19 research outputs found

    Evidence against PALB2 involvement in Icelandic breast cancer susceptibility

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    Several mutations in the PALB2 gene (partner and localizer of BRCA2) have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, including a founder mutation, 1592delT, reported in Finnish breast cancer families. Although most often the risk is moderate, it doesn't exclude families with high-risk mutations to exist and such observations have been reported. To see if high-risk PALB2-mutations may be present in the geographically confined population of Iceland, linkage analysis was done on 111 individuals, thereof 61 breast cancer cases, from 9 high-risk non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast cancer families, targeting the PALB2 region. Also, screening for the 1592delT founder mutation in the 9 high-risk families and in 638 unselected breast cancer cases was performed. The results indicate no linkage in any of the high-risk families and screening for the 1592delT mutation was negative in all samples. PALB2 appears not to be a significant factor in high-risk breast cancer families in Iceland and the 1592delT mutation is not seen to be associated with breast cancer in Iceland

    Genome-wide search for breast cancer linkage in large Icelandic non-BRCA1/2 families

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    Abstract Introduction: A significant proportion of high-risk breast cancer families are not explained by mutations in known genes. Recent genome-wide searches (GWS) have not revealed any single major locus reminiscent of BRCA1 and BRCA2, indicating that still unidentified genes may explain relatively few families each or interact in a way obscure to linkage analyses. This has drawn attention to possible benefits of studying populations where genetic heterogeneity might be reduced. We thus performed a GWS for linkage on nine Icelandic multiple-case non-BRCA1/2 families of desirable size for mapping highly penetrant loci. To follow up suggestive loci, an additional 13 families from other Nordic countries were genotyped for selected markers. Methods: GWS was performed using 811 microsatellite markers providing about five centiMorgan (cM) resolution. Multipoint logarithm of odds (LOD) scores were calculated using parametric and nonparametric methods. For selected markers and cases, tumour tissue was compared to normal tissue to look for allelic loss indicative of a tumour suppressor gene. Results: The three highest signals were located at chromosomes 6q, 2p and 14q. One family contributed suggestive LOD scores (LOD 2.63 to 3.03, dominant model) at all these regions, without consistent evidence of a tumour suppressor gene. Haplotypes in nine affected family members mapped the loci to 2p23.2 to p21, 6q14.2 to q23.2 and 14q21.3 to q24.3. No evidence of a highly penetrant locus was found among the remaining families. The heterogeneity LOD (HLOD) at the 6q, 2p and 14q loci in all families was 3.27, 1.66 and 1.24, respectively. The subset of 13 Nordic families showed supportive HLODs at chromosome 6q (ranging from 0.34 to 1.37 by country subset). The 2p and 14q loci overlap with regions indicated by large families in previous GWS studies of breast cancer. Conclusions: Chromosomes 2p, 6q and 14q are candidate sites for genes contributing together to high breast cancer risk. A polygenic model is supported, suggesting the joint effect of genes in contributing to breast cancer risk to be rather common in non-BRCA1/2 families. For genetic counselling it would seem important to resolve the mode of genetic interaction

    High-resolution genomic and expression analyses of copy number alterations in HER2-amplified breast cancer

