38 research outputs found

    Subserosal Inflammatory Pseudotumor Causing Intussusception

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    We present an adult case of intussusception caused by subserosal inflammatory pseudotumor of the terminal ileum. Enteric intussusception was diagnosed by characteristic Xray finding, so called "beak-like" filling defect in the terminal ileum. An exploratory laparotomy revealed focal subserosal thickening in the terminal ileum, and partial ileocolectomy was performed. Microscopically, we identified a pseudotumor that extended through the muscularis propria into serosa. The pseudotumor was composed of fibrous stroma and chronic inflammatory cells with calcification

    8. Segregation Vein in the Uwekahuna Laccolith, Kilauea Caldera, Hawaii

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    Dark, coarse-grained segregation veins cutting the Uwekahuna laccolith exposed on the caldera wall of Kilauea, Hawaii, consist of zoned plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, mesostasis, apatite, and silica minerals. Chemical composition of the segregation vein indicates a fairly advanced stage of iron enrichment.|ウエカフナ・ラコリスはノヽワイ島,キラウエア・カルデラの北壁に露出しており,その岩石はかんらん石の斑晶を多くもつ,はんれい斑岩である.岩体中に見出される暗色脉状で粗粒の分化岩脉の一つは,斜長石,単斜輝石,チタン鉄鉱,磁鉄鉱,メソスタシス,燐灰石,珪酸鉱物から成っている,その化学成分は,MURATA and RlCHTER[1961]の報告したものと似ているが,鉄の濃度密がやや大きい.

    Submarine volcanoes East and South of Izu Peninsula, Central Japan

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    International Symposium on the Activity of Oceanic Volcanoes. Ponta Delgada, 4-9 August 1980.More than 50 volcanic centers are recognized as positive topography on the sea floor east and south of Izu Peninsula. Most of them are probably late Quaternary basaltic cones resting on the basement of Miocene submarine volcanic rocks. Recent dredge hauls have revealed that those submarine volcanoes located close to Izu Peninsula belong to the high-Al and/or high alkali basalts while those further south are either low alkali tholeiites or calk-alaki rhyolites associated with high-Al basalts. Submarine volcanoes dose to Izu Peninsula are contemporaneous with a group of basaltic (and minor rhyolitic) monogenetic volcanic centers clustered in the central Izu Peninsula, which were active during the last 100,000 years. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    14. Chemical Composition of Prehistoric Lavas at Makaopuhi Crater, Kilauea Volcano, and Periodic Change in Alkali Content of Hawaiian Tholeiitic Lavas

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    The K2O/Na2Oratio and, to a lesser degree, Na2O+K2O of prehistoric tholeiitic lavas exposed on the wall of Makaopuhi crater, Kilauea volcano, show periodic change with time. Similar variation is found in the lower member of Waianae volcano, Oahu Island. Marked increase in K2O/Na2O ratio of the historic lavas of Kilauea as compared with that of early historic and many prehistoric lavas of the same volcano may correspond to a part of such periodic variations in K2O/Na2O ratio as represented by the above two examples. As one possible mechanism for such increase in K2O/Na2O ratio, fractional crystallization of K2O-poor plagioclase is proposed.|キラウエア火山マカオプヒ火口壁に露出する,一連の先史時代のソレアイト質溶岩を採集し,30個の標本についてNa2OとK2O,そのうち3個については更にSiO2,他の3個については13成分の定位を行つた.その結果,K2O/Na2O比が時間と共に顕著な周期的変化を示すことが明らかになつた.Na2O+K2Oもほぼ同様の変化を示す.同じような変化はオアフ島ワイアナイ火山においても見られる.キラウエア火山の最近の溶岩のK2O/Na2O比は,同火山の20世紀以前の溶岩のそれに比べ著しく高いが,これは,上に述べた周期的変化の2例と同じ現象かも知れない.これを説明する1つの可能性として,K2Oに乏しい斜長石がマグマから晶出分離するモデルを提唱した

    地球化学ノート(2) : 大西洋中央海嶺からドレツジされた変成玄武岩AM50の鉱物組成

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    Dark, coarse-grained segregation veins cutting the Uwekahuna laccolith exposed on the caldera wall of Kilauea, Hawaii, consist of zoned plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, mesostasis, apatite, and silica minerals. Chemical composition of the segregation vein indicates a fairly advanced stage of iron enrichment.|ウエカフナ・ラコリスはノヽワイ島,キラウエア・カルデラの北壁に露出しており,その岩石はかんらん石の斑晶を多くもつ,はんれい斑岩である.岩体中に見出される暗色脉状で粗粒の分化岩脉の一つは,斜長石,単斜輝石,チタン鉄鉱,磁鉄鉱,メソスタシス,燐灰石,珪酸鉱物から成っている,その化学成分は,MURATA and RlCHTER[1961]の報告したものと似ているが,鉄の濃度密がやや大きい.

