20 research outputs found

    Akt/mTOR Role in Human Foetoplacental Vascular Insulin Resistance in Diseases of Pregnancy

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    Insulin resistance is characteristic of pregnancies where the mother shows metabolic alterations, such as preeclampsia (PE) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), or abnormal maternal conditions such as pregestational maternal obesity (PGMO). Insulin signalling includes activation of insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 (IRS1/2) as well as Src homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein 1, leading to activation of 44 and 42 kDa mitogen-activated protein kinases and protein kinase B/Akt (Akt) signalling cascades in the human foetoplacental vasculature. PE, GDM, and PGMO are abnormal conditions coursing with reduced insulin signalling, but the possibility of the involvement of similar cell signalling mechanisms is not addressed. This review aimed to determine whether reduced insulin signalling in PE, GDM, and PGMO shares a common mechanism in the human foetoplacental vasculature. Insulin resistance in these pathological conditions results from reduced Akt activation mainly due to inhibition of IRS1/2, likely due to the increased activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) resulting from lower activity of adenosine monophosphate kinase. Thus, a defective signalling via Akt/mTOR in response to insulin is a central and common mechanism of insulin resistance in these diseases of pregnancy. In this review, we summarise the cell signalling mechanisms behind the insulin resistance state in PE, GDM, and PGMO focused in the Akt/mTOR signalling pathway in the human foetoplacental endothelium.Unión Europea Framework Grant Agreement no. 295185–EULAMDIM

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation improves survival in a novel 24-hour pig model of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Pub Med CentralExtracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is increasingly being used to treat severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, there is limited clinical evidence about how to optimize the technique. Experimental research can provide an alternative to fill the actual knowledge gap. The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate an animal model of acute lung injury (ALI) which resembled severe ARDS, and which could be successfully supported with ECMO. Eighteen pigs were randomly allocated into three groups: sham, ALI, and ALI + ECMO. ALI was induced by a double-hit consisting in repeated saline lavage followed by a 2-hour period of injurious ventilation. All animals were followed up to 24 hours while being ventilated with conventional ventilation (tidal volume 10 ml/kg). The lung injury model resulted in severe hypoxemia, increased airway pressures, pulmonary hypertension, and altered alveolar membrane barrier function, as indicated by an increased protein concentration in bronchoalveolar fluid, and increased wet/dry lung weight ratio. Histologic examination revealed severe diffuse alveolar damage, characteristic of ARDS. Veno-venous ECMO was started at the end of lung injury induction with a flow > 60 ml/kg/min resulting in rapid reversal of hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension. Mortality was 0, 66.6 and 16.6% in the SHAM, ALI and ALI + ECMO groups, respectively (p < 0.05). This is a novel clinically relevant animal model that can be used to optimize the approach to ECMO and foster translational research in extracorporeal lung support.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4931177

    Intracellular acidification increases adenosine transport in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

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    Introduction Adenosine is taken up via human equilibrative nucleoside transporters 1 (hENT1) and 2 (hENT2) at a physiological extracellular pH (pHo ∼7.4) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Acidic pHo increases the uptake of adenosine and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) via hENT4 in this cell type. However, modulation of hENT1 and hENT2 transport activity by the pHi is unknown. We investigated whether hENT1 and hENT2-adenosine transport was regulated by acidic pHi. Methods HUVECs loaded with a pH sensitive probe were subjected to 0.1–20 mmol/L NHCl pulse assay to generate 6.9–6.2 pHi. Before pHi started to recover, adenosine transport kinetics (0–500 μmol/L, 37 °C) in the absence or presence 1 or 10 μmol/L S-(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thio-inosine (NBTI), 2 mmol/L hypoxanthine, 2 mmol/L adenine, 100 μmol/L 5HT, or 500 μmol/L adenosine, was measured. Results Overall adenosine transport (i.e., hENT1+hENT2) was semisaturable and partially inhibited by 1 μmol/L, but abolished by 10 μmol/L NBTI in cells non-treated or treated with NHCl. The initial velocity and non-saturable, lineal component for overall transport were increased after NHCl pulse. hENT1 and hENT2-mediated adenosine transport maximal capacity was increased by acidic pHi. hENT1 activity was more sensitive than hENT2 activity to acidic pHi. Discussion hENT1 and hENT2-adenosine transport is differentially regulated by acidic pHi in HUVECs. These findings are important in pathologies associated with pHi alterations such as gestational diabetes mellitus

    Sodium/proton exchanger isoform 1 regulates intracellular pH and cell proliferation in human ovarian cancer

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    Cancer cells generate protons (H) that are extruded to the extracellular medium mainly via the Na/H exchanger 1 (NHE1), which regulates intracellular pH (pHi) and cell proliferation. In primary cultures of human ascites-derived ovarian cancer cells (haOC) we assayed whether NHE1 was required for pHi modulation and cell proliferation. Human ovary expresses NHE1, which is higher in haOC and A2780 (ovarian cancer cells) compared with HOSE cells (normal ovarian cells). Basal pHi and pHi recovery (following a NHCl pulse) was higher in haOC and A2780, compared with HOSE cells. Zoniporide (NHE1 inhibitor) caused intracellular acidification and pHi recovery was independent of intracellular buffer capacity, but reduced in NHE1 knockdown A2780 cells. Zoniporide reduced the maximal proliferation capacity, cell number, thymidine incorporation, and ki67 (marker of proliferation) fluorescence in haOC cells. SLC9A1 (for NHE1) amplification associated with lower overall patient survival. In conclusion, NHE1 is expressed in human ovarian cancer where it has a pro-proliferative role. Increased NHE1 expression and activity constitute an unfavourable prognostic factor in these patients

    Scribble Deficiency Promotes Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Development and Metastasis.

