5 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensi贸n

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    Introduction: obesity is understood as the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health and is measured according to the body mass index (BMI); on the other hand, diabetes is defined as a chronic disease that appears when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not effectively use the insulin it produces; finally, hypertension is the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Objective: to determine the quality of life in people with obesity, diabetes and hypertension in an urban population of the city of Orizaba, Veracruz. Material and methods: quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional research, with simple random probability sampling. Results and discussion: the quality of life in people with obesity (28 people) was 7.16% high, 21.42% medium and 71.42% low. In diabetes (44 persons), 67.7% scored high and 6.5% regular. In hypertension (42 persons), 56.6% mentioned having a very good quality of life, 9.7% good and 1.6% fair. The results are in contrast to research studies where the quality of life in people with obesity, diabetes and hypertension was different since they identified important affectations limiting the development of daily activities. Conclusions: it is recommended that health professionals and nursing students continue to carry out research work with quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches to obtain real information that can be used to create designs for future interventions.Introducci贸n: la obesidad se entiende como la acumulaci贸n anormal o excesiva de grasa que puede ser perjudicial para la salud, y se mide de acuerdo con el 铆ndice de masa corporal (IMC), por otro lado, la diabetes, se define como una enfermedad cr贸nica que aparece cuando el p谩ncreas no produce insulina suficiente o cuando el organismo no utiliza eficazmente la insulina que fabrica, por 煤ltimo, la hipertensi贸n es el principal factor de riesgo para sufrir una enfermedad cardiovascular. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensi贸n, de una poblaci贸n urbana de la ciudad de Orizaba, Veracruz. Material y m茅todos: investigaci贸n cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional, prospectiva y transversal, con muestreo probabil铆stico aleatorio simple. Resultados y discusi贸n: la de calidad de vida en personas con obesidad (28 personas), el 7.16% alta, 21.42% media y 71.42%, es baja. En diabetes (44 personas), el 67.7%, puntu贸 como alta y el 6.5% regular. En hipertensi贸n (42 personas), el 56.6% mencion贸 tener una muy buena calidad de vida, 9.7% buena y 1.6% regular. Los resultados se contraponen investigaciones donde la calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensi贸n fue diferente ya que identificaron afectaciones importantes limitando desarrollar actividades cotidianas. Conclusiones: se recomienda que los profesionales de salud y los estudiantes de Enfermer铆a sigan realizando trabajos de investigaci贸n con enfoques cuantitativos, cualitativos y mixtos, para obtener informaci贸n real que sirva para la creaci贸n de dise帽os para intervenciones futuras

    Bienestar psicol贸gico como factor protector ante el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios

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    Introduction: the psychological wellness is the personal experience that is built through the individual麓s mental development and the ability to relate in a positive and integrated way with life experiences, considering the positive and negative aspects, if to the above, alcohol can cause a decompensation among those involved causing health problems such as mental and behavioral disorders. Objective: determine if the psychological wellness influences as a protective as a factor against alcohol consumption in university students. Method: quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross sectional, applying the wellness psychological Scale by Ryff and the Test AUDIT applied to 307 students of the Nursing Degree from the Universidad Veracruzana. Results: according to the Kolmogorov and Smirnov test the variables did not show normality the Spearman test was applied, this relationship between psychological well-being and alcohol consumption showed (rs= 1.020, p >0.05), according to age (rs= .221, p <0.01) according to the people with who they live (rs= .159, p <0.01) and witch semester they are studying (rs= .182, p <0.01). Discussion: the results coincide with different investigations where the same variables were studied and identified approving the null hypothesis; the psychological well-being influences in a neutral way in the consumption of alcohol in college students as a protector factor. Conclusion: 52.8% with high psychological well-being, 20.5% do not consume alcohol, while 32.3%, yes, classifying as sensible (18.9%), 7.8% dependent or risk and 5.3% harmful, the above, rejects the belief that psychological well-being influences alcoholic behavior.Introducci贸n: el bienestar psicol贸gico es la experiencia personal que se va construyendo a trav茅s del desarrollo mental del individuo y capacidad para relacionarse de manera positiva e integrada con las experiencias de vida, considerando los aspectos positivos y negativos, si a lo anterior, se agrega el consumo de alcohol puede existir una descompensaci贸n entre ambos, causando problemas de salud como trastornos mentales y comportamentales. Objetivo: determinar si el bienestar psicol贸gico influye como factor protector ante el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios. M茅todo: cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional, prospectivo y corte trasversal, aplicando la Escala de Bienestar Psicol贸gico de Ryff y el Test AUDIT, a 307 estudiantes de la Licenciatura de Enfermer铆a de la Universidad Veracruzana. Resultados: seg煤n la prueba de Kolmogorov y Smirnov, las variables no mostraron normalidad, se aplic贸 la prueba de Spearman, dicha relaci贸n entre bienestar psicol贸gico y consumo de alcohol mostr贸 (rs= 1.020, p >0.05), pero por la Edad (rs= .221, p <0.01), Con quien viven (rs= .159, p <0.01) y Semestre que cursa actualmente (rs= .182, p <0.01). Discusi贸n: Los resultados coinciden con diferentes investigaciones, donde se estudiaron e identificaron las mismas variables, aprob谩ndose la hip贸tesis nula: el bienestar psicol贸gico influye de manera neutra en el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios como factor protector. Conclusi贸n: el 52.8% con un bienestar psicol贸gico alto, el 20.5% no consume alcohol, mientras que el 32.3%, s铆, clasific谩ndose en sensato (18.9%), 7.8% dependiente o riesgo y el 5.3% perjudicial, lo anterior, rechaza la creencia que el bienestar psicol贸gico influye en la conducta alcoh贸lica

