6 research outputs found

    Potential connection between positive frustration in family leisure time and the promotion of adolescent autonomy

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    Family relationships during leisure time in adolescence have the potential to promote positive development, particularly in terms of autonomy. However, the scientific literature that links specifically positive family leisure to the development of adolescent autonomy is scarce, and lower when analyzing the role of frustration in leisure time. Grounded in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) this article examines the potential relationship between positive frustration in family leisure time and the promotion of adolescent autonomy. For that purpose, the manuscript addresses four objectives to be discussed consecutively: (1) to delimit the concept of adolescent autonomy and point out the difficulty of parental support; (2) to explore positive frustration, a concept aligned with Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow, as a construct that can promote socio-emotional development in adolescence; (3) to describe the components of family leisure; and (4) to understand how the experience of optimal frustration may be linked to the development of adolescent autonomy during family leisure time. From this central question, several additional inquiries emerge: the interplay of frustration and failure in adolescence, the importance of parents and adolescents spending quality time together, the enjoyment in structured family leisure time, the autonomy-supportive parenting in leisure time activities in relation to daily activities, the need to strengthen adolescent bonds developed in infancy, and the complexity of paternal and maternal autonomy granting

    Adolescentes e lazer: desenvolvimento positivo e transição à vida adulta

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    22 páginasA partir del siglo XX el ocio ha tenido un papel crucial en la sociedad, la economía, la cultura y la educación. Este hecho ha despertado un gran interés por estudiar la conexión que tiene este fenómeno con los estilos de vida, la satisfacción, el entorno, y la relación entre ocio y trabajo. Este artículo analiza la influencia del ocio en la vida de los jóvenes. En la primera parte, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de las principales teorías sociológicas y psicológicas que explican su sentido, evolución y relación con el trabajo. En la segunda parte, se expone el modelo de desarrollo positivo, centrado más en el florecimiento del potencial de los jóvenes que en prevenir conductas de riesgo. El uso positivo del tiempo libre se basa en la realización de actividades estructuradas, con participación voluntaria, motivación intrínseca y supervisadas por adultos. Se concluye que la implicación de los jóvenes en asociaciones, organizaciones e instituciones que desarrollen actividades estructuradas de participación voluntaria o autoimplicada facilita la transición a la vida adulta, en relación con el uso constructivo del tiempo unido a un ocio libre y placentero.Since the 20th century, leisure has had a crucial role in society, the economy, culture, and education. This has aroused great interest in studying the connection between this phenomenon and lifestyles, satisfaction, the environment, and the leisure-work relationship. This article analyzes the influence of leisure on the lives of young people. The first part contains a literature review of the main sociological and psychological theories that explain its meaning, evolution, and relationship with work. The second part presents the positive development model, focused on unlocking young people’s potential rather than on preventing risky behaviors. The positive use of free time relies on structured, voluntary, intrinsically motivated, adult-supervised activities. In brief, the involvement of young people in associations, organizations, and institutions that carry out structured, voluntary activities facilitates the transition to adulthood concerning the constructive use of time and free, pleasant leisur

    Adolescentes y ocio: desarrollo positivo y transición hacia la vida adulta

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    Teenagers and Leisure: Positive Development and Transition to AdulthoodAdolescentes e lazer: desenvolvimento positivo e transição à vida adultaSince the 20th century, leisure has had a crucial role in society, the economy, culture, and education. This has aroused great interest in studying the connection between this phenomenon and lifestyles, satisfaction, the environment, and the leisure-work relationship. This article analyzes the influence of leisure on the lives of young people. The first part contains a literature review of the main sociological and psychological theories that explain its meaning, evolution, and relationship with work. The second part presents the positive development model, focused on unlocking young people’s potential rather than on preventing risky behaviors. The positive use of free time relies on structured, voluntary, intrinsically motivated, adult-supervised activities. In brief, the involvement of young people in associations, organizations, and institutions that carry out structured, voluntary activities facilitates the transition to adulthood concerning the constructive use of time and free, pleasant leisure.Para citar este artículo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigoAlbertos, A., Osorio, A. y Beltramo, C. (2020). Adolescentes y ocio: desarrollo positivo y transición hacia la vida adulta. Educación y Educadores, 23(2), 201-220. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2020.23.2.3Recibido: 14/11/2019Aceptado: 06/04/2020Publicado: 04/08/2020Teenagers and Leisure: Positive Development and Transition to AdulthoodAdolescentes e lazer: desenvolvimento positivo e transição à vida adultaA partir del siglo XX el ocio ha tenido un papel crucial en la sociedad, la economía, la cultura y la educación. Este hecho ha despertado un gran interés por estudiar la conexión que tiene este fenómeno con los estilos de vida, la satisfacción, el entorno, y la relación entre ocio y trabajo. Este artículo analiza la influencia del ocio en la vida de los jóvenes. En la primera parte, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de las principales teorías sociológicas y psicológicas que explican su sentido, evolución y relación con el trabajo. En la segunda parte, se expone el modelo de desarrollo positivo, centrado más en el florecimiento del potencial de los jóvenes que en prevenir conductas de riesgo. El uso positivo del tiempo libre se basa en la realización de actividades estructuradas, con participación voluntaria, motivación intrínseca y supervisadas por adultos. Se concluye que la implicación de los jóvenes en asociaciones, organizaciones e instituciones que desarrollen actividades estructuradas de participación voluntaria o autoimplicada facilita la transición a la vida adulta, en relación con el uso constructivo del tiempo unido a un ocio libre y placentero.Para citar este artículo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigoAlbertos, A., Osorio, A. y Beltramo, C. (2020). Adolescentes y ocio: desarrollo positivo y transición hacia la vida adulta. Educación y Educadores, 23(2), 201-220. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2020.23.2.3Recibido: 14/11/2019Aceptado: 06/04/2020Publicado: 04/08/2020Teenagers and Leisure: Positive Development and Transition to AdulthoodAdolescentes e lazer: desenvolvimento positivo e transição à vida adultaDesde o século XX, o lazer vem desempenhando papel crucial na sociedade, na economia, na cultura e na educação. Isso desperta um grande interesse em estudar a conexão que esse fenômeno tem com os estilos de vida, a satisfação, o entorno e a relação entre lazer e trabalho. Este artigo analisa a influência do lazer na vida dos jovens. Na primeira parte, é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica das principais teorias sociológicas e psicológicas que explicam seu sentido, evolução e relação com o trabalho. Na segunda, é exposto o modelo de desenvolvimento positivo, centralizado mais no florescimento do potencial dos jovens do que no prevenir comportamentos de risco. O uso positivo do tempo livre está baseado na realização de atividades estruturadas, com participação voluntária, motivação intrínseca e supervisionadas por adultos. Conclui-se que o envolvimento dos jovens em associações, organizações e instituições que desenvolvem atividades estruturadas de participação voluntária ou autoimplicada facilitam a transição à vida adulta, no que diz respeito ao uso construtivo do tempo unido a um lazer livre e prazeroso.Para citar este artículo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigoAlbertos, A., Osorio, A. y Beltramo, C. (2020). Adolescentes y ocio: desarrollo positivo y transición hacia la vida adulta. Educación y Educadores, 23(2), 201-220. https://doi.org/10.5294/edu.2020.23.2.3Recibido: 14/11/2019Aceptado: 06/04/2020Publicado: 04/08/202

