7 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) terhadap Klebsiella sp.: In Vitro

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    Klebsiella sp. termasuk famili Enterobacteriaceae yang oportunistik terdapat pada hewan maupun manusia. Ekstrak bawang adalah bahan alam yang mudah didapatkan dan bersifat antibakteri. Penelitian bertujuan melihat aktivitas antibakteri bawang putih terhadap pertumbuhan Klebsiella sp.  Metode penelitian adalah uji re-identifikasi isolat Klebsiella sp., pembutatan ekstrak bawang putih, uji fitokimia, dan uji aktivitas antibakteri metode difusi sumuran. Uji aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan secara in vitro menggunakan ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, dan 100%. Kontrol positif menggunakan kloramfenikol dan control negative menggunakan akuades. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan uji ANOVA menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan (p < 0,05). Ekstrak bawang putih mampu bekerja sebagai antibakteri terhadap Klebsiella sp. Ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 20% dan 40% memiliki daya hambat sedang, sedangkan ekstrak bawang putih konsentrasi 60%, 80%, dan 100% memiliki daya hambat kuat. Kesimpulannya, semua konsentrasi bawang putih yang diujikan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Klebsiella sp. Namun, daya hambat yang dihasilkan dari ekstrak bawang putih masih belum mampu menghambat Klebsiella sp. sebaik antibiotik komersil. &nbsp

    MP-14 Antibiotics Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry in West Java

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    Most of poultry industries use antibiotics for health management program. They use them as bacterial infection treatment and disease prevention, known as antibiotic growth promotor (AGP) [1]. Now, worldwide concern is about antibiotics resistance. Monitoring programs are done by countries in the world to protect human and animal health [2]. The monitoring programs usually use indicator bacteria such as Escherichia coli [3].Many researchers studied about antibiotics resistance in Indonesia. Escherichia coli isolated from poultry has been resistance to doxycycline (25%) and gentamycin (12.5%) [4]. Seven E. coli isolated from fecal samples shown that resistance to methicillin (85.7%), penicillin G (71.4%) and 42,9% were resistance both doxycycline hydrochloride and streptomycin [5]. Start from Januari 1st 2018 Indonesian Misintry of Agricuture banned antibiotics as AGP, based on Permentan No. 14/2017. They tried to prevent the spread of antibiotics resistance. So, it is necessary to determine antibiotics resistance patterns, especially in E. coli as indicator bacteria

    Resistance of Ampicillin, Ceftazidime, and Cefotaxime in Poultry’s Escherichia coli

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    Beta-lactam antibiotics are important antibiotics that are widely used in the field of human and animal health. Ampicillin resistance has been widely reported. Another increase in resistance is 3rd generation cephalosporins. The purpose of this study was to compare the ampicillin resistance profiles in 2019 and 2021 in the same E. coli isolates and to determine the resistance profiles of ampicillin, ceftazidime, and cefotaxime in live chicken E. coli. The research stages were the preparation of isolates; culture on differential selective media and checking the uniformity of bacterial cell morphology; biochemical test; bacterial DNA extraction; uspA gene amplification; visualization of amplification results; manufacture of bacterial suspensions; Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion resistance test; measurement of inhibition zones and determination of isolate status; and compared the ampicillin resistance test data. All isolates were confirmed positive for E. coli. The uspA gene (884 bp) was detected in all isolates. Ampicillin resistance in 2019 and 2021 in the same E. coli isolates when compared, there was no difference. Resistance test showed E. coli was resistant to ampicillin (100%), ceftazidime (15.4%), and cefotaxime (64.5%). The conclusion of the study was that there was no difference between the ampicillin resistance in 2019 and 2021 in E. coli isolates. Escherichia coli in this study had the highest resistance profile to ampicillin, followed by cefotaxime, and the lowest was ceftazidime

    Salmonella sp. isolat ayam pedaging dari Cianjur: isolasi, identifikasi, dan resistansi antibiotika

