĂŒgbarer Daten, Befragung nationaler Fachpersonen, Befragung drogenkonsumierender Personen (DU), Fallstudien in vier Kantonen (ZĂŒrich, Waadt, Aargau, Wallis), Internetumfrage bei den Einrichtungen, die DU stationĂ€r oder ambulant behandeln, sowie bei den niederschwelligen Einrichtungen zur Risikominderung. In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten erreichte die Zahl der neu gemeldeten Infektionen mit dem Hepatitis-C-Virus (HCV) Ende der 90er-Jahre eine Spitze mit mehr als 2500 FĂ€llen pro Jahr, wobei mehr als 30 % dieser FĂ€lle Personen betrafen, die intravenös Drogen konsumieren (IDU). Die Zahl neu gemeldeter FĂ€lle sank anschliessend bis auf 1500 FĂ€lle im Jahr 2011 und stieg dann wieder auf mehr als 1700 FĂ€lle im Jahr 2013 an. Der Anteil der IDU belief sich auf etwas mehr 20 % (436 FĂ€lle, kein Wiederanstieg der Anzahl neuer FĂ€lle in dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe). Die fĂŒr die Gesamtbevölkerung der Schweiz geschĂ€tzte PrĂ€valenz der HCV-Infektionen bewegt sich je nach Autor zwischen 0,7 % und 1,75 %. Bei MĂ€nnern, die Sex mit MĂ€nnern haben (MSM), ist dieser Wert etwas höher (2 %). Bei Staatsangehörigen aus LĂ€ndern mit einer höheren PrĂ€valenz (Afrika sĂŒdlich der Sahara, bestimmte LĂ€nder des Nahen Ostens und SĂŒdostasiens) ist die PrĂ€valenzrate vermutlich erhöht; es sind jedoch keine Werte bekannt. Auch in GefĂ€ngnissen ist die HCV-PrĂ€valenz höher als in der Gesamtbevölkerung, da DU und Staatsangehörige aus LĂ€ndern mit höherer PrĂ€valenz stĂ€rker vertreten sind (zwischen 5 und 10 %). Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es bei etwa zwei Drittel der FĂ€lle zu einem chronischen Krankheitsverlauf kommt

    Analyse de la situation de l'hépatite C chez les usagers de drogue en Suisse

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    L'analyse de la situation de l'hĂ©patite C chez les usagers de drogue en Suisse a fait appel Ă  plusieurs mĂ©thodes: synthĂšse de la littĂ©rature publiĂ©e et grise sur le sujet et analyse secondaire de donnĂ©es disponibles, interviews d'experts nationaux, interviews d'usagers de drogues (UD), Ă©tudes de cas dans 4 cantons (Zurich, Vaud, Argovie, Valais), enquĂȘte par internet auprĂšs des institutions prenant en charge des UD en traitement rĂ©sidentiel et ambulatoire et dans les structures Ă  bas seuil d'accĂšs pour la rĂ©duction des risques. La prĂ©valence du VHC estimĂ©e sur l'ensemble de la population en Suisse varie selon les auteurs entre 0.7% et 1.75%. Elle est un peu plus Ă©levĂ©e (2%) chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes (HSH). Chez les ressortissants de pays rĂ©putĂ©s Ă  plus haute prĂ©valence (Afrique sub-saharienne, certains pays du Moyen-Orient et d'Asie du Sud-Est), la prĂ©valence est probablement plus Ă©levĂ©e que dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale mais n'est pas connue. En prison, du fait de la surreprĂ©sentation des UD et de populations de pays Ă  plus haute prĂ©valence, la prĂ©valence du VHC est plus Ă©levĂ©e que dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale (entre 5 et 10%). On estime qu'environ 2/3 des cas vont Ă©voluer vers la chronicitĂ©..

    Quasi-periodic modulation of solar and stellar flaring emission by magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a nearby loop

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    We propose a new model for quasi-periodic modulation of solar and stellar flaring emission. Fast magnetoacoustic oscillations of a non-flaring loop can interact with a nearby flaring active region. This interaction occurs when part of the oscillation situated outside the loop reaches the regions of steep gradients in magnetic field within an active region and produces periodic variations of electric current density. The modulation depth of these variations is a few orders of magnitude greater than the amplitude of the driving oscillation. The variations of the current can induce current-driven plasma micro-instabilities and thus anomalous resistivity. This can periodically trigger magnetic reconnection, and hence acceleration of charged particles, producing quasi-periodic pulsations of X-ray, optical and radio emission at the arcade footpoints

    Computational design of dynamic receptor-peptide signaling complexes applied to chemotaxis.

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    Engineering protein biosensors that sensitively respond to specific biomolecules by triggering precise cellular responses is a major goal of diagnostics and synthetic cell biology. Previous biosensor designs have largely relied on binding structurally well-defined molecules. In contrast, approaches that couple the sensing of flexible compounds to intended cellular responses would greatly expand potential biosensor applications. Here, to address these challenges, we develop a computational strategy for designing signaling complexes between conformationally dynamic proteins and peptides. To demonstrate the power of the approach, we create ultrasensitive chemotactic receptor-peptide pairs capable of eliciting potent signaling responses and strong chemotaxis in primary human T cells. Unlike traditional approaches that engineer static binding complexes, our dynamic structure design strategy optimizes contacts with multiple binding and allosteric sites accessible through dynamic conformational ensembles to achieve strongly enhanced signaling efficacy and potency. Our study suggests that a conformationally adaptable binding interface coupled to a robust allosteric transmission region is a key evolutionary determinant of peptidergic GPCR signaling systems. The approach lays a foundation for designing peptide-sensing receptors and signaling peptide ligands for basic and therapeutic applications
