3,415 research outputs found

    Effects of ATLAS Tile calorimeter failures on jets and missing transverse energy measurements

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    Failures of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter would affect the jet energy resolution and would fake tails of missing transverse energy. Significant effects are expected in processes involving high transverse momentum jets (pT>100p_T > 100 GeV). These effects, their consequences, as well as methods to minimize them, are studied using simulated data for various degradation topologies and for different physics processes

    Integral Functionals of the Gasser–Muller Regression Function

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    For integral functionals of the Gasser–Muller regression function and its derivatives, we consider the plug-in estimator. The consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator are shown.Для інтегральних функцiоналiв Функції регресії Гассера-Мюллера та їх похідних розглядається оцінка, що підключається. Встановлено обґрунтованість та асимптотичну нормальність цієї оцінки

    TileCal TDAQ/DCS communication

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    This document describes the communication between the TDAQ and DCS systems of the Hadronic Tile Calorimeter detector of the ATLAS experiment, currently under commissioning phase at CERN. It is a further step on the TDAQ and DCS communication for TileCal operation. The aim of the implementation is to increase the robustness and understanding of the detector from the two systems involved. The basic principle observed is that the two systems operate independently in parallel. Hence, the knowledge of the status of the whole detector from each of the two systems is required for further analysis of the archived data

    A monitoring method for the Low Voltage Power Supply modules of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    We present a method for testing the operational stability of Low Voltage Power Supply modules of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter, based on a self-consistent determination of the stability criteria. The recorded voltage, current, and temperature values of each module are retrieved from the Oracle database for a long and smooth running period and their mean and RMS values over that period are determined, as well as their average recording rates, by taking into account the â??smoothingâ?? procedure which is applied during data recording to reduce data storage. The average behavior of the ensemble of all modules is determined from those time-integrated quantities and the modules are then tested one-by-one by comparing with the ensemble averages. The proposed method is tested for all Long Barrel modules operated during April of 2007

    A mobile data acquisition system

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    A mobile data aquisition (MobiDAQ) was developed for the ATLAS central hadronic calorimeter (TileCal). MobiDAQ has been designed in order to test the functionalities of the TileCal front-end electronics and to acquire calibration data before the final back-end electronics were built and tested. MobiDAQ was also used to record the first cosmic ray events acquired by an ATLAS subdetector in the underground experimental area

    Production of (super)heavy quarkonia and new Higgs physics at hadron colliders

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    Based on the two Higgs doublet model, we study the effect of Higgs-boson exchange on the (super)heavy quarkonium \bar QQ, which induces a strong attractive force between a (super)heavy quark Q and an antiquark \bar Q. An interesting application is the decay of (super)heavy quarkonia \bar QQ into a Higgs boson associated with gauge bosons. The criterion for making the \bar QQ bound state is studied. We also show that non-perturbative effects due to gluonic field fluctuations are rather small in such a heavy quark sector. Possible enhancement for productions and decays of \bar QQ bound states made from the fourth generation quark Q is discussed for \bar p p (at the Tevatron) and pp (at the LHC) collisions.Comment: 18 pages, REVTeX, 9 figures. V2: minor changes, references and acknowledgments adde