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    Salmonella sp. merupakan salah satu bakteri penyebab penyakit serius pada ayam yang telah banyak mengalami resistansi antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi Salmonella sp. dari ayam pedaging di Cianjur serta mengetahui resistansinya terhadap tujuh antibiotik. Tiga puluh swab kloaka ayam pedaging 9 diantaranya terisolasi dan teridentikasi Salmonella sp. kemudian diuji terhadap antibiotik ampisilin-sulbaktam, tetrasiklin, oksitetrasiklin, doksisiklin, eritromisin, asam nalidiksat, dan siprofloksasin menggunakan metode difusi cakram menurut Kirby-Bauer. Interpretasi hasil disesuaikan dengan Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 2018. Salmonella sp. berhasil diisolasi dan diidentifkasi dari swab kloaka ayam pedaging di Cianjur. Tetrasiklin, oksitetrasiklin, doksisiklin, eritromisin, dan asam nalidiksat, tidak efektif untuk menghamnbat pertumbuhan Salmonella sp. dari ayam pedaging di Cianjur

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Study of Antibiotics Resistance Profile in Escherichia coli Isolated from Broilers in Cianjur, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic of antibiotics resistance profile in Escherichia coli. The 30 samples come from cloacal swab of broilers in Cianjur, Indonesia. Isolation and identification of E. coli was performed by culture in McConkey agar, eosin methylene blue agar, Gram staining and five essential biochemical tests (IMViC). In this study, 10 isolates (33.3%) were confirmed E. coli positive. Phenotypic profile was performed by screening all isolates with 8 antibiotics of 6 antibiotic groups. The screening was carried by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method based on the standard of CLSI. For genotypic profile, each resistant isolate was detected antibiotic resistance-encoding gene. The result showed all isolates (100%) resistant against tetracyclin, oxytetracycline and erythromycin. Nine isolates (90%) detected nalidixic acid and enrofloxacin-resistant. The ciprofloxacin and gentamicin-resistant isolates were 70% and 40%, respectively. There was no resistant isolate for chloramphenicol. Multi drug-resistant was detected on 90% isolates. Only gyrA (100%) and tetA (80%) genes were detected. This study showed high rate of occurrence of antibiotic resistance in E. coli. Not all resistant isolates were detected in the antibiotic resistance-encoding gene in this study. Future research to detect resistance genes should use more varied target genes


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    This study was aimed at isolating and identifying Salmonella sp. and then conducting an antibiotics susceptibility test in order to detect resistant genes.  One hundred and five chicken cloaca swab samples were used in this study. 30 samples were taken from a layer farm in Bogor, 45 from a broiler farm in Sukabumi and 30 from a broiler farm in Cianjur. In order to  isolate and identify the bacteria, a tetrathionate broth was used, which was then cultured in a Salmonella-Shigella agar, and finally a Gram stain and biochemical test was conducted. To confirm the presence of Salmonella sp., a pair of primers were used for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to determine the presence of the invA gene.. An antibiotics susceptibility test was used with the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. Nine antibiotics were used in this study. Each primer pair was used for the detection of tetA, blaTEM, aac(3)-IV, gyrA and ermB genes, and for genes encoding antibiotic resistance  a PCR test was used. Eight (7.6%) Salmonella sp. were  isolated in this study. All isolates showed positive results with PCR confirmation. The results of the antibiotics susceptibility test showed that Salmonella sp. isolates were resistant to tetracycline (75%), oxytetracycline (75%), amphicillin (75%), gentamycin (12.5%), nalidixic acid (100%), ciprofloxacin (12.5%), enrofloxacin (0%), erythromycin (100%), and chloramphenicol (0%). The distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Salmonella sp. were tetA (33.3%), blaTEM (100%), aac(3)-IV (0%), gyrA (100%) and ermB (0%) positive. In conclusion, Salmonella sp. was isolated. All isolates showed positive results in the PCR confirmation. Salmonella sp. isolates were resistant to tetracycline, oxytetracycline, amphicillin, gentamycin, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, and erythromycin. Only the tetA, blaTEM, and gyrA genes were detected in Salmonella sp. isolates

