28 research outputs found

    Pola adaptasi masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Hkm) di Desa Mirring, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat

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    The Mirring Village community is one of the villages that has a dependency on the forest. Before obtaining permission from HKm, the existence of the forest around the village of Mirring was quite critical. Until now, the existence of HKm KTH Buttu Puang is still active and has achievements. So it is important to see how the adaptation pattern of the Mirring village community is with the existence of a Social Forest management permit. The understanding of the adaptation of the Mirring Village community in the development of HKm can be a reference for the parties in the development of HKm in other villages. This research was carried out from January to June 2021. The method used was the method of interviewing groups of forest producers. The results of the study indicate that the community adopts an adaptation pattern that includes ecological adaptation, economic adaptation and social adaptation. In the adaptation pattern studied, in general, the community is considered capable of adapting to the applied HKm management system. Keywords: Adaptation Pattern, Household, HKm, Social Forestry, Communit

    Sosial Capital of Community Forest Management in Lombang Village Majene Regency

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    Community forest management cannot be separated from social/communal conditions. Emerging Natural Resource Management arises This occurs when there are interactions (regular and ongoing) between community members that are manifested in social capital such as social trust, social norms, and social networks that have a relationship with community welfare. The study was conducted in Lombang Village, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province. This is important for the development of social capital (norms, mutual trust, and social networks) that exist in forest management people. Then, look at the relationship and role of social capital in community forest development. The results of the study show that social capital in the forest owner / manager is referred to as a high category because the community has informal associations that are stronger and have collective values, norms and ethics as an interconnected community. Communities that have high social capital will be resolved. The existence of mutual trust, support, and collaboration they can build networks both within their community groups and with other community groups

    The Effects of Principal’s Competence and School’s Culture on Student’s Character Development

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    This study focuses on the impact of the principal's competence and school’s culture on student’s character development partially and simultaneously. This study uses quantitative methodologies. The academic community of State Elementary Schools in Air Kumbang District, Banyuasin Regency, is the population of this study. A sample of 123 third-grade kids is drawn to reflect the research data. We employ the entire population as a purposive sample. Questionnaires, observations, and documentation were used to collect data. The study hypotheses were evaluated and assessed utilizing basic and multiple linear regression tests to examine the data. The result showed that the principal's competence and school’s culture both impact the student's character development

    Pola dan Motivasi Agroforestry Serta Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Hutan Rakyat Di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Kabupaten Polewali Mandar merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang sebagian masyarakatnya melakukan usaha tani dalam memanfaatkan lahan hutan rakyat dengan menanam tanaman pertanian dan pohon-pohon yang dapat menghasilkan kayu maupun pakan ternak. Sistem ini sudah lama dikembangkan secara turun temurun oleh petani yang mengelolah lahannya dengan sistem agroforestry, namun pengelolaannya masih dinilai kurang serius sehingga masih ada anggapan masyarakat bahwa, komoditas selain hasil hutan kayu kurang memiliki nilai tambah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah “Mengidentifikasi  pola-pola dan motivasi agroforestry serta kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan petani hutan rakyat ”. penelitian ini dilakukan tepatnya di Desa Mirring Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar pada bulan April hingga Juli 2019. Akumulasi data menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara . Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, petani mengembangkan empat bentuk sistem pengelolaan hutan rakyat berbasis agroforestry yaitu pola agroforestry bentuk campuran acak, (Mixture Random), pola agroforestry  bentuk baris (Alternate Rows) , pola agroforestry bentuk Pagar (Atress Along Borders) dan pola agroforestry bentuk lorong (Alley Cropping). Sedangkan Motivasi masyarakat dalam berpola tanam agroforestry dipengaruhi oleh manfaat yang dirasakan yaitu Ekonomi dengan persentase tertinggi sebesar 51,65% , sedang pada motivasi Sosial(27,47%).dan terendah pada motivasi  Ekologi (20,88%), Kecendrungan motivasi ekonomi mempengaruhi Petani memilih pola tanam. Pola agroforestry yang memberikan kontribusi pendapatan terbesar adalah pola agroforestry A (Agrisilvikultur Atress Along Borders) dengan pendapatan rata-rata    Rp.14.873.222 dengan persentase 28,58%. Terdapat 3 jenis produk agroforestry yang merupakan sumber pendapatan terbesar yakni Kakao , Langsat dan Durian


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    Dermaga kapal barang Paotere Makassar merupakan tempat aktifitas bongkar muat kapal barang phinisi yang membawa komoditas utama dari atau ke luar Pulau Makassar. Pengoperasian dermaga yang memenuhi aspek keselamatan menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk menunjang kelancaran proses bongkar muat barang. Banyak kecelakaan yang terjadi pada proses bongkar muat kapal ke dermaga yang menimpa pekerja pelabuhan maupun penurunan nilai komoditas barang yang diangkut. Aspek keselamatan sebuah dermaga kapal barang dapat didasarkan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 64 Tahun 2015 perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah 61 Tahun 2009 tentang kepelabuhanan. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan observasi. Observasi difokuskan terhadap fasilitas keselamatan area bongkar muat dermaga kapal barang dan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi buruh pelabuhan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa dibutuhkan pembagian zona bongkar muat di sepanjang dermaga kapal barang yang dilengkapi dengan penambahan rambu rambu petunjuk aktifitas kepelabuhanan dan rambu rambu keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi buruh pekerja bongkar muat. Masih banyak ditemukan orang tetap dapat lalu lalang saat proses bongkar muat dengan alat berat berlangsung, dimana dapat mengganggu aktifitas bongkar muat dan membahayakan keselamatan buruh pekerja dan orang yang melintas di area tersebut. Kesadaran pihak pengelola pelabuhan sangat dibutuhkan guna peningkatan dan perbaikan fasilitas keselamatan eksisting dengan melengkapi rambu rambu keselamatan di area dermaga kapal barang. Hal ini akan menumbuhkan kesadaran bagi pengunjung pelabuhan agar tidak mendekati zona bongkar muat, yang pada akhirnya akan mengurangi tingkat kecelakaa kerja

