91 research outputs found

    Innovative potential and current youth culture

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    Статья посвящена методологическим основаниям понятий «инновационный потенциал молодежи» и «актуальная культура молодежи». Делается попытка раскрыть их научный и идеологический характер.This article analyzes the methodological grounds the concepts of "innovative potential of young people" and "current culture of youth." An attempt is made to discover their scientific and ideological

    Влияние пандемии на Европейский Союз: пространственный корреляционный анализ

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    The authors approach COVID-19 as a perfect stress test for revealing integration connectivity within the European Union. The current crisis has challenged the resilience of regional integration, and reveals the economic connectivity within the integration blocks and their consolidating power. The goal of the research paper is to analyze the collective behaviour of the integrating countries during the external epidemiological crisis and their capability to respond to the manifestations of the crisis as‘an organic whole’. The authors develop the existing academic discourse on the defacto effects of integration and the relationship between the national and collective interests of the integrating countries, which has become the subject of fierce controversy during the pandemic. The research is based on the original concept of the stability of regional integration during the period of external crises associations proposed by the authors. To achieve the research goal of determining the degree of spatial correlation, the authors calculated Moran’s Spatial Autocorrelation Index and the multi-factor Geary’s Index. The spatial and econometric analysis of the EU countries in times of COVID-19 made the authors conclude that the initial EU’s response to the pandemic reflected nationalist self-help strategies rather than joint European approach during the earlier stages of the pandemic. Nevertheless, the EU demonstrated relatively strong intraregional trade resistance and ability to mitigate the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic


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    Introducción: el artículo está dedicado a la investigación de la educación superior en diversos aspectos, se presentan los resultados de su reconocimiento en el pensamiento científico y filosófico nacional del siglo XX, se detecta la conexión con las tendencias europeas comunes de la escuela superior. Se consideran las opiniones de los filósofos y científicos rusos populares que hicieron su contribución a la base ideológica y los principios de la educación universitaria en Rusia en el siglo XX. Materiales y métodos: los métodos se basan en tradiciones de investigación del conocimiento humano: enfoque filosófico-antropológico de los problemas de la existencia humana, método comparativo de consideración de problemas educativos en relación con diversos contextos culturales e históricos del desarrollo de la existencia humana, método comparativo-histórico. Además de eso se reflejan los métodos de investigación fenomenológica y hermenéutica. Se detectan y comprenden filosóficamente las bases, los contenidos, los objetivos y las metas del sistema educativo, incluida la educación universitaria y la conexión de la educación con las investigaciones reales del ser humano y la sociedad contemporáneos. Resultados de la investigación: se presenta en el artículo que los principales enfoques de la educación y los resultados de su comprensión por parte de los pensadores rusos comprenden la unidad de contenido y resuenan con los problemas reales de su estructura y contenido en términos del mundo moderno, incluida la realidad rusa. Por lo tanto, se confirma la idea de la necesidad de una combinación óptima de conocimiento científico natural, especial y filosófico en el sistema educativo. Tal enfoque permite desarrollar la educación en términos de valores humanitarios, facilita la formación de la personalidad moral y espiritualmente orientada y socialmente responsable del especialista, ejerciendo una visión del mundo razonable. Discusión y conclusión: los resultados recibidos pueden usarse para ejercer los principios del desarrollo de la educación superior en términos de desafíos contemporáneos basados en el principio de sucesión y el mantenimiento de las mayores tradiciones culturales, y también para la planificación estratégica de los programas educativos de la Universidad.Introdução: o artigo é dedicado à pesquisa do ensino superior em vários aspectos, são apresentados os resultados do seu reconhecimento no pensamento científico e filosófico nacional do século XX, sendo detectada conexão com as tendências europeias comuns do ensino superior. Considerações de filósofos e cientistas russos populares que deram sua contribuição à base ideológica e aos princípios do ensino universitário na Rússia no século XX são consideradas.Materiais e métodos: Os métodos são baseados em tradições de pesquisa do conhecimento humano: abordagem filosóficoantropológica dos problemas da existência humana, método comparativo de consideração de problemas educacionais em conexão com vários contextos culturais e históricos do desenvolvimento da existência humana, método histórico-comparativo. Além disso, são refletidos os métodos de pesquisa fenomenológica e hermenêutica. A base, o conteúdo, as metas e os objetivos do sistema educacional, incluindo o ensino universitário e a conexão da educação com investigações reais do ser humano e da sociedade contemporâneos, são detectados e compreendidos filosoficamente.Resultados da pesquisa: É apresentado no artigo que as principais abordagens da educação e os resultados de sua compreensão pelos pensadores russos compreendem a unidade de conteúdo e ressoam com problemas reais de sua estrutura e conteúdo em termos do mundo moderno, incluindo a realidade russa.Portanto, a idéia da necessidade de uma combinação ótima de conhecimentos científicos, especiais e filosóficos naturais no sistema educacional é fundamentada. Essa abordagem permite desenvolver a educação em termos de valores humanitários, facilita a formação de personalidade moral e espiritualmente orientada e socialmente responsável do especialista, exercendo uma visão de mundo razoável. Discussão e conclusão: os resultados recebidos podem ser utilizados para o exercício dos princípios do desenvolvimento do ensino superior em termos de desafios contemporâneos, baseados no princípio da sucessão e na manutenção das maiores tradições culturais, e também no planejamento estratégico dos programas educacionais da Universidade.Introduction: the article is devoted to research of higher education various aspects, results of its recognition in national scientific and philosophical thought of 20th century are presented, connection with common European trends of higher school is detected. Views of popular Russian philosophers and scientists who made their contribution into ideologic basis and principles of University education in Russia in 20th century are considered. Materials and methods: Methods are based on research traditions of humane knowledge: philosophical-anthropologic approach to problems of human existence, comparative method of educational problems consideration in connection with various cultural and historical contexts of human existence development, comparative-historical method. Besides that phenomenological and hermeneutic research methods are reflected. Basis, contents, goals and targets of educational system including University education and connection of education with actual inquiries of contemporary human being and society are detected and philosophically comprehended. Results of research: It is presented in the article that major approaches to education and results of its comprehension by Russian thinkers comprise content unity and resonate with actual problems of its structure and contents in terms of modern world including Russian reality. Therefore the idea of necessity of optimal combination of natural scientific, special and philosophical knowledge in educational system is substantiated. Such approach allows to develop education in terms of humanitarian values, facilitates the formation of morally and spiritually oriented and socially responsible personality of the specialist, exercising reasonable world view. Discussion and conclusion: received results may be used in order to exercising the principles of higher education development in terms of contemporary challenges basing on principle of succession and keeping the greatest cultural traditions, and also for strategical planning of University educational programs