    Socialization of Plant Fertilizer Eco-Enzyme and Liquid Organic Fertilizer Training in Sukaharja Village, Bogor Regency

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    Pengelolaan sampah merupakan permasalahan yang dialami oleh Desa Sukaharja. Permasalahan ini menunjukkan perlunya dilakukan kegiatan edukasi kepada ibu rumah tangga dan penggerak lingkungan hidup (PLH) tentang pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga. Cara-cara pengolahan sampah yang dapat dilakukan adalah ekoenzim dan pupuk organik cair (POC). Adanya kegiatan tersebut diharapkan dapat membentuk kesadaran masyarakat Desa Sukaharja tentang pengelolaan sampah yang optimal. Tim KKN-T Inovasi IPB terlibat dalam pemanfaatan limbah organik di Desa Sukaharja dengan menerapkan pendekatan teknik pengembangan masyarakat (community development). Pendekatan ini melibatkan berbagai kegiatan seperti sosialisasi, pelatihan, difusi iptek, dan pendampingan. Seluruh kegiatan tersebut dibagi dalam tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Tahap persiapan dimulai dengan melakukan survei dan identifikasi masalah, menentukan masyarakat sasaran, menyusun materi edukasi, serta mempersiapkan alat dan bahan yang diperlukan. Setelah persiapan selesai, tim melanjutkan dengan tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan. Kegiatan pelaksanaan mencakup sosialisasi dengan membagikan brosur dan memberikan materi tentang ekoenzim, senam sehat, dan pelatihan pembuatan POC sampai pada tahap pemanenan. Pembuatan ekoenzim dapat membantu mengurangi limbah atau sampah organik dari rumah tangga sehingga mengurangi beban sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah (TPS). Pelatihan pembuatan POC dapat merubah kebiasaan warga yang umumnya menggunakan pupuk berbahan kimia menjadi pupuk organik cair yang mudah dibuat dan ramah lingkungan. Melalui pendekatan tersebut, tim KKN-T Inovasi IPB berharap dapat memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Sukaharja dalam mengelola sampah dengan lebih baik. Kesadaran dan pengetahuan yang diberikan melalui kegiatan edukasi diharapkan dapat membawa perubahan positif dalam pengelolaan sampah di Desa Sukaharja menuju lingkungan yang lebih bersih dan sehat.Waste management is a challenge faced by Sukaharja Village. Educational activities targeting housewives and the Environmental Movement (PLH) about household waste processing are needed regarding this issue. Waste processing methods that can be employed are eco-enzymes and liquid organic fertilizers (LOF). Through these activities, it is hoped that the residents of Sukaharja Village will develop an awareness of optimal waste management. The KKN-T Inovasi IPB team utilizes organic waste in Sukaharja Village by implementing a community development approach. This approach involves various activities such as socialization, training, technology diffusion, and assistance. All of these activities are divided into preparation and implementation phases. The preparation phase begins with conducting surveys and identifying problems, determining target communities, developing educational materials, and preparing necessary tools and materials. Once the preparation is complete, the team proceeds with the implementation phase. The implementation activities include socialization through brochure distribution and providing information about eco-enzymes, healthy gymnastics, and training for POC production up to the harvesting stage. Eco-enzymes can help reduce household organic waste, thus lessening the burden of waste at landfills. Liquid organic fertilizer production aims to change the habits of residents who typically use chemical fertilizers into eco-friendly liquid organic fertilizers. By applying the community development approach, the KKN-T Inovasi IPB team aims to empower the community of Sukaharja Village to manage waste more effectively. The awareness and knowledge provided through educational activities are expected to bring about positive changes in waste management, leading to a cleaner and healthier environment