    Academic stress in nursing undergraduates, a longitudinal cross-sectional study in covid-19 times

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    Introducci贸n: el confinamiento vivido por el SARS-Cov2 ha modificado la forman en que el mundo funcionaba, sin embargo, el mayor impacto ha sido recibido en tres sectores, el sanitario, econ贸mico y educativo, siendo este 煤ltimo el punto de partida para la realizaci贸n de la presente investigaci贸n. Objetivo: comparar la media de estr茅s acad茅mico en un grupo de alumnos de la licenciatura en enfermer铆a en dos per铆odos durante la pandemia por Covid-19. Materiales y m茅todos: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, comparativo y longitudinal, aplicando el Inventario SISCO-24, con un muestreo no probabil铆stico consecutivo. Resultados y discusi贸n: 75.0% de la poblaci贸n pertenece al sexo femenino, 38.8% estudia y trabajan simult谩neamente, la edad promedio es de 19.72卤 DE 1.43, los dominios que resultaron m谩s afectados son los s铆ntomas f铆sicos y psicol贸gicos (ME: 14.63卤 DE 4.38; ME: 15.99卤 DE 4.44) y a trav茅s de la prueba t de Student para muestras relacionadas se identific贸 que no existen diferencias significativas entre las medias de estr茅s acad茅mico (t= 0.13; Sig. Bilateral: .990). Conclusi贸n: los m茅todos de educaci贸n virtuales manifiestan una incompatibilidad con el proceso ense帽anza-aprendizaje, se帽alando que el aumento de factores estresores acad茅micos es persistente y mantiene niveles peligrosamente elevados que amenazan a la salud mentalIntroduction: the confinement experienced by SARS-Cov2 has modified the way in which the world functioned; however, the greatest impact has been received in three sectors, health, economic and educational, the latter being the starting point for this research. Objective: to compare the mean academic stress in a group of nursing students in two periods during the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: quantitative, descriptive, comparative, and longitudinal study, applying the SISCO-24 Inventory, with non-probabilistic consecutive sampling. Results and discussion: 75.0% of the population was female, 38.8% studied and worked simultaneously, the mean age was 19.72 SD 1.43, the most affected domains were physical and psychological symptoms (ME: 14.63 SD 4.38; ME: 15.99 SD 4.44) and through the student鈥檚 t-test for related samples it was identified that there were no significant differences between the means of academic stress (t= 0.13; Bilateral Sig.: .990). Conclusion: virtual education methods manifest an incompatibility with the teaching-learning process, indicating that the increase of academic stressors is persistent and maintains dangerously high levels that threaten mental healt

    Intervenciones en el manejo y prevenci贸n del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes

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    Introduction: currently, the consumption of addictive substances is closely related to digestive, psychiatric, neurological and infectious pathologies, as well as to various types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and family problems. Objective: to characterize the influence of health interventions in the management and prevention of substance abuse in young students during the last 10 years. Method: the systematic literature review was conducted following the guidelines of the PRISMA 2020 statement. In addition, the PICOT structure was used to formulate the research question. MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS, CUMED, WILEY, ScienceDirect, Emerald Insigh and EBSCO Host databases were searched. DeCS and MeSH descriptors were used, in Spanish, English and Portuguese with AND, OR and NOT operators. Eligibility criteria: experimental and quasi-experimental studies published between 2013 and 2023. Results: 140 research studies were identified based on the inclusion criteria, of which, based on the screening, 21 were eliminated for duplication, 52 for title, 44 for abstract reading and 20 for full-text reading, leaving three articles for analysis. Conclusions: the present systematic literature review made it possible to identify, evaluate, analyze and synthesize the available scientific evidence with methodology of interventions in the Latin American and Caribbean context that can serve as references for updating and new generation of knowledgeIntroducci贸n: actualmente el consumo de sustancias adictivas tiene estrecha relaci贸n con patolog铆as digestivas, psiqui谩tricas, neurol贸gicas, infecciosas, as铆 como, con diversos tipos de c谩ncer, enfermedades cardiovasculares y problemas familiares. Objetivo: caracterizar la influencia de intervenciones de salud en el manejo y prevenci贸n del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes j贸venes durante los 煤ltimos 10 a帽os. M茅todo: la revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura se realiz贸 siguiendo las directrices de la declaraci贸n PRISMA 2020. Adem谩s se utiliz贸 la estructura PICOT para la formulaci贸n de la pregunta de investigaci贸n. Se realiz贸 b煤squeda en las bases de MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS, CUMED, WILEY, ScienceDirect, Emerald Insigh y EBSCO Host. Se utilizaron descriptores DeCS y MeSH, en espa帽ol, ingl茅s y portugu茅s con los operadores AND, OR y NOT. Criterios de elegibilidad: estudios experimentales y cuasi experimentales publicados entre 2013 y 2023. Resultados: se identificaron 140 investigaciones seg煤n los criterios de inclusi贸n plasmados de los cuales con base en el cribado se eliminaron 21 por duplicaci贸n, 52 por t铆tulo, 44 por lectura de resumen y 20 por lectura a texto completo quedando tres art铆culos para el an谩lisis. Conclusiones: la presente revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura permiti贸 identificar, valorar, analizar y sintetizar la evidencia cient铆fica disponible con metodolog铆a de las intervenciones en el contexto latinoamericano y del caribe que pueden servir como referentes para la actualizaci贸n y nueva generaci贸n del conocimient

    Intervenciones en el manejo y prevenci贸n del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes

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    Introduction: currently, the consumption of addictive substances is closely related to digestive, psychiatric, neurological and infectious pathologies, as well as to various types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and family problems. Objective: to characterize the influence of health interventions in the management and prevention of substance abuse in young students during the last 10 years. Method: the systematic literature review was conducted following the guidelines of the PRISMA 2020 statement. In addition, the PICOT structure was used to formulate the research question. MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS, CUMED, WILEY, ScienceDirect, Emerald Insigh and EBSCO Host databases were searched. DeCS and MeSH descriptors were used, in Spanish, English and Portuguese with AND, OR and NOT operators. Eligibility criteria: experimental and quasi-experimental studies published between 2013 and 2023. Results: 140 research studies were identified based on the inclusion criteria, of which, based on the screening, 21 were eliminated for duplication, 52 for title, 44 for abstract reading and 20 for full-text reading, leaving three articles for analysis. Conclusions: the present systematic literature review made it possible to identify, evaluate, analyze and synthesize the available scientific evidence with methodology of interventions in the Latin American and Caribbean context that can serve as references for updating and new generation of knowledgeIntroducci贸n: actualmente el consumo de sustancias adictivas tiene estrecha relaci贸n con patolog铆as digestivas, psiqui谩tricas, neurol贸gicas, infecciosas, as铆 como, con diversos tipos de c谩ncer, enfermedades cardiovasculares y problemas familiares. Objetivo: caracterizar la influencia de intervenciones de salud en el manejo y prevenci贸n del consumo de sustancias adictivas en estudiantes j贸venes durante los 煤ltimos 10 a帽os. M茅todo: la revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura se realiz贸 siguiendo las directrices de la declaraci贸n PRISMA 2020. Adem谩s se utiliz贸 la estructura PICOT para la formulaci贸n de la pregunta de investigaci贸n. Se realiz贸 b煤squeda en las bases de MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS, CUMED, WILEY, ScienceDirect, Emerald Insigh y EBSCO Host. Se utilizaron descriptores DeCS y MeSH, en espa帽ol, ingl茅s y portugu茅s con los operadores AND, OR y NOT. Criterios de elegibilidad: estudios experimentales y cuasi experimentales publicados entre 2013 y 2023. Resultados: se identificaron 140 investigaciones seg煤n los criterios de inclusi贸n plasmados de los cuales con base en el cribado se eliminaron 21 por duplicaci贸n, 52 por t铆tulo, 44 por lectura de resumen y 20 por lectura a texto completo quedando tres art铆culos para el an谩lisis. Conclusiones: la presente revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura permiti贸 identificar, valorar, analizar y sintetizar la evidencia cient铆fica disponible con metodolog铆a de las intervenciones en el contexto latinoamericano y del caribe que pueden servir como referentes para la actualizaci贸n y nueva generaci贸n del conocimient