20 research outputs found


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    Conveniently, human language could be taken into consideration as a worth property at outset belonged to the whole man. It has been comprising a proper way for conveying thoughts, expression, and aims as well. A particular language is not only regarded as a national one but as a personal identity of nation. Thus, a language might articulate a given identity belonging to society such as way of speech and way of thinking. The presence of different way of talking is resulted by the different social background. Moreover, it is regarded as part of the groups existing in a community having sameness in terms of synchronic participation to produce a common language. In relevance to language as marvelous identity in which set of each human ought to be maintained through Education, language Policies, and language improvement. A nation might be considered as being progressive while possessing a particular language representing a typical and fervent identity. Having had fervent idealized identity, a nation could have been led to flourishing one in terms of expancement through a national language as well as ethnic language maintenance. In line with social changes passing in capacious social aspects which trigger towards human language as social, economy, politic, and culture. These social aspects of life could have been affected by unawareness of national language maintenance. Thus, the writer puts forward social change in terms of language shift to language death. A national language is considered as a identity symbolizing the existence of it, signifying the unite of folk, and triggering towards progressive traits of nation. In case of indigenous language lies on paramount role in terms of national aims due to the fact that aboriginal language belonging to societies can signifies its identity as well as represents the culture. A common type of language ideology are standard language ideologies, the belief that language homogeneity is beneficial to society to construct interconnection in the hope that they may properly make language live. Thus, the expancement of national language as well as indigenous language would be increasingly wide-spread towards national Advancement


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    Writing, the language skill three, is a part of the productive skill of the four intergrated language skills. Error Analysis as the language learning approach to study about the problematic English written product. It is the mostly-complecated skill than the others. This current study aims at analyzing the grammatical errors made of and investigating the levels of English grammatical errors produced. This study was carried out by using a descriptive quantitative research method by using a test, a guided writing test by letting the students write the patterned texts by answering the questions given, as the instrument to obtain the data on the error types made and the levels of English grammatical errors produced. This study shows that the non-syntactical errors found are spellings (44%), punctuations (19%), Capitalizations LCL (14%), and the selection of words (23%). Whereas the syntactical errors are the use of articles (5.5%), parts of speech (8%), subject-verbs agreement (11%), using regular and Irregular verbs (8%), making phrases (9%), subjunctives (4.5%), reported speech (6%), compound sentences (15), complex sentences (16%), modal usages (7%), and using tenses (10%). There are three levels of English grammatical errors produced; basic grammar errors (43%), intermediate grammar errors (16%), and the intermediate grammar errors (41%)

    EFL Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Podcasts as a Language Learning Medium to Increase Learning Interest

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    The study on the use of podcast as a technology-mediated method or medium to increase EFL students’ interest is still limited. Generally, some studies focus more on the effects of using podcast on students’ listening and speaking skills. The present study aimed at examining the effect of podcast in English language learning towardss EFL students’ interest by analyzing their attitudes to podcast. The study was carried out using a quantitative method by employing a cross-sectional survey. Data collection was employed through a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using a descriptive statistics to measure the frequency percentages. The results indicated that the tertiary students’ showed a very positive attitude towardss the use of podcast to influence EFL students’ interest. Four findings were suggested, namely the willingness of using podcast, courage to encourage EFL learning engagements and language proficiency, podcasts as appropriate and fun learning media providing varied materials, and podcast as a the portable, open-accessed and efficient medium. The findings of the present study are significant to present the Info-Tech-based alternative language learning media and sources or as complementary resources and the innovative and interesting sources can motivate to engage more. Podcasts  is the complementary medium and authentic materials for empowering English engagements and increasing interest


