34 research outputs found

    Síntese e caracterização de scaffolds de fibroína

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo diminuir o tempo de formação de hidrogéis de fibroína utilizados na produçãode scaffolds para aplicações na área médica e odontológica. Para a extração da fibroína foram utilizadosos solventes: brometo de lítio e uma solução ternária (cloreto de cálcio + álcool etílico + água). Realizaramsetambém modificações na membrana utilizada na diálise, de modo a diminuir o tempo para a formação dehidrogel e, consequentemente, obtenção dos scaffolds. A Tomografia por Transmissão de Raios-x confirmoua formação de scaffolds contendo 73,282% de porosidade total, sendo 73,272% de poros abertos interconectados,e densidade de conectividade entre os poros de 665,728 poros/mm3. A microscopia óptica mostrou quea estrutura dos scaffolds é constituída por fios com diâmetro de 24 m. Por meio da espectroscopia infravermelho(FTIR) foi possível confirmar a presença das bandas de Amida I, II e III, caraterísticas da fibroína, aofinal do processo de extração. A análise de DSC apresentou dois picos endotérmicos em 60 ºC e 297 ºC correspondentesà liberação de água e fusão da proteína, respectivamente. As modificações realizadas na membrana,proposta neste trabalho, diminuíram significativamente o tempo para a formação de hidrogel, precursordos scaffolds, ocorrendo durante os três dias de diálise.Palavras-chave: Biomateriais. Fibroína. Scaffolds. Hidrogéis

    Supercritical fluid and pharmaceutical applications. Part I: Process classification

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    The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.FAPESP (São Paulo, Brazil – project 2012/01333-0) for financial suppor

    Study of the elemental composition of saliva of smokers and nonsmokers by X-ray fluorescence

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    "Available online 09 September 2016"Cigarette smoking is a serious public health problem. According to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that currently more than 1.2 billion people worldwide do tobacco use and that smoking-related diseases are responsible for about 6 million deaths each. With attention to this, it is necessary to seek preventive and prognostic of trying to reduce these numbers and alert the public in general about the danger and the harm caused by its use. Thus, the objective of the research work undertaken was to evaluate and compare the chemical composition of collected saliva samples of smokers and nonsmokers by X-ray Fluorescence analyses. 32 individuals were selected, 16 of which used cigarette on a daily basis and the other 16 had never smoked. Saliva was collected with the help of a (sterile) disposable Pasteur pipette and samples sent to the Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory at UNISO (LAFINAU), where analyzes were carried out. Individuals who agreed to participate in the study answered a questionnaire to define their profile of inclusion and signed an informed consent form (CEP Protocol n° 831.753 of 09/10/2014). The results clearly showed that there are differences in the concentrations of chemical elements in the saliva of smokers and non-smokers. The biggest discrepancies were found at concentrations of the chemical elements Sulfur, Phosphorus, Chlorine and Potassium, and smaller differences in the concentration of the elements Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Titanium, Vanadium and Nickel. In only one saliva sample, and in quite low amounts, arsenic was detected. The results indicate that smoking produces more significant changes in the saliva of women than in men, increasing the concentration of some elements in the saliva of female smokers, much more than in the male smokers. The cigarette usage time also appears to exert a greater influence on the composition of the saliva of women than in men, indicating that the damage caused by cigarette use may in fact be higher in women than in men.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) (FAPESP Refs. no. 2012/ 15651-4 and 2013/03181-6)CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Brazil, in the form of Research Productivity (PQ) fellowships - Ref. no. 306113/2014-7, Ref. No. 309598/2014-

    Zidovudine-poly(l-lactic acid) solid dispersions with improved intestinal permeability prepared by supercritical antisolvent process

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    A supercritical antisolvent (SAS) process for obtaining zidovudine-poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) solid dispersions (SDs) was used to attain a better intestinal permeation of this drug. A 32 factorial design was used, having as independent variables the ratio 3-azido-23-dideoxythymidine (AZT)PLLA and temperature/pressure conditions, as dependent variables the process yield and particle macroscopic morphology. AZTPLLA production batches were carried out by the SAS process, and the resulting products evaluated via scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier transform infrared analyses. From the nine possible combinations of tests performed experimentally, only one combination did not produced a solid. The L3 batch of SD, produced with 1:2 (AZTPLLA) ratio, resulted in a 91.54% yield, with 40% AZT content. Intestinal permeability studies using the AZTPLLA from L3 batch led to an AZT permeability of approximately 9.87%, which was higher than that of pure AZT (3.84%). AZT remained in crystalline form, whereas PLLA remained in semicrystalline form. AZT release is controlled by a diffusion mechanism. It has been demonstrated that it is possible to use PLLA carrier and SAS process to obtain SD, in a single step.Cristalia (Itapira, Brazil) for the kind supply of the reference substance used throughout the research work. Financial support from Fundação de Amparo á Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (2013-19300-4; 2012/01333-0; 2011/21219-5), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (PROSUP/CAPES) and Finep Inovação e Pesquisa (Finep, Brazil; 01.13.0286.00)

    Chitosan-based scaffolds for tissue regeneration: preparation and microstructure characterization

