14 research outputs found

    The Level Of Teachers Understanding In Physical Education, Sports And Health About The 2013 Curriculum

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    This study aims to determine the level of understanding of teachers in physical education, sports, and health in Line 20 Muara Padang District about K13 Learning. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study were junior high schools in Line 20, Muara Padang district, Banyuasin district with a total of 20 teachers. This study uses 3 indicators, namely understanding the PJOK learning syllabus in the 2013 curriculum, understanding the principles of RPP preparation in learning PJOK in the 2013 curriculum, and understanding the methods of learning PJOK in the 2013 curriculum. The results showed that at the junior high school level understanding the PJOK learning syllabus in the curriculum 2013 got an average value of 54.2 of 55.% and was included in the high category


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    Kekuatan merupakan salah satu komponen biomotor yang menjadi fondasi pada berbagai macam cabang olahraga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan dan menguji efektivitas model latihan kekuatan untuk atlet usia 15-17 tahun. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pengembangan research and development (R&D) dari Borg and Gall. Sedangkan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre testpost test control group design. Subyek penelitian ini adalah atlet yang berusia 15-17 tahun diantaranya 12 orang atlet PPLP Sumatera Selatan pada uji coba kelompok kecil. 10 orang atlet junior FPTI Sumatera Selatan, 66 atlet Sekolah Olahraga Sriwijaya Sumatera Selatan, 25 orang atlet U17 PS Palembang pada uji coba kelompok besar. Pada uji efektivitas 34 orang atlet Sekolah Olahraga Negeri Sriwijaya Sumatera Selatan sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 34 orang atlet junior FPTI Sumatera Selatan sebagai kelompok kontrol. Adapun tahapan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah: 1) analisis kebutuhan, 2) validasi ahli, 3) uji coba kelompok kecil, 4) uji coba kelompok besar, dan 5) Uji efektivitas. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu: 1) wawancara dan angket untuk pengembangan model, 2) Push Up 1 menit, Sit Up 1 menit, Back Up 1 menit yang dibantu dengan aplikasi Fikri Muscle Strength Test dan Leg Dynamometer untuk mengumpulkan data komponen biomotor kekuatan. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistik paired sample t-test dan independent sample t-test menggunakan SPSS 21 untuk melihat efektivitas dari model latihan. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok eksperimen dari pada kelompok kontrol dengan hasil mean difference data push up 2,029, data sit up 2,117 data back up 2.852 dan data leg dynamometer 5.352. Temuan penelitian ini adalah model latihan dan instrumen tes yang sudah dikembangkan. Model latihan ini dikemas dalam bentuk buku cetak, aplikasi android yang isinya berupa ebook dan aplikasi android yang isinya video pelaksanaan variasi latihan kekuatan. Instrument tes dikemas dalam aplikasi android Fikri Muscle Strength Test. Strength is one of the components of the biomotor that forms the foundation of various sports. The goal of this study is to generate and test the effectiveness of a strength training model for athletes aged 15-17 years. The method used in this research was the research and development (R&D) from Borg and Gall. Meanwhile, the research design used was pre test –post test control group design. The subjects of this study were athletes aged 15- 17 years including 12 PPLP South Sumatra athletes in small group trials. 10 junior athletes from FPTI South Sumatra, 66 athletes from the Sriwijaya Sports School in South Sumatra, 25 athletes from U17 PS Palembang in large group trials. In testing, the effectiveness of 34 athletes from the Sriwijaya State Sports School, South Sumatra as the experimental group and 34 junior athletes from FPTI South Sumatra as the control group. The stages in this research and development are: 1) needs analysis, 2) expert validation, 3) small group trial, 4) large group trial, and 5) effectiveness test. The instruments used in this study were: 1) interviews and questionnaires for model development, 2) Push Up for 1 minute, Sit Up for 1 minute, Back Up for 1 minute assisted by the Fikri’s Muscle Strength Test and Leg Dynamometer applications to collect data on the bio motor strength components. Data analysis in this study used the statistical method paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test using SPSS 21 to see the effectiveness of the exercise model. The results of data analysis showed that there was a higher increase in the experimental group than the control group with the results of the mean difference in push up data 2,029, sit up data 2,117, back up data 2,852 and leg dynamometer data 5,352. The findings of this study are exercise models and test instruments that have been developed. This exercise model is packaged in the form of a printed book, an android application whose contents are in the form of an eBook and an android application that contains videos of the implementation of strength training variations. The test instrument is packaged in the Fikri’s Muscle Strength Test android application