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldINTRODUCTION: HER2 gene amplification and protein overexpression (HER2+) define a clinically challenging subgroup of breast cancer with variable prognosis and response to therapy. Although gene expression profiling has identified an ERBB2 molecular subtype of breast cancer, it is clear that HER2+ tumors reside in all molecular subtypes and represent a genomically and biologically heterogeneous group, needed to be further characterized in large sample sets. METHODS: Genome-wide DNA copy number profiling, using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and global gene expression profiling were performed on 200 and 87 HER2+ tumors, respectively. Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer (GISTIC) was used to identify significant copy number alterations (CNAs) in HER2+ tumors, which were related to a set of 554 non-HER2 amplified (HER2-) breast tumors. High-resolution oligonucleotide aCGH was used to delineate the 17q12-q21 region in high detail. RESULTS: The HER2-amplicon was narrowed to an 85.92 kbp region including the TCAP, PNMT, PERLD1, HER2, C17orf37 and GRB7 genes, and higher HER2 copy numbers indicated worse prognosis. In 31% of HER2+ tumors the amplicon extended to TOP2A, defining a subgroup of HER2+ breast cancer associated with estrogen receptor-positive status and with a trend of better survival than HER2+ breast cancers with deleted (18%) or neutral TOP2A (51%). HER2+ tumors were clearly distinguished from HER2- tumors by the presence of recurrent high-level amplifications and firestorm patterns on chromosome 17q. While there was no significant difference between HER2+ and HER2- tumors regarding the incidence of other recurrent high-level amplifications, differences in the co-amplification pattern were observed, as shown by the almost mutually exclusive occurrence of 8p12, 11q13 and 20q13 amplification in HER2+ tumors. GISTIC analysis identified 117 significant CNAs across all autosomes. Supervised analyses revealed: (1) significant CNAs separating HER2+ tumors stratified by clinical variables, and (2) CNAs separating HER2+ from HER2- tumors. CONCLUSIONS: We have performed a comprehensive survey of CNAs in HER2+ breast tumors, pinpointing significant genomic alterations including both known and potentially novel therapeutic targets. Our analysis sheds further light on the genomically complex and heterogeneous nature of HER2+ tumors in relation to other subgroups of breast cancer

    Genomic subtypes of breast cancer identified by array comparative genomic hybridization display distinct molecular and clinical characteristics

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    Abstract Introduction Breast cancer is a profoundly heterogeneous disease with respect to biologic and clinical behavior. Gene-expression profiling has been used to dissect this complexity and to stratify tumors into intrinsic gene-expression subtypes, associated with distinct biology, patient outcome, and genomic alterations. Additionally, breast tumors occurring in individuals with germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations typically fall into distinct subtypes. Methods We applied global DNA copy number and gene-expression profiling in 359 breast tumors. All tumors were classified according to intrinsic gene-expression subtypes and included cases from genetically predisposed women. The Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer (GISTIC) algorithm was used to identify significant DNA copy-number aberrations and genomic subgroups of breast cancer. Results We identified 31 genomic regions that were highly amplified in > 1% of the 359 breast tumors. Several amplicons were found to co-occur, the 8p12 and 11q13.3 regions being the most frequent combination besides amplicons on the same chromosomal arm. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering with 133 significant GISTIC regions revealed six genomic subtypes, termed 17q12, basal-complex, luminal-simple, luminal-complex, amplifier, and mixed subtypes. Four of them had striking similarity to intrinsic gene-expression subtypes and showed associations to conventional tumor biomarkers and clinical outcome. However, luminal A-classified tumors were distributed in two main genomic subtypes, luminal-simple and luminal-complex, the former group having a better prognosis, whereas the latter group included also luminal B and the majority of BRCA2-mutated tumors. The basal-complex subtype displayed extensive genomic homogeneity and harbored the majority of BRCA1-mutated tumors. The 17q12 subtype comprised mostly HER2-amplified and HER2-enriched subtype tumors and had the worst prognosis. The amplifier and mixed subtypes contained tumors from all gene-expression subtypes, the former being enriched for 8p12-amplified cases, whereas the mixed subtype included many tumors with predominantly DNA copy-number losses and poor prognosis. Conclusions Global DNA copy-number analysis integrated with gene-expression data can be used to dissect the complexity of breast cancer. This revealed six genomic subtypes with different clinical behavior and a striking concordance to the intrinsic subtypes. These genomic subtypes may prove useful for understanding the mechanisms of tumor development and for prognostic and treatment prediction purposes

    Vísindaleikir - sól og tungl : þróunarverkefni um stjörnufræði á leikskólum unnið í leikskólanum Björtuhlíð