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    Perturbation of cell polarity is a hallmark of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression. Scribble (SCRIB) is a well characterized polarity regulator that has diverse roles in the pathogenesis of human neoplasms. To investigate the impact of SCRIB deficiency on PDAC development and progression, Scrib was genetically ablated in well-established mouse models of PDAC. Scrib loss in combination with KrasG12D did not influence development of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasms (PanIN) in mice. However, Scrib deletion cooperated with KrasG12D and concomitant Trp53 heterozygous deletion to promote invasive PDAC and metastatic dissemination, leading to reduced overall survival. Immunohistochemical and transcriptome analyses revealed that Scrib-null tumors display a pronounced reduction of collagen content and cancer associated fibroblast (CAF) abundance. Mechanistically, interleukin 1α (IL1α) levels were reduced in Scrib deficient tumors, and Scrib knockdown downregulated IL1α in mouse PDAC organoids (mPDOs), which impaired CAF activation. Furthermore, Scrib loss increased YAP activation in mPDOs and established PDAC cell lines, enhancing cell survival. Clinically, SCRIB expression was decreased in human PDAC, and SCRIB mislocalization was associated with poorer patient outcome. These results indicate that SCRIB deficiency enhances cancer cell survival and remodels the tumor microenvironment to accelerate PDAC development and progression, establishing the tumor suppressor function of SCRIB in advanced pancreatic cancer

    Insulin/adenosine axis linked signalling

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    Regulation of blood flow depends on systemic and local release of vasoactive molecules such as insulin and adenosine. These molecules cause vasodilation by activation of plasma membrane receptors at the vascular endothelium. Adenosine activates at least four subtypes of adenosine receptors (AAR, AAR, AAR, AAR), of which AAR and AAR activation leads to increased cAMP level, generation of nitric oxide, and relaxation of the underlying smooth muscle cell layer. Vasodilation caused by adenosine also depends on plasma membrane hyperpolarization due to either activation of intermediate-conductance Ca-activated K channels in vascular smooth muscle or activation of ATP-activated K channels in the endothelium. Adenosine also causes vasoconstriction via a mechanism involving AAR activation resulting in lower cAMP level and increased thromboxane release. Insulin has also a dual effect causing NO-dependent vasodilation, but also sympathetic activity- and increased endothelin 1 release-dependent vasoconstriction. Interestingly, insulin effects require or are increased by activation or inactivation of adenosine receptors. This is phenomenon described for D-glucose and L-arginine transport where AAR and AAR play a major role. Other studies show that AAR activation could reduce insulin release from pancreatic β-cells. Whether adenosine modulation of insulin biological effect is a phenomenon that depends on co-localization of adenosine receptors and insulin receptors, and adenosine plasma membrane transporters is something still unclear. This review summarizes findings addressing potential involvement of adenosine receptors to modulate insulin effect via insulin receptors with emphasis in the human vasculature

    Obesidad infantil

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Fisica para la Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)La obesidad infantil, se produce cuando aumenta el promedio de grasa que nuestro cuerpo necesita. Una alimentación rica en calorías y la falta de movimiento, hacen que los niños acumulen demasiada grasa en sus cuerpos y así desarrollen el problema de la obesidad. En la actualidad existe cerca de un 35% a 40% de niños de contextura delgada y obesos, esto quiere decir que les falta peso pero les sobra grasa. Para saber si el niño es obeso, comúnmente, el pediatra lo mide y pesa, y a partir de ahí se determina si se está desarrollando normalmente. Sin embargo cuando el Nutricionista hace un estudio más profundo del metabolismo del niño es cuando nos damos cuenta qué cantidad de grasa tiene y si ésta corresponde a su edad y peso. A los niños no deben ponerlos a dieta, es decir, no es recomendable suprimir las harinas, azúcares y otros alimentos. El niño debe hacer alguna actividad física al aire libre o en un lugar techado y desarrollar buenos hábitos alimenticios. El Doctor Patrick Holford menciona que el gusto por el azúcar se adquiere comiendo alimentos cada vez más dulces, pero también se puede perder normalmente con alguna resistencia, reduciendo en forma gradual el nivel dulce de los alimentos y bebidas. Por lo anterior, la investigación tiene como objetivo general: Combatir y prevenir la obesidad a través de la actividad física en niños de 4° año básico