2 research outputs found
Simulasi Rancangan Pemetaan Sekolah dengan Metode Algoritma Machine Learning Menggunakan Software RapidMiner
The growth in the number of educational institutions creates competition which encourages each educational institution to have a special strategy to deal with it. The challenge that must also be faced in the world of education is the uneven quality of education in various regions. One way to face the challenge of equal distribution of school quality is to create programs that suit the needs of each school. In this study, solving the problem of mapping schools owned by the XYZ educational foundation was carried out. The results of this study obtained a design of a school mapping indicator instrument to assess the quality of each school. Then obtained a simulation of school mapping design from the results of unsupervised learning with the K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering methods, as well as a simulation of predicting school mapping patterns from the results of supervised learning with the Decision Tree C4.5 method. The results of K-Medoids were selected for the proposed school mapping with a Davies Bouldin index value of 0.112. The model cluster owned by K-Medoids, namely Excellent School, has 44 schools; at Good School, there are 36 schools; and in the Improvement School, there are 20 schools. Meanwhile, the prediction pattern with Decision Tree C4.5 obtained rules with the dominant indicator attributes (IND) 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also, the prediction simulation results using the 80:20 ratio decision tree model show the new testing data with the assumption that the 101st school goes to cluster_1 with an accuracy rate of 95%.Keywords - Decision tree, K-means, K-medoids, School mapping indicator instrument
Usulan Penentuan Critical Job dalam Rancangan SOP Quality Assurance pada Produksi Alat LCC Respira V.01
Sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi alat kesehatan diwajibkan untuk menetapkan suatu prosedur yang digunakan untuk penjaminan kegiatan pemantauan dan pengukuran secara konsisten. PT Tanmiyah Al Azhar merupakan perusahaan yang menangani proyek produksi massal alat LCC Respira V1.0 PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator). Alat LCC Respira V.01 merupakan alat kesehatan yang berfungsi membantu saluran pernafasan hidung dalam menyaring virus maupun bakteri khususnya untuk COVID-19 yang diperuntukkan kepada tenaga medis (seperti dokter, perawat, dan sebagainya) sebagai APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) bagi mereka. PT Tanmiyah Al Azhar membutuhkan rancangan SOP untuk quality assurance kegiatan produksi alat LCC Respira V.01. Untuk itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan SOP quality assurance tersebut. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan penentuan critical job. Penentuan critical job dilakukan dengan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dan diagram pareto. Berdasarkan pengolahan data didapatkan bahwa hasil pemeringkatan critical job secara berturut β turut, yaitu\ job 6; job 3; job 1; job 4; job 8; job 5; job 7; dan job 2. Sedangkan, elemen job yang termasuk dalam critical job, yaitu job 6; job 3; job 1; job 4; dan job 8. Job tersebut akan menjadi fokus perhatian untuk dapat dilakukan analisis selanjutnya