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    This study is the process of English curriculum development aims at analyzing the targets needs, learning needs, and the patterns of local wisdom insertion. This study was conducted through Focused Group Discussion (FGD), semi-structured interview, and content analsysis were used for 12 vocational school teachers and 2 officals of the state and private government institutions (The Department of Education and Culture, NTB Province the Institute of ROWOT Nusantara Lombok). Necessity, the results of the target need analysis on local knowledge and language competence for developing skills and abilities, needs based, and contextual learning. Lacks, the gaps as the fundamental problems elicited from the current curriculum. Wants, the students’ desire to knowledge and vocational background-based curriculum contents. English learning design is associated with tourism competencies embedded with local wisdoms. The local wisdoms’ elements which can be developed into the English curriculum, that is, values of knowledge, social norms, and cultural acculturations, the marriage systems, patterns of family, and the other social cultural activities, and the elements of aesthetics. The patterns of insertion can be done through designing with paradigm of pedagogical orientation, insertion models, insertions in content of materials designed by developing the language skills, the use of teaching-learning methods with local insertions, developing student exercises-based insertions


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    The study scientifically, empirically, and objectively conducted aims at knowing the ESL learners’ perceptions towards the practices of graphic organizers conveniently used as presentation media or strategies in high class activities (a class-presentation task). In order to achieve the aim of the study, the researcher used a quantitative research technique along with its instrument, a questionnaire. The data was collected through applying a questionnaire, and then analyzed in a descriptive statistic method. The results suggest that the perceptions of low English speakers in using graphic organizers as presentation strategies was moderate (M=3.7). Meanwhile, ESL learners owning a good English proficiency perceived the use of graphic organizers as presentation strategies positively (M=4.5). All in all, the use of Graphic Organizers (GOs) as ESL learners’ presentation media or strategies was perceived favorably

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Pengungkapan Lingkungan

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    Setiap perusahaan membutuhkan legitimasi dari masyarakat dan lingkungan setempat.Hal ini penting untuk keberlanjutanoperasional perusahaan.Dukungan pemerintah dengan regulasi dan pengawasan dapat mendorong perusahaan untuk mempertanggungjawabkan aktifitasnya terhadap lingkungan.Pengungkapan lingkungan merupakan informasi yang disajikan oleh perusahaan berkaitan dengan tanggungjawab terhadap lingkungan.Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap pengungkapan lingkungan.Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 31 sampel perusahaan manufaktur dan pertambangan yang terdaftar di BEI.Kemudian merekamenerbitkan laporan keberlanjutan tahun 2018.Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa profitabilitas dan ukuran perusahaan tidak mempengaruhi pengungkapan lingkungan

    Memperkuat Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Melalui Model Pembelajaran Proyek Berlandaskan Metode Design Thinking

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    The design thinking method is used as the main approach in developing learning models to promote creativity and innovation in students. This model adopts the instructional design development model by Walter Dick & Lou Carey and consists of 5 stages: Discovery, Interpretation, Idea Determination, Experimentation, and Evaluation. The validity of this learning model has been verified by material experts and media experts, and the results show a high degree of suitability. Trials on large groups of students confirmed the validity and usefulness of the project learning model based on the design thinking method. The research results show that this model meets the requirements of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Statistical analysis shows that there is a significant difference in students' creative thinking skills after applying this learning model. Trials on students indicated that the project learning model based on the design thinking method was valid and appropriate to be implemented in learning, and received positive responses from students. Therefore, this model can be applied in learning to empower students' creative thinking skills in learning media innovation courses.AbstrakMetode design thinking digunakan sebagai pendekatan utama dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran untuk menggalakkan kreativitas dan inovasi pada mahasiswa. Model ini mengadopsi model pengembangan desain instruksional oleh Walter Dick & Lou Carey dan terdiri dari 5 tahap: Penemuan, Penafsiran, Penetapan Ide, Eksperimen, dan Evaluasi. Validitas model pembelajaran ini telah diverifikasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, dan hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian yang tinggi. Uji coba pada kelompok besar mahasiswa menegaskan kevalidan dan kegunaan model pembelajaran proyek berdasarkan metode design thinking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model ini memenuhi persyaratan validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas. Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan dalam keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa setelah menerapkan model pembelajaran ini. Uji coba kepada mahasiswa mengindikasikan bahwa model pembelajaran proyek berbasis metode design thinking adalah valid dan pantas diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran, serta mendapatkan tanggapan positif dari mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu, model ini dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran untuk memberdayakan keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah inovasi media pembelajaran.AbstractThe design thinking method is used as the main approach in developing learning models to promote creativity and innovation in students. This model adopts the instructional design development model by Walter Dick & Lou Carey and consists of 5 stages: Discovery, Interpretation, Idea Determination, Experimentation, and Evaluation. The validity of this learning model has been verified by material experts and media experts, and the results show a high degree of suitability. Trials on large groups of students confirmed the validity and usefulness of the project learning model based on the design thinking method. The research results show that this model meets the requirements of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Statistical analysis shows that there is a significant difference in students' creative thinking skills after applying this learning model. Trials on students indicated that the project learning model based on the design thinking method was valid and appropriate to be implemented in learning, and received positive responses from students. Therefore, this model can be applied in learning to empower students' creative thinking skills in learning media innovation courses.

