394 research outputs found
Avances en la investigación y rehabilitación del daño cerebral
Conferencia docente para Logopedia y PsicologíaEn la actualidad, más de 10 millones de personas en el mundo viven con las secuelas producidas por un daño cerebral. Entre los diferentes tipos de daño cerebral los traumatismos craneoencefálicos (TEC) son una de las principales causas de muerte entre personas de 15 a 24 años. La gran mayoría de los TEC suelen estar relacionados con caídas, accidentes automovilísticos y heridas por armas de fuego. Durante las dos últimas décadas se ha incrementado considerablemente el número de personas que sobreviven a un TEC, debido a un mayor conocimiento por parte de los médicos y del personal de los servicios de urgencia acerca de los efectos del trauma; la creación de métodos diagnósticos más avanzados y la comprensión de los mecanismos cerebrales involucrados en la recuperación. No obstante, muchas de las personas que logran sobrevivir a un TEC presentan secuelas a largo plazo tales como alteraciones cognitivas (problemas de memoria, atención, en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información y en funciones ejecutivas), problemas físicos (alteraciones en el movimiento, pérdida del equilibrio, dolores de cabeza, fatiga, alteraciones del sueño, mareos y náuseas) y cambios emocionales (depresión, agitación, agresividad, cambios de personalidad, apatía e irritabilidad).
El objetivo de la presente conferencia es exponer, de forma detallada, algunos de los principales avances mas recientes en la investigación del daño cerebral. Inicialmente se comenzara hablando de la definición del TEC, la epidemiología, los principales hallazgos en el área de la neuropsicología, las alteraciones emocionales, los problemas sexuales y su recuperación. Posteriormente se presentaran algunos resultados sobre investigaciones recientes en el área de las neuroimagenes y daño cerebral leve y el papel de la familia en la vida de personas con TEC. Finalmente, se hablara de la importancia del estudio del TEC en población española y de las consecuencias que este problema tiene para la salud pública del país.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
El rol de la familia en la rehabilitación del paciente con daño cerebral adquirido
El trauma de cráneo es una de las principales causas de discapacidad y
muerte en adultos jóvenes en todo el mundo. La gran mayoría de personas que
sobreviven quedan con una serie de secuelas físicas, cognitivas y
emocionales que dificultan la adecuada reintegración de estas personas a su
vida personal, laboral y familiar. Debido a estos problemas, es la familia,
en la mayoría de casos, quien asume el cuidado de la persona con TCE. Por
tal motivo, estos desempeñan un papel fundamental durante todo el proceso de
rehabilitación del paciente y es muy importante trabajar de la mano
con ellos para poder conseguir los logros terapéuticos mejores posibles. En
esta conferencia se presentan resultados de varios estudios, que se han
realizado en diferentes países del mundo, con el fin de entender los
principales problemas psicosociales que suelen presentar los cuidadores y
los familiares de personas con TCE; así mismo, se presentará un programa de
intervención, que ha sido recientemente creado, con el objetivo de mejorar la
calidad de vida de estas personas y sus familias.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.
Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos psicológico
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a one of the top leading causes of death in the world. In the United States alone, over 4.5 million Americans had Alzheimer’s in the year 2000. The annual number of new cases is increasing dramatically every year as people begin to reach older ages in which the prevalence of AD is higher and as people survive longer with the disease. Anecdotal observations of individuals with AD from family members and/or caregivers indicate how suffers become “childlike” as the disease progresses. Recent research suggests that the progression of AD occurs in reverse order of normal human development. The present article reviews the evidence supporting this theory of retrogenesis. Cognitive, functional, neurologic and neuropathologic progression of AD will be examined and compared to developmental acquisition in each area. Potential implications of the retrogenesis theory on rehabilitation program development and implementation for individuals with dementia will be discussed.La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo. El bajo índice de natalidad, la mejora en las condiciones sanitarias y sociales y, como consecuencia, el aumento en la esperanza de vida, han hecho que el número de personas mayores de 65 anos aumente cada vez más. Este aumento en la expectativa de vida ha lle-vado a que el número de casos nuevos de personas que presentan EA se haya incrementando de manera dramática en los últimos años. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que conforme va evolucionando la enfermedad de Alzheimer, se suele producir una regresión de las capacidades cognitivas, funcionales y físicas a estadios evolutivos previos del desarrollo. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la evidencia que apoya el concepto de retro-génesis en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer, a la luz de la teoría del desarrollo evolutivo de Piaget. Se examinará la teoría de la retro-génesis tanto desde una perspectiva clínica, cognitiva, funcional, neurológica y neuropatológica. Finalmente, se discutirá las implicaciones que la teoría de la retro-génesis puede tener en la creación e implementación de programa de rehabilitación para personas con demencia
Methodology for the development of normative data for ten Spanish-language neuropsychological tests in eleven Latin American countries
BACKGROUND: Within the field of neuropsychology, there is a significant lack of normative data for individuals in Latin America. OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodology utilized to obtain the data and create norms for 10 Spanish-language neuropsychological tests administered in 11 Latin-American countries in a sample of 3,977 healthy individuals between the ages 18 and 90. METHOD: The same data manipulation process was applied to the data collected (regardless of the scale or country) using a regression-based procedure that takes into account sex, age, and educational influences on neuropsychological test scores. CONCLUSIONS: Following this procedure, we were able to generate age, education, and sex (if relevant) based norms for each test in each of the 11 countries studied. These norms are presented in the 10 articles that comprise this special issue
Is Helping Really Helping? Health-Related Quality of Life after TBI Predicting Caregiver Depression Longitudinally in Latin America
Objective: Studies have shown that functional and psychosocial sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI) predict emotional well-being of caregivers (Harris, 2000). Previous research examining the mental health of caregivers and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people with TBI have primarily been in the US (Sander, 2012). Very little research has been conducted to uncover the unique relationships between HRQoL of people with TBI and caregiver mental health longitudinally, or in low-middle income Latin American countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate how HRQoL after TBI predict caregiver depression longitudinally in two countries and three data collection sites in Latin America.
Design: Multi-site, multinational longitudinal study.
Setting: Three hospitals in Neiva and Cali, Colombia, and Mexico City, Mexico (before hospital discharge), as well as in the homes of individuals with TBI and caregivers in these regions (before discharge, at 2 and 4 months after discharge).
Participants: A sample of 109 TBI caregiver-patient dyads (n = 218) was included in the study.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Caregiver depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and HRQoL in the person with TBI (Short Form-36).
Results: Three multiple regressions were conducted to examine which aspects of patient HRQoL at baseline predicted caregiver depression at baseline, 2 months, and 4 months post-discharge. Eight aspects of patient HRQoL were simultaneously entered into each model as predictors: physical functioning, role limitations (physical and emotional), vitality, mental health, social functioning, pain, and general health. At baseline, the overall model significantly predicted caregiver depression, F(8, 105) = 2.62, p = .012, R 2 = .18. Patient mental health was the only significant unique predictor of caregiver depression at baseline, p = .021, β = -.34. The overall model predicting 2-month caregiver depression was significant, F(8, 101) = 3.21, p = .003, R 2 = .22. Only mental health, p = .016, β = -.36, was a significant unique predictor. The overall model predicting 4-month caregiver depression was significant, F(8, 98) = 2.70, p = .010, R 2 = .19, and no factors uniquely predicted caregiver depression, all ps\u3e.05.
