52 research outputs found

    Irreversible Rearrangements, Correlated Domains, and Local Structure in Aging Glasses

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    Bidisperse colloidal suspensions of temperature-sensitive microgel spheres were quenched from liquid to glass states by a rapid temperature drop, and then the glass was permitted to age. Irreversible rearrangements, events that dramatically change a particle’s local environment, were observed to be closely related to dynamic heterogeneity. The rate of these irreversible events decreased during aging and the the number of particles required to move as part of these irreversible rearrangements increased. Thus, the slowing dynamics of aging were governed by growing, correlated domains of particles. Additionally, short-range order developed, and a spatial decay length scale associated with orientational order was found to grow during aging

    Correlations between short- and long-time relaxation in colloidal supercooled liquids and glasses

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    Spatiotemporal dynamics of short- and long-time structural relaxation are measured experimentally as a function of packing fraction, φ, in quasi-two-dimensional colloidal supercooled liquids and glasses. The relaxation times associated with long-time dynamic heterogeneity and short-time intracage motion are found to be strongly correlated and to grow by orders of magnitude with increasing φ toward dynamic arrest. We find that clusters of fast particles on the two timescales often overlap, and, interestingly, the distribution of minimum-spatial-separation between closest nonoverlapping clusters across the two timescales is revealed to be exponential with a decay length that increases with φ. In total, the experimental observations suggest short-time relaxation events are very often precursors to heterogeneous relaxation at longer timescales in glassy materials

    Vibrational and structural signatures of the crossover between dense glassy and sparse gel-like attractive colloidal packings

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    We investigate the vibrational modes of quasi-two-dimensional disordered colloidal packings of hard colloidal spheres with short-range attractions as a function of packing fraction. Certain properties of the vibrational density of states (vDOS) are shown to correlate with the density and structure of the samples (i.e., in sparsely versus densely packed samples). Specifically, a crossover from dense glassy to sparse gel-like states is suggested by an excess of phonon modes at low frequency and by a variation in the slope of the vDOS with frequency at low frequency. This change in phonon mode distribution is demonstrated to arise largely from localized vibrations that involve individual and/or small clusters of particles with few local bonds. Conventional order parameters and void statistics did not exhibit obvious gel-glass signatures as a function of volume fraction. These mode behaviors and accompanying structural insights offer a potentially new set of indicators for identification of glass-gel transitions and for assignment of gel-like versus glass-like character to a disordered solid material

    Homeostatic Scaling of Excitability in Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Neurons adjust their intrinsic excitability when experiencing a persistent change in synaptic drive. This process can prevent neural activity from moving into either a quiescent state or a saturated state in the face of ongoing plasticity, and is thought to promote stability of the network in which neurons reside. However, most neurons are embedded in recurrent networks, which require a delicate balance between excitation and inhibition to maintain network stability. This balance could be disrupted when neurons independently adjust their intrinsic excitability. Here, we study the functioning of activity-dependent homeostatic scaling of intrinsic excitability (HSE) in a recurrent neural network. Using both simulations of a recurrent network consisting of excitatory and inhibitory neurons that implement HSE, and a mean-field description of adapting excitatory and inhibitory populations, we show that the stability of such adapting networks critically depends on the relationship between the adaptation time scales of both neuron populations. In a stable adapting network, HSE can keep all neurons functioning within their dynamic range, while the network is undergoing several (patho)physiologically relevant types of plasticity, such as persistent changes in external drive, changes in connection strengths, or the loss of inhibitory cells from the network. However, HSE cannot prevent the unstable network dynamics that result when, due to such plasticity, recurrent excitation in the network becomes too strong compared to feedback inhibition. This suggests that keeping a neural network in a stable and functional state requires the coordination of distinct homeostatic mechanisms that operate not only by adjusting neural excitability, but also by controlling network connectivity

    Homeostatic Plasticity Studied Using In Vivo Hippocampal Activity-Blockade: Synaptic Scaling, Intrinsic Plasticity and Age-Dependence

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    Homeostatic plasticity is thought to be important in preventing neuronal circuits from becoming hyper- or hypoactive. However, there is little information concerning homeostatic mechanisms following in vivo manipulations of activity levels. We investigated synaptic scaling and intrinsic plasticity in CA1 pyramidal cells following 2 days of activity-blockade in vivo in adult (postnatal day 30; P30) and juvenile (P15) rats. Chronic activity-blockade in vivo was achieved using the sustained release of the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) from the plastic polymer Elvax 40W implanted directly above the hippocampus, followed by electrophysiological assessment in slices in vitro. Three sets of results were in general agreement with previous studies on homeostatic responses to in vitro manipulations of activity. First, Schaffer collateral stimulation-evoked field responses were enhanced after 2 days of in vivo TTX application. Second, miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) amplitudes were potentiated. However, the increase in mEPSC amplitudes occurred only in juveniles, and not in adults, indicating age-dependent effects. Third, intrinsic neuronal excitability increased. In contrast, three sets of results sharply differed from previous reports on homeostatic responses to in vitro manipulations of activity. First, miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current (mIPSC) amplitudes were invariably enhanced. Second, multiplicative scaling of mEPSC and mIPSC amplitudes was absent. Third, the frequencies of adult and juvenile mEPSCs and adult mIPSCs were increased, indicating presynaptic alterations. These results provide new insights into in vivo homeostatic plasticity mechanisms with relevance to memory storage, activity-dependent development and neurological diseases

    Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: The Life & Times of Dr. Thomas Mütter

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    At the conclusion of this presentation the participant should be able to describe: The important role Philadelphia doctors had in shaping American Medicine The trials & tribulations of early plastic surgery The fight for a patient- centric vision of Medicine Presentation: 46 minute
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