    Simple Interactive Contents Based English Materials Development for Non-English Departments

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    The efforts of curriculum development led by the learners’ needs and necessities. English curriculum design in the tertiary education must be dynamic by following the learning patterns and learning styles of students as active participants in ELT. Another perspective in improving English Language Learning through an English textbook design by developing simple-interactive contents in purpose of better English learning outcomes. This study aims at developing a model of English textbook based on the interactive-simple and meaningful contents and investigating whether the use of such English textbook can increase ELT effectiveness. It was conducted under the perspective and methods of Research and Development (R&D) through; explorative study, curriculum model development study and evaluative study. The data was collected through observation, questionnaires, and test. Eventually the data was statistically analyzed through t-test. This study revealed that the needs-analysis’ findings on necessity, wants; the four language skills and components such as interactive Grammar contents, Writing skills; The Organizations of the Paragraph, Reading Skills, Pronunciation (Sound-Structures, and related English. Simple-interactive contents-based English textbook was appropriately-enough used. Moreover the finding was supported by test through T-test showing that the effect is not too significant between the participants using the developed textbook (81.10) with those are not using one (77.26). This developed textbook is rather appropriate to use in the non-English departments in tertiary education. It can further be developed by designing the appropriate contents and assessment models. One significant fact found in this study is that the designed materials would have made non-English students engage in positive classroom activities; English exposure and active participation

    Peningkatan Spelling English dengan Pronunciation Test Menggunakan Internet of Things untuk Siswa Disabilitas

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    Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri 2 Mataram (SLB Negeri 2 Mataram) merupakan sekolah negeri dengan jenjang pendidikan SD, SMP, dan SMA yang seluruh siswanya merupakan penyandang disabilitas. SLBN 2 Mataram memiliki jumlah siswa sebanyak 179 siswa dengan rincian sebagai berikut, yaitu 96 siswa SDLB, 47 siswa SMPLB, dan 36 siswa SMALB. Jumlah siswa penyandang Tuna Grahita sebanyak 80 siswa dengan rincian sebagai berikut yaitu 50 siswa SD, 17 siswa SMP, dan 13 siswa SMA. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh SLB Negeri 2 Mataram adalah kurangnya media pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk penyandang Tuna Grahita. Siswa tunagrahita memiliki kondisi intelektual di bawah rata-rata sehingga mereka akan mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima materi pembelajaran dengan metode dan media yang umum digunakan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini yaitu dapat meningkatkan daya ingat siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Metode atau strategi yang dilakukan dalam Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan alat dengan mengacu pada kondisi siswa penyandang disabilitas, dan tahap kedua adalah tahap implementasi penggunaan alat untuk siswa penyandang disabilitas. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah mampu meningkatkan minat belajar bagi siswa penyandang disabilitas dan memudahkan siswa dalam belajar terkait pelafalan bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Implikasi dari pengabdian ini yaitu dapat memudahkan guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran khususnya dalam bahasa inggris, kemudian untuk siswa, dapat meningkatkan daya ingat dan cara pengucapan kata dalam bahasa inggris