435 research outputs found

    On m-adic Higher Differentials in Commutative Rings

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    In [1], it was shown that quotient ring R of affine k-algebra with respect to a separable prime ideal is regular if and only if D^e_N (R, k) is free R-algebra for N≠N. In this paper, we shall define the algebra D^^^∧_N (R, P) of m-adic P-differential of rank N in R. When R is a local ring of equal characteristic, we have the following result under some assumptions : D^^^∧_N (R, k) is m-adic free algebra if and only if R is regular. In this paper, all m-adic ring R are assumed to satisfy the conditions [numerical formula] unless otherwise stated

    Remarks on m-adic Higher Differential Theoretic Characterization of Regular Local Rings

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    This is a suite of the previous paper[1]. In that paper, we showed under some assumptions that when R is a local ring of equal characteristic with maximal ideal m, then the algebra D^^^^_N (R, P) of m-adic P-differentials of rank N (≐̸N) in R is free if and only if R is regular. In this paper, we shall show under some assumptions that when R is a local ring of unequal characteristic with maximal ideal m, then D^^^^_N (R, P) is free if and only if R is regular and m^2 does not contain a prime element u of P

    Distributed trajectory generation for multiple manipulators using virtual dynamics

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    This paper proposes a trajectory generation method for multiple manipulators through cooperative and competitive interactions among subsystems corresponding to each manipulator. The method can generate the trajectories of multiple manipulators in a parallel and distributed way using virtual dynamics. The virtual dynamics for each manipulator result in virtual interaction forces which represent the interaction among manipulators. It is shown that the method is effective not only for simple cooperative tasks such as positioning a common object, but also for more complicated tasks including relative motions among manipulators

    Instantaneous inverse kinematic solution for redundant manipulators based on virtual arms and its application to winding control

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    The present paper proposes an instantaneous inverse kinematic solution for redundant manipulators based on virtual arms. The virtual arm has the same kinematic structure as the manipulator except that its end-point is located on the joint or link of the manipulator. When the appropriate virtual arms are used, the configuration of the manipulator can be represented by a set of end-points of the virtual arms. First of all, this paper formalizes the kinematics of virtual arms and derives instantaneous inverse kinematics. Then, the method is applied to winding control for hyper-redundant manipulators. The winding control presented here is divided into two steps: 1)planning desired positions for virtual end-points, 2)integrating them into the joint trajectory of the manipulator. The desired positions of each virtual arm can be computed in a parallel and distributed way and it is not necessary to consider joint space of the manipulator. Finally computer simulations show that the winding control for a hyper-redundant manipulator can be performed in 3D-space

    Spin-splitting band dispersions of the heavy elements on Si(111)-(1×1) surface

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科 We have carried out the first-principles fully relativistic electronic structure calculations for the surfaces, R/Si(111) (R = Pb and Bi). The band dispersions of the surface states in the bulk band gap shows the large spin splitting, associated with the spin-orbit interaction on the atoms of the overlayer. Besides the usual Rashba effect around the center of the surface Brillouin zone, the vortical spin polarizations were obtained around the M ̄ points. At the K̄, associated with the symmetry, the complete out-of-plane spin polarization was obtained for the surface states. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Testosterone replacement elevates the serum uric acid levels in patients with female to male gender identity disorder

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    Gender identity disorder (GID) results from a disagreement between a person's biological sex and the gender to which he or she identifies. With respect to the treatment of female to male GID, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is available. The uric acid (UA) level can be influenced by testosterone; however, the early effects and dose-dependency of TRT on the serum UA concentration have not been evaluated in this population. We herein conducted a dose-response analysis of TRT in 160 patients with female to male GID. The TRT consisted of three treatment groups who received intramuscular injections of testosterone enanthate: 125 mg every two weeks, 250 mg every three weeks and 250 mg every two weeks. Consequently, serum UA elevation was observed after three months of TRT and there was a tendency toward testosterone dose-dependency. The onset of hyperuricemia was more prevalent in the group who received the higher dose. We also demonstrated a positive correlation between increased levels of serum UA and serum creatinine. Since the level of serum creatinine represents an individual's muscle volume and the muscle is a major source of purine, which induces UA upregulation, the serum UA elevation observed during TRT is at least partially attributed to an increase in muscle mass. This is the first study showing an association between serum UA elevation and a TRT-induced increase in muscle mass. The current study provides important information regarding TRT for the follow-up and management of the serum UA levels in GID patients

    A Case of Metastatic Urachal Cancer Including a Neuroendocrine Component Treated with Gemcitabine, Cisplatin and Paclitaxel Combination Chemotherapy

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    The present case report describes a case of recurrent and advanced urachal carcinoma including neuroendocrine features with iliac bone metastasis after partial cystectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of irinotecan and cisplatin in a 32-year-old man. He received gemcitabine/cisplatin/ paclitaxel (GCP) combination chemotherapy, consisting of gemcitabin (1,000mg/m2) on day 1, 8, cisplatin (70mg/m2) on day 1, and paclitaxel (80mg/m2) on day 1 and 8. After three cycles of chemotherapy, PET-CT showed complete regression of the disease. So the patient underwent total cystourethrectomy, and histological examination showed an almost complete pathological response. External beam radiation therapy was also given to the ileac bone metastasis regions. However, PET-CT taken 17 months after the external beam radiation showed multiple lung metastases. He received GCP chemotherapy again, which resulted in a complete response again after three cycles of chemotherapy. This is the first report on GCP chemotherapy used not only as a salvage chemotherapy but also as a rechallenge regimen for metastatic urachal cancer including a neuroendocrine component