    The effect of clarification in printing

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    Эффект кларификации возникает при специфическом освещении и заключается в увеличении визуально-воспринимаемой насыщенности цветов отражающих объектов. В работе рассмотрены причины возникновения эффекта кларификации. Приведены экспериментальные результаты, говорящие о возможности его направленного использования в полиграфии.The effect of clarification occurs in specific illumination and is to increase a visually-perceived color saturation of the reflective objects. The paper considers the causes of the effect clarification. Experimental results suggesting the possibility of its directional use in the printing industry

    Comparative Analysis of Clinical, Hormonal and Morphological Studies in Patients with Neuroendocrine ACTH-Producing Tumours

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    This paper highlights the problem of neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) with clinical symptoms of hypercorticism caused by hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by tumour cells. In most cases (85%), the tumours were localized in the pituitary gland (Cushing's disease); 15% of the patients had an extrapituitary tumour that manifest as an ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Comparative analysis of clinical, hormonal, histological, and immunohistochemical characteristics of pituitary and extrapituitary ACTH-secreting NET was performed. It included 46 patients with CD and 38 ones exhibiting ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS). Results of the study suggest differences between CD and EAS in terms of the severity of clinical manifestations and duration of the disease. Hormonal studies showed that EAS unlike CD was associated with high plasma ACTH and cortisol levels, late-evening salivary cortisol and daily urinary free cortisol, the absence of a 60% or greater reduction of cortisol in the HDDST test, and the presence of a low (less than 2) ACTH gradient in response to desmopressin administration with catheterization of cavernous sinuses. The study of morphofunctional characteristics of the removed NET demonstrated the ability of both pituitary and extrapituitary NETs to express ACTH as well as GH, PRL, LH, and FSH. The angiogenic markers (CD31 and VEGF) were detected with equal frequency regardless of the NET localization. The histological structure of all corticotropinomas suggested their benign origin, but extrapituitary NETs were represented by different morphological types with varying malignancy, invasiveness, and metastatic properties. A higher cell proliferation potential (Ki-67) was documented for NET in patients presenting with an ectopic ACTH secretion compared to those having corticotropinomas

