5 research outputs found

    Water Uptake Behavior and Young Modulus Prediction of Composites Based on Treated Sisal Fibers and Poly(Lactic Acid)

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    The main aim of this work was to study the effect of sisal fiber surface treatments on water uptake behavior of composites based on untreated and treated fibers. For this purpose, sisal fibers were treated with different chemical treatments. All surface treatments delayed the water absorption of fibers only for a short time of period. No significant differences were observed in water uptake profiles of composites based on fibers with different surface treatments. After water uptake period, tensile strength and Young modulus values of sisal fiber/poly(lactic acid) (PLA) composites were decreased. On the other hand, composites based on NaOH + silane treated fibers showed the lowest diffusion coefficient values, suggesting that this treatment seemed to be the most effective treatment to reduce water diffusion rate into the composites. Finally, Young modulus values of composites, before water uptake period, were predicted using different micromechanical models and were compared with experimental data.The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Basque Country Government in the frame of Consolidated Groups (IT-776-13) and Elkartek 2015 FORPLA3D project. Technical and human support provided by SGIker (Universidad del Pais Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza (GV/EJ), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Science Foundation (ESF)) is also gratefully acknowledged

    Effect of Cellulose Nanofibers’ Structure and Incorporation Route in Waterborne Polyurethane–Urea Based Nanocomposite Inks

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    In order to continue the development of inks valid for cold extrusion 3D printing, waterborne, polyurethane–urea (WBPUU) based inks with cellulose nanofibers (CNF), as a rheological modulator, were prepared by two incorporation methods, ex situ and in situ, in which the CNF were added after and during the synthesis process, respectively. Moreover, in order to improve the affinity of the reinforcement with the matrix, modified CNF was also employed. In the ex situ preparation, interactions between CNFs and water prevail over interactions between CNFs and WBPUU nanoparticles, resulting in strong gel-like structures. On the other hand, in situ addition allows the proximity of WBPUU particles and CNF, favoring interactions between both components and allowing the formation of chemical bonds. The fewer amount of CNF/water interactions present in the in situ formulations translates into weaker gel-like structures, with poorer rheological behavior for inks for 3D printing. Stronger gel-like behavior translated into 3D-printed parts with higher precision. However, the direct interactions present between the cellulose and the polyurethane–urea molecules in the in situ preparations, and more so in materials reinforced with carboxylated CNF, result in stronger mechanical properties of the final 3D parts.Financial support from the Basque Government (Grupos Consolidados (IT-1690-22), Elkartek (KK19-00048)) is acknowledged

    Cellulose and Graphene Based Polyurethane Nanocomposites for FDM 3D Printing: Filament Properties and Printability

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    3D printing has exponentially grown in popularity due to the personalization of each printed part it offers, making it extremely beneficial for the very demanding biomedical industry. This technique has been extensively developed and optimized and the advances that now reside in the development of new materials suitable for 3D printing, which may open the door to new applications. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most commonly used 3D printing technique. However, filaments suitable for FDM must meet certain criteria for a successful printing process and thus the optimization of their properties in often necessary. The aim of this work was to prepare a flexible and printable polyurethane filament parting from a biocompatible waterborne polyurethane, which shows potential for biomedical applications. In order to improve filament properties and printability, cellulose nanofibers and graphene were employed to prepare polyurethane based nanocomposites. Prepared nanocomposite filaments showed altered properties which directly impacted their printability. Graphene containing nanocomposites presented sound enough thermal and mechanical properties for a good printing process. Moreover, these filaments were employed in FDM to obtained 3D printed parts, which showed good shape fidelity. Properties exhibited by polyurethane and graphene filaments show potential to be used in biomedical applications

    Influence of Process Parameters in Graphene Oxide Obtention on the Properties of Mechanically Strong Alginate Nanocomposites

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    Sodium alginate, a biopolymer extracted from brown algae, has shown great potential for many applications, mainly due to its remarkable biocompatibility and biodegradability. To broaden its fields of applications and improve material characteristics, the use of nanoreinforcements to prepare nanocomposites with enhanced properties, such as carbonaceous structures which could improve thermal and mechanical behavior and confer new functionalities, is being studied. In this work, graphene oxide was obtained from graphite by using modified Hummers’ method and exfoliation was assisted by sonication and centrifugation, and it was later used to prepare sodium alginate/graphene oxide nanocomposites. The effect that different variables, during preparation of graphene oxide, have on the final properties has been studied. Longer oxidation times showed higher degrees of oxidation and thus larger amount of oxygen-containing groups in the structure, whereas longer sonication times and higher centrifugation rates showed more exfoliated graphene sheets with lower sizes. The addition of graphene oxide to a biopolymeric matrix was also studied, considering the effect of processing and content of reinforcement on the material. Materials with reinforcement size-dependent properties were observed, showing nanocomposites with large flake sizes, better thermal stability, and more enhanced mechanical properties, reaching an improvement of 65.3% and 83.3% for tensile strength and Young’s modulus, respectively, for a composite containing 8 wt % of graphene oxide.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities in the frame of MAT2016-76294-R project, the Basque Government for PIBA 2019-44 project and the Gipuzkoa Council in the frame of Programa de Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2019