1,944 research outputs found

    Insectos asociados con especies forrajeras en America tropical

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    BlogForever D5.1: Design and Specification of Case Studies

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    This document presents the specification and design of six case studies for testing the BlogForever platform implementation process. The report explains the data collection plan where users of the repository will provide usability feedback through questionnaires as well as details of scalability analysis through the creation of specific log files analytics. The case studies will investigate the sustainability of the platform, that it meets potential users’ needs and that is has an important long term impact

    Distributional patterns in some neotropical desmid species (Algae, Chlorophyta) in relation to migratory bird routes

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    La discussion est basée sur des échantillonnages réalisés par les auteurs en Colombie, et sur les données de la littérature. Des différences marquées entre la flore des Desmidiées tropicales d'Amérique Centrale et de l'ouest de L'Amérique du Sud, d'une part, et celle des bassins Orénoque-Amazone, d'autre part, suggÚrent que les Andes limitent la distribution des algues d'eau douce en étant une barriÚre aux migrations des oiseaux aquatiques qui en sont les vecteurs potentiels. (Résumé d'auteur

    Family Dynamics and Personal Strengths among Dementia Caregivers in Argentina

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    This study examined whether healthier family dynamics were associated with higher personal strengths of resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism among dementia caregivers in Argentina. Caregivers are usually required to assist individuals with dementia, and family members have typically fulfilled that role. Personal strengths such as resilience, sense of coherence, and optimism have been shown to protect caregivers from some of the negative experiences of providing care, though the family-related variables associated with these personal strengths are largely unknown. Hierarchical multiple regressions investigated the extent to which family dynamics variables are associated with each of the caregiver personal strengths after controlling for demographic and caregiver characteristics. A sample of 105 caregivers from Argentina completed a set of questionnaires during a neurologist visit. Family dynamics explained 32% of the variance in resilience and 39% of the variance in sense of coherence. Greater family empathy and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher resilience. Greater communication and decreased family problems were uniquely associated with higher sense of coherence. Optimism was not found to be significantly associated with family dynamics. These results suggest that caregiver intervention research focused on the family may help improve caregiver personal strengths in Argentina and other Latin American countries

    BlogForever D5.3: User Questionnaires and Reports

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    This report presents the feedback gathered from third party users during the BlogForever Case Studies. Therefore, the research framework is defined and the case studies results are presented, followed by a summary of conclusions and remarks

    BlogForever D5.2: Implementation of Case Studies

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    This document presents the internal and external testing results for the BlogForever case studies. The evaluation of the BlogForever implementation process is tabulated under the most relevant themes and aspects obtained within the testing processes. The case studies provide relevant feedback for the sustainability of the platform in terms of potential users’ needs and relevant information on the possible long term impact

    Data-Driven, Multi-Model Workflow Suggests Strong Influence from Hurricanes on the Generation of Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Turbidity currents deliver sediment rapidly from the continental shelf to the slope and beyond; and can be triggered by processes such as shelf resuspension during oceanic storms; mass failure of slope deposits due to sediment- and wave-pressure loadings; and localized events that grow into sustained currents via self-amplifying ignition. Because these operate over multiple spatial and temporal scales, ranging from the eddy-scale to continental-scale; coupled numerical models that represent the full transport pathway have proved elusive though individual models have been developed to describe each of these processes. Toward a more holistic tool, a numerical workflow was developed to address pathways for sediment routing from terrestrial and coastal sources, across the continental shelf and ultimately down continental slope canyons of the northern Gulf of Mexico, where offshore infrastructure is susceptible to damage by turbidity currents. Workflow components included: (1) a calibrated simulator for fluvial discharge (Water Balance Model - Sediment; WBMsed); (2) domain grids for seabed sediment textures (dbSEABED); bathymetry, and channelization; (3) a simulator for ocean dynamics and resuspension (the Regional Ocean Modeling System; ROMS); (4) A simulator (HurriSlip) of seafloor failure and flow ignition; and (5) A Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) turbidity current model (TURBINS). Model simulations explored physical oceanic conditions that might generate turbidity currents, and allowed the workflow to be tested for a year that included two hurricanes. Results showed that extreme storms were especially effective at delivering sediment from coastal source areas to the deep sea, at timescales that ranged from individual wave events (~hours), to the settling lag of fine sediment (~days)