    Role of Critical Thinking in Prevention of Youth Extremism

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    В статье рассматривается специфика психологических особенностей личности молодого человека, а также раскрыты основные механизмы функционирования критического мышления. Представлены результаты исследования, целью которого являлось изучение развития критического мышления в юношеском возрасте.The article discusses the specifics of the psychological characteristics of the personality of a young person, and also reveals the basic mechanisms of critical thinking functioning. The results of a study are presented, the purpose of which was to study the development of critical thinking in adolescence

    Pseudoinverse data processing in multispectral photography for stationary image areas

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    Рассматривается вопрос точности простейшего псевдоинверсного метода обработки для реконструкции спектров отражения из экспериментальных данных в мультиспектральной фотосъемке. В качестве основы получаемых решений применяется функциональный базис на основе функций тип интеграла ошибок. Данный подход позволяет отказаться от трудоемкого предварительного исследования оригинала с помощью спектрофотометра. Приводится сравнение с традиционным методом на основе базиса главных компонент по количественным показателям точности решения. Приведено обоснование применимости псевдоинверсного метода для стационарных зон изображений. Показано, что получаемые решения могут обладать высокой точностью и применяться для решения практических задач.Examines the accuracy of a simple pseudoinverse processing method for reconstruction of reflectance spectra from the experimental data in multispectral photography. As the basis of the obtained solutions is applied functional basis based on the function type of Error function. This approach eliminates time-consuming preliminary study of the original with a spectrophotometer. Comparison with the traditional method on the basis of principal components for the quantitative indicators of the accuracy of the solution. Explain the rationale for the applicability of the pseudoinverse method for stationary areas of the image. The obtained solution can have a high accuracy and can be used to solve practical problems

    Системный анализ проблемы управления качеством на предприятиях полиграфической промышленности

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    Выявлены существующие проблемы в полиграфической отрасли и проведен системный анализ информации, подходов и методов для определения организационной структуры производственных процессов. Из нормативной базы выделен и рассмотрен комплекс стандартов, направленный на решение проблемы в управлении качеством.Identified existing problems in the printing industry and conducted a systematic analysis of information, approaches and methods to determine the organizational structure of production processes. From a regulatory selected and reviewed a set of standards aimed at solving problems in quality management

    Automated laboratory light source for colorimetric research

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    Представлен лабораторный источник света, спектральный состав которого близок к стандартным осветителям серии D, состоящий из галогенной лампы с интерференционным фильтром и светодиодных излучателей, рабочие значения коррелированной цветовой температуры (CCT) которого могут варьироваться от 5000 до 6500 К. Описаны автоматизированная система управления световыми потоками на основе показателя GFC (Goodness Fitting Coefficient) и полученные характеристики источника.Presents laboratory light source, the spectral composition of which is similar to the standard lighting D-series consisting of halogen lamp with an interference filter and led emitters, operating values correlated color temperature (CCT) which can vary from 5000 to 6500 K. Described automated control system of light flows on the basis of average GFC (Goodness Fitting Coefficient) and the resulting characteristics of the source

    Multispectral image acquisition using a standard digital camera

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    Разработан и опробован экспериментальный программно-аппаратный комплекс для мультиспектральной съѐмки, на основе широко распространѐнной цифровой камеры SONY NEX-5N и других доступных компонентов, в том числе светофильтров отечественного производства. Основная область применения комплекса — технологии репродуцирования изображений. Основное назначение комплекса — практическая апробация методов получения мультиспектральных изображений по спектрозональным снимкам. Приводятся полученные спектральные характеристики комплекса, описаны процессы получения спектрозональных снимков и калибровки комплекса. Формирование данных в предложенной методике эксперимента соответствует линейной модели, что позволяет использовать широкий круг методов решения обратных задач для получения мультиспектральных изображений.Experimental hardware-software complex for multispectral imagery developed and tested. It is based on widespread digital camera SONY NEX-5N and other available components, including filters domestic production. Main field of application of this complex is image reproduction technologies. The main purpose of the complex — practical testing of methods for multispectral images using multispectral images. Given the spectral characteristics of the complex, described the processes of obtaining multispectral imagery and calibration of the complex. The formation of the data in the proposed experiment corresponds to the linear model, which allows using a wide range of methods for solving inverse problems to obtain multispectral images