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyelenggaraan program pusat pembinaan dan latihan olahraga pelajar (PPLP) cabang olahraga anggar Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP dari Stufflebeam. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari angket, wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel context memperoleh persentase 78,2% dengan kriteria baik, variabel input memperoleh persentase 80% dengan kriteria baik, variabel process memperoleh persentase 76,03% dengan kriteria baik dan variabel product memperoleh persentase 81,82% dengan kriteria baik sekali. Berdasarkan hasil data tersebut, maka secara keseluruhan program pusat pembinaan dan latihan olahraga pelajar (PPLP) cabang olahraga anggar Sumatera Selatan pada kriteria baik. Rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini adalah melanjutkan program yang sudah berjalan baik, akan tetapi disertai dengan revisi pada beberapa sub variabe

    Development of Model to Improve Basic Technique in Playing Sepak Takraw

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    This study aims to: (1) to develop a learning model of sepak takraw material according to students' characteristics, (2) to measure the effectiveness of packing models that have been developed (3) to test the effectiveness of learning models that have been developed to improve basic technique sepak takraw skills. This research is a research and development consisting of two stages, they are: preliminary stage and development stage. The preliminary stage consisted of: observation and field study. The development stage consisted of: initial drafting, expert validation, small-scale trials, large-scale trials, the final products, and effectiveness tests. Expert validation involved 2 experts with delphi techniques. Field test design used times series design. Techniques using to collect the data was observation and interview. Data analysis to determine validity used Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Data analysis for effectiveness used Sample Paired t Test. The results of the development learning of sepak takraw were (1) the product of the learning model sepak takraw for student, (2) the implementation of a safe learning model, easy and fun to do and (3) the product is effective to improve the skills of sepak takraw students from psychomotor values. The results of expert assessment of the model product developing had a validation value of 1 entered in the eligible category. The result of analysis of the values got the result of significance of Sig2 tiled <0.5., the mean at test of effectivity psychomotor value of 6.6000 had increased to 7.5200. So it can be concluded that the model was affective to improve basic technique of student

    The Impact of ACIK Gymnastics on Physical Fitness in Elementary Schools

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    Physical fitness is a condition that every child must have. Children who have good physical fitness show healthiness. To have good physical fitness can be done by exercising. One sport that is easy for children to do is gymnastics. This study was aimed to determine the impact of ACIK gymnastics on children in elementary schools. This study was supposed to determine the impact of gymnastics on the physical fitness of children aged between 6-9 years. This type of research was experimental research by providing treatment in the form of ACIK gymnastics to children. The sample used in this study was 30 girls at SD 01 Kandis Ogan Ilir. The data were obtained from the results of the pretest and posttest. This research was an experimental research. Statistical test using SPSS means the value of Sig. (2 tailed) is 0.002 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a difference in the average pre-test and post-test TKJI test results, which means that there is an effect of ACIK gymnastics on the physical fitness of children at SD Negeri 10 Kandis. Based on data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that gymnastics has a significant impact on increasing physical fitness in early childhood. It can be suggested that ACIK gymnastics can be used in physical activities as well as exercises to improve fitness because of it

    A Colorful Question Game to Improve Children Motor Skills in 4th Class Elementary School

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    This research aims to develop a basic motor skills learning model through game activities tailored to the developmental stages of students' ages. The game model used in this research is called "Colorful Question." This game is designed to enhance locomotor skills, particularly the basic movements of jumping and hopping, which are highly beneficial for training leg muscle strength, coordination, attention focus, and cognitive abilities of students. The research follows the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects of this study are fourth-grade students in both boys' and girls' elementary schools, consisting of 27 participants in a small-scale pilot test and 65 participants in a large-scale pilot test. Validation results from experts show a CVI (Content Validation Index) value of 3.57 and a CVR (Content Validity Ratio) of 0.01, indicating that the developed "Colorful Question" game has high validity and is suitable for fourth-grade elementary school students, making it suitable for field testing (empirical validation)

    Development of Rtb (Rescue The Ball) Game Models for Physical Education Learning Soccer Games

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    Improving the quality of education is a national education goal and is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian students as a whole. All children have the right to get education and learn according to their rights, of course not all also in schools get adequate facilities because of the lack of infrastructure, especially at the field of sports in physical education learning. Each Student used improvised infrastructure from the school which makes students in physical education lessons limited abd tends to be monotounsin physical education subjects. Therefore the purpose of this research is to develop an RTB (Rescue The Ball) game model for learning physical education, soccer game desaigned to make students move actively and make learning physical education fun. This development involves 3 experts, namely physical education experts, game experts, and soccer experts. The method used Research Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D) The results of the validation test by experts using the content validity index (CVI) and content Validity Ratio (CVR) test which show and average CVR value of 0,8 in other words of RTB (Rescue The Ball) Development model is appropriate or relevant, or good and also has high content validity in improving basic technical. RTB (Rescue The Ball) game model for physical education learning soccer games, this game is feasible to continue in elementary schools as a follow-up recommendation from this research. RTB is an alternative for elementary school physical education teachers when they want to teach soccer material. It is unique because it combines traditional games and soccer using a field that is not too wide

    Pengaruh Latihan Permainan Target Terhadap Passing Atas Pada Siswa Putra Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Doa Bangsa Palabuhanratu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan permainan target terhadap passing atas pada siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli di SMK Doa Bangsa Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu/tidak murni dengan desain penelitian one group pre test and post test design. Populasi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan subjek yang berjumlah 12 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan tes ketrampilan passing atas untuk Perlakuan (treatment) adalah permainan target selama 12 kali pertemuan.. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik variabel diperoleh nilai uji-t antara pre test dan post test pengaruh latihan permainan target terhadap passing atas, yang memiliki nilai t hitung 8.755, t tabel 4.024 (df = 25) karena t hitung lebih besar dari t-tabel maka ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Dilihat dari nilai rata-rata, maka diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre test = 41,33 dan nila rata-rata post test = 47,33 karena nilai rata-rata post test lebih besar dari nilai ratarata pre test, maka pengaruh latihan permaianan target terhadap passing atas sebesar = 6 atau 14,5 %

    Pendampingan Tim Massage Bina Darma Pada Tim Panjat Tebing Di Porprov

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    Olahraga merupakan hal yang kompleks, Olahraga dapat dilihat dari berbagai macam sudut pandang. Terkait dengan pencapaian prestasi sebagai salah satu tujuan dari olahraga, banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam pencapaian prestasi tersebut. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Gor Lahat selama 9 hari kegiatan berlangsung mulai dari tanggal 16 September 2023 sampai dengan 24 September 2023. Berdasarkan analisis situasi serta hasil wawancara dan observasi diketahui kebutuhan utama yang dihadapi yaitu Edukasi Pencegahan dan perawatan Cedera pada atlet FPTI Kota Palembang. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan dan hasil kegiatan pendampingan pencegahan dan perawatan cedera olahraga melalui massage pada atlet FPTI Kota Palembang mendapatkan beberapa manfaat sehingga prestasi FPTI Kota Palembang semakin meningkat