7,231 research outputs found

    Study area characterization and preliminary results on GHG emissions in eucalyptus forest, Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Forestry in the Cerrado Biome have the potential to act as carbon sink and storage and can be used as climate change mitigation option through compensatory planting. The Cerrado occupies about 23% of the national territory, presenting varied physiognomies. The Cerrado sensu stricto (herbaceous layer with different densities of tree and shrubs) is the predominant physiognomic type with total extent of about 41.8 million hectares. The Cerrado biome may play a significant role on global carbon balance due to carbon storage and fixation. However, vast areas of Cerrado have been degraded as a result of extensive and frequent fire mainly related with cattle ranching. Planted forests in Cerrado are predominant comprised of eucalyptus, which are generally established on degraded pasture. Fast growing Eucalyptus boosts absorption of carbon dioxide from the air and therefore Eucalyptus forestry is considered as a greenhouse gas mitigation option. This study presents a preliminary evaluation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from planted forests in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

    Study area characterization and preliminary results on GHG emissions in eucalyptus forest, Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Abstract: Forestry in the Cerrado Biome have the potential to act as carbon sink and storage and can be used as climate change mitigation option through compensatory planting. The Cerrado occupies about 23% of the national territory, presenting varied physiognomies. The Cerrado sensu stricto (herbaceous layer with different densities of tree and shrubs) is the predominant physiognomic type with total extent of about 41.8 million hectares. The Cerrado biome may play a significant role on global carbon balance due to carbon storage and fixation. However, vast areas of Cerrado have been degraded as a result of extensive and frequent fire mainly related with cattle ranching. Planted forests in Cerrado are predominant comprised of eucalyptus, which are generally established on degraded pasture. Fast growing Eucalyptus boosts absorption of carbon dioxide from the air and therefore Eucalyptus forestry is considered as a greenhouse gas mitigation option. This study presents a preliminary evaluation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from planted forests in the Cerrado of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

    Captação de água de chuva para agropecuária: consumo animal.

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    Propriedades e função da água; ingestão de água por diferentes espécies animais; capacidade de suporte forrageiro e hídrico de pequenas unidades de produção animal no semi-árido; captação e aproveitament de água de chuva para produção animal; captação de água de chuva para produção de forragens; consumo de água via alimentos

    Experimental and theoretical evidences for the ice regime in planar artificial spin ices

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    In this work, we explore a kind of geometrical effect in the thermodynamics of artificial spin ices (ASI). In general, such artificial materials are athermal. Here, We demonstrate that geometrically driven dynamics in ASI can open up the panorama of exploring distinct ground states and thermally magnetic monopole excitations. It is shown that a particular ASI lattice will provide a richer thermodynamics with nanomagnet spins experiencing less restriction to flip precisely in a kind of rhombic lattice. This can be observed by analysis of only three types of rectangular artificial spin ices (RASI). Denoting the horizontal and vertical lattice spacings by a and b, respectively, then, a RASI material can be described by its aspect ratio γ\gamma=a/b. The rhombic lattice emerges when γ\gamma=3\sqrt{3}. So, by comparing the impact of thermal effects on the spin flips in these three appropriate different RASI arrays, it is possible to find a system very close to the ice regime

    Estudos fenológicos de algumas espécies lenhosas e herbáceas da caatinga.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho, desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental do Vale do Curu, Pentecoste, Ceará, teve por objetivo estudar a fenologia de espécies lenhosas e herbáceas da caatinga com ênfase nas de interesse apícola cola. A área experimental foi demarcada por quatro transetos que se originaram a partir de um apiário e seguiram a direcão dos pontos cardeais. Ao longo destes transetos 10 plantas arbóreas das espécies mais importantes foram identificadas e etiquetadas. Também, 20 parcelas de 0,5m2 cada, foram marcadas permanentemente para estudos da vegetação herbácea. Durante as estações seca e úmida dos anos de 1986 a 1988 foram feitas avaliações feno lógicas da vegetação a intervalos semanais, no período úmido e quinzenais, no seco. Das espécies lenhosas, o marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus Mül. Arg.), o pau-branco (Auxemma oncocalyx Taub.), o pereiro (Aspidosperma pirifolium Mart.) o sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Bentn.J floresceram no período das cnuvas, enquanto o anglco (Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan), a jurema preta (Mimosa acutistipula Benth.) e o Juazeiro (Zizyphus joazeiro Mart.) o fizeram ao longo da estaçãos .e_cTa.o das as espécies herbáceas, que eram anuais, floresceram no período úmido, concentrando sua florada nos meses de abril e maio. Os resultados sugerem que a ocorrência de floradas ao longo de todo o ano torna a vegetação da caatinga adequadamente adaptada à exploração apícola sustentável. [Phenologic studies of wood on herbaceous species of the caatinga]