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    Scaffolds are porous three-dimensional supports, designed to mimic the extracellular environment and remain temporarily integrated into the host tissue while stimulating, at the molecular level, specific cellular responses to each type of body tissues. The major goal of the research work entertained herein was to study the microstructure of scaffolds made from chitosan (Ch), blends of chitosan and sodium alginate (Ch/NaAlg), blends of chitosan, sodium alginate and calcium chloride (Ch/NaAlg/CaCl2) and blends of chitosan, sodium alginate and hydroxyapatite (Ch/NaAlg/HA). Scaffolds possessing ideal physicochemical properties facilitate cell proliferation and greatly increase the rate of recovery of a damaged organ tissue. Using CT three-dimensional images of the scaffolds, it was observed that all scaffolds had a porosity in the range 64%-92%, a radius of maximum pore occurrence in the range 95m-260m and a permeability in the range 1×10-10-18×10-10 m2. From the results obtained, the scaffolds based on Ch, Ch/NaAlg and Ch/NaAlg/CaCl2 would be most appropriate both for the growth of osteoid and for bone tissue regeneration, while the scaffold made with a blend of Ch/NaAlg/HA, by possessing larger pores size, might be used as a support for fibrovascular tissue.Project funding by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) (FAPESP Refs. No. 2012/21219-5, 2012/15651-4, 2013/03181-6, 2013/19300-4, and 2014/21122-0), is hereby gratefully acknowledged. This work received support from CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Brazil, in the form of Research Productivity (PQ) fellowships granted to Victor M. Balcão and Marco V. Chaud

    Production of bacterial cellulose nanocrystals via enzymatic hydrolysis and evaluation of their coating on alginate particles formed by ionotropic gelation

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    This study aimed to obtain the bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) by enzymatic hydrolysis and verify the CNC application as coating material in alginate particles. Therefore, the production of CNC was carried out through two enzymatic hydrolysis methods involving a time period of 48 and 72 h. 0.35 mg of dry mass of cellulose was produced approximately 1.6 × 1011 CNC/mL. The CNC obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis at 72 h (Method II) was applied to cover the alginate particles, obtained by ionotropic gelation. The CNC Zeta potential value was about +15 mV and for alginate particles -26.46 ± 1.48 mV. These results confirmed the application of CNC as coating material for alginate particles. It brings an incremental contribution to the knowledge advancement in the pharmaceutical and food area, allowing the engineering of systems to use a mixed composition of nanobiomaterials to modify the release pattern of drugs, macromolecule, nutrients, stabilizers and target specific drug release.The authors acknowledge financial support from Coordination for Higher Level Graduate Improvements (CAPES/Brazil, Grant Numbers 001), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/Brazil), and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP/Brazil, grant numbers 2019/22,626–5 and 2018/10,508–5).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bilayer mucoadhesive buccal film for mucosal ulcers treatment: development, characterization, and single study case

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    The formation of mucosal ulcers is an end result of epithelial damage, and it occurs due to some specific causes, such as trauma, aphthous stomatitis, lichen planus and lichenoid reactions, cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions and malignant settings. This study focused on films for target drug delivery with respect to the treatment of the diseases of the oral mucosa, specifically mucositis. The results of a single clinical study as a pre-experimental design was performed and followed up to the outcome until 30 days. The polymeric film was prepared in a mucoadhesive bilayer structure: the basal layer with lidocaine HCl had a faster release than the apical layer with benzydamine HCl and N-acetyl-cysteine. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and SEM characterized the physical–chemical and morphological properties. The cell viability and cytotoxicity were evaluated in cell line MCF7. The transport mechanism of the solvent (swelling) and the drugs in the basal or apical layer (drug release) was explained with mathematical models. To evaluate the effect of movement inside the mouth, the folding endurance was determined. The mucoadhesive bilayer film is biologically safe and stimulates cellular proliferation. A single study in vivo demonstrated the therapeutic effect of the mucoadhesive bilayer film in buccal mucositis.The authors express their gratitude to financial support from CAPES/PROSUP-Brazil; Sao Paulo Research Foundation 2011/21219-5; Sao Paulo Research Foundation. 2018/13432-0; Sao Paulo Research Foundation. 2018/11350-6; National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) 425271/2016-1.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Projeto e construção de um picnômetro a ar para caracterização de insumos e produtos farmacêuticos

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    This paper describes a project, construction and test of a low cost air pycnometer, developed to be used preferentially in pharmaceutical research. A complete discussion of the construction, test and calibration of this equipment is presented and some measurements are made using pharmaceutical powders and dry granulations. The equipment performance has been estimated through its calibration curve, and the obtained value to its volume resolution is about 1%. This equipment is accomplished at the Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory of University of Sorocaba (LAFINAU) in Sorocaba, SP, Brazil and it was denominated "Picnômetro a Ar Uniso - PICNAU"

    Bacterial nanocellulose and fibroin: natural products to produce a structure membranes

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    Fibroin (FB) and bacterial nanocellulose (BC) are natural products, being used in biomedicine, electronics, food industries and other areas. Both show biocompatibility, able to be used for many different purposes. The blending of fibroin and bacterial nanocellulose was design to produce a biocompatible material to be applied with a medical device. For this reason, the objective of this work was to evaluate the structure properties of the blending of BC and FB. Thus, FB was extracted from Bombyx mori and BC was produced by fermentation process utilizing Gluconacetobacter xylinus. The membranes composed of BC-FB were produced by immersion contact for 24 hours, at 25°C, in 100rpm; without crosslinking agent. After the production the membrane samples were dried and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR spectroscopy), mechanical proprieties, swelling efficiency, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and computerized microtomography (µCt). Results indicate that the hydrogen-bonded porous membranes obtained displayed anisiotropic, closed and interconnected porous morphology. The morphometric characteristics, which resemble a honeycomb and consist of a long structure with high connectivity and high total porosity, amplify the areas of BC-FB blend applications, with potential utilization with optoelectronic devices, in areas ranging from environmental to tissue engineering. Furthermore, the production by immersion contact will allow the upscale process and the development of green label material.Keywords: Polymers conjugation, Membranes; Fibroin; Bacterial nanocellulose

    Vidros niobofosfatos : preparação, caracterização e propriedades

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    Orientador: Oswaldo Luiz AlvesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de QuimicaDoutorad