Conclusions: Results suggest that TBI patient HRQoL can predict caregiver depression among Latin American caregivers before and during the first 4 months after hospital discharge. Across all three time points (baseline, 2 months, and 4 months), caregiver depression was significantly predicted by patient HRQoL. At baseline, patient mental health was the only domain that uniquely predicted caregiver depression. At 2 months, only physical role limitations uniquely predicted caregiver depression, and no unique predictors were detected at 4 months. These findings suggest that within the cultural framework in Latin America, there is a strong relationship between functional and psychological impairments after TBI and depression outcomes in Latin American caregivers. The results highlight the importance of uncovering these relational distinctions and may infer early detection of mental health needs and psychological intervention considerations for Latin American caregivers.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1052/thumbnail.jp
Training on Emotional Intelligence for Caregivers of Patients with Acquired Brain Injury and Cognitive Impairment: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Background: Cognitive-behavioral alterations can occur after an acquired brain injury (ABI). Objectives: To develop and evaluate a synchronous online training program on emotional intelligence (EI) for the caregivers of adult patients with cognitive-behavioral impairment due to ABI. Methods: Quasi-experimental study. Ten caregivers attended a one-month virtual synchronous course about EI. The emotional status of the caregivers was registered one-month-previous and one-month-post program using comparative measures: The Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Caregiver Burden Interview, the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, and the Emotional Health Survey. Results: After the training course, the favorable changes related to emotional affect measured with the PANAS questionnaire were found; both positive (increase; Mdn = 39.5; effect size −12.79; adjusted variance 95.75) and negative (decrease; Mdn = 14.5; effect size 0.73; adjusted variance 95.50) presented a statistical significance of p < 0.05. The TMMS-24 post-test showed that 90% of the caregivers reported an adequate or excellent emotional repair (p < 0.05; effect size −0.68; adjusted variance 94.75). No other significant differences were found. Conclusions: After this training in EI, the caregivers had a more positive mood and improved aspects of their emotional intelligence, such as emotional regulation. More studies need to be conducted.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag
Comparability of (post-concussion) symptoms across time in individuals after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study
Post-concussion symptoms often occur after TBI, persist and cause disabilities. The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) is widely used in this population, but little is
known about the comparability of the symptoms over time, i.e., longitudinal measurement invariance (MI). The objectives of this study were to analyze the longitudinal MI of RPQ symptoms from
three to twelve months after TBI and to find factors related to RPQ symptoms. The study involved
1023 individuals after TBI who took part in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness
Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) study and completed the RPQ at three, six and twelve months postinjury. Longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor structure (somatic,
emotional and cognitive) remains stable within one year after TBI. Linear mixed models revealed that
sex, injury cause and prior psychiatric problems were related to the RPQ three-factor structure as well
as to the RPQ total score. The study strengthens evidence for the RPQ’s factorial structure stability
within one year after TBI and identifies sex, injury cause and prior psychiatric problems as important
factors that may help clinicians to prevent future complications of symptomatology after TBI.CENTER-TBI was supported by the European Union 7th Framework program (EC grant 602150). Additional funding was obtained from the Hannelore Kohl Stiftung (Germany), from OneMind (USA) and from Integra LifeSciences Corporation (USA). The funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report
Family Dynamics and Personal Strengths among Dementia Caregivers in Argentina
This study examined whether healthier family dynamics were associated with higher personal strengths of resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism among dementia caregivers in Argentina. Caregivers are usually required to assist individuals with dementia, and family members have typically fulfilled that role. Personal strengths such as resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism have been shown to protect caregivers from some of the negative experiences of providing care, though the family-related variables associated with these personal strengths are largely unknown. Hierarchical multiple regressions investigated the extent to which family dynamics variables are associated with each of the caregiver personal strengths after controlling for demographic and caregiver characteristics. A sample of 105 caregivers from Argentina completed a set of questionnaires during a neurologist visit. Family dynamics explained 32% of the variance in resilience and 39% of the variance in sense of coherence. Greater family empathy and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher resilience. Greater communication and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher sense of coherence. Optimism was not found to be significantly associated with family dynamics. These results suggest that caregiver intervention research focused on the family may help improve caregiver personal strengths in Argentina and other Latin American countries
El perfil neuropsicológico en la esclerosis múltiple
La Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) es la enfermedad neurológica no traumática más común entre personas jóvenes y adultos en etapas medias de la vida. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar el perfil neuropsicológico de un grupo de sujetos con EM. A ochenta sujetos con diagnóstico de EM y 40 sujetos sanos se les administró una batería de evaluación neuropsicológica. El grupo de personas con EM presentó puntuaciones más bajas en todas las pruebas y, en el 84% de las variables medidas (16/19), las diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05). El perfil neuropsicológico del grupo de sujetos con EM se caracterizó por alteraciones cognitivas en funciones ejecutivas, procesamiento de la información, memoria, habilidades visoespaciales y atención. Las alteraciones cognitivas son uno de los principales síntomas de la EM. El conocer el perfil neuropsicológico de estas personas es de gran relevancia tanto para el diagnóstico como para su posterior rehabilitación
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