    Not everything helps the same for everyone: relevance of extracurricular activities for academic achievement

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    Abstract Participation in organized Extracurricular Activities has contributed to improve academic achievement. However, this does not happen in the same way; it depends on sex, age, or parental educational level. Our objective is to know the importance of these factor interactions’ in the explanation of academic achievement. The sample consisted of 1148 adolescents, aged between 12 and 18 years, 52% of whom were female. Participants completed the Extracurricular Activities questionnaire, and academic and sociodemographic data were collected. The results show that differences in academic achievement depend on the adolescent stage. In early adolescence, girls improve in academic achievement, as well as with better parental education, reading of books and activity duration. On the contrary, in the middle and late adolescence, academic achievement improves with not participating in collective sports and reduced activity breadth, although parental educational level follows the same trend as in the early adolescence. These results reinforce the evolutionary hypothesis of specialization in the choice of activities throughout adolescence. In this sense, some proposals for schools that advocate for greater integration of curricular and non-curricular elements are discussed

    Leisure time activities in adolescents predict problematic technology use

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    The problematic use of technology of children and adolescents is becoming a growing problem. Research has shown that excessive technology use predicts a variety of psychological and physical health problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of leisure time activities (structured and unstructured) in adolescents as a predictor of problematic technology use. Participants were 7723 adolescents, of which 55% were girls, from four Spanish-speaking countries (Chile, Spain, Mexico, and Peru) between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The evaluation instrument applied was the YOURLIFE project self-report questionnaire. Two executive functions were measured: goal setting and inhibitory control. Using structural equation modeling, findings indicated that structured leisure time activities predicted less PTU, whereas unstructured activities predicted more PTU, MLχ2 (69, N = 7723) = 806.60; CFI = 0.929, RMSEA = 0.042, and the model had good predictive capacity for PTU (R2 = 0.46). Structured and unstructured activities also showed indirect effects on PTU through executive functions. As adolescents spent more time in unstructured leisure activities, poorer goal setting, inhibitory control skills, and more PTU were found. The opposite was true for structured leisure time activities. Implications of structured leisure activities to develop executive functioning and to prevent PTU for adolescents are discussed.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Cyber dating abuse in adolescents: Myths of romantic love, sexting practices and bullying

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    Cyber dating abuse (CDA) is a growing problem with serious consequences for adolescents, hence the importance of understanding its relationship to other variables for developing more effective prevention strategies. The current study aimed first to analyze CDA, bullying, sexting and myths of romantic love depending on sex (girls vs boys), country (Spain vs Latin American countries) and religiosity (high vs low). The second objective was to investigate the explanatory factors of CDA, examining variables associated with bullying, sexting and myths of romantic love, using structural equation modeling (SEM). The sample consisted of 3264 adolescents between 14 and 18 years old (52% girls; 32% Spanish; 68% Latin Americans). Findings showed that boys had more bullying engagement, sexting, and assumption of myths of romantic love. The highly religious group presented less sexting engagement. The results also revealed that CDA is associated with sexting and that myths of romantic love have mediational effects. Prevention programs should include strategies to help adolescents use the Internet safely and identify any type of abusive behavior both among peers and in a romantic relationship, taking into account the peculiarities of virtual interactions.This study was supported by a grant awarded by the Spanish Government-Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (PI18/01126) and by a grant from the University of Navarra (PIUNA 2019; P-EXP-INT-7)