25 research outputs found

    Preliminary OBSEA mooring design

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    The Obsea Cabled Observatory (www.obsea.es) is going to be expanded with new sea surface sensors such a meteorological station and a video camera. These new sensors are going to be installed in a surface buoy with wireless communication to the Obsea Data Center at SARTI’s Laboratories. The mooring design and simulations are presented in this paper, taken into account the marine conditions of the area located in the Vilanova I la Geltrú coast in the Metiterranean Sea. The simulations of the static and dynamic behaviour of the anchored buoy were done with the software OrcaFlex 9.4.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Watertight test for OBSEA equipments in the hyperbaric chamber

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    Description of the procedures to assure the proper water protection of the equipments to be installed in the OBSEA subsea observatory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Safety and pharmacokinetic profile of fixed-dose ivermectin with an innovative 18mg tablet in healthy adult volunteers

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    Ivermectin is a pivotal drug for the control of onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, which is increasingly identified as a useful drug for the control of other Neglected Tropical Diseases. Its role in the treatment of soil transmitted helminthiasis through improved efficacy against Trichuris trichiura in combination with other anthelmintics might accelerate the progress towards breaking transmission. Ivermectin is a derivative of Avermectin B1, and consists of an 80:20 mixture of the equipotent homologous 22,23 dehydro B1a and B1b. Pharmacokinetic characteristics and safety profile of ivermectin allow to explore innovative uses to further expand its utilization through mass drug administration campaigns to improve coverage rates. We conducted a phase I clinical trial with 54 healthy adult volunteers who sequentially received 2 experimental treatments using a new 18 mg ivermectin tablet in a fixed-dose strategy of 18 and 36 mg single dose regimens, compared to the standard, weight based 150-200 μg/kg, regimen. Volunteers were recruited in 3 groups based on body weight. Plasma concentrations of ivermectin were measured through HPLC up to 168 hours post treatment. Safety data showed no significant differences between groups and no serious adverse events: headache was the most frequent adverse event in all treatment groups, none of them severe. Pharmacokinetic parameters showed a half-life between 81 and 91 h in the different treatment groups. When comparing the systemic bioavailability (AUC0t and Cmax) of the reference product (WA-ref) with the other two study groups using fixed doses, we observed an overall increase in AUC0t and Cmax for the two experimental treatments of 18 mg and 36 mg. Body mass index (BMI) and weight were associated with t1/2 and V/F, probably reflecting the high liposolubility of IVM with longer retention times proportional to the presence of more adipose tissue. Systemic exposure to ivermectin (AUC0t or Cmax) was not associated with BMI or weight in our study. These findings contribute to further understand the pharmacokinetic characteristics of ivermectin, highlighting its safety across different dosing regimens. They also correlate with known pharmacokinetic parameters showing stable levels of AUC and Cmax across a wide range of body weights, which justifies the strategy of fix dosing from a pharmacokinetic perspective

    Disseny i prototip 3d d’una màquina transfer

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    El present projecte tracta de sobre la realització d’una màquina trasnfer o de transferència rotativa, per tal de millorar un procés de mecanització de dues peces, per tal de millorar la productivitat i l’eficàcia de les peces que l’empresa ABXXX realitza. El fet de donar com a solució una màquina transfer es degut a que en un estudi que demanà l’empresa, s’arribà a la conclusió que la millor solució seria la realització d’una màquina d’aquest tipus. A part de prendre com a solució, la mateixa que l’empresa va trobar, s’ha volgut realitzar aquest tipus de solució per tal que el dia de demà el procés pugui evolucionar emprant la mateixa maquinaria o la mateixa metodologia de treball que la donada en aquest projecte. La realització d’aquest projecte passa, per veure quin tipus de solució s’arriba, tot i saber que es realitzarà una màquina transfer. Al llarg del projecte, s’analitzaran diversos punts del disseny,ja sigui la resistència dels materials emprats, l’estudi d’ergonomia, els manteniments que haurà de tenir i veure com funciona amb la demostració mitjançant imatges i vídeos emprant el mòdul de simulació kinematica del software emprat pel disseny. El software que s’empra per poder fer la maqueta digital i els diversos estudis, anàlisi i simulacions és CATIA v5 R18. Gràcies a aquest programa es pot comprovar d’una forma visual i amb certa rapidesa, quin serà el comportament dels materials i de les persones en vers a la màquina. Per últim, concloure que la realització d’aquest projecte ha aportat una quantitat de coneixements nous molt interessants pel món laboral. I la conclusió no sols és que la màquina funcioni i que sigui una solució viable o possible, sinó que el dia de demà hom si es troba en una situació similar, pugui afrontar un projecte d’aquest tipus sense cap problema, ja que queda constància que pot fer-se, un cop realitzat el present projecte

    Preliminary obsea mooring design

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    Preliminary OBSEA mooring design

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    The Obsea Cabled Observatory (www.obsea.es) is going to be expanded with new sea surface sensors such a meteorological station and a video camera. These new sensors are going to be installed in a surface buoy with wireless communication to the Obsea Data Center at SARTI’s Laboratories. The mooring design and simulations are presented in this paper, taken into account the marine conditions of the area located in the Vilanova I la Geltrú coast in the Metiterranean Sea. The simulations of the static and dynamic behaviour of the anchored buoy were done with the software OrcaFlex 9.4.Peer Reviewe

    Preliminary OBSEA mooring design

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    The Obsea Cabled Observatory (www.obsea.es) is going to be expanded with new sea surface sensors such a meteorological station and a video camera. These new sensors are going to be installed in a surface buoy with wireless communication to the Obsea Data Center at SARTI’s Laboratories. The mooring design and simulations are presented in this paper, taken into account the marine conditions of the area located in the Vilanova I la Geltrú coast in the Metiterranean Sea. The simulations of the static and dynamic behaviour of the anchored buoy were done with the software OrcaFlex 9.4.Peer Reviewe