    66. Geology of the Kakuto Basin, Southern Kyushu, and the Earthquake Sivarm from February, 1968

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    The immediate basement of the Kakuto Basin, on the boundary between Kagoshima and Miyazaki Prefectures, consists of Miocene (?) to Pliocene (?) volcanic rocks mainly of andesitic composition. The lower members are hydrothermally altered (Masaki propylite) and form a reservoir of active hot springs now widely exploited over the western part of the basin. The upper members (Kakuto volcanics) mainly consist of thick lava flows which form the continuous ranges on the northern, western, and eastern margin of the basin. The southern margin is composed of partly destroyed bodies of the older Kirishima Volcano group (Kurino and Shiratori andesites). In the later Quaternary, a large amount of dacitic magma was erupted mainly in the form of large-scale pyroclastic flows. The welded deposits are now found in a wide area surrounding the Kakuto Basin. A collapse caldera of the Crater Lake-type was formed thus clearly defining the depression topography mentioned above. The basin was quickly filled by tuffaceous sediments of lacustrine nature (Kakuto group). About a few tens of thousands of years ago, two major pyroclastic flows entered the basin and the pumiceous materials were dispersed in the waters of a shallow lake occupying the entire floor of the Kakuto Basin at that time. Each time a layer of lake sediments ranging from pumice lump aggregates through pumiceous fine sand to banded clay was formed which at pressent shows remarkable resemblance to the whitish unconsolidated pyroclastic flow deposit locally called ""Shirasu"" that is wide-spread all over southern Kyushu. Immediately after this, about 1 km3 of andesitic magma was erupted at the southern margin of the Kakuto caldera in the form of thick lava flows. The northern part of the flow reached the above-mentioned lake sediments and partly overflowed them. The weight of the thick lava flow caused a plastic deformation of the unconsolidated layers of the two pumiceous sediments (the lower Ikemure formation and the upper Kyomachi formation) and parallel anticlinal and synclinal structure was formed peripheral to the flow front of the lava. A symmetrical cone about 200 m high with a small top crater was formed at the vent (Iimori-yama). The paleo-Kauto lake was drained and the lake sediments were partly eroded to form terrace along the margin of the Kakuto Basion

    27. Chemical Composition of Japanese Granites : Part 1. Variation Trends of 400 Analyses

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    About 400 superior-quality analyses of Japanese granitic rocks are plotted in THOKNTON and TUTTLE'S variation diagrams and projections in the Q-Or-Ab-An system. In the variation diagrams, concentration of points is fairly good, forming one broad but well-defined petrographic province. As compared with WASHINGTON'S 5000 igneous rocks, Japanese granites are slightly higher in SiO2 and lower in Fe2O3, Na2O, and K2O. Most of the analyses show considerably high amounts of An when plotted in the Q-Or-Ab-An tetrahedron. Normative compositions of Paleozoic Japanese pelitic sediments are very low in An. It is not possible to form most of the Japanese granitic liquids by partial or total fusion of such pelitic sediments.|服部・野沢(1959)のまとめた日本の花崗岩質岩石の分析値のうち,適当なもの約400個をTHORNTON・TUTTLEの変化図やQ-Or-Ab-An系に投影してみた.変化図においては,点は直線上に集中し,分散は比較的小さく,全休として1つの特徴的な岩石区を示す.WASHINGTONの5000個の火成岩の変化図と比較すると,日本の花崗岩類は,SiO2にやや富み,Fe2O3,FeO,Na2O,K2Oにやや乏しい.花崗岩質成分をよく近似するQ-Or-Ab-Anの4面体に投影すると,点は可成分散するが,An成分に著しく富むものが多い.また点はOr側よりもAn側に偏つて集中する.日本の古生層の粘土質堆積岩の組成を同じ4面体に投影すると,An成分に乏しいのが特徴である.従つて,このような粘土質堆積岩の部分溶融または全溶融によつては,日本の花崗岩質マグマは生じない