1,349 research outputs found

    The influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth of a diatom Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve

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    Nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of a chain-forming diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, collected from Yatsushiro Sea, Japan, were investigated in a laboratory culture experiment. Sodium nitrate and sodium glycerophosphate were used as nitrogen and phosphorus sources, respectively. Cultures were grown in modified Provasoli's ASP2NTA medium (Provasoli et al. 1957) at 25±1°C, light intensity 60 µE mˉ² secˉ¹ and photoperiod 12:12-h, L:D cycle. Optimum growth was observed at nitrate concentrations of 3-10 mglˉ¹ and phosphate concentrations of 1.5-15 mglˉ¹. Adequate growth was also found at the nitrate concentration of up to as high as 300 mglˉ¹. Significantly poorer growth was found at lower nitrate (15 mglˉ¹) concentrations. From the present study, it is concluded that S. costatum can grow well at wide ranges of nitrate concentrations but is sensitive to higher phosphate concentrations

    Physiological observations on a diatom Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve

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    A chain-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve collected from Yatsushiro Sea, Japan was cultured to determine the optimum level of some physico-chemical factors for their growth under laboratory conditions. Filtered and sterilized aged sea water enriched by adding nutrient solution (Provasoli 1968) was used as the culture medium. The plankton could tolerate a wide range of salinities (3-55 ppt). Optimum growth was observed at salinities of 20-35 ppt, temperatures of 20-25°C, light intensities of 80-120µE mˉ² secˉ¹ and pH between 7.5 and 8.0. Growth did not occur at salinities below 3 ppt and at temperatures above 30°C. From the present study, it is concluded that S. costatum was extremely euryhaline and tolerable to very low salinities

    Calculation of pure dephasing for excitons in quantum dots

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    Pure dephasing of an exciton in a small quantum dot by optical and acoustic phonons is calculated using the ``independent boson model''. Considering the case of zero temperature the dephasing is shown to be only partial which manifests itself in the polarization decaying to a finite value. Typical dephasing times can be assigned even though the spectra exhibits strongly non-Lorentzian line shapes. We show that the dephasing from LO phonon scattering, occurs on a much larger time scale than that of dephasing due to acoustic phonons which for low temperatures are also a more efficient dephasing mechanism. The typical dephasing time is shown to strongly depend on the quantum dot size whereas the electron phonon ``coupling strength'' and external electric fields tend mostly to effect the residual coherence. The relevance of the dephasing times for current quantum information processing implementation schemes in quantum dots is discussed

    Structural and functional roles of small group-conserved amino acids present on helix-H7 in the β2-adrenergic receptor

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    AbstractSequence analysis of the class A G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) reveals that most of the highly conserved sites are located in the transmembrane helices. A second level of conservation exists involving those residues that are conserved as a group characterized by small and/or weakly polar side chains (Ala, Gly, Ser, Cys, Thr). These positions can have group conservation levels of up to 99% across the class A GPCRs and have been implicated in mediating helix–helix interactions in membrane proteins. We have previously shown that mutation of group-conserved residues present on transmembrane helices H2–H4 in the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) can influence both receptor expression and function. We now target the group-conserved sites, Gly3157.42 and Ser3197.46, on H7 for structure-function analysis. Replacing Ser3197.46 with smaller amino acids (Ala or Gly) did not influence the ability of the mutant receptors to bind to the antagonist dihydroalprenolol (DHA) but resulted in ~15–20% agonist-independent activity. Replacement of Ser3197.46 with the larger amino acid leucine lowered the expression of the S319L mutant and its ability to bind DHA. Both the G315A and G315S mutants also exhibited agonist-independent signaling, while the G315L mutant did not show specific binding to DHA. These data indicate that Gly3157.42 and Ser3197.46 are stabilizing β2-AR in an inactive conformation. We discuss our results in the context of van der Waals interactions of Gly3157.42 with Trp2866.48 and hydrogen bonding interactions of Ser3197.46 with amino acids on H1–H2–H7 and with structural water

    The application of ultrasonic NDT techniques in tribology

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    The use of ultrasonic reflection is emerging as a technique for studying tribological contacts. Ultrasonic waves can be transmitted non-destructively through machine components and their behaviour at an interface describes the characteristics of that contact. This paper is a review of the current state of understanding of the mechanisms of ultrasonic reflection at interfaces, and how this has been used to investigate the processes of dry rough surface contact and lubricated contact. The review extends to cover how ultrasound has been used to study the tribological function of certain engineering machine elements

    A generalization of the q-Saalschutz sum and the Burge transform

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    A generalization of the q-(Pfaff)-Saalschutz summation formula is proved. This implies a generalization of the Burge transform, resulting in an additional dimension of the ``Burge tree''. Limiting cases of our summation formula imply the (higher-level) Bailey lemma, provide a new decomposition of the q-multinomial coefficients, and can be used to prove the Lepowsky and Primc formula for the A_1^{(1)} string functions.Comment: 18 pages, AMSLaTe

    Lasing oscillation in a three-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity with a complete bandgap

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    We demonstrate lasing oscillation in a three-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity. The laser is realized by coupling a cavity mode, which is localized in a complete photonic bandgap and exhibits the highest quality factor of ~38,500, with high-quality semiconductor quantum dots. We show a systematic change in the laser characteristics, including the threshold and the spontaneous emission coupling factor by controlling the crystal size, which consequently changes the strength of photon confinement in the third dimension. This opens up many interesting possibilities for realizing future ultimate light sources and three-dimensional integrated photonic circuits and for more fundamental studies of physics in the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Comparison of Zn_{1-x}Mn_xTe/ZnTe multiple-quantum wells and quantum dots by below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity

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    Large-area high density patterns of quantum dots with a diameter of 200 nm have been prepared from a series of four Zn_{0.93}Mn_{0.07}Te/ZnTe multiple quantum well structures of different well width (4 nm, 6 nm, 8 nm and 10 nm) by electron beam lithography followed by Ar+ ion beam etching. Below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity spectra of the quantum dot samples and the parent heterostructures were then recorded at 10 K and the spectra were fitted to extract the linewidths and the energy positions of the excitonic transitions in each sample. The fitted results are compared to calculations of the transition energies in which the different strain states in the samples are taken into account. We show that the main effect of the nanofabrication process is a change in the strain state of the quantum dot samples compared to the parent heterostructures. The quantum dot pillars turn out to be freestanding, whereas the heterostructures are in a good approximation strained to the ZnTe lattice constant. The lateral size of the dots is such that extra confinement effects are not expected or observed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX2e (amsmath, epsfig), 7 EPS figure