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    Gefið út af Menntavísindastofnun Háskóla ÍslandsÍ þessu þróunarverkefni var unnið að því að þróa leiðir til að vinna með stjörnufræðileg viðfangsefni í leikskólastarfi og var verkefnið unnið í leikskólanum Björtuhlíð af kennurum þar og okkur höfundum skýrslunnar. Meginnálgun verkefnisins er að námsathafnirnar séu skapandi leikur frá sjónarhóli barnsins en tilraunir og athuganir á sviði náttúrufræða frá sjónarhóli leikskólakennara. Meðal annars voru þróaðir tveir vísindaleikir fyrir leikskólabörn á sviði stjörnufræði. Annar leikurinn fjallar um sólina og ferð hennar á himninum og hinn um kvartilaskipti tunglsins. Markmið þessara leikja er að börnin læri um tengsl dægraskipta og árstíðaskipta við gang sólar og um náttúrufræðilegar skýringar á breytilegu útliti tunglsins auk þess að stuðla að almennum þroska þeirra. Leikskólakennararnir leggi grunn að hugtakanámi barnsins með því að beina athygli þess að lykilþáttum í leiknum, með því að spyrja spurninga og með því að hvetja barnið til að tjá reynslu sína. Lögð er áhersla á að tengja þessa tjáningu listrænu og skapandi starfi. Þessir tveir vísindaleikir höfðuðu vel til flestra barnanna og virtust jafnframt hafa áhrif á skilning þeirra á fyrirbærunum sem unnið var með. Jafnframt þróun vísindaleikjanna tveggja var unnið í leikskólastarfinu með ýmsum öðrum hætti að stjörnufræðilegum viðfangsefnum og sú vinna tengd margvíslegu skapandi starfi. Öllu þessu starfi er lýst í þessari skýrslu í því augnamiði að gera fleiri leikskólakennurum kleift að taka upp samsvarandi starf

    Top-Quark and Higgs-Boson Mass Bounds from a Numerical Study of Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories

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    We run all the couplings of the minimal supersymmetric (SUSY) extension of the standard model, taking account of the Yukawa sector. After identifying the scale at which the gauge couplings unify, we place bounds on the top-quark mass by requiring equality of the bottom-quark and τ Yukawa couplings at that scale. For MSUSY=1 TeV, Mb=4.6 GeV, we find 139≤Mt≤194 GeV, which remarkably satisfy the ρ-parameter bound. Furthermore, using the minimal SUSY boundary condition on the scalar quartic coupling, we obtain bounds for the mass of the Higgs boson, 44≤MHiggs≤120 GeV

    The risk allele of SNP rs3803662 and the mRNA level of its closest genes TOX3 and LOC643714 predict adverse outcome for breast cancer patients.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.The minor allele of SNP rs3803662 has been shown to correlate with increased breast cancer risk and with lower expression of TOX3. The SNP is closely located to TOX3 residing within an uncharacterised gene LOC643714. The aim of the study was to examine the association of the risk allele with expression of TOX3 and LOC643714, and of mRNA levels and genotype with clinical and pathological characteristics. The SNP was genotyped in DNA isolated from blood and normal tissue from 160 breast cancer patients and mRNA levels were measured by microarrays and quantitative real-time (qRT)-PCR in breast tumours. Association with clinical and pathological characteristics was analysed by parametric tests. An association of the risk allele of rs3803662 with lower TOX3 expression was confirmed in oestrogen receptor (ER) positive tumours. It was more often observed in lobular tumours (p = 0.04), and carriers of the risk allele who had been diagnosed with luminal A tumours had shorter overall survival (OS) than carriers of the non-risk allele (p = 0.01). Positive correlation between the mRNA levels of TOX3 and LOC643714 was observed (r = 0.44 and p < 0.001). Association analysis with tumour pathology showed that low TOX3 and LOC643714 expression correlated with high Ki67 levels (p = 0.026 and p = 0.002) and the basal subtype (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001), whereas high expression correlated with ER (p = 0.004 and p < 0.001) and progesterone receptor (PgR) (p = 0.005 and p < 0.001) expression. Furthermore, high TOX3 and LOC643714 correlated with positive lymph nodes (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01). Patients with ER positive tumours and high levels of TOX3 mRNA had shorter overall- and distant metastasis free-survival (p = 0.017 and p = 0.021), an effect mostly attributable to patients with luminal B tumours. The results suggest that the effect of the risk allele of rs3803662 is strongest in luminal A tumours and that the expression levels of TOX3 and/or LOC643714 affect the progression of breast cancer. The effect may vary depending on the subtype and developmental stage of the tumour.Landspitali-University Hospital Research Fund "Gongum saman", a supporting group for breast cancer research in Icelan