    Implementasi Penatausahaan Hasil Hutan Hak di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Sulawesi Barat

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    Position forest rights as one of the supporting timber availability in the industry can not be separated from the challenges and dynamics of forest product administration. It required a review of management of forest products from the forest rights in its implementation. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the rights of forest product administration in Polewali Mandar, using descriptive analysis with the existing indicators on variables and dimensions were obtained in accordance with the guidelines for the interview. The results of analysis tools provide the opportunity regulatory administration of forest products to the widest public / private forest owners as well as the adjustment of government policy related to the field of forestry sustainable forest management (SFM) and Timber Legality Verification (VLK). Implementation of the regulatory activities in the form of socialization only held one and the absence of formal socialization to the new set of rules; Issuing Certificates of Origin (SKAU) wood as much as 33 (thirty-three) of 144 (one hundred and forty-four) villages, yet the publisher SKAU set by BP2HP; SKAU publishing process by following the same line district offices are not in line with existing regulations and create problems in terms of time, cost and control; The lack of reporting of forest production and recapitulation SKAU Publisher SKAU to the district forestry department reporting that impact the realization of the production and distribution of forest products are not going well right. Implementation of the management of forest products in Polewali Mandar rights do not go according to Forestry Minister Regulation No. P.30 / Menhut-II / 2012 are rearranged in the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. P.21 / MenLHK-II / 2015 on the administration of forest products of forest right


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    Salah satu kriteria terpenting dalam desain kapal adalah kekuatan. Ketika kapal berada di bawah beban eksternal seperti gelombang, daya apung atau tekanan, reaksi internalnya harus menahan beban eksternal tersebut. Apabila tubrukan terjadi, lambung kapal tidak hanya menerima dampaknya tetapi juga geladaknya. Sifat statistic kekuatan sisa gelagar lambung ditentukan dengan simulasi Monte Carlo berdasarkan demensi kerusakan dan bentuk modifikasi dari Metode Incremental Iterative untuk memperhitungkan rotasi sumbu netral dan kesetimbangan momen lentur horizontal. Analisis numerik membahas bebarapa aspek yang berhubungan dengan respon struktur kapal yang mengalami beban tidak terduga, termasuk pentingnya menentukan model las, pengaruh kriteria kegagalan, hubungan material pada simulasi struktur kompleks, dan aplikasi penskalaan dalam menilai respon dari struktur skala penuh. Metode Beam Finite Element untuk menguji kekuatan sisa kapal dan sebuah model tiga ruang muat kapal dengan tipe Panamax berlambung tunggal pada kondisi hogging dan sagging. Analisis Elemen Hingga (FE) nonlinear mencakup static implisitanalisis dan analisis dinamis eksplisit yang keduanya dapat mempertimbangkan defleksi besar dan nonlinear selama proses kerutuhan progresif. Pendekatan melibatkan evaluasi pengaruh opsi pengendalian resiko pada kegagalan gelagar laambung. Probabilitas ditentukan dengan menggunkan analisis keandalan struktur dan penentuan biaya yang diperoleh pada kegagalan lambung girder diantaranya kerusakan property kapal, pencemaran akibat tumpahan minyak dan hilangnya nyawa awak kapal seperti yang diusulkan oleh International Maritime Organization (IMO)

    Menakar Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Model Desa Konservasi (MDK) Pada Sekitar Kawasan Ksa/Kpa Kunyi dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Proscess (AHP): Menakar Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Model Desa Konservasi (MDK) Pada Sekitar Kawasan Ksa/Kpa Kunyi dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Proscess (AHP)

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    ABSTRACT: Community well-being in conservation area management remains a challenge. The government has carried out community empowerment programs as stipulated in the Regulations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Kunyi Village is a model conservation village directly adjacent to KPA / KSA Kunyi. One of the efforts made to empower communities around conservation areas is through the Conservation Village Model (MDK). Through the MDK, the development of the area around the forest conservation area is expected to take into account environmental, social and economic aspects. This research is important to see existing forms of empowerment and to formulate the direction of MDK's development. The research was conducted from May to October 2021. The data obtained was identified through community empowerment indicators. In addition, the driving and inhibiting factors were identified to determine the importance of each factor through a analysis hierarchy process (AHP). The results showed that there were several driving and inhibiting factors of empowerment seen from the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills produced. These factors will be strengthened through a strategy or plan of action. Keywords: Conservation, Conservation Village Model (MDK),  Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP