591 research outputs found


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    Adaptation of the vector and displacement of infected dogs to previously disease-free areas challenges visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control, and leads to geographic dispersion and occurrence in urban and peri-urban areas. Continuous VL control measures over time must be applied with a wide geographic reach, along with better diagnosis practices and timely treatment. The high case-fatality of human VL in areas of recent introduction and its growing association with HIV impose the need for an early diagnosis, treatment and the adoption of active search for human and canine cases incorporated into the routine of periodic home visits by health professionals. The increasing on public rejection of canine euthanasia as a control measure, the limitations of canine therapy with the current available drugs, and the controversies regarding available vaccines for canine protection are discussed. Good prospects on the insecticide-impregnated collars as an effective control measure are emphasized

    Absence of Fas-L aggravates renal injury in acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection

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    Trypanosoma cruzi infection induces diverse alterations in immunocompetent cells and organs, myocarditis and congestive heart failure. However, the physiological network of disturbances imposed by the infection has not been addressed thoroughly. Regarding myocarditis induced by the infection, we observed in our previous work that Fas-L-/- mice (gld/gld) have very mild inflammatory infiltration when compared to BALB/c mice. However, all mice from both lineages die in the early acute phase. Therefore, in this work we studied the physiological connection relating arterial pressure, renal function/damage and cardiac insufficiency as causes of death. Our results show that a broader set of dysfunctions that could be classified as a cardio/anaemic/renal syndrome is more likely responsible for cardiac failure and death in both lineages. However, gld/gld mice had very early glomerular deposition of IgM and a more intense renal inflammatory response with reduced renal filtration, which is probably responsible for the premature death in the absence of significant myocarditis in gld/gld.Instituto Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz Laboratório de Biologia CelularUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas FilhoUniversidade Federal Fluminense Instituto Biomédico Departamento de Fisiologia e FarmacologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de NefrologiaCentro de Criação de Animais de Laboratório Departamento de Controle de Qualidade AnimalUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de NefrologiaSciEL

    Simulations of events for the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) dark matter experiment

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    The LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter search aims to achieve a sensitivity to the WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross-section down to (1–2)×10−12 pb at a WIMP mass of 40 GeV/c2. This paper describes the simulations framework that, along with radioactivity measurements, was used to support this projection, and also to provide mock data for validating reconstruction and analysis software. Of particular note are the event generators, which allow us to model the background radiation, and the detector response physics used in the production of raw signals, which can be converted into digitized waveforms similar to data from the operational detector. Inclusion of the detector response allows us to process simulated data using the same analysis routines as developed to process the experimental data

    Degradation studies of hydrophilic, partially degradable and bioactive cements (HDBCs) incorporating chemically modified starch

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    The degradation rate in Hydrophilic, Degradable and Bioactive Cements (HDBCs) containing starch/cellulose acetate blends (SCA) is still low. In order to increase degradation, higher amounts of starch are required to exceed the percolation threshold. In this work, gelatinization, acetylation and methacrylation of corn starch were performed and assessed as candidates to replace SCA in HDBCs. Formulations containing methacrylated starch were prepared with different molar ratios of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate in the liquid component and the amount of residual monomer released into water was evaluated. The concentration of reducing sugars, percentage of weight loss and morphologic analyses after degradation all confirmed increased degradation of HDBC with alpha-amylase, with the appearance of pores and voids from enzymatic action. Methacrylated starch therefore is a better alternative to be used as the solid component of HDBC then SCA, since it leads to the formation of cements with a lower release of toxic monomers and more prone to hydrolytic degradation while keeping the other advantages of HDBCs.The authors acknowledge to Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), who supported this study through funds from project Concept2Cement (POCTI/CTM/60735/2004)