    The risk allele of SNP rs3803662 and the mRNA level of its closest genes <it>TOX3</it> and <it>LOC643714</it> predict adverse outcome for breast cancer patients

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    Abstract Background The minor allele of SNP rs3803662 has been shown to correlate with increased breast cancer risk and with lower expression of TOX3. The SNP is closely located to TOX3 residing within an uncharacterised gene LOC643714. The aim of the study was to examine the association of the risk allele with expression of TOX3 and LOC643714, and of mRNA levels and genotype with clinical and pathological characteristics. Methods The SNP was genotyped in DNA isolated from blood and normal tissue from 160 breast cancer patients and mRNA levels were measured by microarrays and quantitative real-time (qRT)-PCR in breast tumours. Association with clinical and pathological characteristics was analysed by parametric tests. Results An association of the risk allele of rs3803662 with lower TOX3 expression was confirmed in oestrogen receptor (ER) positive tumours. It was more often observed in lobular tumours (p = 0.04), and carriers of the risk allele who had been diagnosed with luminal A tumours had shorter overall survival (OS) than carriers of the non-risk allele (p = 0.01). Positive correlation between the mRNA levels of TOX3 and LOC643714 was observed (r = 0.44 and p TOX3 and LOC643714 expression correlated with high Ki67 levels (p = 0.026 and p = 0.002) and the basal subtype (p TOX3 mRNA had shorter overall- and distant metastasis free-survival (p = 0.017 and p = 0.021), an effect mostly attributable to patients with luminal B tumours. Conclusions The results suggest that the effect of the risk allele of rs3803662 is strongest in luminal A tumours and that the expression levels of TOX3 and/or LOC643714 affect the progression of breast cancer. The effect may vary depending on the subtype and developmental stage of the tumour.</p

    Characterisation of amplification patterns and target genes at chromosome 11q13 in CCND1-amplified sporadic and familial breast tumours.

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.Amplification of chromosomal region 11q13, containing the cell cycle regulatory gene CCND1, is frequently found in breast cancer and other malignancies. It is associated with the favourable oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast tumour phenotype, but also with poor prognosis and treatment failure. 11q13 spans almost 14 Mb and contains more than 200 genes and is affected by various patterns of copy number gains, suggesting complex mechanisms and selective pressure during tumour progression. In this study, we used 32 k tiling BAC array CGH to analyse 94 CCND1-amplified breast tumours from sporadic, hereditary, and familial breast cancers to fine map chromosome 11q13. A set containing 281 CCND1-non-amplified breast tumours was used for comparisons. We used gene expression data to further validate the functional effect of gene amplification. We identified six core regions covering 11q13.1-q14.1 that were amplified in different combinations. The major core contained CCND1, whereas two cores were found proximal of CCND1 and three distal. The majority of the CCND1-amplified tumours were ER-positive and classified as luminal B. Furthermore, we found that CCND1 amplification is associated with a more aggressive phenotype within histological grade 2 tumours and luminal A subtype tumours. Amplification was equally prevalent in familial and sporadic tumours, but strikingly rare in BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated tumours. We conclude that 11q13 includes many potential target genes in addition to CCND1.Swedish Cancer Society Swedish Research Council Berta Kamprad Foundation Gunnar Nilsson Foundation King Gustaf V Jubilee Foundation Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation Foundation for Strategic Research IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg Foundation national health services (ALF) Lund Universit