    A wetting and drying scheme for ROMS

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Computers & Geosciences 58 (2013): 54-61, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.05.004.The processes of wetting and drying have many important physical and biological impacts on shallow water systems. Inundation and dewatering effects on coastal mud flats and beaches occur on various time scales ranging from storm surge, periodic rise and fall of the tide, to infragravity wave motions. To correctly simulate these physical processes with a numerical model requires the capability of the computational cells to become inundated and dewatered. In this paper, we describe a method for wetting and drying based on an approach consistent with a cell-face blocking algorithm. The method allows water to always flow into any cell, but prevents outflow from a cell when the total depth in that cell is less than a user defined critical value. We describe the method, the implementation into the three-dimensional Regional Oceanographic Modeling System (ROMS), and exhibit the new capability under three scenarios: an analytical expression for shallow water flows, a dam break test case, and a realistic application to part of a wetland area along the Georgia Coast, USA.We acknowledge support for studies demonstrated in this manuscript that were supported by the National Science Foundation,Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP)under the 3470Z. Defne etal./ Renewable Energy 36(2011)3461e3471 Partnerships for Innovation Program Grant IIP-0332613,and from the Strategic Energy Institute at Georgia Institute of Technology via a Creating Energy Options grant and the 104B Georgia Water Resources Institute Funding Program,and also by the Department of Energy,Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program award number DE-FG36-08GO18174 and by the state of Georgia

    Deficiencias funcionales en pacientes con lesiones de la médula espinal y la salud mental del cuidador: Un estudio exploratorio en una muestra colombiana

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    Limited literature has examined the connections between caregiver mental health and the physical and psychosocial functioning of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Latin America, despite the dearth of services and unique needs of this population. The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationships between caregiver mental health (anxiety, burden, depression, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem) and SCI physical and psychosocial functional impairments in a Colombian sample. Forty SCI caregivers were recruited from Neiva, Colombia and completed measures of SCI impairments and their own mental health. Greater SCI impairments, and caregiver stress due to those impairments, were associated with higher caregiver depression and anxiety, although only patient psychosocial functional impairments and related caregiver stress were uniquely associated with caregiver depression. Due to the collectivist nature of and the importance of family in many Latino cultures, mental health interventions for family members who provide care for an individual with SCI having greater psychosocial impairments may be particularly important.Poca literatura ha examinado las relaciones entre salud mental del cuidador y funcionamiento fĂ­sico y psicosocial de las personas con traumatismo de mĂ©dula espinal en AmĂ©rica Latina, a pesar de la escasez de servicios y necesidades Ășnicas de esta poblaciĂłn. El propĂłsito del presente estudio fue examinar las relaciones entre la salud mental del cuidador (ansiedad, sobrecarga, depresiĂłn,  satisfacciĂłn con la vida y autoestima) y las discapacidades fĂ­sicas y psicosociales de personas con traumatismo de mĂ©dula espinal en una muestra colombiana. Cuarenta cuidadores de personas con traumatismo de mĂ©dula espinal fueron reclutados en Neiva, Colombia, quienes completaron medidas de discapacidad del traumatismo de medula espinal y de su propia salud mental. Mayores niveles de discapacidad en personas con traumatismo de medula espinal y niveles de estrĂ©s del cuidador debido a esas discapacidades, fueron asociadas con mayores niveles de depresiĂłn y ansiedad en el cuidador, aunque sĂłlo las discapacidades psicosociales de los pacientes y el estrĂ©s relacionado con el cuidador fueron asociados con la depresiĂłn en el cuidador. Debido a la naturaleza colectivista y la importancia de la familia en la mayorĂ­a de las culturas latinas, las intervenciones centradas en la salud mental de los familiares que cuidan de personas con traumatismo de la medula espinal pueden ser particularmente importantes
